234 research outputs found

    HIV-1 Integrase–DNA Interactions Investigated by Molecular Modelling

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    HIV-1 integrase is the viral enzyme responsible for the insertion of the viral DNA into the host cell chromosome. This process occurs through two distinct biochemical reactions: the 3′-processing of the viral DNA and the transesterification reaction. Because experimental structural information on the reaction intermediate is not available, several molecular models have been developed. Unfortunately, none of the models of the enzyme–substrate complex is fully consistent with the available molecular biological data. We have constructed a new theoretical model based on mutagenesis experiments and cross-linking data, using a relatively accurate computational setup. The structural features of the model along with its limitations are discussed here

    Convergent dynamics in the protease enzymatic superfamily

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    Proteases regulate various aspects of the life cycle in all organisms by cleaving specific peptide bonds. Their action is so central for biochemical processes that at least 2% of any known genome encodes for proteolytic enzymes. Here we show that selected proteases pairs, despite differences in oligomeric state, catalytic residues and fold, share a common structural organization of functionally relevant regions which are further shown to undergo similar concerted movements. The structural and dynamical similarities found pervasively across evolutionarily distant clans point to common mechanisms for peptide hydrolysis.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Propofol inhibits prokaryotic voltage-gated Na+ channels by promoting activation-coupled inactivation

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    Propofol is widely used in the clinic for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. As with most general anesthetics, however, our understanding of its mechanism of action remains incomplete. Local and general anesthetics largely inhibit voltage-gated Na+ channels (Navs) by inducing an apparent stabilization of the inactivated state, associated in some instances with pore block. To determine the biophysical and molecular basis of propofol action in Navs, we investigated NaChBac and NavMs, two prokaryotic Navs with distinct voltage dependencies and gating kinetics, by whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology in the absence and presence of propofol at clinically relevant concentrations (2-10 μM). In both Navs, propofol induced a hyperpolarizing shift of the pre-pulse inactivation curve without any significant effects on recovery from inactivation at strongly hyperpolarized voltages, demonstrating that propofol does not stabilize the inactivated state. Moreover, there was no evidence of fast or slow pore block by propofol in a non-inactivating NaChBac mutant (T220A). Propofol also induced hyperpolarizing shifts of the conductance-voltage relationships with negligible effects on the time constants of deactivation at hyperpolarized voltages, indicating that propofol does not stabilize the open state. Instead, propofol decreases the time constants of macroscopic activation and inactivation. Adopting a kinetic scheme of Nav gating that assumes preferential closed-state recovery from inactivation, a 1.7-fold acceleration of the rate constant of activation and a 1.4-fold acceleration of the rate constant of inactivation were sufficient to reproduce experimental observations with computer simulations. In addition, molecular dynamics simulations and molecular docking suggest that propofol binding involves interactions with gating machinery in the S4-S5 linker and external pore regions. Our findings show that propofol is primarily a positive gating modulator of prokaryotic Navs, which ultimately inhibits the channels by promoting activation-coupled inactivation. © 2018 Yang et al

    Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of DNA nanopore unzipping

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    Using theory and simulations, we carried out a first systematic characterization of DNA unzipping via nanopore translocation. Starting from partially unzipped states, we found three dynamical regimes depending on the applied force, f: (i) heterogeneous DNA retraction and rezipping (f < 17pN), (ii) normal (17pN 60pN) drift-diffusive behavior. We show that the normal drift-diffusion regime can be effectively modelled as a one-dimensional stochastic process in a tilted periodic potential. We use the theory of stochastic processes to recover the potential from nonequilibrium unzipping trajectories and show that it corresponds to the free-energy landscape for single base-pairs unzipping. Applying this general approach to other single-molecule systems with periodic potentials ought to yield detailed free-energy landscapes from out-of-equilibrium trajectories.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Assessment of trabecular bone score (TBS) in overweight/obese men: effect of metabolic and anthropometric factors

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    The "trabecular bone score" (TBS) indirectly explores bone quality, independently of bone mineral density (BMD). We investigated the effects of anthropometric and metabolic parameters on TBS in 87 overweight/obese men. We assessed BMD and TBS by DXA, and some parameters of glucose metabolism, sex-and calciotropic hormone levels. Regression models were adjusted for either age and BMI, or age and waist circumference, or age and waist/hip ratio, also considering BMI >35 (y/n) and metabolic syndrome (MS) (y/n). Correlations between TBS and parameters studied were higher when correcting for waist circumference, although not significant in subjects with BMI >35. The analysis of covariance showed that the same model always had a higher adjusted r-square index. BMD at lumbar spine and total hip, fasting glucose, bioavailable testosterone, and sex hormone-binding globulin are the only covariates having a significant effect (p 35 on TBS values or significant interaction terms between each covariate and either BMI >35 or the presence of MS. Obesity negatively affected TBS, despite unchanged BMD. Alterations of glucose homeostasis and sex hormone levels seem to influence this relationship, while calciotropic hormones have no role. The effect of waist circumference on TBS is more pronounced than that of BMI

    Approaching sustainability and circularity along waste management systems in universities: an overview and proposal of good practices

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    In recent years, the importance of sustainability and circularity in waste management systems has become increasingly evident. As the world grapples with the environmental consequences of excessive waste generation, it has become crucial to find innovative and sustainable solutions. Universities, as centres of knowledge and research, play a vital role in achieving sustainability and circularity in waste management. The key contribution of this study is to provide: 1) a systematic review of the existing literature concerning sustainable waste management systems (SWMS) implemented in universities; 2) an analysis of the studies presented in this paper identifying applicable approaches and sustainable practices to provide novel guidelines by including waste management system in a circular and sustainable model within universities. Through research, collaboration, education, implementation of sustainable practices, and support for entrepreneurship, universities can strongly contribute to the development and implementation of sustainable waste management practices. As the world continues to face the challenges of waste generation, universities will continue to be at the forefront of finding innovative, sustainable, and circular solutions

    Ion channels in critical membranes: clustering, cooperativity, and memory effects

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    Much progress has been made in elucidating the inner workings of voltage-gated ion channels, but less understood is the influence of lipid rafts on gating kinetics. Here we propose that state-dependent channel affinity for different lipid species provides a unified explanation for the experimentally observed behaviors of clustering, cooperativity, and hysteresis. We develop models of diffusing lipids and channels engaged in Ising-like interactions to investigate the collective behaviors driven by raft formation in critical membranes close to the demixing transition. The model channels demonstrate lipid-mediated long-range interactions, activation curve steepening, and long-term memory in ionic currents. These behaviors likely play a role in channel-mediated cellular signaling and suggest a universal mechanism for self-organization of biomolecular assemblies.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
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