220 research outputs found

    Santa Maria, anys quaranta i cinquanta

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    Dintre del cicle de conferències "Santa Maria, segle XX", programat pel Museu Arxiu amb motiu de la commemoració del mil·lenari del primer document que esmena Santa Maria, Carme Solà i Montserrat, parlà dels anys de la postguerra. Pel seu interès, transcrivim la conferènci

    El que menjàvem a casa meva quan jo era petita

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    El menjar de les famílies mataronines de clase mitjana, a la postguerra, era ben diferent del que mengen actualment. Es basava en el que avui s'anomena cuina de mercat

    Una experiència de coordinació d'un modul docent a l'EEES

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    Presentem una proposta de docència del Mòdul d'Història de la Comunicació de la licenciatura de Publicitat i Relacions Públiques de la Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació en el marc de la prova pilot de l'EEES. S'han adaptat dues antigues assignatures que sumaven 100 hores presencials a un mòdul de 20 hores de presencialitat de l'alumne (que no del professor). Es valora en quins punts bàsics recau la coordinació, quines eines docents han resultat útils en aquest procés que molts han viscut com a traumàtic, una actitud a què no resulta útil aferrar-se. L'experiència durant els tres anys de funcionament de la prova pilot de Publicitat ha fet acumular algunes constatacions que poden ser útils a la comunitat que està a punt d'implicar-se de ple en el canvi. La flexibilitat, la generositat i la capacitat de gestió seran imprescindibles per dur a terme l'adaptació a l'EEES amb garanties. La capacitat negociadora s'haurà d'estendre a molts àmbits, i a les tradicionals exigències docents haurem d'afegir la capacitat de treball en equip que també es reclama als discents.In this Conference we present an experience on teaching History of Communication in a new career, the new studies of Publicity and Public Relations in the Faculty of Communication Sciences in the UAB. These studies were in the pilot plan on the EEES implementation process. Two former courses counting 100 present hours have been transformed into a module of 20 hours of assistance, not of total work. We have analyzed in which basic points falls on the teachers coordination, attending on which teaching tools have been the most useful in this, sometimes, problematic process. Our experience over three years has been rich to understand other useful aspects about the adequate attitudes of the teaching community. Flexibility, generosity and management capacity will be essential to run with success the EEES adaptation. Negotiation abilities have to be extended to new ambits. Professors are submitted to traditional exigencies, now we must add the team work capacity, at least so much as we claim to our students

    Transparent information and access to citizen participation on municipal websites

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    This study analyses the information and tools for citizen participation on the institutional websites of local bodies to improve participation in the management of local resources in a context following the introduction of Spain's Transparency Law. The method is based on applying 14 indicators to analyse the institutional websites of 605 municipalities that have over 10,000 residents, located in 9 autonomous communities of the Spanish state. The main results show how the institutional information offered on the websites of the councils analysed does not follow journalistic criteria in terms of accountability, meaning that citizens' decisions regarding their local governments cannot be based on precise, reliable information. In this regard, in this study we have confirmed that council websites publish very little information on the activity of the opposition or on the plenary sessions, debates and agreements, but do publish information on the activity of the government. Furthermore, they do not make use of web resources for citizen participation, which impedes the transparent, collaborative management of political processes between leaders and citizens. Nonetheless, the results show how political and technical managers are not averse to change if they have access to guidance and incentives to improve the management of information and participation on municipal websites

    Comentarios sobre inmigración en tres periódicos en línea españoles : aproximación a un discurso racista enmascarado

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    En este artículo original e inédito se analizan los comentarios sobre cuatro temas relacionados con la inmigración escritos por los lectores en tres periódicos online españoles. El objetivo es determinar si contienen racismo y si se hace necesario establecer códigos éticos o sistemas de moderación de la participación de los usuarios en la prensa digital. Se realiza una aproximación cualitativa a la ética en relación a la participación de la ciudadanía en la web social. Su novedad se centra en cruzar esta discusión con el tema del racismo, con una perspectiva lingüística a través del análisis del discurso. Se aplica una metodología de análisis basada en Van Dijk (2002) a una muestra de todos los comentarios generados por cuatro temas de diverso alcance conflictual relacionados con la inmigración (n=261) en tres medios digitales españoles. El marco teórico reflexiona sobre las herramientas interactivas de los medios y los aspectos éticos de la participación relacionada con los discursos racistas o de tolerancia. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que, tanto con afirmaciones racistas directas como con estrategias discursivas más enmascaradas, el discurso xenófobo está presente de manera destacada en los comentarios de los lectores. Comparativamente, no todos los temas suscitan la misma reacción, ya que la seguridad o la imagen de las ciudades preocupan más que la situación de las víctimas de explotación sexual. Según estos datos, la moderación de los contenidos generados por los usuarios es aún un tema pendiente en las plataformas digitales, así como la educación cívica ante su uso.This article analyses the readers' comments about four immigration affairs in three Spanish online newspapers, with the purpose of defining their level of racism and whether it is necessary to establish ethical codes or moderation guidelines for reader participation in the digital press. It is a qualitative approach to the ethics on the use of technology. Its novelty lies on the connection of this discussion with the topic of racism in order to make a linguistic approximation through discourse analysis. The study departs from van Dijk's (2002) methodology to analyse a sample of all the comments about four controversial topics related to immigration on those journals (n=261). The theoretical framework reflects on the interactive tools of the new digital media and the ethical aspects of user generated content related to the racism and/or tolerant discourses. The results show that the xenophobic discourse is prominently present in the reader's comments through directly racist opinions or through disguised discourse strategies. In comparison, not all the topics have raised the same reaction. In this sense, the security topic and the image of the cities cause more worry than the victims of sexual exploitation. According to this study, the moderation of the user generated content in the digital platforms is still something to be resolved and also the civic education on its use

    The Implications of Nutritional Strategies that Modify Dietary Energy and Lysine for Growth Performance in Two Different Swine Production Systems

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    This work aimed to determine the impacts of lowering dietary net energy (NE) density in two swine production systems that produce pigs with different carcass traits. To ensure that dietary lysine was not limiting growth, two studies were conducted in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with NE and standardized ileal digestible lysine (SID Lys) as experimental factors. A total of 1248 pigs were used in each study, Pietrain (Exp. 1, males non-castrated) or Duroc (Exp. 2, males castrated) sired. Reducing NE resulted in a greater feed intake; however, this was not sufficient to reach the same NE intake. While in Exp. 1 a 3.2% lower NE intake did not impair average daily gain (ADG; p = 0.220), in Exp. 2 a 4.7% lower NE intake reduced ADG by 1.4% (p = 0.027). Furthermore, this effect on ADG entailed a reduced ham fat thickness (p = 0.004) of the first marketed pigs. Increasing SID Lys only had a positive effect in Exp. 1, but no significant interaction between NE and SID Lys was reported (p ≥ 0.100). Therefore, dietary NE can be reduced without impairing growth performance when pigs can increase feed intake sufficiently, and thus, limit energy deficiencies

    Alterations in CD200-CD200R1 System during EAE Already Manifest at Presymptomatic Stages

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    In the brain of patients with multiple sclerosis, activated microglia/macrophages appear in active lesions and in normal appearing white matter. However, whether they play a beneficial or a detrimental role in the development of the pathology remains a controversial issue. The production of pro-inflammatory molecules by chronically activated microglial cells is suggested to contribute to the progression of neurodegenerative processes in neurological disease. In the healthy brain, neurons control glial activation through several inhibitory mechanisms, such as the CD200-CD200R1 interaction. Therefore, we studied whether alterations in the CD200-CD200R1 system might underlie the neuroinflammation in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of multiple sclerosis. We determined the time course of CD200 and CD200R1 expression in the brain and spinal cord of an EAE mouse model from presymptomatic to late symptomatic stages. We also assessed the correlation with associated glial activation, inflammatory response and EAE severity. Alterations in CD200 and CD200R1 expression were mainly observed in spinal cord regions in the EAE model, mostly a decrease in CD200 and an increase in CD200R1 expression. A decrease in the expression of the mRNA encoding a full CD200 protein was detected before the onset of clinical signs, and remained thereafter. A decrease in CD200 protein expression was observed from the onset of clinical signs. By contrast, CD200R1 expression increased at EAE onset, when a glial reaction associated with the production of pro- and anti-inflammatory markers occurred, and continued to be elevated during the pathology. Moreover, the magnitude of the alterations correlated with severity of the EAE mainly in spinal cord. These results suggest that neuronal-microglial communication through CD200-CD200R1 interaction is compromised in EAE. The early decreases in CD200 expression in EAE suggest that this downregulation might also occur in the initial phases of multiple sclerosis, and that this early neuronal dysfunction might facilitate the development of neuroinflammation. The increased CD200R1 expression in the EAE model highlights the potential use of targeted agonist molecules as therapeutic tools to control neuroinflammation. In summary, the CD200-CD200R1 system is a potential therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis, and CD200R1 agonists are molecules that may be worth developing in this context