4,931 research outputs found

    Lithostratigraphy, sedimentation and evolution of the Volta Basin in Ghana

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    We present a revised lithostratigraphy for the Voltaian Supergroup of Ghana, based on a review of existing literature, interpretations of remotely sensed data and reconnaissance field survey of the Volta Basin. These strata thicken eastwards, to a maximum of between 5 and 6 km adjacent to the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen. They began to accumulate some time after about 1000 Ma, along the margin of an epicontinental sea. Initial sedimentation, comprising the age-equivalent Kwahu and Bombouaka Groups, shows a cyclical mode of deposition controlled by eustatic changes in sea-level that produced a range of nearshore marine, littoral and terrestrial environments. A major erosional interval was followed by deposition of the 3–4 km thick Oti-Pendjari Group. Basal tillites and associated sandy diamictons are correlated with the Marinoan (end-Cryogenian) glaciation, indicating a maximum depositional age of about 635 Ma. The overlying cap carbonates and tuffs were deposited within a shallow epeiric sea bordered by a volcanically active rift system. The main part of the group records the transition from a rifted passive margin to a fully developed foreland basin receiving marine flysch in the form of argillaceous strata interbedded with highly immature wacke-type sandstones and conglomerates. Maximum accommodation space was developed within a foredeep adjacent to the Dahomeyide belt. Towards the end of the orogenic phase, the foredeep succession became partially inverted and then was buried under coarse terrestrial, red-bed molasse of the Obosum Group

    Increased H2_2CO production in the outer disk around HD 163296

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    Three formaldehyde lines were observed (H2_2CO 303_{03}--202_{02}, H2_2CO 322_{22}--221_{21}, and H2_2CO 321_{21}--220_{20}) in the protoplanetary disk around the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 with ALMA at 0.5 arcsecond (60 AU) spatial resolution. H2_2CO 303_{03}--202_{02} was readily detected via imaging, while the weaker H2_2CO 322_{22}--221_{21} and H2_2CO 321_{21}--220_{20} lines required matched filter analysis to detect. H2_2CO is present throughout most of the gaseous disk, extending out to 550 AU. An apparent 50 AU inner radius of the H2_2CO emission is likely caused by an optically thick dust continuum. The H2_2CO radial intensity profile shows a peak at 100 AU and a secondary bump at around 300 AU, suggesting increased production in the outer disk. Different parameterizations of the H2_2CO abundance were compared to the observed visibilities with χ2\chi^2 minimization, using either a characteristic temperature, a characteristic radius or a radial power law index to describe the H2_2CO chemistry. Similar models were applied to ALMA Science Verification data of C18^{18}O. In all modeling scenarios, fits to the H2_2CO data show an increased abundance in the outer disk. The overall best-fit H2_2CO model shows a factor of two enhancement beyond a radius of 270±\pm20 AU, with an inner abundance of 2 ⁣ ⁣5×10122\!-\!5 \times 10^{-12}. The H2_2CO emitting region has a lower limit on the kinetic temperature of T>20T > 20 K. The C18^{18}O modeling suggests an order of magnitude depletion in the outer disk and an abundance of 4 ⁣ ⁣12×1084\!-\!12 \times 10^{-8} in the inner disk. The increase in H2_2CO outer disk emission could be a result of hydrogenation of CO ices on dust grains that are then sublimated via thermal desorption or UV photodesorption, or more efficient gas-phase production beyond about 300 AU if CO is photodisocciated in this region

    A germline TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism in the progesterone receptor gene in ovarian carcinoma.

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    Clinical outcome in ovarian carcinoma is predicted by progesterone receptor status, indicating an endocrine aspect to this disease. Peripheral leucocyte genomic DNAs were obtained from 41 patients with primary ovarian carcinoma and 83 controls from Ireland, as well as from 26 primary ovarian carcinoma patients and 101 controls in Germany. Southern analysis using a human progesterone receptor (hPR) cDNA probe identified a germline TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) defined by two alleles: T1, represented by a 2.7 kb fragment; and T2, represented by a 1.9 kb fragment and characterised by an additional TaqI restriction site with respect to T1. An over-representation of T2 in ovarian cancer patients compared with controls in the pooled Irish/German population (P < 0.025) was observed. A difference (P < 0.02) in the distribution of the RFLP genotypes between Irish and German control populations was also observed. The allele distributions could not be shown to differ significantly from Hardy-Weinberg distribution in any subgroup. Using hPR cDNA region-specific probes, the extra TaqI restriction site was mapped to intron G of the hPR gene

    Rubidium and lead abundances in giant stars of the globular clusters M4 and M5

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    We present measurements of the neutron-capture elements Rb and Pb for bright giants in the globular clusters M4 and M5. The clusters are of similar metallicity ([Fe/H] = -1.2) but M4 is decidedly s-process enriched relative to M5: [Ba/Fe] = +0.6 for M4 but 0.0 for M5. The Rb and Pb abundances were derived by comparing synthetic spectra with high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra obtained with MIKE on the Magellan telescope. Abundances of Y, Zr, La, and Eu were also obtained. In M4, the mean abundances from 12 giants are [Rb/Fe] = 0.39 +/- 0.02 (sigma = 0.07), [Rb/Zr] = 0.17 +/- 0.03 (sigma = 0.08), and [Pb/Fe] = 0.30 +/- 0.02 (sigma = 0.07). In M5, the mean abundances from two giants are [Rb/Fe] = 0.00 +/- 0.05 (sigma = 0.06), [Rb/Zr] = 0.08 +/- 0.08 (sigma = 0.11), and [Pb/Fe] = -0.35 +/- 0.02 (sigma = 0.04). Within the measurement uncertainties, the abundance ratios [Rb/Fe], [Pb/Fe] and [Rb/X] for X = Y, Zr, La are constant from star-to-star in each cluster and none of these ratios are correlated with O or Na abundances. While M4 has a higher Rb abundance than M5, the ratios [Rb/X] are similar in both clusters indicating that the nature of the s-products are very similar for each cluster but the gas from which M4's stars formed had a higher concentration of these products.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Fermion zero modes at the boundary of superfluid 3He-B

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    Superfluid 3He-B belongs to the important special class of time-reversal invariant topological superfluids. It has Majorana fermions as edge states on the surface of bulk 3He-B. On the rough wall these fermion zero modes have finite density of states at E=0. It is possible that Lancaster experiments with a wire vibrating in 3He-B have already probed Majorana fermions living on the surface of the wire.Comment: 4 pages, no Figures, JETP Letters style, version to be published in JETP Letter

    An evolutionarily conserved intronic region controls the spatiotemporal expression of the transcription factor Sox10

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A major challenge lies in understanding the complexities of gene regulation. Mutation of the transcription factor SOX10 is associated with several human diseases. The disease phenotypes reflect the function of SOX10 in diverse tissues including the neural crest, central nervous system and otic vesicle. As expected, the SOX10 expression pattern is complex and highly dynamic, but little is known of the underlying mechanisms regulating its spatiotemporal pattern. <it>SOX10 </it>expression is highly conserved between all vertebrates characterised.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have combined in vivo testing of DNA fragments in zebrafish and computational comparative genomics to identify the first regulatory regions of the zebrafish <it>sox10 </it>gene. Both approaches converged on the 3' end of the conserved 1<sup>st </sup>intron as being critical for spatial patterning of <it>sox10 </it>in the embryo. Importantly, we have defined a minimal region crucial for this function. We show that this region contains numerous binding sites for transcription factors known to be essential in early neural crest induction, including Tcf/Lef, Sox and FoxD3. We show that the identity and relative position of these binding sites are conserved between zebrafish and mammals. A further region, partially required for oligodendrocyte expression, lies in the 5' region of the same intron and contains a putative CSL binding site, consistent with a role for Notch signalling in <it>sox10 </it>regulation. Furthermore, we show that β-catenin, Notch signalling and Sox9 can induce ectopic <it>sox10 </it>expression in early embryos, consistent with regulatory roles predicted from our transgenic and computational results.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have thus identified two major sites of <it>sox10 </it>regulation in vertebrates and provided evidence supporting a role for at least three factors in driving <it>sox10 </it>expression in neural crest, otic epithelium and oligodendrocyte domains.</p