53 research outputs found

    A nearly zero-energy microgrid testbed laboratory: Centralized control strategy based on SCADA system

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    Currently, despite the use of renewable energy sources (RESs), distribution networks are facing problems, such as complexity and low productivity. Emerging microgrids (MGs) with RESs based on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) are an effective solution to control, manage, and finally deal with these challenges. The development and success of MGs is highly dependent on the use of power electronic interfaces. The use of these interfaces is directly related to the progress of SCADA systems and communication infrastructures. The use of SCADA systems for the control and operation of MGs and active distribution networks promotes productivity and efficiency. This paper presents a real MG case study called the LAMBDA MG testbed laboratory, which has been implemented in the electrical department of the Sapienza University of Rome with a centralized energy management system (CEMS). The real-time results of the SCADA system show that a CEMS can create proper energy balance in a LAMBDA MG testbed and, consequently, minimize the exchange power of the LAMBDA MG and main grid

    Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in Mediterranean Turkey

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    Questions What are the main vegetation types of forest and shrubland vegetation at the alliance level in Mediterranean Turkey? What is their syntaxonomical position? Can we integrate them into the European vegetation classification system? Which environmental factors are the main drivers of the floristic differentiation of vegetation types? Location Southern and western Turkey. Methods We collected 4,717 vegetation plots of forest and shrubland vegetation in Mediterranean Turkey and performed an unsupervised classification of this data set. We described vegetation types based on the classification results, expert knowledge and information from the literature. We defined diagnostic species and prepared distribution maps for each vegetation type. To support the interpretation of the vegetation types, we determined the most important environmental variables using canonical correspondence analysis. Results The studied vegetation was divided into 21 types related to three vegetation belts: (a) thermo- and meso-mediterranean, comprising coniferous (Pinus brutia, Pinus pinea) and sclerophyllous forests, as well as macchia, garrigue and phrygana; (b) supra-mediterranean, comprising Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana forests, thermophilous deciduous forests dominated by various oak species and Ostrya carpinifolia, and forests dominated by temperate species such as Fagus orientalis; and (c) oro-mediterranean, comprising forests and shrublands dominated by Abies cilicica, Cedrus libani, Juniperus excelsa and Juniperus communis subsp. nana. Elevation was identified as the main environmental driver of the vegetation pattern. Among climatic variables, the most important are the mean temperatures (annual and of driest, coldest, and warmest quarters), minimum temperature of winter, precipitation of warmest and driest quarters and precipitation seasonality. These factors indicate the decreasing effect of the Mediterranean climate with increasing elevation. Conclusions The vegetation of Mediterranean Turkey is arranged along climatic gradients depending on elevation and the distance from the Mediterranean Sea. Most vegetation types in this area correspond to the syntaxa accepted in EuroVegChecklist, while others were described as new

    Intelligent energy management based on SCADA system in a real Microgrid for smart building applications

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    Energy management is one of the main challenges in Microgrids (MGs) applied to Smart Buildings (SBs). Hence, more studies are indispensable to consider both modeling and operating aspects to utilize the upcoming results of the system for the different applications. This paper presents a novel energy management architecture model based on complete Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system duties in an educational building with an MG Laboratory (Lab) testbed, which is named LAMBDA at the Electrical and Energy Engineering Department of the Sapienza University of Rome. The LAMBDA MG Lab simulates in a small scale a SB and is connected with the DIAEE electrical network. LAMBDA MG is composed of a Photovoltaic generator (PV), a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), a smart switchboard (SW), and different classified loads (critical, essential, and normal) some of which are manageable and controllable (lighting, air conditioning, smart plugs operating into the LAB). The aim of the LAMBDA implementation is making the DIAEE smart for energy saving purposes. In the LAMBDA Lab, the communication architecture consists in a complex of master/slave units and actuators carried out by two main international standards, Modbus (industrial serial standard for electrical and technical monitoring systems) and Konnex (an open standard for commercial and domestic building automation). Making the electrical department smart causes to reduce the required power from the main grid. Hence, to achieve the aims, results have been investigated in two modes. Initially, the real-time mode based on the SCADA system, which reveals real daily power consumption and production of different sources and loads. Next, the simulation part is assigned to shows the behavior of the main grid, loads and BESS charging and discharging based on energy management system. Finally, the proposed model has been examined in different scenarios and evaluated from the economic aspect

    Disturbance indicator values for European plants

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    Motivation Indicator values are numerical values used to characterize the ecological niches of species and to estimate their occurrence along gradients. Indicator values on climatic and edaphic niches of plant species have received considerable attention in ecological research, whereas data on the optimal positioning of species along disturbance gradients are less developed. Here, we present a new data set of disturbance indicator values identifying optima along gradients of natural and anthropogenic disturbance for 6382 vascular plant species based on the analysis of 736,366 European vegetation plots and using expert-based characterization of disturbance regimes in 236 habitat types. The indicator values presented here are crucial for integrating disturbance niche optima into large-scale vegetation analyses and macroecological studies. Main types of variables contained We set up five main continuous indicator values for European vascular plants: disturbance severity, disturbance frequency, mowing frequency, grazing pressure and soil disturbance. The first two indicators are provided separately for the whole community and for the herb layer. We calculated the values as the average of expert-based estimates of disturbance values in all habitat types where a species occurs, weighted by the number of plots in which the species occurs within a given habitat type. Spatial location and grain Europe. Vegetation plots ranging in size from 1 to 1000 m(2). Time period and grain Vegetation plots mostly sampled between 1956 and 2013 (= 5th and 95th quantiles of the sampling year, respectively). Major taxa and level of measurement Species-level indicator values for vascular plants. Software format csv file

    Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species

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    Aims: Ellenberg-type indicator values are expert-based rankings of plant species according to their ecological optima on main environmental gradients. Here we extend the indicator-value system proposed by Heinz Ellenberg and co-authors for Central Europe by incorporating other systems of Ellenberg-type indicator values (i.e., those using scales compatible with Ellenberg values) developed for other European regions. Our aim is to create a harmonized data set of Ellenberg-type indicator values applicable at the European scale. Methods: We collected European data sets of indicator values for vascular plants and selected 13 data sets that used the nine-, ten- or twelve-degree scales defined by Ellenberg for light, temperature, moisture, reaction, nutrients and salinity. We compared these values with the original Ellenberg values and used those that showed consistent trends in regression slope and coefficient of determination. We calculated the average value for each combination of species and indicator values from these data sets. Based on species’ co-occurrences in European vegetation plots, we also calculated new values for species that were not assigned an indicator value. Results: We provide a new data set of Ellenberg-type indicator values for 8908 European vascular plant species (8168 for light, 7400 for temperature, 8030 for moisture, 7282 for reaction, 7193 for nutrients, and 7507 for salinity), of which 398 species have been newly assigned to at least one indicator value. Conclusions: The newly introduced indicator values are compatible with the original Ellenberg values. They can be used for large-scale studies of the European flora and vegetation or for gap-filling in regional data sets. The European indicator values and the original and taxonomically harmonized regional data sets of Ellenberg-type indicator values are available in the Supporting Information and the Zenodo repository

    Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe's alien and native floras

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    Understanding drivers of success for alien species can inform on potential future invasions. Recent conceptual advances highlight that species may achieve invasiveness via performance along at least three distinct dimensions: 1) local abundance, 2) geographic range size, and 3) habitat breadth in naturalized distributions. Associations among these dimensions and the factors that determine success in each have yet to be assessed at large geographic scales. Here, we combine data from over one million vegetation plots covering the extent of Europe and its habitat diversity with databases on species' distributions, traits, and historical origins to provide a comprehensive assessment of invasiveness dimensions for the European alien seed plant flora. Invasiveness dimensions are linked in alien distributions, leading to a continuum from overall poor invaders to super invaders - abundant, widespread aliens that invade diverse habitats. This pattern echoes relationships among analogous dimensions measured for native European species. Success along invasiveness dimensions was associated with details of alien species' introduction histories: earlier introduction dates were positively associated with all three dimensions, and consistent with theory-based expectations, species originating from other continents, particularly acquisitive growth strategists, were among the most successful invaders in Europe. Despite general correlations among invasiveness dimensions, we identified habitats and traits associated with atypical patterns of success in only one or two dimensions - for example, the role of disturbed habitats in facilitating widespread specialists. We conclude that considering invasiveness within a multidimensional framework can provide insights into invasion processes while also informing general understanding of the dynamics of species distributions.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (264740629) Grantová Agentura České Republiky (19-28491X) Grantová Agentura České Republiky (19-28807X) Grantová Agentura České Republiky (RVO 67985939) Austrian Science Fund (I 2086 - B29) Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (01LC1807A) Eusko Jaurlaritza (IT299-10) National Research Foundation of Korea (2018R1C1B6005351) University of Latvia (AAp2016/B041//Zd2016/AZ03) Villum Fonden (16549

    Vegetation of trampled soil dominated by C4 plants in Europe

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    Plant communities of trampled soil dominated by plants characterized by the C4-assimilation syndrome were investigated in Europe. These species, belonging to genera such as Chamaesyce, Amaranthus, Eleusine, Eragrostis and Setaira, are themophilous, late-geminating, prostrate herbs or grasses. The centre of their distribution is in the (Sub)Tropics. A syntaxonomic revision of the phytosociological material from Europe (incl. the Macaronesian Archipelago) revealedthree alliances: the Euphorbion prostratae from Spain, the Polycarpo-Eleusinion indicae from Italy, and Slovenian and Croatian Istria, and the Eragrostio-Polygonion arenastri from temperate regions of Europe. The latter two syntaxa are described as new. All three alliances belong to the orderEragrostietalia (class Stellarietea mediae). Vicarious (ecologically analogous) communities occur also in southern Africa, eastern Asia and North America. The communities studied in the present paper are considered to be an impoverished form of highly diversified trampled plant communities typical of (sub)tropical areas