486 research outputs found

    Risk and Efficiency in Credit Concession: A Case Study in Portugal

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    The relationship between banks and customers has contributed to several theories in banking economics. The quality of the credit is crucial for banks. Banks classify the risk through quantitative and qualitative indicators. Quantitative indicators are much used by banks, but qualitative indicators are also considered in credit risk evaluation. Taken together, they contribute to increase efficiency and decrease doubtful credit. Several issues arise in order to understand if risk evaluation affects the efficiency of the banking sector or if it affects the bank customer relationship. We wish to analyse some quantitative and qualitative indicators used by the Portuguese banking system. Despite the reputation of a client being a very important qualitative indicator, it is not enough to determine a classification of low risk.credit, banks, bankruptcy, risk

    La búsqueda de la diferencia en la traducción

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    In contrast to previous work in translation studies focusing on difficulties in departing from the original text and excessive reliance on “direct” translation, this paper addresses the habit some translators display of trying to convey the original textual content and effects in a manner arbitrarily divergent from the source material, just for the sake of difference. After a first approach to the phenomenon, it is shown that it constitutes a futile quest that, by excluding the most obvious target-language options, can result in various problems for the translator. Finally, the paper closes with a recapitulation and some possible directions for future researchEn contraste con trabajos anteriores en el ámbito de los estudios sobre la traducción que se han centrado en las dificultades para distanciarse del texto original y en la dependencia excesiva de la traducción “directa”, este artículo trata sobre el hábito que muestran algunos traductores de intentar de transmitir el contenido y los efectos textuales originales de un modo arbitrariamente divergente con respecto al material traducido, sin otra meta que la diferencia. Luego de un primer acercamiento al fenómeno, este se caracteriza como una empresa sin sentido que, al excluir las alternativas de la lengua meta que resultan más obvias, puede ocasionar diversos problemas al traductor. Finalmente, el trabajo concluye con una recapitulación y algunas proyecciones para futuros estudio

    Why Improved Maize (Zea mays) Varieties are Utopias in the Highlands of Central Mexico

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    El obetivo de este trabajo consiste en el estudio de la adopción de variedades mejoradas de maíz en los Valles alto de México a través de los resultados del Programa Especial de Producción de Maíz del Estado de México (PEPMA). El trabajo comprende dos fases: el análisis estadístico de los datos del PEPMA y dos encuestas, seguidad por un trabajo de campo con entrevistas abiertas a los agricultores participantes de la población de San Pedro la Concepción en el Valle de Toluca. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de agricultores continúa sembrando sus semillas autóctonas, los híbridos o las variedades mejoradas no son opciones técnicas reales en tanto que ellas no se desmpeñan bien en las condiciones de la zona de estudio.El obetivo de este trabajo consiste en el estudio de la adopción de variedades mejoradas de maíz en los Valles alto de México a través de los resultados del Programa Especial de Producción de Maíz del Estado de México (PEPMA). El trabajo comprende dos fases: el análisis estadístico de los datos del PEPMA y dos encuestas, seguidad por un trabajo de campo con entrevistas abiertas a los agricultores participantes de la población de San Pedro la Concepción en el Valle de Toluca. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de agricultores continúa sembrando sus semillas autóctonas, los híbridos o las variedades mejoradas no son opciones técnicas reales en tanto que ellas no se desmpeñan bien en las condiciones de la zona de estudio

    Eficacia de la videotoracoscopía comparada con la tomografía axial computarizada de tórax en el diagnóstico de lesiones diafragmáticas en pacientes con trauma toracoabominal del Hospital Belén de Trujillo. Enero 2019 - Diciembre 2021

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    Es un estudio analítico, transversal, observacional comparativo de dos grupos donde se plantea comprobar la eficacia de la videotoracoscopia sobre la Tomografía Axial Computarizada en el diagnóstico de lesiones diafragmáticas en pacientes que sufrieron un trauma toracoabdominal y fueron ingresados por el Servicio de Emergencia de Cirugía del Hospital Belén de Trujillo en el periodo Enero 2019- Diciembre 2021. La población estará constituido por todos los pacientes con trauma toracoabdominal penetrante admitidos en Emergencia del Hospital Belén de Trujillo entre enero 2019 y diciembre del 2021. Estará conformado por dos grupos, un Grupo A conformado por pacientes a quienes se le realizará videotoracoscopia y un Grupo B de pacientes a quienes se le realizara Tomografía Axial Computarizada de tórax para el diagnóstico de lesiones diafragmáticas en pacientes con trauma toracoabdominal del Hospital Belén de Trujillo en el periodo Enero 2019- Diciemebre 2021.Trabajo de investigació

    Feeding Forage Mixtures of Ryegrass (Lolium spp.) with Clover (Trifolium spp.) Supplemented with Local Feed Diets to Reduce Enteric Methane Emission E

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    In cattle, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nutrient balance are influenced by factors such as diet composition, intake, and digestibility. This study evaluated CH4 emissions and surpluses of crude protein, using five simulated scenarios of supplementation in small-scale dairy systems (SSDS). In addition, two pasture managements (cut-and-carry versus grazing) and two varieties of legumes (red clover vs. white clover) were considered. The diets were tested considering similar milk yield and chemical composition; CH4 emission was estimated using Tier-2 methodology from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the data were analyzed in a completely randomized 5 2 2 factorial design. Differences (p < 0.05) were found in predicted CH4 emissions per kg of milk produced (g kg 1 FCM 3.5%). The lowest predicted CH4 emissions were found for S3 and S4 as well as for pastures containing white clover. Lower dietary surpluses of CP (p < 0.05) were observed for the control diet (1320 g CP/d), followed by S5 (1793 g CP/d), compared with S2 (2175 g CP/d), as well as in cut-and-carry management with red clover. A significant correlation (p < 0.001) was observed between dry matter intake and CH4 emissions (g 1 and per kg of milk produced). It is concluded that the environmental impact of formulating diets from local inputs (S3 and S4) can be reduced by making them more efficient in terms of methane kg 1 of milk in SSDS

    Comparison of the Evolution of Energy Intensity in Spain and in the EU15. Why is Spain Different?

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    Energy intensity in Spain has increased since 1990, while the opposite has happened in the EU15. Decomposition analysis of primary energy intensity ratios has been used to identify which are the key sectors driving the Spanish evolution and those responsible for most of the difference with the EU15 energy intensity levels. It is also a useful tool to quantify which countries and economic sectors have had most influence in the EU15 evolution. The analysis shows that the Spanish economic structure is driving the divergence in energy intensity ratios with the EU15, mainly due to the strong transport growth, but also because of the increase of activities linked to the construction boom, and the convergence to EU levels of household energy demand. The results can be used to pinpoint successful EU strategies for energy efficiency that could be used toMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

    The importance of soft skills in the university academic curriculum: The perceptions of the students in the new society of knowledge

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    This study focuses on the notion of competence in a perspective of structural change. It addresses the academic curriculum and the soft skills essential for the holder of a Bachelor's Degree to adapt to the labour market and endow the citizen with instruments deemed necessary for the integration of the person in the different dimensions of life. Evidence unfolds a great deal of sensitivity on the part of students regarding soft skills. Nonetheless, there are substantial differences among courses and between genders. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey, which was applied to our bachelor students between October 2013 and January 2014. We resorted to the use of the analysis of the main components and we used the VARIMAX method for determining the variance, which is analysed by means of the ANOVA model. The study underpins the importance of autonomy and social and emotional skills in the student's global university education and highlights the sensitivity of the students to transversal competences -soft skills-, as required by the current labour market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    One of the effects of violence in Mexico is the representation of infamous bodies in the press. This article explores infamous bodies4 production based on different events (accidents, violence or extravagant behaviors), which become social facts after being recorded in language. The aim of the document is to look at the representation of the infamous body through the journalistic dis- course, conceived as an indication of society’s perspective towards “the other”. The hypothesis of the paper is that the representation of infamous bodies in the press corresponds to an unsupportive sense of solidarity as part of an immuni- zation process (ESPOSITO 2011). The article uses the concept of immunizationapplied through a semiotic and rhetorical analysis that takes into account the di- mension of language and image, proposing a hermeneutics that puts into ques- tion the ethics of journalism in its relationship with power and violence. For this end, the front pages of the Metro newspaper, whose journalistic discourse is an eloquent example of the construction of infamous bodies and the immu- nization process, were analyzed

    Regulatory Design for RES-E Support Mechanisms: Learning Curves, Market Structure, and Burden-Sharing

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    Drawing from relevant experiences in power systems around the world, this paper offers a critical review of existing policy support mechanisms for RES-E (renewable energy sources for electricity), with a detailed analysis of their regulatory implications. While recent studies provide an account of current RES-E support systems, in this paper we focus on the impacts these mechanisms have on the overall energy market structure and its performance in the short and long term. Given the rising importance of RES-E in systems everywhere, these impacts can no longer be overlooked.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Researc