1,105 research outputs found

    Multipartite maximally entangled states in symmetric scenarios

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    We consider the class of (N+1)-partite states suitable for protocols where there is a powerful party, the authority, and the other N parties play the same role, namely the state of their system live in the symmetric Hilbert space. We show that, within this scenario, there is a "maximally entangled state" that can be transform by a LOCC protocol into any other state. In addition, we show how to make the protocol efficiently including the construction of the state and discuss security issues for possible applications to cryptographic protocols. As an immediate consequence we recover a sequential protocol that implements the one to N symmetric cloning.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Euclidean distance between Haar orthogonal and gaussian matrices

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    In this work we study a version of the general question of how well a Haar distributed orthogonal matrix can be approximated by a random gaussian matrix. Here, we consider a gaussian random matrix YnY_n of order nn and apply to it the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure by columns to obtain a Haar distributed orthogonal matrix UnU_n. If FimF_i^m denotes the vector formed by the first mm-coordinates of the iith row of YnnUnY_n-\sqrt{n}U_n and α=mn\alpha=\frac{m}{n}, our main result shows that the euclidean norm of FimF_i^m converges exponentially fast to (243(1(1α)3/2)α)m\sqrt{ \left(2-\frac{4}{3} \frac{(1-(1 -\alpha)^{3/2})}{\alpha}\right)m}, up to negligible terms. To show the extent of this result, we use it to study the convergence of the supremum norm ϵn(m)=sup1in,1jmyi,jnui,j\epsilon_n(m)=\sup_{1\leq i \leq n, 1\leq j \leq m} |y_{i,j}- \sqrt{n}u_{i,j}| and we find a coupling that improves by a factor 2\sqrt{2} the recently proved best known upper bound of ϵn(m)\epsilon_n(m). Applications of our results to Quantum Information Theory are also explained.Comment: v2: minor modifications to match journal version, 26 pages, 0 figures, J Theor Probab (2016

    Design and development of a technological demonstrator for the study of high dynamics GNSS receivers

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    [ES] En el marco de esta tesis se van a estudiar, principalmente, los efectos del movimiento de alta dinámica en receptores de Sistemas Globales de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS). El término alta dinámica es un término utilizado para referirse al movimiento de los vehículos en los que van embarcados receptores GNSS, los cuales se mueven lo suficientemente rápido como para causar un gran desplazamiento en frecuencia de la portadora debido al efecto Doppler. Se identificarán los problemas inherentes a este tipo de entornos y se estudiarán y propondrán soluciones. Para poder efectuar el estudio de estos fenómenos, se diseñará un demostrador tecnológico (conjunto de hardware y software para prueba y prototipado de tecnologías) en el que desarrollar el estudio de los casos de interés. Con el fin de trabajar en un entorno repetible, se utilizará un generador de señal GNSS. La señal generada se traslada a un receptor de radiofrecuencia definido por software, Software Defined Radio (SDR). Este tipo de receptor únicamente se encarga de digitalizar la señal de entrada y de llevar las muestras digitales a un ordenador, de modo que todo el procesado de señal se implementa en dicho ordenador. Este esquema de trabajo es ideal habida cuenta de su simplicidad y flexibilidad. Dicha flexibilidad conlleva la posibilidad de sintonizar el demostrador para poder estudiar una amplia gama de arquitecturas de receptor GNSS. Una vez se haya ensamblado el demostrador, se comprobará su correcto funcionamiento en escenarios conocidos usando los algoritmos más utilizados a día de hoy en receptores GNSS. Asegurado el correcto funcionamiento, se comparará el rendimiento de algoritmos de referencia con los algoritmos a estudiar y se extraerán conclusiones.[CA] En aquest treball s'estudiaran, principalment, els efectes del moviment d'alta dinámica en receptors de Navegació per Satèl.lit GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). La denominació alta dinámica, s'utilitza per a descriure el moviment dels vehicles dins dels quals hi han receptors GNSS. El moviment d'aquests vehicles és suficientment ràpid com per a causar un gran desplaçament en freqüència de la freqüència portadora. Aquest desplaçament és consqüència de l'efecte Doppler. S'identificaran els problemes inherents d'aquest tipus de entorns GNSS i es propsararàn solucions. Per a estudiar l'efecte de l'alta dinàmica, es dissenyarà un demostrador tecnològic (conjunt de maquinari i software per a proves i prototipat de tecnologies) en que es pot desenvolupar l'estudi dels casos d'interès. Amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir treballar en un entorn repetible s'utilitzarà un generador de senyal GNSS. El senyal es processarà mitjançant un receptor SDR (Software Defined Radio). Aquest tipus de receptor s'encarrega del processat que fa un receptor GNSS en un PC. Aquesta filosofia de treball és idónia per la seua flexibilitat i simplicitat. Quan s'haja ensamblat el demostrador, és comprovarà el seu correct funcionament en escenaris de prova utilitzant els algoritmes implementats en receptors GNSS comercials. En aquest moment, el demostrador estarà preparat per a estudiar el casos d'alta dinàmica, que és l'objectiu fonamental d'aquest treball.[EN] The study of the effects of the high dynamics on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers constitute the main matter of study in this work. The term high dynamics refers to the movement of vehicles that carry GNSS embedded receivers, which move fast enough to generate a large carrier frequency drift caused by the Doppler effect. The problems linked to these environments will be characterized and solutions to counteract possible signal impairments will be discussed. In order to correctly characterize these problems, a technological demonstrator (set of hardware components interacting with software tools enabling fast prototyping) will be designed and constructed. Using this technological demonstrator, different case studies will be developed. With the aim of achieving experimental repeatability, a GNSS signal generator will be used. The generated GNSS signal is fed to a Software Defined Radio (SDR) GNSS receiver. This receiver type is in charge of digitizing the analog RF signal and carrying the resulting samples to a computer in which signal processing tasks implementing the functions of GNSS receivers, take place. The main advantage linked to the usage of this work scheme is that by changing the software part, different receiver architectures can be implemented in a simple manner. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the flexible architecture it is possible to tune the detector in such a manner that it is possible to implement many different architecture types. Once the technological demonstrator is assembled, tests to assure its correct operation will be conducted by performing comparisons with the behaviour of well-known GNSS receivers in known scenarios. Later on, comparative tests using signals from high dynamics scenarios will take place. Insight and analysis of comparative performance will be given.Alcaide Guillén, C. (2019). Design and development of a technological demonstrator for the study of high dynamics GNSS receivers [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/131697TESI

    A feature selection method based on Shapley values robust to concept shift in regression

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    Feature selection is one of the most relevant processes in any methodology for creating a statistical learning model. Generally, existing algorithms establish some criterion to select the most influential variables, discarding those that do not contribute any relevant information to the model. This methodology makes sense in a classical static situation where the joint distribution of the data does not vary over time. However, when dealing with real data, it is common to encounter the problem of the dataset shift and, specifically, changes in the relationships between variables (concept shift). In this case, the influence of a variable cannot be the only indicator of its quality as a regressor of the model, since the relationship learned in the traning phase may not correspond to the current situation. Thus, we propose a new feature selection methodology for regression problems that takes this fact into account, using Shapley values to study the effect that each variable has on the predictions. Five examples are analysed: four correspond to typical situations where the method matches the state of the art and one example related to electricity price forecasting where a concept shift phenomenon has occurred in the Iberian market. In this case the proposed algorithm improves the results significantly

    Amalgamando culturas: análisis y propuesta para la fusión de la cultura organizacional de la empresa Fumighar S.A.S. con la cultura de la multinacional Rentokil Initial

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    La presente investigación es realizada en el marco de la Maestría en Administración de Negocios, con el fin de poner en práctica algunos conceptos teóricos adquiridos en este programa de posgrado, pero también con el ánimo particular de contribuir en la búsqueda de transformar el contexto empresarial, en el que como profesional se quiere impactar -- El objetivo principal del documento es el de presentar la caracterización de la cultura organizacional, y sus efectos, a partir de la fusión realizada entre Rentokil Initial y Fumighar S.A