58 research outputs found

    Quantum-enhanced strategies for surface and phase discrimination

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    The ability to perform high precision measurements underpins a plethora of applications. Several techniques for force sensing, phase estimation and discrimination, as well as surface reconstruction for complex features of three-dimensional samples, have been developed in recent years. The main aim of this thesis is to investigate metrology enhancements due to quantum resources (probes and measurements), by using quantum parameter estimation and channel discrimination techniques. The thesis focuses on two main scenarios. In the first one, we deal with three-dimensional superlocalisation. By using tools from multiparameter quantum metrology, we show that a simultaneous estimation of all three components of the separation between two incoherent point sources in the paraxial approximation is achievable by a single quantum measurement, with a precision saturating the ultimate limit stemming from the quantum Cramér-Rao bound. Such a precision is not degraded in the sub-wavelength regime, thus overcoming the traditional limitations of classical direct imaging derived from Rayleigh's criterion. Our results are qualitatively independent of the point spread function of the imaging system, and quantitatively illustrated in detail for Gaussian beams. In this case, we show that a method of measuring the position of each photon at the imaging plane based on discrimination in terms of Hermite-Gaussian spatial modes reaches the quantum precision bound in the limit of infinitesimal separation. In the second part of the thesis, we investigate the role of quantum coherence as a resource for channel discrimination tasks. We consider a probe state of arbitrary dimension entering a black box, in which a phase shift is implemented, with the unknown phase randomly sampled from a finite set of predetermined possibilities. At the output, an optimal measurement is performed in order to guess which specific phase was applied in the process. We show that the presence of quantum coherence (superposition with respect to the eigenbasis of the generator of the phase shift) in the input probe directly determines an enhancement in the probability of success for this task, compared to the use of incoherent probes. We prove that such a quantum advantage is exactly quantified by the robustness of coherence, a full monotone with respect to the recently formulated resource theories of quantum coherence, whose properties and applications are developed and explored in detail

    Robustness of asymmetry and coherence of quantum states

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    Quantum states may exhibit asymmetry with respect to the action of a given group. Such an asymmetry of states can be considered as a resource in applications such as quantum metrology, and it is a concept that encompasses quantum coherence as a special case. We introduce explicitly and study the robustness of asymmetry, a quantifier of asymmetry of states that we prove to have many attractive properties, including efficient numerical computability via semidefinite programming, and an operational interpretation in a channel discrimination context. We also introduce the notion of asymmetry witnesses, whose measurement in a laboratory detects the presence of asymmetry. We prove that properly constrained asymmetry witnesses provide lower bounds to the robustness of asymmetry, which is shown to be a directly measurable quantity itself. We then focus our attention on coherence witnesses and the robustness of coherence, for which we prove a number of additional results; these include an analysis of its specific relevance in phase discrimination and quantum metrology, an analytical calculation of its value for a relevant class of quantum states, and tight bounds that relate it to another previously defined coherence monotone

    Robustness of coherence: an operational and observable measure of quantum coherence

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    Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavour for both quantum foundations and quantum technologies. Here the robustness of coherence is defined and proven a full monotone in the context of the recently introduced resource theories of quantum coherence. The measure is shown to be observable, as it can be recast as the expectation value of a coherence witness operator for any quantum state. The robustness of coherence is evaluated analytically on relevant classes of states, and an efficient semidefinite program that computes it on general states is given. An operational interpretation is finally provided: the robustness of coherence quantifies the advantage enabled by a quantum state in a phase discrimination task

    Towards superresolution surface metrology: quantum estimation of angular and axial separations

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    We investigate the localization of two incoherent point sources with arbitrary angular and axial separations in the paraxial approximation. By using quantum metrology techniques, we show that a simultaneous estimation of the two separations is achievable by a single quantum measurement, with a precision saturating the ultimate limit stemming from the quantum Cramér-Rao bound. Such a precision is not degraded in the subwavelength regime, thus overcoming the traditional limitations of classical direct imaging derived from Rayleigh’s criterion. Our results are qualitatively independent of the point spread function of the imaging system, and quantitatively illustrated in detail for the Gaussian instance. This analysis may have relevant applications in three-dimensional surface measurements

    Quantum enhanced non-interferometric quantitative phase imaging

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    Quantum entanglement and squeezing have significantly improved phase estimation and imaging in interferometric settings beyond the classical limits. However, for a wide class of non-interferometric phase imaging/retrieval methods vastly used in the classical domain e.g., ptychography and diffractive imaging, a demonstration of quantum advantage is still missing. Here, we fill this gap by exploiting entanglement to enhance imaging of a pure phase object in a non-interferometric setting, only measuring the phase effect on the free-propagating field. This method, based on the so-called "transport of intensity equation", is quantitative since it provides the absolute value of the phase without prior knowledge of the object and operates in wide-field mode, so it does not need time-consuming raster scanning. Moreover, it does not require spatial and temporal coherence of the incident light. Besides a general improvement of the image quality at a fixed number of photons irradiated through the object, resulting in better discrimination of small details, we demonstrate a clear reduction of the uncertainty in the quantitative phase estimation. Although we provide an experimental demonstration of a specific scheme in the visible spectrum, this research also paves the way for applications at different wavelengths, e.g., X-ray imaging, where reducing the photon dose is of utmost importance.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2109.1009

    Scaling behaviour of braided active channels: a Taylor’s power law approach

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    none9At a channel (reach) scale, braided channels are fluvial, geomorphological, complex systems that are characterized by a shift of bars during flood events. In such events water flows are channeled in multiple and mobile channels across a gravel floodplain that remain in unmodified conditions. From a geometrical point of view, braided patterns of the active hydraulic channels are characterized by multicursal nature with structures that are spatially developed by either simple- and multi-scaling behavior. Since current studies do not take into account a general procedure concerning scale measurements, the latter behavior is still not well understood. The aim of our investigation is to analyze directly, through a general procedure, the scaling behavior of hydraulically active channels per transect and per reach analyzed. Our generalized stochastic approach is based on Taylor’s law, and the theory of exponential dispersion distributions. In particular, we make use of a power law, based on the variance and mean of the active channel fluctuations. In this way we demonstrate that the number of such fluctuations with respect to the unicursal behavior of the braided rivers, follows a jump-process of Poisson and compound Poisson–Gamma distributions. Furthermore, a correlation is also provided between the scaling fractal exponents obtained by Taylor’s law and the Hurst exponents.Samuele De Bartolo, Stefano Rizzello, Ennio Ferrari, Ferdinando Frega, Gaetano Napoli, Raffaele Vitolo, Michele Scaraggi, Carmine Fallico, Gerardo SeverinoDE BARTOLO, Samuele; Rizzello, Stefano; Ferrari, Ennio; Frega, Ferdinando; Napoli, Gaetano; Vitolo, Raffaele; Scaraggi, Michele; Fallico, Carmine; Severino, Gerard

    Pretreatment with verapamil in patients with persistent or chronic atrial fibrillation who underwent electrical cardioversion

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    AbstractOBJECTIVESTo evaluate, in a prospective and randomized fashion, the efficacy of a pretreatment with verapamil (V) in reducing recurrences of atrial fibrillation (AF) after electrical cardioversion (C).BACKGROUNDThe increased vulnerability for AF recurrence is probably due to AF-induced changes in the electrophysiologic properties of the atria. This electrical remodeling seems to be due to intracellular calcium overload.METHODSOne hundred seven patients with persistent or chronic AF underwent external and/or internal C. All patients received oral propafenone (P) (900 mg/day) three days before and during the entire period of follow-up (three months). In the first group, patients received only the P. In the second group, in adjunct to P, oral V (240 mg/day) was initiated three days before C and continued during the follow-up. Finally, in the third group, oral V was administered three days before and continued only for three days after electrical C.RESULTSDuring the three months of follow-up, 23 patients (23.7%) had AF recurrence. Mantel-Haenszel cumulative chi-square reached a significant level only when comparing AF free survival curves of group I versus group II and group III (chi-square = 5.2 and 4, respectively; p < 0.05). Significantly, 15 (65.2%) AF relapses occurred during the first week after cardioversion with a higher incidence in group I (10/33 patients, 30.3%) than group II (2/34 patients, 5.9%; p = 0.01) and group III (3/30 patients, 10%; p = 0.04).CONCLUSIONSSix days of oral V administration centered on the C day, combined with P, significantly reduce the incidence of early recurrences of AF compared with P alone

    Quantum-enhanced pattern recognition

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    The challenge of pattern recognition is to invoke a strategy that can accurately extract features of a dataset and classify its samples. In realistic scenarios this dataset may be a physical system from which we want to retrieve information, such as in the readout of optical classical memories. The theoretical and experimental development of quantum reading has demonstrated that the readout of optical memories can be dramatically enhanced through the use of quantum resources (namely entangled input-states) over that of the best classical strategies. However, the practicality of this quantum advantage hinges upon the scalability of quantum reading, and up to now its experimental demonstration has been limited to individual cells. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time quantum advantage in the multi-cell problem of pattern recognition. Through experimental realizations of digits from the MNIST handwritten digit dataset, and the application of advanced classical post-processing, we report the use of entangled probe states and photon-counting to achieve quantum advantage in classification error over that achieved with classical resources, confirming that the advantage gained through quantum sensors can be sustained throughout pattern recognition and complex post-processing. This motivates future developments of quantum-enhanced pattern recognition of bosonic-loss within complex domains

    Very Early PSA Response to Abiraterone in mCRPC Patients: A Novel Prognostic Factor Predicting Overall Survival

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    BACKGROUND Abiraterone Acetate (AA) is approved for the treatment of mCRPC after failure of androgen deprivation therapy in whom chemotherapy is not yet clinically indicated and for treatment of mCRPC progressed during or after docetaxel-based chemotherapy regimen. The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of early PSA decline for detection of therapy success or failure in mCRPC patients treated with AA in post chemotherapy setting.PATIENTS AND METHODS We retrospectively evaluated 87 patients with mCRPC treated with AA. Serum PSA levels were evaluated after 15, 90 days and then monthly. The PSA flare phenomenon was evaluated, according to a confirmation value at least one week apart. The primary endpoint was to demonstrate that an early PSA decline correlates with a longer progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). The secondary endpoind was to demonstrate a correlation between better outcome and demographic and clinical patient characteristics.RESULTS We have collected data of 87 patients between Sep 2011 and Sep 2014. Early PSA response (≥ 50% from baseline at 15 days) was found in 56% evaluated patients and confirmed in 29 patients after 90 days. The median progression free survival (PFS) was 5,5 months (4,6-6,5) and the median overall survival (OS) was 17,1 months (8,8-25,2). In early responders patients (PSA RR ≥ 50% at 15 days), we found a significant statistical advantage in terms of PFS at 1 year, HR 0.28, 95%CI 0.12-0.65, p=0.003, and OS, HR 0.21 95% CI 0.06-0.72, p=0.01. The results in PFS at 1 years and OS reached statistical significance also in the evaluation at 90 days.CONCLUSION A significant proportion (78.6%) of patients achieved a rapid response in terms of PSA decline. Early PSA RR (≥ 50% at 15 days after start of AA) can provide clinically meaningful information and can be considered a surrogate of longer PFS and OS

    Quantum-enhanced strategies for surface and phase discrimination

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    The ability to perform high precision measurements underpins a plethora of applications. Several techniques for force sensing, phase estimation and discrimination, as well as surface reconstruction for complex features of three-dimensional samples, have been developed in recent years. The main aim of this thesis is to investigate metrology enhancements due to quantum resources (probes and measurements), by using quantum parameter estimation and channel discrimination techniques. The thesis focuses on two main scenarios. In the first one, we deal with three-dimensional superlocalisation. By using tools from multiparameter quantum metrology, we show that a simultaneous estimation of all three components of the separation between two incoherent point sources in the paraxial approximation is achievable by a single quantum measurement, with a precision saturating the ultimate limit stemming from the quantum Cramér-Rao bound. Such a precision is not degraded in the sub-wavelength regime, thus overcoming the traditional limitations of classical direct imaging derived from Rayleigh's criterion. Our results are qualitatively independent of the point spread function of the imaging system, and quantitatively illustrated in detail for Gaussian beams. In this case, we show that a method of measuring the position of each photon at the imaging plane based on discrimination in terms of Hermite-Gaussian spatial modes reaches the quantum precision bound in the limit of infinitesimal separation. In the second part of the thesis, we investigate the role of quantum coherence as a resource for channel discrimination tasks. We consider a probe state of arbitrary dimension entering a black box, in which a phase shift is implemented, with the unknown phase randomly sampled from a finite set of predetermined possibilities. At the output, an optimal measurement is performed in order to guess which specific phase was applied in the process. We show that the presence of quantum coherence (superposition with respect to the eigenbasis of the generator of the phase shift) in the input probe directly determines an enhancement in the probability of success for this task, compared to the use of incoherent probes. We prove that such a quantum advantage is exactly quantified by the robustness of coherence, a full monotone with respect to the recently formulated resource theories of quantum coherence, whose properties and applications are developed and explored in detail
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