68 research outputs found

    Development of direct-inverse 3-D methods for applied aerodynamic design and analysis

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    A versatile inviscid direct-inverse wing design method and program were developed. Also developed was an additional design strategy option to the program

    Development of direct-inverse 3-D methods for applied aerodynamic design and analysis

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    Several inverse methods have been compared and initial results indicate that differences in results are primarily due to coordinate systems and fuselage representations and not to design procedures. Further, results from a direct-inverse method that includes 3-D wing boundary layer effects, wake curvature, and wake displacement are presented. These results show that boundary layer displacements must be included in the design process for accurate results

    Computational fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics

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    Approximations applicable to the radiating, reacting, and conducting stagnation region of a hypervelocity vehicle were incorporated into a method for rapidly obtaining approximate solutions. This solution utilizes a coordinate system based upon the origin of the radiative losses and includes in a phenomenologically correct manner the effects of chemical and thermal nonequilibrium, and nonequilibrium, nongray radiative transfer. Results were presented which demonstrate the usefulness of the method and indicate which radiation parameters require further study and definition. Excellent comparisons were obtained with published results for the Fire2 data. An axisymmetric nonequilibrium inverse method was modified and extended and used to investigate and compare various vibration dissociation chemistry coupling models and radiative heat transfer approximations. The similarities, differences, and consequences of using these models in the Aero-assist Orbital Transfer Vehicles flight regime will be discussed

    Computational fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics

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    At the present time the efforts on this project are organized into two areas: the development of an approximate stagnation point solution and approximate flowfield studies which can be used to develop and investigate shock jump, electron temperature, radiation, vibration-dissociation coupling, and chemistry models. Progress in each area is discussed

    Determination of aerodynamic sensitivity coefficients for wings in transonic flow

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    The quasianalytical approach is applied to the 3-D full potential equation to compute wing aerodynamic sensitivity coefficients in the transonic regime. Symbolic manipulation is used to reduce the effort associated with obtaining the sensitivity equations, and the large sensitivity system is solved using 'state of the art' routines. The quasianalytical approach is believed to be reasonably accurate and computationally efficient for 3-D problems

    An initial investigation into methods of computing transonic aerodynamic sensitivity coefficients

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    The three dimensional quasi-analytical sensitivity analysis and the ancillary driver programs are developed needed to carry out the studies and perform comparisons. The code is essentially contained in one unified package which includes the following: (1) a three dimensional transonic wing analysis program (ZEBRA); (2) a quasi-analytical portion which determines the matrix elements in the quasi-analytical equations; (3) a method for computing the sensitivity coefficients from the resulting quasi-analytical equations; (4) a package to determine for comparison purposes sensitivity coefficients via the finite difference approach; and (5) a graphics package

    An initial investigation into methods of computing transonic aerodynamic sensitivity coefficients

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    Research conducted during the period from July 1991 through December 1992 is covered. A method based upon the quasi-analytical approach was developed for computing the aerodynamic sensitivity coefficients of three dimensional wings in transonic and subsonic flow. In addition, the method computes for comparison purposes the aerodynamic sensitivity coefficients using the finite difference approach. The accuracy and validity of the methods are currently under investigation

    Nonequilibrium radiation and chemistry models for aerocapture vehicle flowfields

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    The primary accomplishments of the project were as follows: (1) From an overall standpoint, the primary accomplishment of this research was the development of a complete gasdynamic-radiatively coupled nonequilibrium viscous shock layer solution method for axisymmetric blunt bodies. This method can be used for rapid engineering modeling of nonequilibrium re-entry flowfields over a wide range of conditions. (2) Another significant accomplishment was the development of an air radiation model that included local thermodynamic nonequilibrium (LTNE) phenomena. (3) As part of this research, three electron-electronic energy models were developed. The first was a quasi-equilibrium electron (QEE) model which determined an effective free electron temperature and assumed that the electronic states were in equilibrium with the free electrons. The second was a quasi-equilibrium electron-electronic (QEEE) model which computed an effective electron-electronic temperature. The third model was a full electron-electronic (FEE) differential equation model which included convective, collisional, viscous, conductive, vibrational coupling, and chemical effects on electron-electronic energy. (4) Since vibration-dissociation coupling phenomena as well as vibrational thermal nonequilibrium phenomena are important in the nonequilibrium zone behind a shock front, a vibrational energy and vibration-dissociation coupling model was developed and included in the flowfield model. This model was a modified coupled vibrational dissociation vibrational (MCVDV) model and also included electron-vibrational coupling. (5) Another accomplishment of the project was the usage of the developed models to investigate radiative heating. (6) A multi-component diffusion model which properly models the multi-component nature of diffusion in complex gas mixtures such as air, was developed and incorporated into the blunt body model. (7) A model was developed to predict the magnitude and characteristics of the shock wave precursor ahead of vehicles entering the Earth's atmosphere. (8) Since considerable data exists for radiating nonequilibrium flow behind normal shock waves, a normal shock wave version of the blunt body code was developed. (9) By comparing predictions from the models and codes with available normal shock data and the flight data of Fire II, it is believed that the developed flowfield and nonequilibrium radiation models have been essentially validated for engineering applications

    An initial investigation into methods of computing transonic aerodynamics sensitivity coefficients

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    Based upon the program outlined in the modified proposal, the initial effort has concentrated on developing the quasi-analytical approach for determining aerodynamic influence coefficients. In addition, in order to keep these initial efforts computationally efficient and straightforward, it was decided to first consider only two-dimensional flow and to model the problem using the transonic small perturbation equation with surface boundary conditions applied along the slit. The small perturbation equation was selected instead of the full potential equation because it permits the capturing of important nonlinear physical phenomena while being by comparison easy to handle from a coding standpoint. Consequently, the initial objectives were: (1) investigate the feasibility of using the quasi-analytical approach for determining aerodynamic sensitivity coefficients in the transonic regime; (2) determine the accuracy of the quasi-analytical approach by comparing results to those computed using finite difference techniques; and (3) investigate efficient methods for solving the large set of equations associated with the quasi-analytical approach

    Nonequilibrium radiation and chemistry models for aerocapture vehicle flowfields

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    The primary tasks performed are: (1) the development of a second order local thermodynamic nonequilibrium (LTNE) model for atoms; (2) the continued development of vibrational nonequilibrium models; and (3) the development of a new multicomponent diffusion model. In addition, studies comparing these new models with previous models and results were conducted and reported