17 research outputs found

    The Vacuum Einstein Equations via Holonomy around Closed Loops on Characteristic Surfaces

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    We reformulate the standard local equations of general relativity for asymptotically flat spacetimes in terms of two non-local quantities, the holonomy HH around certain closed null loops on characteristic surfaces and the light cone cut function ZZ, which describes the intersection of the future null cones from arbitrary spacetime points, with future null infinity. We obtain a set of differential equations for HH and ZZ equivalent to the vacuum Einstein equations. By finding an algebraic relation between HH and ZZ this set of equations is reduced to just two coupled equations: an integro-differential equation for ZZ which yields the conformal structure of the underlying spacetime and a linear differential equation for the ``vacuum'' conformal factor. These equations, which apply to all vacuum asymptotically flat spacetimes, are however lengthy and complicated and we do not yet know of any solution generating technique. They nevertheless are amenable to an attractive perturbative scheme which has Minkowski space as a zeroth order solution.Comment: 28 pages, RevTeX, 3 PostScript figure

    Center of Mass and spin for isolated sources of gravitational radiation

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    We define the center of mass and spin of an isolated system in General Relativity. The resulting relationships between these variables and the total linear and angular momentum of the gravitational system are remarkably similar to their Newtonian counterparts, though only variables at the null boundary of an asymptotically flat spacetime are used for their definition. We also derive equations of motion linking their time evolution to the emitted gravitational radiation. The results are then compared to other approaches. In particular one obtains unexpected similarities as well as some differences with results obtained in the Post Newtonian literature . These equations of motion should be useful when describing the radiation emitted by compact sources such as coalescing binaries capable of producing gravitational kicks, supernovas, or scattering of compact objects.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Astrophysical limits on quantum gravity motivated birefringence

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    We obtain observational upper bounds on a class of quantum gravity related birefringence effects, by analyzing the presence of linear polarization in the optical and ultraviolet spectrum of some distant sources. In the notation of Gambini and Pullin we find χ<103\chi < 10^{-3}.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Superselection Sectors in Asymptotic Quantization of Gravity

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    Using the continuity of the scalar Ψ2\Psi_2 (the mass aspect) at null infinity through ioi_o we show that the space of radiative solutions of general relativity can be thought of a fibered space where the value of Ψ2\Psi_2 at ioi_o plays the role of the base space. We also show that the restriction of the available symplectic form to each ``fiber'' is degenerate. By finding the orbit manifold of this degenerate direction we obtain the reduced phase space for the radiation data. This reduced phase space posses a global structure, i.e., it does not distinguishes between future or past null infinity. Thus, it can be used as the space of quantum gravitons. Moreover, a Hilbert space can be constructed on each ``fiber'' if an appropriate definition of scalar product is provided. Since there is no natural correspondence between the Hilbert spaces of different foliations they define superselection sectors on the space of asymptotic quantum states.Comment: 22 pages, revtex fil

    Linearized Einstein theory via null surfaces

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    Recently there has been developed a reformulation of General Relativity - referred to as {\it the null surface version of GR} - where instead of the metric field as the basic variable of the theory, families of three-surfaces in a four-manifold become basic. From these surfaces themselves, a conformal metric, conformal to an Einstein metric, can be constructed. A choice of conformal factor turns them into Einstein metrics. The surfaces are then automatically characteristic surfaces of this metric. In the present paper we explore the linearization of this {\it null surface theory} and compare it with the standard linear GR. This allows a better understanding of many of the subtle mathematical issues and sheds light on some of the obscure points of the null surface theory. It furthermore permits a very simple solution generating scheme for the linear theory and the beginning of a perturbation scheme for the full theory.Comment: 22 page

    Final velocity and radiated energy in numerical simulations of binary black holes

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    The evolution of global binary black holes variables such as energy or linear momentum are mainly obtained by applying numerical methods near coalescence, post-Newtonian (PN) expansions, or a combination of both. In this paper, we use a fully relativistic formalism presented several years ago that only uses global variables defined at null infinity together with the gravitational radiation emitted by the source to obtain the time evolution of such variables for binary black holes (BBH) systems. For that, we use the Rochester catalog composed of 776 BBHs simulations. We compute the final velocity, radiated energy, and intrinsic angular momentum predicted by the dynamical equations in this formalism for nonspinning, aligned and antialigned spins, and several different precessing configurations. We compare obtained values with reported values in numerical simulations. As BBHs parameter space is still not completely covered by numerical simulations, we fit phenomenological formulas for practical applications to the radiated energy and final velocities obtained. Also, we compare the fits with reported values. In conclusion, we see that our formulae and correlations for the variables described in this work are consistent with those found in the general literature.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Smooth null hypersurfaces near the horizon in the presence of tails

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    We show that the power-law decay modes found in linear perturbations of Schwarzschild black holes, generally called tails, do not produce caustics on a naturally defined family of null surfaces in the neighborhood of i+ of a black hole horizon

    Conformal Einstein equations and Cartan conformal connection

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    Necessary and sufficient conditions for a space-time to be conformal to an Einstein space-time are interpreted in terms of curvature restrictions for the corresponding Cartan conformal connection

    On low energy quantum gravity induced effects on the propagation of light

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    Present models describing the interaction of quantum Maxwell and gravitational fields predict a breakdown of Lorentz invariance and a non standard dispersion relation in the semiclassical approximation. Comparison with observational data however, does not support their predictions. In this work we introduce a different set of ab initio assumptions in the canonical approach, namely that the homogeneous Maxwell equations are valid in the semiclassical approximation, and find that the resulting field equations are Lorentz invariant in the semiclassical limit. We also include a phenomenological analysis of possible effects on the propagation of light, and their dependence on energy, in a cosmological context.Comment: 12 page