34 research outputs found

    “Ay, perdona, no quería molestarte.” Enseñar y aprender a disculparse en español

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    Suplemento del número 15 de marcoELE (julio - diciembre de 2015) La intención de esta memoria de investigación es explorar el acto de disculparse desde dos perspectivas: la pragmática y la lingüística. Se busca conocer en qué contextos los españoles acostumbran a disculparse y qué formas lingüísticas utilizan para ello. Factores extralingüísticos como la gravedad de una ofensa y la relación entre los interlocutores también se investigan, ya que son elementos indispensables que hay que tener en cuenta para ser comunicativamente competente en una segunda lengua. Para lograr estos objetivos, se han examinado siete manuales de ELE y quince películas españolas del género realista. Después de este análisis, se procede a comparar los datos obtenidos en ambos corpus para reflexionar sobre sus similitudes y diferencias. Con esto, se averiguará si el tratamiento de la disculpa en los materiales de enseñanza aborda algunos aspectos pragmáticos o no

    Innovative models for collaboration and student mobility in Europe

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    This report is based on new developments in higher education and international collaboration as collected by EADTU's Task Force and Peer Learning Activity on Virtual Mobility. The result is a report on three types of collaboration mobility: physical, blended and online. Main parameters for innovative education and mobility formats are defined as well as basic principles of international course and curriculum design. Examples illustrate the complete opportunity space between fully face to face and fully online collaboration. They relate to mobility within single courses, exchange mobility (classical Erasmus), networked programmes and mobility windows and joint programmes with embedded mobility. Mobility offers opportunities to institutions to strengthen their programmes and to students to enrich their study. They benefit from an international learning experience or following courses not provided by their own institution. The report shows concrete mobility schemes used in the membership (and beyond). It underpins policies for international networking and delivers tools to organise innovative education and mobility formats

    El treball social sanitari en l'atenció del risc social i la disfunció social durant l'edat pediàtrica

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    Treball social; Risc social; Disfunció social; PediatriaTrabajo social; Riesgo social; Disfunción social; PediatríaSocial work; Social risk; Social dysfunction; PediatricsDocument que defineix els continguts disciplinaris del treball social en pediatria i sistematitza la intervenció del treball social sanitari amb els pacients pediàtrics i les seves famílies.Documento que define los contenidos disciplinarios del trabajo social en pediatría y sistematiza la intervención del trabajo social sanitario con los pacientes pediátricos y sus familias.Document that defines the disciplinary contents of social work in pediatrics and systematizes the intervention of health social work with pediatric patients and their families

    Allosteric interactions between agonists and antagonists within the adenosine A2A receptor-dopamine D2 receptor heterotetramer

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    Adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR)-dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) heteromers are key modulators of striatal neuronal function. It has been suggested that the psychostimulant effects of caffeine depend on its ability to block an allosteric modulation within the A2AR-D2R heteromer, by which adenosine decreases the affinity and intrinsic efficacy of dopamine at the D2R. We describe novel unsuspected allosteric mechanisms within the heteromer by which not only A2AR agonists, but also A2AR antagonists, decrease the affinity and intrinsic efficacy of D2R agonists and the affinity of D2R antagonists. Strikingly, these allosteric modulations disappear on agonist and antagonist coadministration. This can be explained by a model that considers A2AR-D2R heteromers as heterotetramers, constituted by A2AR and D2R homodimers, as demonstrated by experiments with bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and bimolecular fluorescence and bioluminescence complementation. As predicted by the model, high concentrations of A2AR antagonists behaved as A2AR agonists and decreased D2R function in the brain

    Evidence for functional pre-coupled complexes of receptor heteromers and adenylyl cyclase

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), G proteins and adenylyl cyclase (AC) comprise one of the most studied transmembrane cell signaling pathways. However, it is unknown whether the ligand-dependent interactions between these signaling molecules are based on random collisions or the rearrangement of pre-coupled elements in a macromolecular complex. Furthermore, it remains controversial whether a GPCR homodimer coupled to a single heterotrimeric G protein constitutes a common functional unit. Using a peptide-based approach, we here report evidence for the existence of functional pre-coupled complexes of heteromers of adenosine A2A receptor and dopamine D2 receptor homodimers coupled to their cognate Gs and Gi proteins and to subtype 5 AC. We also demonstrate that this macromolecular complex provides the necessary frame for the canonical Gs-Gi interactions at the AC level, sustaining the ability of a Gi-coupled GPCR to counteract AC activation mediated by a Gs-coupled GPCR

    Guia d'intervenció grupal psicoeducativa en atenció primària

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    Atenció primària de salut; Formació psicoeducativa; Activitat grupal psicoeducativaPrimary health care; Psychoeducational training; Psychoeducational group activityAtención primaria de salud; Formación psicoeducativa; Actividad grupal psicoeducativaL'objectiu principal d´aquest document és actualitzar les guies de referència per dur a terme intervencions psicoeducatives grupals, i proporcionar una guia pels professionals sanitaris d'atenció primària.The main objective of this document is to update the reference guides to carry out group psychoeducational interventions, and to provide a guide for primary care health professionals.El objetivo principal de este documento es actualizar las guías de referencia para llevar a cabo intervenciones psicoeducativas grupales, y proporcionar una guía para los profesionales sanitarios de atención primaria.:e

    Essential control of the function of the striatopallidal neuron by pre-coupled complexes of adenosine A2A-dopamine D2 receptor heterotetramers and adenylyl cyclase

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    The central adenosine system and adenosine receptors play a fundamental role in the modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission. This is mostly achieved by the strategic co-localization of different adenosine and dopamine receptor subtypes in the two populations of striatal efferent neurons, striatonigral and striatopallidal, that give rise to the direct and indirect striatal efferent pathways, respectively. With optogenetic techniques it has been possible to dissect a differential role of the direct and indirect pathways in mediating 'Go' responses upon exposure to reward-related stimuli and 'NoGo' responses upon exposure to non-rewarded or aversive-related stimuli, respectively, which depends on their different connecting output structures and their differential expression of dopamine and adenosine receptor subtypes. The striatopallidal neuron selectively expresses dopamine D2 receptors (D2R) and adenosine A2A receptors (A2AR), and numerous experiments using multiple genetic and pharmacological in vitro, in situ and in vivo approaches, demonstrate they can form A2AR-D2R heteromers. It was initially assumed that different pharmacological interactions between dopamine and adenosine receptor ligands indicated the existence of different subpopulations of A2AR and D2R in the striatopallidal neuron. However, as elaborated in the present essay, most evidence now indicates that all interactions can be explained with a predominant population of striatal A2AR-D2R heteromers forming complexes with adenylyl cyclase subtype 5 (AC5). The A2AR-D2R heteromer has a tetrameric structure, with two homodimers, which allows not only multiple allosteric interactions between different orthosteric ligands, agonists, and antagonists, but also the canonical Gs-Gi antagonistic interaction at the level of AC5. We present a model of the function of the A2AR-D2R heterotetramer-AC5 complex, which acts as an integrative device of adenosine and dopamine signals that determine the excitability and gene expression of the striatopallidal neurons. The model can explain most behavioral effects of A2AR and D2R ligands, including the psychostimulant effects of caffeine. The model is also discussed in the context of different functional striatal compartments, mainly the dorsal and the ventral striatum. The current accumulated knowledge of the biochemical properties of the A2AR-D2R heterotetramer-AC5 complex offers new therapeutic possibilities for Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, SUD and other neuropsychiatric disorders with dysfunction of dorsal or ventral striatopallidal neurons

    Conservación y restauración de materiales de archivo

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    El papel y el pergamino son soportes tradicionales en la documentación de archivo y bibliotecas. Ambos materiales están constituidos por materia orgánica y por tanto las condiciones ambientales, temperatura y humedad, repercuten sobre estas sustancias y provocan la proliferación de agentes biológicos que son capaces de alterar la estructura de estas moléculas. En ocasiones algunos tipos de papel poseen ciertas sustancias causantes de su propia degradación con independencia de la actividad de agentes externos. Las tintas ácidas constituyen una causa de alteración muy frecuente en la documentación. La conservación de documentos degradados exige un cuidado y atención que incluye diversos procesos de restauración, desinfección, secado, desacidificación y consolidación, técnicas que precisan de la utilización de productos adecuados y de profesionales competentes que garanticen una correcta restauración.Paper and parchment are traditional supports of library and archives materia Is. They both are made of organic compounds, therefore environmental conditions, temperature and humidity attack these organic substances, and bring about the proliferation of biological agenls that change the structure of these molecules. Otherwise there are intrinsic substances into sorne Kind of paper that provoke its degradation although no other extem agents act. Acidic inks are frequently an important cause of alteration. Conservation of damaged documents require to take care of them. Desinfection, drying, deacidification and consolidation are processes used for restoration. The correct application of these techniques and those fit products demand professional workers in order to guarantee good results

    Guia de pràctica clínica de la malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica

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    Malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica; MPOC; Educació sanitàriaEnfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica; EPOC; Educación sanitariaChronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD; Health educationAquest document aporta una revisió acurada del coneixement científic actualment disponible sobre la malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica, i el tradueix en recomanacions per a la pràctica diària. Pel seu contingut docent, la Guia constitueix també un valuós document per facilitar l’adquisició de competències clíniques que ha de caracteritzar el desenvolupament dels professionals de l’Institut Català de la Salut