2,788 research outputs found

    On the Hardware Implementation of Triangle Traversal Algorithms for Graphics Processing

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    Current GPU architectures provide impressive processing rates in graphical applications because of their specialized graphics pipeline. However, little attention has been paid to the analysis and study of different hardware architectures to implement specific pipeline stages. In this work we have identified one of the key stages in the graphics pipeline, the triangle traversal procedure, and we have implemented three different algorithms in hardware: bounding-box, zig-zag and Hilbert curve-based. The experimental results show that important area-performance trade-offs can be met when implementing key image processing algorithms in hardwar

    Development of a new automated method for the quantification of nuclear immunohistochemical markers

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    Antecedentes: La evaluación de marcadores inmunohistoquímicos se realiza con fines diagnósticos, terapéuticos e investigadores de forma manual. La utilización del análisis informatizado de imágenes digitales para evaluar estos marcadores aún no es suficientemente eficaz. Objetivos: Diseñar un nuevo procedimiento informatizado para cuantificar marcadores inmunohistoquímicos nucleares y evaluar los efectos de la compresión de imágenes. Métodos: El procedimiento desarrollado consta de diferentes etapas, donde se evalúan diferentes marcadores immunohistoquímicos utilizados en cáncer de mama y en linfoma. Resultados: El análisis estadístico demostró una gran validez del método automatizado. La redondez fue el único parámetro morfológico afectado por la compresión. Unos factores correctores fueron desarrollados para corregir esta afectación y la variabilidad en la cuantificación producida por esta afectación. Conclusiones: Este nuevo procedimiento automatizado es un método objetivo, más rápido y reproducible que tiene un excelente nivel de precisión, incluso con imágenes digitales de elevada complejidad y también en imágenes comprimidas. Background: The evaluation of immunohistochemical markers is carried out manually for diagnostic, therapeutic and research purposes. The use of a computerized digital image analysis to evaluate these markers is not sufficiently effective yet.Objectives: To design a new computerized procedure to quantify nuclear immunohistochemical markers and evaluate the effects of image compression.Methods: The procedure developed consists of several stages which evaluate different immunohistochemical markers used in breast cancer and lymphoma.Results: Statistical analysis demonstrated a high validity of the automated method. The roundness was the only morphological parameter affected by compression. Some correction factors were developed to correct this disorder and the variability in the measurement caused by this disorder.Conclusions: This new automated process is objective, faster and it has also an excellent level of accuracy, even with highly complex digital images and compressed images

    SENHOD: Scarce-Resources Wireless Sensor Network for Healthcare in Oil Derricks

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    We present our experience with designing, developing, and deploying of a Scarce-resource Wireless Sensor Network (SWSN) for monitoring temperature and humidity high above oil derricks (drilling tower) in PEMEX (Parastatal Mexican Petroleum Company) drilling facilities. SENHOD system (scarce-resources wireless SEnsor Network for Healthcare in Oil Derricks) represents an information tool to reduce derrickmens’ health risk due to high temperature and humidity exposure during a working day. For our deployment we meet the design requirements, in accordance to the scenario and its necessities. SENHOD has suitable operation characteristics configurable by users, such as: operation modes, physical parameter selection, sensing rate, and awake-sleep nodes

    Design of an Efficient Interconnection Network of Temperature Sensors

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    Temperature has become a first class design constraint because high temperatures adversely affect circuit reliability, static power and degrade the performance. In this scenario, thermal characterization of ICs and on-chip temperature monitoring represent fundamental tasks in electronic design. In this work, we analyze the features that an interconnection network of temperature sensors must fulfill. Departing from the network topology, we continue with the proposal of a very light-weight network architecture based on digitalization resource sharing. Our proposal supposes a 16% improvement in area and power consumption compared to traditional approache

    Temperatura corporal y temperatura de calentamiento en el cuidado de pacientes grandes quemados

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    Objectives: To describe the heating methods and their application to maintain body temperature in majors burn patients.Methodology: Bibliographic review carried out between September 2019 and February 2020 about the thermoregulation and heating of the burn patient in the CINHAL, CUIDEN, PUBMED, MEDES and WOS databases in Spanish and English, documents from the last 10 years, from which 26 were analyzed.Results: Hypermetabolic response and hypothalamic reprogramming cause an increase in basal temperature in burn patients between 37 and 38.5ºC without infectious origin. To decrease the energy expenditure at rest and the hypermetabolic response, it is possible to act through a high ambient temperature between 28 and 32ºC as passive external heating. Discussion: Other external heating methods can achieve this goal such as convective air blankets, heating plates, or surface systems.Conclusions: The recommendation of warming by means of high ambient temperature, which creates hostile environments for workers and patients, should be reviewed through the study of the inclusion of active external warming methods.Objetivos: El objetivo es describir los métodos de calentamiento y su aplicación para el mantenimiento de la temperatura corporal en el paciente gran quemado.Metodología: Revisión bibliográfica realizada entre septiembre de 2019 y febrero de 2020 acerca de la termorregulación y calentamiento del paciente quemado en las bases de datos CINAHL, CUIDEN, PUBMED, MEDES y WOS en español e inglés, de los últimos 10 años, de los cuales fueron analizados 24 documentos.Resultados: La respuesta hipermetabólica y la reprogramación hipotalámica provocan un aumento de la temperatura basal en los pacientes quemados, entre 37 y 38,5ºC sin origen infeccioso. Para disminuir el gasto energético en reposo y la repuesta hipermetabólica se puede aplicar una temperatura ambiental elevada, como calentamiento externo pasivo, entre 28 y 32ºC. Discusión: Existen otros métodos de calentamiento externo activo que pueden conseguir el mismo objetivo como las mantas de aire convectivo, placas térmicas o sistemas de superficie.Conclusión: Debe revisarse la recomendación de calentamiento mediante temperatura ambiental elevada, que crea ambientes hostiles para los trabajadores y los pacientes, a través del estudio de la inclusión de métodos de calentamiento externo activo

    A 0.0016 mm(2) 0.64 nJ leakage-based CMOS temperature sensor

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    This paper presents a CMOS temperature sensor based on the thermal dependencies of the leakage currents targeting the 65 nm node. To compensate for the effect of process fluctuations, the proposed sensor realizes the ratio of two measures of the time it takes a capacitor to discharge through a transistor in the subthreshold regime. Furthermore, a novel charging mechanism for the capacitor is proposed to further increase the robustness against fabrication variability. The sensor, including digitization and interfacing, occupies 0.0016 mm2 and has an energy consumption of 47.7–633 pJ per sample. The resolution of the sensor is 0.28 °C, and the 3σ inaccuracy over the range 40–110 °C is 1.17 °C

    First record of Clavularia carpediem Weinberg, 1986 (Anthozoa, Stolonifera) since its original description: taxonomical, zoogeographical and bathymetrical data

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    First record of Clavularia carpediem Weinberg, 1986 (Anthozoa, Stolonifera) since its original description: taxonomical, zoogeographical and bathymetrical data.- The stoloniferous octocoral Clavularia carpediem Weinberg, 1986 has been found in the european side of the Strait of Gibraltar. This especies is only known from the Alboran Sea. The distinguishing features of this species are the presence of sclerites in the tentacles, a very ornamented crown and the size range of the two principal groups of sclentes: thick spindles with complex tubercles and more slender ones, with simple tubercles, that occurs in the anthosteles and stolons. The extemal morphology of Clavularia carpediem Weinberg, 1986 from the Strait of Gibraltar and the variability of the sclentes are described. Some aspects related to its habitat, biology and zoogeography are discussed

    A low-area reference-free power supply sensor

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    Power supply unpredictable uctuations jeopardize the functioning of several types of current electronic systems. This work presents a power supply sensor based on a voltage divider followed by buffer-comparator cells employing just MOSFET transistors and provides a digital output. The divider outputs are designed to change more slowly than the thresholds of the comparators, in this way the sensor is able to detect voltage droops. The sensor is implemented in a 65nm technology node occupying an area of 2700?m2 and displaying a power consumption of 50?W. It is designed to work with no voltage reference and with no clock and aiming to obtain a fast response