664 research outputs found

    Cortisol levels are positively associated with pup-feeding rates in male meerkats

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    In societies of cooperative vertebrates, individual differences in contributions to offspring care are commonly substantial. Recent attempts to explain the causes of this variation have focused on correlations between contributions to care and the protein hormone prolactin, or the steroid hormone testosterone. However, such studies have seldom considered the importance of other hormones or controlled for non-hormonal factors that are correlative with both individual hormone levels and contributions to care. Using multivariate statistics, we show that hormone levels explain significant variation in contributions to pup-feeding by male meerkats, even after controlling for non-hormonal effects. However, long-term contributions to pup provisioning were significantly and positively correlated with plasma levels of cortisol rather than prolactin, while plasma levels of testosterone were not related to individual patterns of pup-feeding. Furthermore, a playback experiment that used pup begging calls to increase the feeding rates of male helpers gave rise to parallel increases in plasma cortisol levels, whilst prolactin and testosterone levels remained unchanged. Our findings confirm that hormones can explain significant amounts of variation in contributions to offspring feeding, and that cortisol, not prolactin, is the hormone most strongly associated with pup-feeding in cooperative male meerkats

    Avalanches and the Renormalization Group for Pinned Charge-Density Waves

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    The critical behavior of charge-density waves (CDWs) in the pinned phase is studied for applied fields increasing toward the threshold field, using recently developed renormalization group techniques and simulations of automaton models. Despite the existence of many metastable states in the pinned state of the CDW, the renormalization group treatment can be used successfully to find the divergences in the polarization and the correlation length, and, to first order in an ϵ=4d\epsilon = 4-d expansion, the diverging time scale. The automaton models studied are a charge-density wave model and a ``sandpile'' model with periodic boundary conditions; these models are found to have the same critical behavior, associated with diverging avalanche sizes. The numerical results for the polarization and the diverging length and time scales in dimensions d=2,3d=2,3 are in agreement with the analytical treatment. These results clarify the connections between the behaviour above and below threshold: the characteristic correlation lengths on both sides of the transition diverge with different exponents. The scaling of the distribution of avalanches on the approach to threshold is found to be different for automaton and continuous-variable models.Comment: 29 pages, 11 postscript figures included, REVTEX v3.0 (dvi and PS files also available by anonymous ftp from external.nj.nec.com in directory /pub/alan/cdwfigs

    Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics and Seiberg-Witten Map

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    In order to overcome ambiguity problem on identification of mathematical objects in noncommutative theory with physical observables, quantum mechanical system coupled to the NC U(1) gauge field in the noncommutative space is reformulated by making use of the unitarized Seiberg-Witten map, and applied to the Aharonov-Bohm and Hall effects of the NC U(1) gauge field. Retaining terms only up to linear order in the NC parameter \theta, we find that the AB topological phase and the Hall conductivity have both the same formulas as those of the ordinary commutative space with no \theta-dependence.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, uses revtex4; 8 pages, conclusion changed, Appendix adde

    Avalanches in the Weakly Driven Frenkel-Kontorova Model

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    A damped chain of particles with harmonic nearest-neighbor interactions in a spatially periodic, piecewise harmonic potential (Frenkel-Kontorova model) is studied numerically. One end of the chain is pulled slowly which acts as a weak driving mechanism. The numerical study was performed in the limit of infinitely weak driving. The model exhibits avalanches starting at the pulled end of the chain. The dynamics of the avalanches and their size and strength distributions are studied in detail. The behavior depends on the value of the damping constant. For moderate values a erratic sequence of avalanches of all sizes occurs. The avalanche distributions are power-laws which is a key feature of self-organized criticality (SOC). It will be shown that the system selects a state where perturbations are just able to propagate through the whole system. For strong damping a regular behavior occurs where a sequence of states reappears periodically but shifted by an integer multiple of the period of the external potential. There is a broad transition regime between regular and irregular behavior, which is characterized by multistability between regular and irregular behavior. The avalanches are build up by sound waves and shock waves. Shock waves can turn their direction of propagation, or they can split into two pulses propagating in opposite directions leading to transient spatio-temporal chaos. PACS numbers: 05.70.Ln,05.50.+q,46.10.+zComment: 33 pages (RevTex), 15 Figures (available on request), appears in Phys. Rev.

    Neutrino Quasielastic Scattering on Nuclear Targets: Parametrizing Transverse Enhancement (Meson Exchange Currents)

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    We present a parametrization of the observed enhancement in the transverse electron quasielastic (QE) response function for nucleons bound in carbon as a function of the square of the four momentum transfer (Q2Q^2) in terms of a correction to the magnetic form factors of bound nucleons. The parametrization should also be applicable to the transverse cross section in neutrino scattering. If the transverse enhancement originates from meson exchange currents (MEC), then it is theoretically expected that any enhancement in the longitudinal or axial contributions is small. We present the predictions of the "Transverse Enhancement" model (which is based on electron scattering data only) for the νμ,νˉμ\nu_\mu, \bar{\nu}_\mu differential and total QE cross sections for nucleons bound in carbon. The Q2Q^2 dependence of the transverse enhancement is observed to resolve much of the long standing discrepancy in the QE total cross sections and differential distributions between low energy and high energy neutrino experiments on nuclear targets.Comment: Revised Version- July 21, 2011: 17 pages, 20 Figures. To be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Mirror Dark Matter and Core Density of Galaxies

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    We present a particle physics realization of a recent suggestion by Spergel and Steinhardt that collisional but dissipationless dark matter may resolve the core density problem in dark matter-dominated galaxies such as the dwarf galaxies. The realization is the asymmetric mirror universe model introduced to explain the neutrino puzzles and the microlensing anomaly. The mirror baryons are the dark matter particles with the desired properties. The time scales are right for resolution of the core density problem and formation of mirror stars (MACHOs observed in microlensing experiments). The mass of the region homogenized by Silk damping is between a dwarf and a large galaxy.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex. The present version shows that atomic scattering inherent in the mirror model can solve the core density problem without the need for an extra U(1) discussed in the original version; all conclusions are unchanged. This version is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Antiferromagnetic and van Hove Scenarios for the Cuprates: Taking the Best of Both Worlds

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    A theory for the high temperature superconductors is proposed. Holes are spin-1/2, charge e, quasiparticles strongly dressed by spin fluctuations. Based on their dispersion, it is claimed that the experimentally observed van Hove singularities of the cuprates are likely originated by antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations. From the two carriers problem in the 2D t-J model, an effective Hamiltonian for holes is defined with %no free parameters. This effective model has superconductivity in the dx2y2{\rm d_{x^2-y^2}} channel, a critical temperature Tc100K{\rm T_c \sim 100K} at the optimal hole density, x=0.15{\rm x=0.15}, and a quasiparticle lifetime linearly dependent with energy. Other experimental results are also quantitativelyquantitatively reproduced by the theory.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures (on request), RevTeX (version 3.0), preprint NHMF

    Effective action approach and Carlson-Goldman mode in d-wave superconductors

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    We theoretically investigate the Carlson-Goldman (CG) mode in two-dimensional clean d-wave superconductors using the effective ``phase only'' action formalism. In conventional s-wave superconductors, it is known that the CG mode is observed as a peak in the structure factor of the pair susceptibility S(Ω,K)S(\Omega, \mathbf{K}) only just below the transition temperature T_c and only in dirty systems. On the other hand, our analytical results support the statement by Y.Ohashi and S.Takada, Phys.Rev.B {\bf 62}, 5971 (2000) that in d-wave superconductors the CG mode can exist in clean systems down to the much lower temperatures, T0.1TcT \approx 0.1 T_c. We also consider the manifestations of the CG mode in the density-density and current-current correlators and discuss the gauge independence of the obtained results.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX4, 12 EPS figures; final version to appear in PR

    Fine Structure of Avalanches in the Abelian Sandpile Model

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    We study the two-dimensional Abelian Sandpile Model on a square lattice of linear size L. We introduce the notion of avalanche's fine structure and compare the behavior of avalanches and waves of toppling. We show that according to the degree of complexity in the fine structure of avalanches, which is a direct consequence of the intricate superposition of the boundaries of successive waves, avalanches fall into two different categories. We propose scaling ans\"{a}tz for these avalanche types and verify them numerically. We find that while the first type of avalanches has a simple scaling behavior, the second (complex) type is characterized by an avalanche-size dependent scaling exponent. This provides a framework within which one can understand the failure of a consistent scaling behavior in this model.Comment: 10 page

    Methods to Determine Neutrino Flux at Low Energies:Investigation of the Low ν\nu Method

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    We investigate the "low-ν\nu" method (developed by the CCFR/NUTEV collaborations) to determine the neutrino flux in a wide band neutrino beam at very low energies, a region of interest to neutrino oscillations experiments. Events with low hadronic final state energy ν<νcut\nu<\nu_{cut} (of 1, 2 and 5 GeV) were used by the MINOS collaboration to determine the neutrino flux in their measurements of neutrino (νμ\nu_\mu) and antineutrino (\nub_\mu) total cross sections. The lowest νμ\nu_\mu energy for which the method was used in MINOS is 3.5 GeV, and the lowest \nub_\mu energy is 6 GeV. At these energies, the cross sections are dominated by inelastic processes. We investigate the application of the method to determine the neutrino flux for νμ\nu_\mu, \nub_\mu energies as low as 0.7 GeV where the cross sections are dominated by quasielastic scattering and Δ\Delta(1232) resonance production. We find that the method can be extended to low energies by using νcut\nu_{cut} values of 0.25 and 0.50 GeV, which is feasible in fully active neutrino detectors such as MINERvA.Comment: 25 pages, 32 figures, to be published in European Physics Journal