18 research outputs found

    Microglia-derived microvesicles affect microglia phenotype in glioma

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    Extracellular-released vesicles (EVs), such as microvesicles (MV) and exosomes (Exo) provide a new type of inter-cellular communication, directly transferring a ready to use box of information, consisting of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. In the nervous system, EVs participate to neuron-glial cross-talk, a bidirectional communication important to preserve brain homeostasis and, when dysfunctional, involved in several CNS diseases. We investigated whether microglia-derived EVs could be used to transfer a protective phenotype to dysfunctional microglia in the context of a brain tumor. When MV, isolated from microglia stimulated with LPS/IFNg were brain injected in glioma-bearing mice, we observed a phenotype switch of tumor associated myeloid cells (TAMs) and a reduction of tumor size. Our findings indicate that the MV cargo, which contains upregulated transcripts for several inflammation-related genes, can transfer information in the brain of glioma bearing mice modifying microglial gene expression, reducing neuronal death and glioma invasion, thus promoting the recovery of brain homeostasis

    Distinct clinical phenotypes in paediatric cancer patients with sepsis are associated with different outcomes:an international multicentre retrospective study

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    Background: Identifying phenotypes in sepsis patients may enable precision medicine approaches. However, the generalisability of these phenotypes to specific patient populations is unclear. Given that paediatric cancer patients with sepsis have different host response and pathogen profiles and higher mortality rates when compared to non-cancer patients, we determined whether unique, reproducible, and clinically-relevant sepsis phenotypes exist in this specific patient population. Methods: We studied patients with underlying malignancies admitted with sepsis to one of 25 paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) participating in two large, multi-centre, observational cohorts from the European SCOTER study (n = 383 patients; study period between January 1, 2018 and January 1, 2020) and the U.S. Novel Data-Driven Sepsis Phenotypes in Children study (n = 1898 patients; study period between January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2018). We independently used latent class analysis (LCA) in both cohorts to identify phenotypes using demographic, clinical, and laboratory data from the first 24 h of PICU admission. We then tested the association of the phenotypes with clinical outcomes in both cohorts. Findings: LCA identified two distinct phenotypes that were comparable across both cohorts. Phenotype 1 was characterised by lower serum bicarbonate and albumin, markedly increased lactate and hepatic, renal, and coagulation abnormalities when compared to phenotype 2. Patients with phenotype 1 had a higher 90-day mortality (European cohort 29.2% versus 13.4%, U.S. cohort 27.3% versus 11.4%, p &lt; 0.001) and received more vasopressor and renal replacement therapy than patients with phenotype 2. After adjusting for severity of organ dysfunction, haematological cancer, prior stem cell transplantation and age, phenotype 1 was associated with an adjusted OR of death at 90-day of 1.9 (1.04–3.34) in the European cohort and 1.6 (1.2–2.2) in the U.S. cohort. Interpretation: We identified two clinically-relevant sepsis phenotypes in paediatric cancer patients that are reproducible across two international, multicentre cohorts with prognostic implications. These results may guide further research regarding therapeutic approaches for these specific phenotypes. Funding: Part of this study is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.</p

    Distinct clinical phenotypes in paediatric cancer patients with sepsis are associated with different outcomes:an international multicentre retrospective study

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    Background: Identifying phenotypes in sepsis patients may enable precision medicine approaches. However, the generalisability of these phenotypes to specific patient populations is unclear. Given that paediatric cancer patients with sepsis have different host response and pathogen profiles and higher mortality rates when compared to non-cancer patients, we determined whether unique, reproducible, and clinically-relevant sepsis phenotypes exist in this specific patient population. Methods: We studied patients with underlying malignancies admitted with sepsis to one of 25 paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) participating in two large, multi-centre, observational cohorts from the European SCOTER study (n = 383 patients; study period between January 1, 2018 and January 1, 2020) and the U.S. Novel Data-Driven Sepsis Phenotypes in Children study (n = 1898 patients; study period between January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2018). We independently used latent class analysis (LCA) in both cohorts to identify phenotypes using demographic, clinical, and laboratory data from the first 24 h of PICU admission. We then tested the association of the phenotypes with clinical outcomes in both cohorts. Findings: LCA identified two distinct phenotypes that were comparable across both cohorts. Phenotype 1 was characterised by lower serum bicarbonate and albumin, markedly increased lactate and hepatic, renal, and coagulation abnormalities when compared to phenotype 2. Patients with phenotype 1 had a higher 90-day mortality (European cohort 29.2% versus 13.4%, U.S. cohort 27.3% versus 11.4%, p &lt; 0.001) and received more vasopressor and renal replacement therapy than patients with phenotype 2. After adjusting for severity of organ dysfunction, haematological cancer, prior stem cell transplantation and age, phenotype 1 was associated with an adjusted OR of death at 90-day of 1.9 (1.04–3.34) in the European cohort and 1.6 (1.2–2.2) in the U.S. cohort. Interpretation: We identified two clinically-relevant sepsis phenotypes in paediatric cancer patients that are reproducible across two international, multicentre cohorts with prognostic implications. These results may guide further research regarding therapeutic approaches for these specific phenotypes. Funding: Part of this study is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.</p

    Microglia-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles Reduce Glioma Growth by Modifying Tumor Cell Metabolism and Enhancing Glutamate Clearance through miR-124

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    Brain homeostasis needs continuous exchange of intercellular information among neurons, glial cells, and immune cells, namely microglial cells. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are active players of this process. All the cells of the body, including the brain, release at least two subtypes of EVs, the medium/large EVs (m/lEVs) and small EVs (sEVs). sEVs released by microglia play an important role in brain patrolling in physio-pathological processes. One of the most common and malignant forms of brain cancer is glioblastoma. Altered intercellular communications constitute a base for the onset and the development of the disease. In this work, we used microglia-derived sEVs to assay their effects in vitro on murine glioma cells and in vivo in a glioma model on C57BL6/N mice. Our findings indicated that sEVs carry messages to cancer cells that modify glioma cell metabolism, reducing lactate, nitric oxide (NO), and glutamate (Glu) release. sEVs affect Glu homeostasis, increasing the expression of Glu transporter Glt-1 on astrocytes. We demonstrated that these effects are mediated by miR-124 contained in microglia-released sEVs. The in vivo benefit of microglia-derived sEVs results in a significantly reduced tumor mass and an increased survival of glioma-bearing mice, depending on miR-124

    Microglial Extracellular Vesicles as Modulators of Brain Microenvironment in Glioma

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    Microglial cells represent the resident immune elements of the central nervous system, where they exert constant monitoring and contribute to preserving neuronal activity and function. In the context of glioblastoma (GBM), a common type of tumor originating in the brain, microglial cells deeply modify their phenotype, lose their homeostatic functions, invade the tumoral mass and support the growth and further invasion of the tumoral cells into the surrounding brain parenchyma. These modifications are, at least in part, induced by bidirectional communication among microglial and tumoral cells through the release of soluble molecules and extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs produced by GBM and microglial cells transfer different kinds of biological information to receiving cells, deeply modifying their phenotype and activity and could represent important diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets. Recent evidence demonstrates that in GBM, microglial-derived EVs contribute to the immune suppression of the tumor microenvironment (TME), thus favoring GBM immune escape. In this review, we report the current knowledge on EV formation, biogenesis, cargo and functions, with a focus on the effects of microglia-derived EVs in GBM. What clearly emerges from this analysis is that we are at the beginning of a full understanding of the complete picture of the biological effects of microglial-derived EVs and that further investigations using multidisciplinary approaches are necessary to validate their use in GBM diagnosis and therapy