1,004 research outputs found

    U.S.-Mexico Joint Statement on Ministerial Consultations Under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation

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    U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico, Carlos Carranza reaffirm their commitment to the effective enforcement of labor laws by their respective departments. The statement also discusses the responsibilities of both labor departments under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation

    Concentrated Solar Power: Actual Performance and Foreseeable Future in High Penetration Scenarios of Renewable Energies

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    Producción CientíficaAnalyses proposing a high share of concentrated solar power (CSP) in future 100% renewable energy scenarios rely on the ability of this technology, through storage and/or hybridization, to partially avoid the problems associated with the hourly/daily (short-term) variability of other variable renewable sources such as wind or solar photovoltaic. However, data used in the scientific literature are mainly theoretical values. In this work, the actual performance of CSP plants in operation from publicly available data from four countries (Spain, the USA, India, and United Arab Emirates) has been estimated for three dimensions: capacity factor (CF), seasonal variability, and energy return on energy invested (EROI). In fact, the results obtained show that the actual performance of CSP plants is significantly worse than that projected by constructors and considered by the scientific literature in the theoretical studies: a CF in the range of 0.15–0.3, low standard EROI (1.3:1–2.4:1), intensive use of materials—some scarce, and significant seasonal intermittence. In the light of the obtained results, the potential contribution of current CSP technologies in a future 100% renewable energy system seems very limited.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project FJCI-2016-28833)European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 69128

    Managing Waiting Times to Predict No-shows and Cancelations at a Children’s Hospital

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    Purpose: Since long waits in hospitals have been found to be related to high rates of no-shows and cancelations, managing waiting times should be considered as an important tool that hospitals can use to reduce missed appointments. The aim of this study is to analyze patients’ behavior in order to predict no-show and cancelation rates correlated to waiting times. Design/methodology/approach: This study is based on the data from a US children’s hospital, which includes all the appointments registered during one year of observation. We used the call-appointment interval to establish the wait time to get an appointment. Four different types of appointment-keeping behavior and two types of patients were distinguished: arrival, no-show, cancelation with no reschedule, and cancelation with reschedule; and new and established patients. Findings: Results confirmed a strong impact of long waiting times on patients’ appointment-keeping behavior, and the logarithmic regression was found as the best-fit function for the correlation between variables in all cases. The correlation analysis showed that new patients tend to miss appointments more often than established patients when the waiting time increases. It was also found that, depending on the patients’ appointment distribution, it might get more complicated for hospitals to reduce missed appointments as the waiting time is reduced. Originality/value: The methodology applied in our study, which combines the use of regression analysis and patients’ appointment distribution analysis, would help health care managers to understand the initial implications of long waiting times and to address improvement related to patient satisfaction and hospital performance.Peer Reviewe

    Cryptocurrency Forecasting Models and DeFi

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    The nature of Cryptocurrency markets presents a challenge for Financial Time series forecasting, the regular use of time bars as a source of data to forecast can prove insufficient to predict the movements of the crypto token value. The use of additional data from DeFi sources can be used to create a more robust base in which to use different methods to perform better feature generation and feature selection to use for the prediction models. The use of the Three Barrier Method for labeling the movements of the data is suggested as a way to generate multiclass labeling in which both directions of the prices and magnitude are represented. The proposal of this work is that the use of DeFi data, the adapted use of the three-barrier method, and the use of Genetic Programming could create a dataset that has good predictor capabilities for the multiclass classification prediction of the movement and magnitude of the value of Bitcoin. In this work, a comparison between prediction models is performed using a combination of benchmark models, and the implementation of Random Forest and Multi-Layer Perceptron to construct a multiclass classifier for the price movement of the cross of Bitcoin and USDT from the Binance Exchange using historical data from Binance, Ethereum Blockchain, and symbolic data

    Book Review: Spies and Shuttles: NASA’s Secret Relationship with the DoD and CIA

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    Author: James E. David Reviewed by Professor Carlos Barrera, Mexican Institute for Strategic Studies in National Security and Defence, and Manuel Carranza, defense and security affairs researcher Starting with the 1957 launches of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1 and 2, James E. David’s autobiography “offers a cautionary tale on grandiloquent endeavors and highlights the need to prioritize planning over narrative” in space. David was a curator in the Division of Space History at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, which gave him access to newly declassified materials. He put this information to good use in Spies and Shuttles as he chronicles NASA’s history and impact.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/parameters_bookshelf/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Manifestaciones psiquiátricas en pacientes infectados por SARS -coV2: Articulo de revisión

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    Desde diciembre del 2019, que se reportaron los primeros casos de COVID-19 en el mundo, sus números y su expansión a nivel global crecieron de manera alarmante, ocasionando la crisis sanitaria más grande que se haya tenido en los últimos años. Con múltiples estudios detectando su sintomatología pulmonar y extrapulmonar, la recomendación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para la evaluación de salud mental en respuesta y seguimiento a los enfermos por COVID-19, es de menester identificar las manifestaciones psiquiátricas en los infectados por SARS-coV-2. Es así que se realizó una selección exhaustiva de estudios recientes, buscando determinar qué manifestaciones psiquiátricas se presentan en el paciente con infección por SARS-coV-2, además de detectar las principales comorbilidades y factores de riesgo presentes. Para ello, se utilizaron las siguientes bases de datos: ScienceDirect, PubMed y Google scholar usando los descriptores “COVID-19”, “SARS-coV-2”, “manifestaciones psiquiátricas” y “Síntomas psiquiátricos”. Se describen los síntomas psiquiátricos en relación con la infección por SARS-CoV-2, en las que se incluyen la depresión, ansiedad el estrés, y en menor medida psicosis, alteraciones en la conducta y el sueño. También se toma en cuenta que factores sociales y biológicos se asocian a la presencia de síntomas psiquiátricos en los infectados. Entre las comorbilidades más frecuentes se hallan: hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, alteración hepática. Se recomienda al personal médico la detección de estos síntomas psiquiátricos para su seguimiento posterior y atención psiquiátrica pertinente.Since December 2019, the first cases of COVID-19 in the world have been reported, their numbers and global expansion have grown alarmingly, causing the biggest health crisis in recent years.With multiple studies detecting its pulmonary and extrapulmonary symptoms, and the World Health Organization's recommendation for mental health assessment in response and follow-up to COVID-19 patients, it is necessary to identify the psychiatric manifestation in those infected with SARS-coV-2. Thus, a comprehensive selection of recent studies was conducted, seeking to determine which psychiatric manifestations occur in patients with infection by SARS-coV-2, as well as detecting the risk factors and comorbidities present. To do this, the following databases were used: ScienceDirect, PubMed and Google scholar and the descriptors ""COVID-19"", ""SARS-coV-2"", ""psychiatric manifestations"" and ""psychiatric symptoms"". Psychiatric symptoms related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, including depression, anxiety, stress, and to a lesser extent psychosis, behavioral and sleep disturbances, are described. It is also noted that social and biological factors are associated with the presence of psychiatric symptoms in the infected. Among the most frequent comorbidities are: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, liver disease. Medical staff are advised to screen for these psychiatric symptoms for further follow-up and relevant psychiatric careTesi

    Desarrollo de una app nativa para iOS desde 0

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado tiene como objetivo, tal y como especifica claramente su título, desarrollar una aplicación nativa para la plataforma iOS desde cero sin contar con conocimientos previos en dicha tecnología. Para poder cumplir con el proyecto es necesario dedicarle una gran parte del tiempo reservado para el TFG al aprendizaje autónomo para que me ayude a adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para poder superar mis carencias actuales de conocimiento sobre el tema. Entre estos conocimientos necesarios se encuentra conocer las reglas básicas del lenguaje de programación Objective-C, las librerías disponibles para iOS y el IDE que se usa comúnmente en el desarrollo de aplicaciones iOS, el Xcode

    Indicadores líderes para la economía peruana

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    Una serie de tiempo es una secuencia de observaciones, medidos en determinados momentos del tiempo, ordenados cronológicamente y, espaciados entre sí de manera uniforme; por ello, casi siempre los datos se relacionan y dependen entre sí. Son susceptibles de una descomposición en cuatro elementos: tendencia, ciclo, variación estacional y componente irregular o aleatorio; cada uno de los cuales contiene información distinta que permite responder a cuestiones particulares. El objetivo central de la presente investigación es evaluar la profundidad de la recesión actual o señalar el número de meses faltantes para el inicio de una reactivación de la economía, mediante la observación de la evolución temporal del PBI. Por lo tanto, la tendencia de la serie de tiempo contiene información relevante para la evaluación del crecimiento de largo plazo, mientras que, a partir del ciclo de la serie, es posible estudiar las fluctuaciones económicas. Es de vital importancia para el objetivo del proyecto aislar el componente cíclico o estacionario de los demás componentes de las series por analizar. Esta desagregación permitirá averiguar qué variables están correlacionadas con el componente estacionario o ciclo del PBI, el signo de estas correlaciones y su correspondiente temporalidad

    SOROSUMA: iniciando con el ábaco Soroban

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    El aprendizaje de las matemáticas en los diferentes niveles de formación, se requiere el dominio de la estructura aditiva como parte fundamental del desarrollo de los procesos lógicos de los estudiantes, para tal fin, se hace necesario el reconocimiento y la manipulación de material concreto en el aula de clase desde las primeras edades. El ábaco Soroban es un instrumento de origen japonés que promueve, no solo la ejercitación de operaciones básicas, sino que logra evidenciar elementos presentes en la suma y la representación del número en un sistema posicional; por lo anterior, este taller pretende mostrar y socializar el algoritmo de la suma y resta de números naturales a partir del uso del Soroban