134 research outputs found

    Trust and opportunism in the competitiveness of small‐scale timber businesses based on innovation and marketing capabilities

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGSubsistence markets are characterized by being composed of economic agents with low levels of education, marketing and management skills, and income. There are common in developing countries. Promote entrepreneurship in these markets is a strategy to reduce poverty, contributing to sustainable development goals. Small-scale timber businesses (SSTB) in Misiones (Argentine) work in these markets. Innovation and marketing capabilities in SSTB are important factors in the growth of such businesses. Internal trust is a potential factor that could increase the effect of these capabilities, possibly limited by opportunism. This paper analyses marketing and innovation capabilities in SSTB, examining the possible moderating effect of trust (or opportunism) in the process of generating performance from these capabilities, using partial least squares with data of timber businesses in Misiones (Argentine). The findings indicate that SSTB present innovation and marketing capabilities that generate competitiveness, but the interactive influence of trust on the impact of these capabilities on performance is either neglected or negative, suggesting certain opportunism

    Produção de agrocommodities e consumo de agroquímicos no Uruguai: Suas repercussões para os sistemas aquáticos

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    The objective of this study is to relate the amount of phosphorus (P) provided by agrochemicals (herbicides and phosphate fertilizers) to soil sown with genetically modified (GM) crops (soybeans and maize) with total phosphorus (TP) in waters of agricultural basins in Uruguay, South America. With this aim, the number of soybean and maize events resistant to glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium, the total area sown with these GM crops, herbicides and phosphate fertilizers consumption, and TP in the main river of the country in the 2010-2019 period were considered. We found out that the relationship of the annual average of TP with P via herbicides is robust and statically significant, and the relationship with P contribution via fertilizers is strong but no statically significant. Therefore, herbicides must be taken into account as a probable cause of eutrophication of aquatic systems in order to achieve environmental standards.O objetivo deste estudo é relacionar a quantidade de fósforo (P) fornecida por agroquímicos (herbicidas e fertilizantes fosfatados) em solo semeado com culturas geneticamente modificadas (GM) (soja e milho) com fósforo total (PT) em águas de bacias agrícolas no Uruguai, América do Sul. Com este objetivo, o número de eventos de soja e milho resistentes ao glifosato e glufosinatoamônia, a área total semeada com essas culturas GM, consumo de herbicidas e fertilizantes fosfatados e PT no principal rio do país no período 2010-2019 foram considerados. Descobrimos que a relação da média anual de PT com P via herbicidas é robusta e estatisticamente significativa, e a relação com a contribuição de P via fertilizantes é forte, mas não estatisticamente significativa. Portanto, os herbicidas devem ser considerados como uma provável causa de eutrofização dos sistemas aquáticos para atingir os padrões ambientais.Fil: Terradas Cobas, Liliana. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Ciencias; UruguayFil: Bazzoni, Bruno. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Céspedes Payret, Carlos. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Ciencias; UruguayFil: Panario, Daniel. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Ciencias; Urugua


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    En la dirección del proceso pedagógico debe prestársele especial atención al desarrollo de los procesos psíquicos cognoscitivos por constituir un elemento imprescindible en el conocimiento humano. La memoria es uno de los procesos del conocimiento que posee una gran significación en el aprendizaje escolar. El artículo que se presenta parte de la identificación de problemáticas relacionadas con las insuficiencias que manifiestan en el desarrollo de la memoria lógica-verbal, los escolares de la Educación Primaria con bajo nivel de rendimiento académico. Se presenta una sistematización de los referentes teóricos filosóficos, sociológicos, psicológicos y pedagógicos que permiten fundamentar el desarrollo de este tipo de memoria a partir de la teoría leninista del conocimiento, además de la teoría vigotskiana acerca del desarrollo de los procesos psicológicos superiores. ABSTARCT In the direction of the pedagogical process should be paid special attention to the development of cognitive psychological constitute an essential element in human knowledge. Memory is one of the processes of knowledge that has great significance in school learning. The article presents a part of the identification of problems related to the inadequacies that manifest in the development of logical-verbal memory in students of Primary Education with low level of academic achievement. To expose the systematization of the basing on philosophical, sociological, psychological, and pedagogical theorists allowing inform the development of this type of memory from the Leninist theory of knowledge, besides the vygotskian theory about the development of higher psychological processes. KEY WORDS: Logical-verbal memory, low level of academic achievement

    Direct deduction of chemical class from NMR spectra

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    This paper presents a proof-of-concept method for classifying chemical compounds directly from NMR data without doing structure elucidation. This can help to reduce time in finding good structure candidates, as in most cases matching must be done by a human engineer, or at the very least a process for matching must be meaningfully interpreted by one. Therefore, for a long time automation in the area of NMR has been actively sought. The method identified as suitable for the classification is a convolutional neural network (CNN). Other methods, including clustering and image registration, have not been found suitable for the task in a comparative analysis. The result shows that deep learning can offer solutions to automation problems in cheminformatics.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 4 table


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    Overcoming managers of great importance in the effort to forge a transformative intentionality forward to the present and future of organizations. To contribute to this purpose, article a didactic concept for overcoming managers in content associated with managing organizational change occurs. The fulfillment of this goal required the use of methods of empirical and theoretical levels that allowed support the management of organizational change and overcoming transcendent content management, and design the aforementioned didactic concept. The criteria issued by the experts consulted enable positively assess the relevance of the didactic concept developed for improving the performance of managers to ensure an adequate response to changes in the environment.  La superación de los directivos reviste gran importancia en el empeño de forjar una intencionalidad transformadora con visión hacia el presente y futuro de las organizaciones. Para contribuir a este propósito, en el artículo se presenta una concepción didáctica para la superación de directivos en contenidos asociados a la gestión del cambio organizacional. El cumplimiento de este objetivo requirió el empleo de métodos de los niveles empírico y teórico que permitieron fundamentar la gestión del cambio organizacional como contenido trascendente en superación de directivos, así como diseñar la referida concepción didáctica. Los criterios emitidos por los especialistas consultados posibilitan valorar de modo positivo la pertinencia de la concepción didáctica elaborada para la mejora en el desempeño de los directivos para garantizar una adecuada respuesta a las transformaciones del entorno

    The Economic Impact of Closing the Boundaries: The Lower Minho Valley Cross-Border Region in Times of Covid-19

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Borderlands Studies on 2022-02-18, available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2022.2039266The COVID-19 crisis experienced since early 2020 has been the first time in decades that all the boundaries between European Union member-states have been systematically re-set. This paper examines the economic impact derived from re-establishing the boundary on a particular cross-border region located between Galicia (Spain) and Portugal. The paper begins by outlining the theoretical considerations on the interplay between borders and economy. After examining the case-study area and the decisions taken by the Spanish and Portuguese authorities in an attempt to control the spread of the virus in 2020, the article explains the methods used to obtain the results. Two sets of results are presented. Firstly, the direct consequences for cross-border economic activities are considered. Secondly, the fall in Gross Domestic Product is quantified for sectors and municipalities in the cross-border region, distinguishing between, on the one hand, the overall effect caused by the restrictions due to the lockdown situation and, on the other, the precise impact attributed to the re-establishment of the international boundary. This is a worthy addition to previous literature given that this paper details the specific economic effects caused by the COVID- 19 crisis in a cross-border region directly affected by the boundary closure.AECT Río Miño Deputación de PontevedraS

    Investigación cuantitativa aplicada en economía y empresa: una propuesta metodológica

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    Este libro ha sido escrito para todos los que quieren iniciarse en la investigación cuantitativa en Economía y Empresa, y desean conocer los fundamentos científicos de esta Ciencia, así como tener un modelo de trabajo para desarrollar su investigación. En ese sentido, es también útil para otros analistas del mundo económico y de las ciencias sociales, en general que tengan necesidad de un análisis profundo de algún problema en el que necesiten utilizar datos cuantitativos. En la primera parte de la obra, se analiza la fundamentación científica de las Ciencias Sociales, y singularmente del ámbito económico empresarial. Se introduce al lector en el Análisis Económico y en particular, del apoyo de la Econometría, como instrumento metodológico relevante para el avance de la Ciencia Económica y de la Empresa. En la segunda parte, se realiza una propuesta de método de investigación, aplicado a la Economía y a la empresa, apoyado en información cuantitativa. Se plantean los problemas de investigación, se diseñan los modelos teóricos y se analizan los datos, facilitando a los nuevos investigadores una metodología útil, a partir del empleo de metodologías científicas en el análisis de datos cuantitativo


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    The step of higher education demands to take care of the process of formation specialized of the Principal Professor of Academic Year, die of priority mode in contemporaneity the multi-disciplinary focus that requires for his professional performance this teacher and the character specialized of his shows and attributions. Logically you set for yourself as objective in the article to model the step of the process of formation specialized of the Principal Professor of Academic Year, so that that you contribute to argumenting the professionalization of the university teachers that perform this professional activity scientifically constitute itself in a theoretic construct. The modeled step of the process of formation specialized of the Principal Professor of Academic Year, like process by means of the focus of system, it is structured in the referential subsystems, protective, executive and evaluative that work in dialectic interaction like interdependent parts of whom proves to be like resulting attribute the progression of the specialized formation of this conducive professional to its professionalization.En la contemporaneidad la gestión de la educación superior exige atender de modo prioritario el proceso de formación especializada del Profesor Principal de Año Académico, dado el enfoque multidisciplinario que requiere para su desempeño profesional este docente y el carácter especializado de sus funciones y atribuciones. Consecuentemente en el artículo se propone como objetivo modelar la gestión del proceso de formación especializada del Profesor Principal de Año Académico, de modo que se constituya en un constructo teórico que contribuya a argumentar científicamente la profesionalización de los docentes universitarios que desempeñan esta actividad profesional. La gestión del proceso de formación especializada del Profesor Principal de Año Académico, como proceso modelado mediante el enfoque de sistema, se estructura en los subsistemas referencial, proyectivo, ejecutivo y evaluativo que funcionan en interacción dialéctica como partes interdependientes de la cual resulta como cualidad resultante la progresión de la formación especializada de este profesional conducente a su profesionalización


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    The article revises an up-to-date topic in the field of educational management: the relations between managers and teachers in school institutions. The foundations of the relations of educational management are systematized, particularly the conceptions existing on social relations on the basis of working activities. Taking as a point of departure the interceptions that emerge relating the dimensions: hierarchical positioning of the subjects of the interaction and group or individual character of the interaction; a secondary classification of the relations of educational management is offered. Its main purpose is giving a motive for reflection on the basis of the system of cooperative relationships in the school institutions together with the proposal of actions for a better management of all the processes.El artículo incursiona en una temática de actualidad para la dirección educacional: las relaciones entre directivos y docentes en las instituciones escolares. Se sistematizan los referentes que constituyen fundamentos de las relaciones de dirección educacional, particularmente las concepciones sobre las relaciones sociales en la actividad laboral. A partir de las intersecciones que emergen al relacionar las dimensiones: posicionamiento jerárquico de los sujetos de la interacción y carácter grupal o individual de la interacción, se aporta una clasificación secundaria de las relaciones de dirección educacional. El propósito fundamental consiste en incentivar la reflexión en torno al sistema de relaciones de cooperación en las instituciones escolares de conjunto con la propuesta de acciones para su mejora

    China in South America: patents, herbicides, and genetically modified crops

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    La República Popular China ha venido aumentado el intercambio comercial de bienes y productos con América del Sur. En particular, los países del Mercosur se han convertido en uno de sus proveedores principales de agrocommodities, fundamentalmente de soja. Este cultivo está asociado al consumo creciente de agroinsumos chinos sujetos a derechos de propiedad intelectual. A partir de los datos disponibles de exportación de soja e importación de agroquímicos, y, por otro lado, de información sobre patentes de herbicidas y plantas de soja genéticamente modificadas (gm) autorizadas para su producción en el Mercosur, el artículo examina la relación comercial China-Mercosur. Entre los resultados obtenidos se destaca la estrecha correlación entre la autorización de dichas plantas y el aumento del número de patentes chinas de herbicidas, pero, fundamentalmente, que estas patentes preceden a la generación de los nuevos cultivos gm.The People’s Republic of China has been increasing its trade in goods and products with South America. In particular, the Mercosur countries have become one of its main suppliers of agro-commodities, mainly soybean. This crop is associated with the growing consumption of Chinese agro-inputs subject to intellectual property rights. The article analyses the China-Mercosur relationship based on the data available on soybean exports and agro-chemical imports, and drawing on information about herbicides and genetrically modified (gm) soy plants authorized to be produced in Mercosur countries. One of the study’s key findings is that a close connection exists between the authorization of these plants and the increasing number of Chinese herbicide patents, and most importantly, that these patents precede the generation of new gm crops