466 research outputs found

    Theory of the Arbitration Process

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    Import and Export Controls

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    A Molecular Probe Finds Evidence of NIX Pathogen in Pacific Razor Clams (\u3cem\u3eSiliqua patula\u3c/em\u3e) in Oregon

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    The Pacific razor clam, Siliqua patula, is an important recreational fishery species that lives in the intertidal zone of sandy beaches from Alaska to central California. Populations have had periodic, but significant, declines over the past 30-40 years. These declines have correlated with an increase in the presences of an unidentified, intranuclear bacterial parasite known as Nuclear Inclusion X (NIX). NIX, which was first identified in 1986, has generally been screened using a histological approach. We developed a PCR-based screen to reduce both the time and cost of identifying infected clams. Use of this screen resulted in amplified sequences with a 97% match to the previously published 16S rDNA sequence for NIX. The sequence data supports placement of NIX into the gamma-proteobacteria, and suggests that it is related to isolates from diseased corals. Clams collected from the northern coast of Oregon showed ~50% infection rate using the PCR screen. This is the first report of NIX present in clams from Oregon, as all previous work had been in the state of Washington. Future work will identify the incidence rate and geographical spread of the NIX parasite throughout Oregon and Washington

    Everything\u27s Spinning: Planetary Motion\u27s Effect on Lunar Phenomena

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    Understanding the natural world is a key to sustaining life. Often our understanding does not go beyond what we can tangibly see and touch, with the Moon seemingly out of reach for many. Though the Moon holds a special place to those who enjoy the night sky, it does much more than just provide a picturesque view. The Moon affects the world around us in many ways during its lunar cycle, but how does it all work? The important details of this can be described using the concept of planetary motion that includes key aspects of the way the Moon and Earth interact. The concept of planetary motion can also explain how eclipses occur, the different types of orbit, and the fact that only one face of the Moon is ever visible from Earth. Eclipses, both solar and lunar, are shadows of planetary bodies such as the Moon and Earth. These shadows are created as they move past each other in space during their orbit. As complex as these ideas may seem, they are quite simple once broken down. Eclipses and other lunar phenomena will be explained in this poster using the concept of planetary motion

    Helping COB Students Use their Business Degree to Get into Law School

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    Getting into law school these days has become ultra-competitive. GPA\u27s and LSAT scores that worked just a few years ago will not get a law school applicant into the same schools they will today. The economy as well as the attractiveness of a law degree (J.D.) have lead to record increases in the number of students applying for law school. Law schools have been forced to raise the bar in order to deal with the demand. Because this is the case, undergraduate students must find ways to distinguish themselves among applicants, stay on top of the application process, and achieve better scores. As an undergraduate student majoring in accounting and applying for law school this fall, the purpose of my thesis is to both attract COB students to the study of law and to serve as a source of information for the often confusing and tedious application process. My motives are to help other USU COB students get into the schools they want to and because I feel the needs of USU\u27s pre-law undergraduate students are underserved -especially in the COB. The information I have gathered and the research I have done should be thought of as opinionated and subjective - I am only trying to pass on what I have learned about the process and as such my recommendations should only be thought of as opinions, or at the very least, items to consider and take into account to insure the student ends up in the right law school for him or her

    International Arbitration in the Postwar World

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar las complicaciones maternas y perinatales en edades extremas en el Hospital Sergio E. Bernales, en el periodo julio – diciembre de 2014. El presente es un estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal, del cual se obtuvo una muestra de 233 para las adolescentes y 217 para las mayores de 35 años que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, el muestreo fue a través de números aleatorios. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante una ficha de recolección, los cuales fueron posteriormente analizados utilizando los programas SPSS 22 y Excel para Windows XP. De esta manera, se obtuvo como resultado que el 64.4% de las adolescentes y el 68.7% de las mayores de 35 años presentaron complicaciones maternas. El 51.1% de las adolescentes y el 46.1% de las mayores de 35 años presentaron complicaciones perinatales. Las principales complicaciones durante el embarazo en adolescentes: distocia ósea (27.6%), rotura prematura de membranas (15.7%), hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (13.4%), infección tracto urinario (10.4%); del parto: trabajo de parto disfuncional (53.3%) y desgarro perineal (40%); del puerperio: anemia postparto (64.5%) y hemorragia postparto (32.3%). Las principales complicaciones maternas en las mayores de 35 años del embarazo: hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (20.2%), distocia ósea (19.5%), distocia de presentación (12.5%), cesárea anterior (10.9%) y amenaza de parto pretérmino (7.8%); del parto: desgarro perianal (76%) y trabajo de parto disfuncional (16%); del puerperio: anemia postparto (72.4%) y hemorragia postparto (20.7%). Las principales complicaciones perinatales de la etapa fetal en ambos grupos fueron: sufrimiento fetal agudo 78.4% en adolescentes y 81% en mayores de 35 años; óbito fetal 11.1% en adolescentes y 7.1% en mayores de 35 años. Las principales complicaciones perinatales de la etapa neonatal en las adolescentes fueron: trauma obstétrico (27.8%), depresión neonatal (15.4%). Y en las mayores de 35 años fueron: recién nacido Macrosómico (19.8%), depresión neonatal (15.1%)

    Introduction: The Meaning and Impact of Brown Show Co. v. United States

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    The judicial process is one of winnowing out undesirable from desired ideal forms of order. Each mode of action which it condemns represents an undesired distortion of an ideal form of action. It is the purpose of this introductory comment to indicate, in a series of propositions, at least some of the principal aspects of the ideal economic order which the Brown Shoe case would preserve when the issue is judicial control of the merger process under Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as amended


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