422 research outputs found

    Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome as a cause of acute abdomen: case report

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    The case of a young adult woman who came to the emergency room with acute surgical abdomen is presented. As part of her treatment, laboratory studies were performed, highlighting leukocytosis at the expense of neutrophilia. An abdominal CT study with contrast was also performed, which showed free fluid in the abdominal cavity without diagnostic confirmation, so a diagnostic laparoscopy was performed where perihepatic adhesions were evident on violin strings suggestive of Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome. Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome is an entity little reported in the surgical literature. Its manifestations are nonspecific with generalized abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. It is a diagnostic challenge since it can be confused with other surgical gastrointestinal pathologies such as appendicitis or cholecystitis, occurs in both genders, although it is more common in women of reproductive age, its diagnosis is usually a postoperative finding, the prognosis will depend on the postoperative findings and non-surgical management. We present a review of the literature and a reported case

    Stercoraceous perforation, rare but potentially fatal cause: case report

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    Stercoraceous perforation is an infrequent pathology but with high mortality rates, it is increasingly recognized as a consequence of chronic constipation, it occurs in elderly people, the diagnosis is a surgical challenge, sudden abdominal pain is the initial symptom associated with signs of peritoneal irritation and the diagnostic study of choice is tomography, the treatment of choice is early surgery, the prognosis is related to the patient's comorbidities. We present the clinical case and review of the subject of a 72-year-old woman who presented stercoraceous perforation secondary to chronic constipation, emergency surgery was performed with resection of the affected bowel, colostomy and Hartmann's pouch with favorable short-term results

    On the Performance of Carbon Nanotubes on Sintered Alumina-Zirconia Ceramics

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    The alumina (Al2O3) and zirconia (ZrO2) ceramic monoliths and their combination are used in both technical and biomedical applications due to their combination of excellent chemical, physical, and mechanical properties. Pressureless sintering (PLS), reaction bonding (RB), hot pressing (HP), hot isostatic pressing (HIP), and spark plasma sintering (SPS) are the sintering methods more commonly used. The high brittleness, the low fracture toughness, and low thermal stability that possess these ceramics are its Achilles heel for numerous engineering applications. The incorporation of a second phase such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into the ceramic matrix has been attempted to overcome these drawbacks but the obtained results are still controversial considering that the homogeneous dispersion of CNTs and the interfacial bonding between two different ceramic materials remains as a difficult task leading to little or even no improvement in mechanical properties. Besides, the role of CNTs in the sintering of ceramic materials is not clear in the scientific literature taking into account parameters such as materials used and particularly inconsistencies in dispersion and mixing of the CNTs. We discuss how the CNTs can affect the sintering behavior and microstructural evolution of alumina and zirconia ceramics and the combination of them

    Propiedades físicas de estructuras tipo perovskita: Síntesis y aplicaciones

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    Perovskite-type materials have aroused great interest given the flexibility they have to accommodate elements of different ionic radii, allowing them to be stable. This has led to the study of specific families, named according to the cation with the lowest ionic radius in the structure, such is the case of materials based on cobalt (cobaltites), on manganese (manganites), on iron with bismuth (bismuth ferrites), in iridium (iridiatos). In the present work a brief description of the perovskite structure is made, in the same way the basic characteristics of some families that have been important for their contribution in the field of basic science and applications are detailed, within which the materials are mentioned. copper-based high critical temperature superconductors, and some important dry and wet synthesis methods are described. It is obtained that according to its constituent elements, the properties exhibited by each material are different and varied, and therefore, it is possible to find materials applied from sensors, to those applied in catalysis. Even when your answer is varied, from the structural point of view, all materials share the order of octahedra connected by vertices that enclose the largest cationLos materiales tipo perovskita han despertado gran interés dada la flexibilidad que poseen para acomodar elementos de diferentes radios iónicos, permitiéndoles ser estable. Ello ha conllevado al estudio de familias específicas, nombradas de acuerdo al catión de menor radio iónico en la estructura, tal es es el caso de materiales basados en cobalto (cobaltitas), en manganeso (manganitas), en hierro con bismuto (ferritas de bismuto), en iridio (iridiatos). En el presente trabajo se realiza una breve descripción de la estructura perovskita, de igual forma se detallan las características básicas de algunas familias que han sido importantes por su contribución en el campo de la ciencia básica y aplicaciones, dentro de los cuales se menciona los materiales superconductores de alta temperatura crítica basados en cobre, y se describen algunos métodos importantes de síntesis por vía húmeda y seca. Se obtiene que, de acuerdo con sus elementos constituyentes, las propiedades exhibidas por cada material son diferentes y variadas, y por tanto, es posible encontrar materiales aplicados desde sensores, hasta los aplicados en catálisis. Aun cuando su respuesta sea variada, desde el punto de vista estructural, todos los materiales comparten el ordenamiento de octaedros conectados por vértices que encierran el catión de mayor tamaño

    Propuesta plan de responsabilidad social Clean Shester.

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    En esa búsqueda de satisfacer cada una de esas situaciones, en mayor o menor porcentaje; surgen una serie de procesos que conllevan a que las empresas se direccionen bajo un código de conducta que evidencie ciertas características éticas del ser humano, promulgando la importancia del respeto, el cumplimiento, la lealtad, la honradez y la ética, características que hacen que las relaciones sociales que desarrolla la empresa con su entorno, sean armónicas, agregando un valor agregado a los productos y servicios ofrecidos, donde se evidencia altos estándares de competitividad y productividad.In this quest to satisfy each of these situations, in greater or lesser percentage; arise a series of processes that lead companies to address themselves under a code of conduct that demonstrates certain ethical characteristics of the human being, promulgating the importance of respect, compliance, loyalty, honesty and ethics, characteristics that make social relations that the company develops with its environment, are harmonious, adding added value to the products and services offered, where high standards of competitiveness and productivity are evident

    Acromegalia por macroadenoma hipofisiario en paciente con síndrome de McCune-Albright. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Background: McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare disease characterized by the triad: café-au-lait skin spots, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, and precocious puberty. It can affect various hormonal axes, including growth hormone (GH), and may be associated with acromegaly. Case report : We describe the case of a 44-year-old woman with peripheral precocious puberty, abnormal uterine bleeding, growth of the hands and feet, prognathism, frontal prominence, café-au-lait spots, and stony tumors on the face and forearms. Results: Supported by laboratory and imaging tests, the diagnoses of acromegaly, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and McCune-Albright syndrome were reached. The patient underwent surgical treatment with persistence of clinical and laboratory disease. Conclusion: Timely diagnosis and treatment of acromegaly and its complications will provide a better prognosis for patients with MAS.Introducción: El síndrome de McCune-Albright (SMA) es una enfermedad rara caracterizada por la triada: manchas cutáneas de color café con leche, displasia fibrosa poliostótica y pubertad precoz. Puede afectar a diversos ejes hormonales, entre ellos el de la hormona de crecimiento (GH), pudiendo asociarse a acromegalia. Reporte de caso: describimos el caso de una mujer de 44 años, con pubertad precoz periférica, hemorragia uterina anormal, crecimiento de manos y pies, prognatismo, prominencia frontal, manchas café con leche y tumoraciones pétreas en cara y antebrazos. Resultados: Apoyados con exámenes laboratoriales y de imágenes, se llegaron a los diagnósticos de acromegalia, hipogonadismo hipogonadotropo y síndrome de McCune-Albright. La paciente fue sometida a tratamiento quirúrgico con persistencia de enfermedad clínica y laboratorial. Conclusión: El diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos de la acromegalia y sus complicaciones brindará un mejor pronóstico a los pacientes con SMA

    Plan de negocios Peti-Commerce suscripción de abastecimiento y reposición de alimento para mascotas caninas en Lima, Perú periodo 2024-2026

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    El presente resumen ejecutivo proporciona una visión general del Plan de Negocio desarrollado para la empresa Peti-Commerce, cuyo enfoque se centra en el mercado de mascotas caninas en Lima Metropolitana. Peti-Commerce ofrece un servicio de abastecimiento y reposición “inteligente” de alimentos para mascotas caninas en los distritos de Nivel Socioeconómico (NSE) A/B y C, principalmente en las Zonas 6, 7 y 8. La investigación de mercado ha demostrado una demanda sostenible y significativa en el mercado de alimentos para mascotas, especialmente en las ventas a través de canales digitales. Sin embargo, la modalidad de suscripción para el abastecimiento y reposición “inteligente” es un nicho inexplorado, lo que brinda una oportunidad única para Peti-Commerce