125 research outputs found

    Behaviour of Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) of its host plants

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    Die Entwicklung einer Population des Kalifornischen Blütenthrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) in neuen oder ungewohnten Kulturpflanzenbeständen ist häufig anfangs sehr verhalten, um dann schlagartig zu kulminieren. Nicht selten werden dadurch Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen zu spät eingeleitet, was sich nachteilig auf deren Erfolg auswirkt. Anhand eines standardisierten Biotests im Labor sollte der Einfluss von verschiedenen Wirtspflanzen auf die Populationsentwicklung des Schädlings betrachtet werden.Development of Frankliniella occidentalis on new or unusual cultivated plants is frequently very restrainable at the beginning and then culminate unexpected. In a biotest the influence of five host plants on development of population density should been investigated. Results showed that time of development, grade of damage and fluctuation were different depend on host plants. In case of Petroselinum latifolium, Melissa officinalis, Chrysanthemum indicum morphological parameters caused different delay. But the very slow damage and bad development of F. occidentalis on Ocimum basilicum seems to be influenced also from contents of plant

    Towards the Forest Virome: High-Throughput Sequencing Drastically Expands Our Understanding on Virosphere in Temperate Forest Ecosystems

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    Thanks to the development of HTS technologies, a vast amount of genetic information on the virosphere of temperate forests has been gained in the last seven years. To estimate the qualitative/quantitative impact of HTS on forest virology, we have summarized viruses affecting major tree/shrub species and their fungal associates, including fungal plant pathogens, mutualists and saprotrophs. The contribution of HTS methods is extremely significant for forest virology. Reviewed data on viral presence in holobionts allowed us a first attempt to address the role of virome in holobionts. Forest health is dependent on the variability of microorganisms interacting with the host tree/holobiont; symbiotic microbiota and pathogens engage in a permanent interplay, which influences the host. Through virus–virus interplays synergistic or antagonistic relations may evolve, which may drastically affect the health of the holobiont. Novel insights of these interplays may allow practical applications for forest plant protection based on endophytes and mycovirus biocontrol agents. The current analysis is conceived in light of the prospect that novel viruses may initiate an emergent infectious disease and that measures for the avoidance of future outbreaks in forests should be considered.Peer Reviewe

    Biologische Bekämpfung des Maiskäfers Sitophilus zeamais (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Mais mit der Lagererzwespe Lariophagus distinguendus (Förster) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) sowie der Reismotte Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Reis mit der Mehlmottenschlupfwespe Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

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    Maize and rice constitute some of the most important cereals cultivated in the world, being used as staple food for people especially in Africa. The rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica, and the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, are major pests of stored grains in the tropics. The use of parasitoids in biological pest control is already common in different agricultural and horticultural fields. At present, grain managers tend to look at alternatives to chemicals to control insects in stored grain. Lariophagus distinguendus (Förster) is a synovigenic, solitary larval and pupal ectoparasitoid of several beetle species that infest stored goods. The ability for long-range host finding of this parasitoid mediated by volatiles has been shown (Steidle & Schöller 1997). Habrobracon hebetor (Say) is a gregarious ectoparasitoid of many lepidopterous pests. This wasp occurs naturally in the stored grain ecosystem (Keever & al. 1985) where it attacks several pyralid moths, including the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica. The present study was conducted to assess the host finding of the two parasitoids H. hebetor and L. distinguendus.Wenn Vorratsschädlinge gefüllte Säcke befallen ist eine Bekämpfung mit Hilfe durchgreifender Methoden wie z.B. Begasung oder der Einsatz von Kälte möglich. Die Anwendung dieser Verfahren ist aber technisch nicht immer realisierbar. Verschiedene parasitoide Hymenopteren werden zur biologischen Bekämpfung von Vorratsschädlingen eingesetzt. Diese Wespen dringen in der Regel nicht in Verpackungen ein. Säcke aus Jute besitzen jedoch eine Maschenweite, die das Eindringen von Nützlingen erlauben könnte. Um die Möglichkeit des Nützlingseinsatzes in Sacklägern zu prüfen, wurden folgende Untersuchungen durchgeführt: (1) Wirtsfindung von Habrobracon hebetor in gesacktem Langkornreis (5 kg-Säcke, Raupen von Corcyra cephalonica 4 cm tief im Reis) (2) Wirtsfindung von Lariophagus distinguendus in gesacktem Mais (5 kg-Säcke, Befall durch Sitophilus zeamais). Es wurde täglich auf eindringende L. distinguendus bzw. H. hebetor hin kontrolliert. Der tägliche Schlupf der Nachkommen der Wespen wurde dokumentiert. H. hebetor war nur zu einem sehr geringen Anteil in der Lage, in die Säcke einzudringen. 50% der eingesetzten L. distinguendus drangen in die Jutesäcke ein und verringerten den Populationsaufbau der Maiskäfer. Begleitende Untersuchungen in unverpacktem, geschüttetem Reis ergaben, dass H. hebetor mindestens 14 cm tief eindringt und Reismottenraupen parasitiert

    Dissemination strategies of the entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium muscarium (Petch.) Zare, Gams syn. Verticillium lecanii in populations of the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande 1895)

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    Die Wirksamkeit des entomopathogenen Pilzes (EPP) L. muscarium im Einsatz gegen F. occidentalis ist in unseren Versuchen mehrfach belegt worden. In verschiedenen Schalen-, Käfig- und Gewächshausuntersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass die Applikation der Sporensuspension in das Wirtshabitat zur Infektion und zum Absterben der Wirte führt. Dabei konnte auch die saprophytische Entwicklung des Pilzes als Mycel mit Sporulation auf den Kadavern beobachtet werden (Hetsch 2004, Lerche et al. 2004, 2005). Ausgehend von den sporulierenden Kadavern sind die Disseminationsstrategien in der Wirt-Parasit-Beziehung F. occidentalis und L. muscarium, in Relation zum Verhalten des Wirtes sowie der physikalischen Faktoren Wasser und Luftbewegung, untersucht worden. Die Aufklärung dieser Zusammenhänge ist entscheidend für eine höhere Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit des Pilzes im Praxiseinsatz.The entomopathogenic fungus L. muscarium can be used to control populations of the western flower thrips F. occidentalis. In laboratory, semi-field and greenhouse trials the infection and mortality of the host population were recorded. Secondarily the fungus grew and sporulated on the cadavers of F. occidentalis. Now trials were conducted to describe the dissemination strategies of L. muscarium in this host-pathogen-relationship. The results show different possibilities of pathogen dispersal. One of the most important ways of dissemination is by the behaviour and movement of the hosts. The dispersal was horizontally within the population, in and between the generations. The second way of pathogen dispersal by the host was the contamination of the insect’s habitat. This included the growth of the fungus after death of the host, the sporulation of infectious stages in cast exuviae after moulting and by the loss of spores during the movement of the host. The physical agent running water also dispersed the pathogen efficient within the host habitat. The results were discussed

    Die Trichogramma-Fauna Pakistans (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)

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    Die Arten der Gattung Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) sind Eiparasitoide. Aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung für die biologische Bekämpfung werden sie in zahlreichen Ländern kommerziell produziert WAJNBERG & HASSAN 1994). Eine Voraussetzung für die erfolgreiche Praxisanwendung ist die Identifikation der Arten. Die Artbestimmung ist aufgrund der geringen Körpergröße von etwa 0,3 mm und der geringen Variabilität morphologischer Merkmale schwierig (PINTO et al. 1989). Schon seit Beginn der Erforschung der Taxonomie der Gattung herrschen Unsicherheit und wiedersprüchliche Auffassungen, so wurden z. B. indische Populationen von T. australicum Girault über einen Zeitraum von etwa 50 Jahren als T. minutum Riley oder T. evanescens Westwood bestimmt, obwohl diese Art eine bedeutende Rolle für die biologische Bekämpfung in der Region hatte (NAGARKATTI & NAGARAJA 1968). Aus Pakistan ist nur eine einzige Art der Gattung Trichogramma bekannt, T. chilonis Ishii, und diese Art wird dort auch produziert und gegen Schadlepidopteren an Zuckerrohr eingesetzt. Da aus den Nachbarländern mehrere Trichogramma-Arten bekannt sind (NAGARAJA 1973), wurde in verschiedenen Landesteilen versucht, neue Nachweise zu erlangen.Comprehensive survey of different ecological zones of Pakistan was conducted to explore the fauna of the Trichogramma species by collecting host insect eggs from all types of vegetation including vegetables, fruits, crops, weeds and forest trees. Three species of Trichogramma namely: T. chilonis, T. semblidis, and T. pintoi are recorded. Except T. chilonis all are new record for Pakistan. A key to all known Pakistani species is presented. Crossing experiments between the species resembling most closely are summarised to show their limited genetic compatibility or incompatibility as the case may be. Biological differences are presented between geographical isolated populations of the same species and between different species

    A Combined Cleaning and Disinfection Measure to Decontaminate Tire Treads from Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus

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    Mechanically transmissible and stable viruses such as tobamoviruses, which include Tobamovirus fructirugosum (syn. tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), will continue to pose major challenges for farmers. Consequently, holistic hygiene concepts are being implemented to prevent the introduction and spread of these viruses. The decontamination of tires and castors was previously a weak point in many industrial hygiene concepts. For this reason, the ProfilGate clean-off zone was tested in combination with the disinfectant MENNO Florades for the decontamination of ToBRFV-contaminated tires. In total, 478 tire segments were sampled to evaluate the contamination of ToBRFV and the following decontamination of the tires. This treatment reliably removed high (4.5 µg/cm2), medium (0.45 µg/cm2), and low concentrations (0.045 µg/cm2) of ToBRFV from the tires, as shown by a bioassay. The reduction in necrotic local lesions on susceptible indicator plants N. tabacum cv. Xanthi NN was between 91.9 and 97.6%. The reduction in ToBRFV contamination largely depended on the length of the rollover distance, i.e., the number of tire rotations. For transport trolleys with polyamide and rubber tires, depletions of 97.4 and 97.6%, respectively, was determined after 16 rotations. For transport wagons with tires twice the size and polyurethane tread, the depletion was still at least 91% after eight wheel turns. Even in the case of gross soiling of the tires, the mean reduction from the different tread materials was 80.9 to 98.9%. Subsequent analysis of the clean-off zone revealed that ToBRFV did not accumulate, even when the contaminated tires were driven over several times, but was safely inactivated completely in the disinfectant solution. This provides growers with an effective tool for preventing the introduction and spread of ToBRFV.This research was funded by HEUTE Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co KG and MENNO Chemie Vertrieb GmbH.HEUTE Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co KGMENNO Chemie Vertrieb GmbHPeer Reviewe

    Electrolytic Disinfection of Irrigation Water for Intensive Crop Production in Greenhouses as Demonstrated on Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum Mill)

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    Shortage of water availability and awareness of the need for sustainable resource management have generated a significant increase in the use of recycled water for irrigation and processing of crops and harvest products, respectively. As a result, irrigation systems face the challenge of neutralizing plant pathogens to reduce the risk of their dispersal and the subsequent occurrence of diseases with potentially high economic impacts. We evaluated the efficacy of an innovative electrolytic disinfection system based on potassium hypochlorite (KCLO) to inactivate major pathogens in hydroponically grown tomatoes: Fusarium oxysporum (Synder and Hans), Rizocthonia solani (Kühn), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV). The electrolytically derived disinfectant was prepared on-site and added to the recirculating fertigation solution once a week for 60 min in an automated manner using sensor technology at a dosage of 0.5 mg of free chlorine/L (fertigation solution at pH 6.0 ± 0.3 and ORP 780 ± 31 mV). Tomato fruit yield and pathogen dispersal were determined for 16 weeks. At the applied dosage, the disinfectant has been shown to inhibit the spread of plant pathogenic fungi and, remarkably, plant viruses in recirculating fertigation solutions. Phytotoxic effects did not occur.German Federal Ministry of Food and AgriculturePeer Reviewe

    Decontamination of Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus-Contaminated Shoe Soles under Practical Conditions

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    Due to its global spread, easy mechanical transmissibility inside greenhouses, and detrimental effects on marketability, Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is considered to be one of the biggest threats to tomato production. Regarding such crop epidemics, it is essential to identify all conceivable transmission routes and to interrupt them with effective decontamination strategies. We analyzed the potential efficacy of reliable shoe sole cleaning in combination with a disinfection measure. For this purpose, first, a suspension test was undertaken that involved applying different disinfectants to an infected plant homogenate. This was followed by a simulated carrier test. Finally, shoe-sole decontamination was tested under practical conditions. The extent of decontamination was determined by bioassays of the infectivity of the initial load remaining after treatment. Thereby, necrotic local lesions on the susceptible indicator plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi NN were counted. Recommendations for practical applications, based on suspension or simulated carrier tests, are limited in their applicability, since very short contact times between ToBRFV and disinfectants reduce efficacy. Under practical conditions, the approved disinfectant MENNO Florades was able to achieve complete inactivation of the virus in the disinfection mat following mechanical depletion from the shoe soles.Peer Reviewe

    Cleaning of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) from Contaminated Clothing of Greenhouse Employees

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    The highly infectious Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is a new viral threat to tomato production worldwide. In production, the very easy mechanical transmissibility combined with the high resistance in vitro is of great concern. We tested: (i) whether household cleaning products, commercial agricultural detergents, and an authorized plant protectant are suitable for cleaning contaminated clothing, and (ii) whether infectious viruses remain in the resulting cleaning water. The evaluation of the sanitation effect was performed using bioassays, by counting ToBRFV-associated necrotic local lesions on Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi NN. For this purpose, leaves were mechanically inoculated with treated fabrics and cleaning solutions which would normally be discharged to the sewer system. The detergents Fadex H+ (FH) and Menno Hortisept Clean Plus, as well as the disinfectant Menno Florades (MF), led to an almost complete removal of ToBRFV from contaminated fabrics, corresponding to a reduction in local lesions by 99.94–99.96%. In contrast, common household cleaning products (Spee ActivGel (SAG), Vanish Oxi Action Gel (VO) did not effectively remove the pathogen from the fabric, where the reduction was 45.1% and 89.7%, respectively. In particular, cleaning solutions after the use of household cleaners were highly contaminated with ToBRFV. After a 16-h treatment with the disinfectant MF, infectious ToBRFV was no longer present in VO, FH, and MF cleaning solutions, as demonstrated by extensive bioassays.German Federal Ministry of Food and AgricultureDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinPeer Reviewe

    A novel emaravirus comprising five RNA segments is associated with ringspot disease in oak

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    We report the complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a novel virus in ringspot-diseased common oak (Quercus robur L.). The newly identified pathogen is associated with leaf symptoms such as mottle, chlorotic spots and ringspots on diseased trees. High-throughput sequencing (HTS, Illumina RNASeq) was used to explore the virome of a ringspot-diseased oak that had chlorotic ringspots of suspected viral origin on leaves for several years. Bioinformatic analysis of the HTS dataset followed by RT-PCR enabled us to determine complete sequences of four RNA genome segments of a novel virus. These sequences showed high similarity to members of the genus Emaravirus, which includes segmented negative-stranded RNA viruses of economic importance. To verify the ends of each RNA, we conducted rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). We identified an additional genome segment (RNA 5) by RT-PCR using a genus-specific primer (PDAP213) to the conserved 3´ and 5´termini in order to amplify full-length genome segments. RNA 5 encodes a 21-kDa protein that is homologous to the silencing suppressor P8 of High Plains wheat mosaic virus. The five viral RNAs were consistently detected by RT-PCR in ringspot-diseased oaks in Germany, Sweden, and Norway. We conclude that the virus represents a new member of the genus Emaravirus affecting oaks in Germany and in Scandinavia, and we propose the name “common oak ringspot-associated emaravirus” (CORaV).FAZIT Stiftung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003099Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659European Cooperation in Science and Technology http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000921Projekt DEALPeer Reviewe
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