200 research outputs found

    Fundamentos del Postmodernismo y el no estar ni ahí de la Universidad en (y de) Chile

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    Se ha tratado de desprestigiar al postmodernismo y no se ha valorado su gran contribución a la cultura universal. El postmodernismo empieza a desarrollarse cuando el ser humano se da cuenta que no tan solo sus órganos de los sentidos pueden engañarlo, sino que también su intelecto, razón y sus facultades superiores más preciadas. Las caídas del positivismo y del racionalismo le abrieron la puerta, apoyado por la insuficiencia de la ciencia y la filosofía para entender el universo. La nomología (legalidad) ha tenido que resignarse frente a la ideografía (procesos irrepetibles e irreversibles) para entender el desarrollo universal. La antinomia del mentiroso, el teorema de Gödel, los procesos caóticos, la impredecibilidad, la incertidumbre, son parte de sus elementos sustantivos. El postmodernismo ha condenado a los ideologismos nomológicos o raciales que terminaron en las masacres de la Revolución Francesa, el Nazismo y las dos Guerras Mundiales, entre otros.An attempt to discredit Postmodernism has taken place, yet its great contribution to universal culture has not been valued likewise. Postmodernism begins to develop when the human being realizes that not only their sense organs can deceive them, but also his intellect, reason and his most prized higher faculties. The fall of positivism and rationalism opened the door, supported by the failure of science and philosophy to understand the universe. The nomology (legality) has had to resign in front of the ideograph (unrepeatable and irreversible processes) to understand the development of the universe. The antinomy of the liar, Gödel’s theorem, chaotic processes, unpredictability, uncertainty, are part of its substantive elements. Postmodernism has condemned the nomological or race ideologisms that ended in the massacres of the French Revolution, Nazism, and the two World Wars, among others.Le discrédit du postmodernisme a empêché d’apprécier sa contribution à la culture universelle. Il commence à se développer lorsque l’être humain prend conscience que non seulement ses organes sensitifs le trompent, mais aussi son intellect, sa raison et ses facultés supérieures les plus précieuses. Les dépassements du positivisme et du rationalisme lui ont ouvert la porte, ainsi que l’insuffisance de la science et de la philosophie pour appréhender l’univers. La nomologie (légalité) a dû se résigner face à l’idéographie (processus uniques et irréversibles) pour comprendre le progrès universel. L’antinomie du menteur, le théorème de Gödel, les processus chaotiques, l’imprévisible, l’incertitude, sont autant d’éléments substantifs. Le postmodernisme a condamné les idéologismes nomologiques ou raciaux qui aboutirent aux massacres de la Révolution Française, le nazisme et les deux guerres mondiales, entre autres.Temos tentado desacreditar o pós-modernismo e não tenha apreciado a sua grande contribuição para a cultura do mundo. O pós-modernismo está começando a se desenvolver quando o ser humano percebe que não só os seus órgãos dos sentidos podem enganar, mas também sua inteligência, a razão e as suas faculdades mais premiado superior. A queda do positivismo e do racionalismo abriu a porta, apoiado pelo fracasso da ciência e da filosofia para entender o universo. O Nomologia (lei) teve de demitir-se na frente do ideograma processos (irrepetível e irreversível) para entender o desenvolvimento universal. A antinomia do mentiroso, o teorema de Gödel, processos caótica, imprevisibilidade, incerteza fazem parte dos seus elementos substantivos. O pós-modernismo, condenou os ideólogos, ou nomológica corrida que terminou com o massacre da Revolução Francesa, o nazismo, e as duas Guerras Mundiais, entre outros

    Differences of the oral colonization by Streptococcus of the mutans group in children and adolescents with Down syndrome, mental retardation and normal controls

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    Objective: to compare the concentration and serotype of Streptococcus mutans in saliva of Down syndrome (DS), mental retarded (MR) and healthy control (C) individuals of the Región Metropolitana Sur of Santiago of Chile. Design of the study: Hundred and seventy nine male and females children and adolescents, aged between 5 to 19 years, 59 DS, 60 MR and 60 C were studied. Saliva samples were cultured in TYCSB agar for quantification, biochemical and serological tests. ANOVA and Chi-square for homogeneity tests were applied. Results: C, DS and MR presented Streptococcus mutans (serotypes c, e, f) and Streptococcus sobrinus (d, g, h), but only among DS and MR non-typifiable (No-tip) Streptococcus mutans were found. MR and DS showed higher bacteria concentration scores than C (P=0.001). Serotypes showed a significant heterogeneity of concentration scores: d, g, h showed the highest and No-tip the lowest one (P = 0.037). Conclusions: No-tip bacteria were absent in C and present in MR and DS; this result indicates different immune and ecological conditions among these human groups. The score of Streptococcus mutans in saliva was higher in DS and MR than in C

    Confirmación de la expectativa vacación-estudio como factor principal del ritmo anual de incidencia y edad de menarquia

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    Quantitative interactions between Candida albicans and the mutans streptococci in patients with Down Syndrome

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    Abstract Background: Oral microorganisms produce damage through the transfer to bloodstream, colonizing other tissues or direct damage in the oral cavity. Aim to study the quantitative interactions between C. albicans and the mutans streptococci and ms serotypes in the saliva of the oral cavity of patients with Down syndrome (DS). Material and Methods: Included 120 patients of both genders, 60 patients with Down syndrome (DS) and 60 patients as a control group (CG). Samples of saliva were taken, and bacteria and fungi were grown on TYCSB and Saboureaud agar. Microbiological, serological and quantitative analyses were performed to determine the kind of isolated of microorganisms corresponding to the ms c, e, f and k for species S. mutans and d and g for S. sobrinus and C. albicans. Electronic scanning microscopy was employed to visualize and confirm the colonies under study. Statistics analysis included t-test proofs for matched data test, Scheffé and ANOVA

    Malignant melanoma in Chile: different site distribution between private and state patients

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    BACKGROUND: The body site location of primary Malignant Melanoma (MM) has been correlated with prognosis and survival. Ethnic, genetics, sun exposure factors are related to the anatomical distribution of MM. Low and high socioeconomic strata in Chile differ in ethnic, genetic and cultural conditions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the anatomical MM distribution in the Chilean population in both strata searching for differences due to their ethno-genetic-cultural differences. Records of 1148 MM, 575cases from state hospitals (Low Socioeconomic Strata, LSS) and 573 cases from private clinics (High Socioeconomic Strata, HSS) were analyzed by body site. RESULTS: Females from LSS showed a higher number of MM in soles, cheeks, and around the eye area. Females from the HSS showed a higher number of MM in dorsal feet and dorsal hands. Males from LSS showed a higher number of MM in soles, around the eye area, and cheeks. However, males from HSS showed a higher number of MM in the trunk, and in the arms. Acral MM was significantly higher in LSS than in the HSS in both sexes. The Chilean population from the HSS and LSS showed differences in the distribution of MM by site. Furthermore, gender differences in the proportion of MM analyzed by anatomical site are observed in both strata. CONCLUSIONS: Results show evidence that differential genetics factors, sun exposure, or other environmental or cultural factors of both strata may account for these differences

    Non-random pre-transcriptional evolution in HIV-1. A refutation of the foundational conditions for neutral evolution

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    The complete base sequence of HIV-1 virus and GP120 ENV gene were analyzed to establish their distance to the expected neutral random sequence. An especial methodology was devised to achieve this aim. Analyses included: a) proportion of dinucleotides (signatures); b) homogeneity in the distribution of dinucleotides and bases (isochores) by dividing both segments in ten and three sub-segments, respectively; c) probability of runs of bases and No-bases according to the Bose-Einstein distribution. The analyses showed a huge deviation from the random distribution expected from neutral evolution and neutral-neighbor influence of nucleotide sites. The most significant result is the tremendous lack of CG dinucleotides (p < 10-50 ), a selective trait of eukaryote and not of single stranded RNA virus genomes. Results not only refute neutral evolution and neutral neighbor influence, but also strongly indicate that any base at any nucleotide site correlates with all the viral genome or sub-segments. These results suggest that evolution of HIV-1 is pan-selective rather than neutral or nearly neutral

    Association of common ATM variants with familial breast cancer in a South American population

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    Background: The ATM gene has been frequently involved in hereditary breast cancer as a low-penetrance susceptibility gene but evidence regarding the role of ATM as a breast cancer susceptibility gene has been contradictory. Methods: In this study, a full mutation analysis of the ATM gene was carried out in patients from 137 Chilean breast cancer families, of which 126 were BRCA1/2 negatives and 11 BRCA1/2 positives. We further perform a case-control study between the subgroup of 126 cases BRCA1/2 negatives and 200 controls for the 5557G > A missense variant and the IVS38-8T > C and the IVS24-9delT polymorphisms. Results: In the full mutation analysis we detected two missense variants and eight intronic polymorphisms. Carriers of the variant IVS24-9delT, or IVS38-8T > C, or 5557G > A showed an increase in breast cancer risk. The higher significance was observed in the carriers of IVS38-8T > C (OR = 3.09 [95% CI 1.11-8.59], p = 0.024). The IVS24-9 T/(-T), IVS38-8 T/C, 5557 G/A composite genotype confered a 3.19 fold increase in breast cancer risk (OR = 3.19 [ 95% CI 1.16-8.89], p = 0.021). The haplotype estimation suggested a strong linkage disequilibrium between the three markers (D' = 1). We detected only three haplotypes in the cases and control samples, some of these may be founder haplotypes in the Chilean population. Conclusion: The IVS24-9 T/(-T), IVS38-8 T/C, 5557 G/A composite genotype alone or in combination with certain genetic background and/or environmental factors, could modify the cancer risk by increasing genetic inestability or by altering the effect of the normal DNA damage response

    Enhanced Leishmania braziliensis Infection Following Pre-Exposure to Sandfly Saliva

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    Parasites of the genus Leishmania cause a variety of diseases known as leishmaniasis, that are transmitted by bites of female sand flies that, during blood-feeding, inject humans with parasites and saliva. It was shown that, in mice, immunity to sand-fly saliva is able to protect against the development of leishmaniasis. We have investigated, in the present study, whether this finding extends the sand fly species Lutzomyia intermedia, which is responsible for transmission of Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite species able to cause destructive skin lesions that can be fatal if left untreated. We observed that mice injected with sand fly saliva develop a specific immune response against salivary proteins. Most importantly, however, this immune response was unable to protect mice against a challenge infection with L. braziliensis, indicating that exposure to this sand fly saliva is harmful to the host. Indeed, subjects with cutaneous leishmaniasis have a higher immune response against L. intermedia saliva. These findings indicate that the anti-saliva immune response to sand fly saliva plays an important role in the outcome of leishmaniasis caused by L. braziliensis, in both mice and humans, and emphasize possible hurdles in the development of vaccines based on sand fly saliva