2,102 research outputs found
Asymmetric quantum dot in microcavity as a nonlinear optical element
We have investigated theoretically the interaction between individual quantum
dot with broken inversion symmetry and electromagnetic field of a single-mode
quantum microcavity. It is shown that in the strong coupling regime the system
demonstrates nonlinear optical properties and can serve as emitter of the
terahertz radiation at Rabi frequency of the system. Analytical results for
simplest physical situations are obtained and numerical quantum approach for
calculating emission spectrum is developed.Comment: Article is accepted to Phys. Rev. A (7 pages, 5 figures
Teleportation in a noisy environment: a quantum trajectories approach
We study the fidelity of quantum teleportation for the situation in which
quantum logic gates are used to provide the long distance entanglement required
in the protocol, and where the effect of a noisy environment is modeled by
means of a generalized amplitude damping channel. Our results demonstrate the
effectiveness of the quantum trajectories approach, which allows the simulation
of open systems with a large number of qubits (up to 24). This shows that the
method is suitable for modeling quantum information protocols in realistic
environments.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
A qubit strongly-coupled to a resonant cavity: asymmetry of the spontaneous emission spectrum beyond the rotating wave approximation
We investigate the spontaneous emission spectrum of a qubit in a lossy
resonant cavity. We use neither the rotating-wave approximation nor the Markov
approximation. The qubit-cavity coupling strength is varied from weak, to
strong, even to lower bound of the ultra-strong. For the weak-coupling case,
the spontaneous emission spectrum of the qubit is a single peak, with its
location depending on the spectral density of the qubit environment. Increasing
the qubit-cavity coupling increases the asymmetry (the positions about the
qubit energy spacing and heights of the two peaks) of the two spontaneous
emission peaks (which are related to the vacuum Rabi splitting) more.
Explicitly, for a qubit in a low-frequency intrinsic bath, the height asymmetry
of the splitting peaks becomes larger, when the qubit-cavity coupling strength
is increased. However, for a qubit in an Ohmic bath, the height asymmetry of
the spectral peaks is inverted from the same case of the low-frequency bath,
when the qubit is strongly coupled to the cavity. Increasing the qubit-cavity
coupling to the lower bound of the ultra-strong regime, the height asymmetry of
the left and right peak heights are inverted, which is consistent with the same
case of low-frequency bath, only relatively weak. Therefore, our results
explicitly show how the height asymmetry in the spontaneous emission spectrum
peaks depends not only on the qubit-cavity coupling, but also on the type of
intrinsic noise experienced by the qubit.Comment: 10pages, 5 figure
Indistinguishability of independent single photons
The indistinguishability of independent single photons is presented by
decomposing the single photon pulse into the mixed state of different transform
limited pulses. The entanglement between single photons and outer environment
or other photons induces the distribution of the center frequencies of those
transform limited pulses and makes photons distinguishable. Only the single
photons with the same transform limited form are indistinguishable. In details,
the indistinguishability of single photons from the solid-state quantum emitter
and spontaneous parametric down conversion is examined with two-photon
Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer. Moreover, experimental methods to enhance the
indistinguishability are discussed, where the usage of spectral filter is
highlighted.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Non-Markovian Quantum Trajectories Versus Master Equations: Finite Temperature Heat Bath
The interrelationship between the non-Markovian stochastic Schr\"odinger
equations and the corresponding non-Markovian master equations is investigated
in the finite temperature regimes. We show that the general finite temperature
non-Markovian trajectories can be used to derive the corresponding
non-Markovian master equations. A simple, yet important solvable example is the
well-known damped harmonic oscillator model in which a harmonic oscillator is
coupled to a finite temperature reservoir in the rotating wave approximation.
The exact convolutionless master equation for the damped harmonic oscillator is
obtained by averaging the quantum trajectories relying upon no assumption of
coupling strength or time scale. The master equation derived in this way
automatically preserves the positivity, Hermiticity and unity.Comment: 19 pages, typos corrected, references adde
Characterizing Quantum Microwave Radiation and its Entanglement with Superconducting Qubits using Linear Detectors
Recent progress in the development of superconducting circuits has enabled
the realization of interesting sources of nonclassical radiation at microwave
frequencies. Here, we discuss field quadrature detection schemes for the
experimental characterization of itinerant microwave photon fields and their
entanglement correlations with stationary qubits. In particular, we present
joint state tomography methods of a radiation field mode and a two-level
system. Including the case of finite quantum detection efficiency, we relate
measured photon field statistics to generalized quasi-probability distributions
and statistical moments for one-channel and two-channel detection. We also
present maximum-likelihood methods to reconstruct density matrices from
measured field quadrature histograms. Our theoretical investigations are
supported by the presentation of experimental data, for which microwave quantum
fields beyond the single-photon and Gaussian level have been prepared and
reconstructed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
Detecting phonon blockade with photons
Measuring the quantum dynamics of a mechanical system, when few phonons are
involved, remains a challenge. We show that a superconducting microwave
resonator linearly coupled to the mechanical mode constitutes a very powerful
probe for this scope. This new coupling can be much stronger than the usual
radiation pressure interaction by adjusting a gate voltage. We focus on the
detection of phonon blockade, showing that it can be observed by measuring the
statistics of the light in the cavity. The underlying reason is the formation
of an entangled state between the two resonators. Our scheme realizes a
phonotonic Josephson junction, giving rise to coherent oscillations between
phonons and photons as well as a self-trapping regime for a coupling smaller
than a critical value. The transition from the self-trapping to the oscillating
regime is also induced dynamically by dissipation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Dynamics of coherent and incoherent emission from an artificial atom in a 1D space
We study dynamics of an artificial two-level atom in an open 1D space by
measuring evolution of its coherent and incoherent emission. States of the atom
-- a superconducting flux qubit coupled to a transmission line -- are fully
controlled by resonant excitation microwave pulses. The coherent emission -- a
direct measure of superposition in the atom -- exhibits decaying oscillations
shifted by from oscillations of the incoherent emission, which, in
turn, is proportional to the atomic population. The emission dynamics provides
information about states and properties of the atom. By measuring the coherent
dynamics, we derive two-time correlation function of fluctuations and, using
quantum regression formula, reconstruct the incoherent spectrum of the
resonance fluorescence triplet, which is in a good agreement with the directly
measured one.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Quantum coherence of discrete kink solitons in ion traps
We propose to realize quantized discrete kinks with cold trapped ions. We
show that long-lived solitonlike configurations are manifested as deformations
of the zigzag structure in the linear Paul trap, and are topologically
protected in a circular trap with an odd number of ions. We study the
quantum-mechanical time evolution of a high-frequency, gap separated internal
mode of a static kink and find long coherence times when the system is cooled
to the Doppler limit. The spectral properties of the internal modes make them
ideally suited for manipulation using current technology. This suggests that
ion traps can be used to test quantum-mechanical effects with solitons and
explore ideas for the utilization of the solitonic internal-modes as carriers
of quantum information.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures ; minor correction
Bell-state preparation for electron spins in a semiconductor double quantum dot
A robust scheme for state preparation and state trapping for the spins of two
electrons in a semiconductor double quantum dot is presented. The system is
modeled by two spins coupled to two independent bosonic reservoirs. Decoherence
effects due to this environment are minimized by application of optimized
control fields which make the target state to the ground state of the isolated
driven spin system. We show that stable spin entanglement with respect to pure
dephasing is possible. Specifically, we demonstrate state trapping in a
maximally entangled state (Bell state) in the presence of decoherence.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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