1,798 research outputs found

    Competencies On Environmental Health And Pedagogical Approaches In The Nursing Curriculum: A Systematic Review Of The Literature

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    It has been suggested that climate change is the biggest threat to public health for the 21st Century; increased demand on health services will impact on already overstretched resources and systems will need to be able to respond. However limited attention is given to climate change and sustainability in nursing education; there is no clear guidance on curricula content for nurses or recommendations regarding the skills and competencies that will be required. Literature published in Dutch, English, German, and Spanish was searched and 32 papers met the inclusion criteria for the review. Results suggests that holistic/systems thinking is relevant to healthcare so bringing a ‘sustainability lens’ to nursing curricula could be seen as being consistent with wider determinants of health. The literature review has identified the educational approaches necessary to provide a broad based curriculum and a cross-disciplinary approach. The findings suggest that topics such as the use of resources, food, health promotion, globalism, disease management, and the environmental impact of delivering healthcare, if embedded in nursing education could support the nursing profession's response for this new and important aspect of healthcare

    Exploring the molecular machinery of denitrification in Haloferax mediterranei through proteomics

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    Many proteins and enzymes involved in denitrification in haloarchaea can be inferred to be located between the cytoplasmic membrane and the S-layer, based on the presence of a Tat signal sequence and the orientation of the active site that some of these enzymes have. The membrane fraction of the haloarchaeon Haloferax mediterranei (R-4), grown under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate, was solubilized to identify the respiratory proteins associated or anchored to it. Using Triton X-100, CHAPS, and n-Octyl-ÎČ-d-glucopyranoside at different concentrations we found the best conditions for isolating membrane proteins in micelles, in which enzymatic activity and stability were maintained. Then, they were subjected to purification using two chromatographic steps followed by the analysis of the eluents by NANO-ESI Chip-HPLC-MS/MS. The results showed that the four main enzymes of denitrification (nitrate, nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide reductases) in H. mediterranei were identified and they were co-purified thanks to the micelles made with Triton X-100 (20% w/v for membrane solubilisation and 0.2% w/v in the buffers used during purification). In addition, several accessory proteins involved in electron transfer processes during anaerobic respiration as well as proteins supporting ATP synthesis, redox balancing and oxygen sensing were detected. This is the first characterization of anaerobic membrane proteome of haloarchaea under denitrifying conditions using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. It provides new information for a better understanding of the anaerobic respiration in haloarchaea

    Aspects of the biology and fisheries of an economically important sparid Dentex macrophthalmus (Bloch 1791) in the Namibe province, Angola

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    Dentex macrophthalmus is a small, commercially important sparid fish that is abundant in the deeper waters (range 50–500 m) of the Mediterranean Sea (Trunov 1970), the North-West African shelf (Goode and Bean 1896, Fowler 1936), including the Cape Verde and Canary Islands, and the south-eastern Atlantic from the Equator to just south of LĂŒderitz (27°40â€Č S) (Trunov 1970). Because of its high abundance, it is of considerable economic importance and is captured in large numbers in both artisanal and commercial fisheries in many countries. Although it is the most important artisanal species along the entire Angolan coast, it is most abundant in the southern region (Kilongo et al. 2007). Despite its economic importance in Angola and elsewhere, relatively little is known on its abundance, fisheries and biology

    Human Trafficking in Nevada and the Mountain West, 2016-2020

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    The National Human Trafficking Hotline (“NHTH”) maintains one of the largest human trafficking datasets in the nation. This fact sheet reports on the number of tips the hotline received related to Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah. Data collected includes the top venues for human, labor, and other types of trafficking cases from 2016-2020, as well as demographic information for victims and survivors

    A Threat Assessment and Security Analysis of the Three Sports Facilities of Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis NCAA Softball Fields, Carroll Stadium, and the IU Natatorium

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    This research report provides a security assessment of the Softball Fields, Carroll Stadium, and the Natatorium Complex at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). The purpose of this report is to prevent and mitigate harm to visitors and these facilities which resulting from human-made or natural disasters. Research is guided by the hypothesis that these facilities- due to their respective importance, locations, and attendance patterns are in harm’s way; and that certain strategies of prevention, protection, and mitigation coupled with effective preparedness, response, and recovery can lessen risk, improve security and provide A THREAT ASSESSMENT AND SECURITY ANALYSIS 5 added resilience. Further, “harm’s way” is considered to be either a natural disaster or a human-made disaster, accident, active provocation, or act of terrorism. Methods of analysis include applied research; predominantly utilizing qualitative data with some quantitative investigation. Results of this assessment illustrate that these venues possess numerous vulnerabilities to both natural and human-made threats that if exposed, could result in serious consequences. The two most likely natural hazards identified include straight-line winds and tornadoes. Further, the most likely human threats to these facilities arise from a potential terrorist vehicle attack (TVA) and an active shooter. This project also identifies a specific need for additional planning to prevent an IED or VBIED attack on the Natatorium. Common themes from the attached three case studies reveal that given theses vulnerabilities, the following safety and security adjustments are recommended: Surveillance equipment Metal detectors Security bollards or other temporary barriers Evacuation routes and shelter in place plans Special event security procedures Weather related technology and protocols Staff training for emergency situation
