16 research outputs found

    Explaining the presence and absence of Spanish farm cooperatives before 1936: a political economy approach

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    Spanish farm cooperatives were limited in number and performed poorly before the Civil War. Rather than a lack of trust and social capital, this paper advances two alternative arguments. First, cooperatives often failed to offer the optimal level of scale to farmers for their day-to-day activities. In some case cooperatives were too large, which encouraged more informal forms of organization. When they were too small, greater scale could only be obtained by integrating cooperatives into federations. These required top-down support, which was provided in many European countries by landowners and the Church, as a result of competitive politics, that required them to build mass parties and organize small farmers politically. By contrast in Spain this was not forthcoming, as the Restoration political settlement (1876-1923) removed the need for party competition, and consequently left the needs of small farmers unattended. Only in Cataluña, and to a lesser extent Valencia, did regional party politics create these necessary conditions

    Spanish housing markets during the first phase of the rural-urban transition process

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    This paper discusses how Spain’s housing markets reacted to the far-reaching changes that affected the demand for dwellings during the first phase of the rural-urban transition process. To this end, we construct a new hedonic index of real housing prices and assemble a cross-regional panel dataset of price fundamentals. The results of our econometric analysis suggest that housing markets did not face supply constraints, responded swiftly to the growing demand for accommodation and were efficient. In light of this new evidence, we conclude that housing markets were not a burden for Spanish economic development and that Spain’s institutional and regulatory frameworks were suitable for the housing needs at the time

    Housing affordability during the urban transition in Spain

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    During the decades previous to the Civil War, Spain experienced a rapid process of urbanization, which was accompanied by the demographic transition and sizeable rural-urban migrations. This article investigates how urban housing markets reacted to these far-reaching changes that increased demand for dwellings. To this end, we employ a new hedonic index of real housing prices and construct a cross-regional panel dataset of rents and housing price fundamentals. This new evidence indicates that rents were not a significant financial burden on low-income families and, hence, housing was affordable for working classes. Also, we show that families' access to new homes was facilitated by a sizable growth of housing supply. Substantial investments in urban infrastructure and the institutional framework enabled the construction of new homes at affordable prices. Our results suggest that housing problems were not pervasive during the urban transition as the literature often seems to claim.Financial support was received by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness projects: 2013/00066/001 (Juan Carmona), ECO2011-25713 (Markus Lampe) and ECO2012-39169-C03-01 (Joan R. Rosés)

    Spanish housing markets, 1904-1934: new evidence

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    This article makes the first systematic attempt to analyse quantitativelythe evolution of Spanish housing markets from 1904 to 1934, a period ofdramatic changes in housing demand as a consequence of substantialincome and demographic growth. In order to do so, we collect a newdatabase on houses sold and their prices using data from the Registrar'sYearbooks. Furthermore, we construct a new hedonic index of real housingprices for Spain and its provinces. To our surprise, we found that realhousing prices rose slightly over the entire period and, hence, that housingsupply responded effectively to new demand for housing.Este artículo realiza el primer intento sistemático de analizar cuantitativamente la evolución del mercado de la vivienda en España desde 1904 a 1934, un periodo donde se experimentaron cambios dramáticos en la demanda de vivienda como consecuencia del notable crecimiento económico y demográfico. Para realizar este nuevo análisis, los autores han reunido una nueva base de datos con información procedente de los anuarios de los registradores de la propiedad. Además han construido un nuevo índice de precios hedónicos de la vivienda para el conjunto del país y sus provincias. De manera sorprendente, la nueva evidencia indica que los precios reales de la vivienda aumentaron solo ligeramente durante el periodo y que, en consecuencia, la oferta de vivienda respondió de manera efectiva a la nueva demanda

    Housing markets during the rural-urban transition : evidence from early 20th century Spain

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    This paper discusses how Spain’s urban housing markets reacted to the farreaching changes that affected the demand for dwellings during the first phase of the rural-urban transition process. To this end, we construct a new hedonic index of real housing prices and assemble a cross-regional panel dataset of price fundamentals. The results of our econometric analysis suggest that urban housing markets did not face supply constraints and responded swiftly to the growing demand for accommodation. In light of this new evidence, we conclude that housing markets were not a burden for Spanish economic development and that Spain’s urban infrastructure and institutional framework and were suitable for the housing needs at the timeThe authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation projects “Consolidating Economics” within the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Program. Rosés also acknowledges support from the project ECO2009-13331-C02-01. Lampe thanks project ECO2011-25713

    Guía de Fuentes Cuantitativas para la Historia Contemporánea de España. Sociedad y Política

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    RESUMEN.-En este artículo los autores tratan de ofrecer un panorama de las fuentes estadísticas, o susceptibles de generar estadísticas, relacionadas con la historia política y social de España durante la edad contemporánea. El objetivo es proporcionar una guía a aquellos historiadores que utilizan una metodología cuantitativa, o que emplean las cifras como apoyatura o ilustración de sus trabajos. El artículo se organiza en secciones, correspondientes cada una de ellas a las diferentes temáticas englobables bajo los títulos genéricos de historia política y social. ABSTRACT.-The authors of this contribution seek to provide an overview of the statistical sources concerning the social and political history of Spain during the last two centuries. Our aim is to supply a guide for those researchers employing a quantitative methodology or using figures as support or illustration of their work. The present contribution is organized in sections each of which corresponds to the different topics comprised under the general labels of political and social history

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XVI Invierno 1998 n. 3 pp. 799-832]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaComín, F. Historia de la Hacienda Pública. (Por Antonio Cubil).-- Odriozola Oyarbide, L. La construcción naval en Gipuzkoa. Siglo XVIII. (Por Carlos Larrinaga Rodríguez).-- Perdices Blas, L., y Reeder, J. El mercantilismo: política económica y estado nacional. (Por José Luis Ramos Gorostiza).-- Sabio Alcutén, A. Los mercados informales de crédito y tierra en una comunidad rural aragonesa (1850-1930). (Por Enríe Saguer).-- Paredes, J. Félix Huarte, 1896-1971. (Por Juan Manuel Mates Barco).-- Martín, J. Documentos sobre la Reforma Agraria en los Archivos del IRYDA. (Por Luis E. Espinosa).-- Montemayor, J. Toléde entre fortune et déclin. (Por Hilario Rodríguez de Gracia).-- Postel-Vinay, G. La terre et l'argent. L'agriculture et le crédit en France du XVIII au debut du XX siécle. (Por Juan Carmona).-- Guinnane, T. W. The vanishing Irish. Households, migration, and the rural economy in Ireland, 1850-1914. (Por James Simpson).-- Jacoby, S. Modem Manors. Welfare Capitalism since the New Deal. (Por José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz)Publicad

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XV Otoño-Invierno 1997 n. 3 pp. 637-673]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaDavid S. Reher. La familia en España, pasado y presenta (Por Enriqueta Camps Cura).-- Juan A. Sánchez Belén. La política fiscal en Castilla durante el reinado de Carlos V (Por Francisco Comín).-- José Marchena. Burgueses y caciques en el Cádiz de la Restauración (Por Carlos Larrinaga).-- G. Pérez Sánchez. Ser trabajador; vida y respuesta obrera (Valladolid 1875-1931) (Por Esmeralda Ballesteros Doncel).-- María Teresa Pérez Picazo. Historia de España del siglo XX (Por Antonio Escudero).-- Virginia García Acosta (coord.). Los precios de alimentos y manufacturas novohispanos (Por Juan Carlos Sola Corbacho).-- Roberto Cortés Conde. La economía argentina en el largo plazo (Por Isabel Sanz Vülarroya).-- Philip Hoffmam. Growth in a Traditional Society (Por Juan Antonio Carmona Pidal).-- Michael Huberman. Escape from the market. Negotiating work in Lancashire (Por Joan R. Roses).-- Jean-Michel Selig. Malnutrition & dévelopment économique dans l'Alsace duxix siécle (Por José Miguel Martínez Carrión).-- R. M. Hartwell. A History of the Mont Pelerin Society (Por Carlos Rodríguez Braun).-- N. Crafts and G. Toniolo. Economic growth in Europe since 1945 (Por DouglasJ. Forsyth).-- Jaime Reis. O Banco de Portugal das Origens a 1914. I Volume: Antecedentes. Fundafao. Consolidagao (1821-1857) (Por Pablo Martín Aceña)Publicad

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XVII Otoño-Invierno 1999 n. 3 pp. 723-751]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaMaluquer de Motes, J. Historia económica de Catalunya, segles XIX i XX (Por Gabriel Tortella).-- Muñoz de Juana, R. Moral y economía en la obra de Martín de Axpilcueta (Por F. Gómez Camacho).-- Rothbard Murray, N. Historia del pensamiento económico (Por Carlos Rodríguez Braun).-- Ferrer i Alós, L. La vinya al Bages (Por Juan Carmona).-- Alonso Olea, E.; Erro Gasca, C , y Arana Pérez,L. Santa Ana de Bolueta, 1841-1998. Renovación y supervivencia en la siderurgia vizcaína (Por Eugenio Torres Villanueva).-- Moreno Luzón, J. Romanones. Caciquismo y política liberal (Por Miguel Ángel Martorell Linares).-- Alonso Álvarez, L. As tecedeiras do fume. Historia da Fábrica de Tabacos da Coruña (Por Eloy Fernández Clemente).-- Erro Gasca, C. Promoción empresarial y cambio económico en Navarra, 1830-1913 (Por Carlos Larrinaga Rodríguez).-- De Vries, J. y Van Der Woude, A. The First Modem Economy. Success, Failure, and Perseverance ofthe Dutch Economy, 1500-1815 (Por Clara Eugenia Núñez).-- Ludow, L. y Marichal, C. La Banca en México, 1820-1920, y Un siglo de deuda pública en México (Por Pablo Martín Aceña)Publicad