178 research outputs found

    Two-Pion Exchange Nucleon-Nucleon Potential: Model Independent Features

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    A chiral pion-nucleon amplitude supplemented by the HJS subthreshold coefficients is used to calculate the the long range part of the two-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potential. In our expressions the HJS coefficients factor out, allowing a clear identification of the origin of the various contributions. A discussion of the configuration space behaviour of the loop integrals that determine the potential is presented, with emphasis on cancellations associated with chiral symmetry. The profile function for the scalar-isoscalar component of the potential is produced and shown to disagree with those of several semi-phenomenological potentials.Comment: 16 pages, 9 embedded figures, Latex 2.09, Revtex.sty, epsf.st

    Effective Field Theory Program for Conformal Quantum Anomalies

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    The emergence of conformal states is established for any problem involving a domain of scales where the long-range, SO(2,1) conformally invariant interaction is applicable. Whenever a clear-cut separation of ultraviolet and infrared cutoffs is in place, this renormalization mechanism produces binding in the strong-coupling regime. A realization of this phenomenon, in the form of dipole-bound anions, is discussed.Comment: 15 pages. Expanded, with additional calculational details. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Equivalence of the Path Integral for Fermions in Cartesian and Spherical Coordinates

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    The path-integral calculation for the free energy of a spin-1/2 Dirac-fermion gas is performed in spherical polar coordinates for a flat spacetime geometry. Its equivalence with the Cartesian-coordinate representation is explicitly established. This evaluation involves a relevant limiting case of the fermionic path integral in a Schwarzschild background, whose near-horizon limit has been shown to be related to black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 16 page

    Evaluación Automática de Resultados de Aprendizaje como un Nuevo Paradigma en la enseñanza de un Curso de Programación: La ingeniería en la sociedad 5.0

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    Programming education goes through the transition from the content model to the learning outcomes model and the integration of technology, where automatic assessment tools allow students to support them in practice; This makes learning inclusive by proposing a transversal approach so that the necessary programming skills are achieved. In this sense, this paper presents a strategy that evaluates the source code and analyzes it using software metrics to identify students' learning results in a programming course. A strategy was developed that integrates an automatic source code evaluation tool, which allowed us to identify How an evaluation-based approach supports the learning process, time, and impact in a computer programming course? The results show that the strategy helps the transition from a programming course to a learning outcomes model and reduces the evaluation time without affecting students' grades, compared to the traditional way. Finally, it is essential to highlight that the development of strategies that integrate tools that support the teaching-learning and evaluation process in programming courses has a positive impact on academic training and decision-making, seeking to improve students' weaknesses through the analysis of the outcomes obtained

    Composición química y calidad culinaria de dos cultivares de batata (Ipomoea batatas L.): Morada INTA y Rojo Blanco

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    Chemical composition and cooking quality of two sweet-potato cultivars were analyzed. Morada INTA and Rojo Blanco cultivars from Agricultural Experiment Station-INTA, San Pedro, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina (lAt 33°41'S., long 59° 41'W.), and from harvests of three different years, were used. Dry matter, free aminoacids, starch, reduced soluble sugars, total nitrogen, pectines, specific gravity, sucrose, total ashes, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium were analyzed. Except for aminoacids and iron contents, the averages of Morada INTA parameters were statistically different at 5% probability level from those of Rojo Blanco. Sweet potatoes were also prepared as boiled and candied, and both products were evaluated by a pannel, using a hedonic scale of 5 points. No statistical differences were found between Morada INTA and Rojo Blanco cultivars. Therefore, Rojo Blanco can replace Morada INTA. The quality of the raw material for processing depends on the particular characteristics of the harvest of each year.Se analizaron la composición química y la calidad culinaria de los cultivares de batata (Ipomoea batatas L.) Morada INTA y Rojo Blanco, procedentes de la Estación Experimental Agrícola-INTA San Pedro, provincia de Buenos Aires (latitud 33° 41'S. y longitud 59° 4 1 ' W.G.) correspondientes a las cosechas 1983-84, 1984-85 y 1988-89. Se cuantificaron los contenidos de materia seca, almidón, aminoácidos libres, azúcares reductores solubles, nitrógeno total, pectinas, peso específico, sacarosa, cenizas totales, calcio, fósforo, hierro y magnesio, los valores medios de Morada INTA y Rojo Blanco presentaron diferencias estadísticas significativas, excepto para aminoácidos y hierro. Un panel degustador calificó la batata hervida y preparada en dulce. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los productos de ambos cultivares. En uno y otro cultivar se comprobaron diferencias estadísticas entre cosechas para un mismo producto. El cultivar Rojo Blanco puede substituir al Morada INTA para usos industriales, ya que por ser más precoz ofrece ventajas. Mantener un estándar de calidad del producto terminado presupone atender las características de la cosecha de cada año

    Black Hole Thermodynamics from Near-Horizon Conformal Quantum Mechanics

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    The thermodynamics of black holes is shown to be directly induced by their near-horizon conformal invariance. This behavior is exhibited using a scalar field as a probe of the black hole gravitational background, for a general class of metrics in D spacetime dimensions (with D≥4D \geq 4). The ensuing analysis is based on conformal quantum mechanics, within a hierarchical near-horizon expansion. In particular, the leading conformal behavior provides the correct quantum statistical properties for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, with the near-horizon physics governing the thermodynamic properties from the outset. Most importantly: (i) this treatment reveals the emergence of holographic properties; (ii) the conformal coupling parameter is shown to be related to the Hawking temperature; and (iii) Schwarzschild-like coordinates, despite their ``coordinate singularity,''can be used self-consistently to describe the thermodynamics of black holes.Comment: 16 pages. Sections 2 and 3 and sections 4 and 5 of version 1 were merged and reduced; a few typos were corrected. The original central results and equations remain unchange

    Dolor osteomuscular y estado de salud mental de trabajadores de dos instituciones de educación superior de Cali, Colombia

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    Pain is a body's response to fatigue or external factors that can affect the musculoskeletal system and the mental health of the sufferer. Objetive: The aim of this study was to determine the musculoskeletal symptoms and the mental health of workers at two institutions of higher education in Cali, Colombia. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional correlation with participation of 177 workers. Musculoskeletal pain was assessed with the Nordic Questionnaire and mental health status with the General Health Questionnaire of Goldberg (GHQ 12). Results: The workers had a mean age of 38 + / - 9.8 , 42.2 % , a job experience with more than 10 years ( 58.4 %) and seniority between 1 to 5 years , 66.7 % were sedentary , and 43.5 % were overweight with some degree of obesity. Back pain (26.6 %) and knee (11.9 %) were the most prevalent in the last 6 months and 7 days (14.2 % and 6.2 %) and the main causes of medical consultation (14.1 % and 5.6 %). The workers did not show altered behavior or relationships. 43.5 % has been constantly felt under stress, which is statistically associated with the presence of pain in the last 6 months, p value 0.025. Conclusion: statistical relationship between the perception of feeling constantly under pressure in the presence of musculoskeletal pain in the past six months was found. College employees have good mental health.El dolor es una respuesta del organismo a la fatiga o a factores externos, puede afectar el sistema músculo esquelético y la salud mental de quien lo padece. Objetivo: Determinar la sintomatología osteomuscular y el estado de salud mental de trabajadores de dos Instituciones de Educación Superior en Cali Colombia. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, correlacional de corte transversal con participación de 177 trabajadores. El dolor osteomuscular se evalúo con el Cuestionario Nórdico y el estado de salud mental con el Cuestionario General de Salud de Goldberg (GHQ 12). Resultados: Los trabajadores tuvieron una edad media de 38 +/- 9,8 años (42,2%), experiencia en el oficio mayor a 10 años (58,4%) y antigüedad en la empresa entre 1 y 5 años, 66,7% son sedentarios y 43,5% presentó sobrepeso con algún grado de obesidad. El dolor de espalda (26,6%) y de rodilla (11,9%) fueron los más prevalentes en los últimos 6 meses y 7 días (14,2% y 6,2%) y las principales causas de consulta médica (14,1% y 5,6%). Los trabajadores no presentaron alteración de la conducta ni en las relaciones interpersonales. 43,5% se ha sentido constantemente bajo tensión, lo que se relacionó estadísticamente con la presencia de dolor en los últimos 6 meses, valor p 0,025. Conclusión: Se encontró relación estadística entre la percepción de sentirse constantemente bajo presión con la presencia de dolor osteomuscular en los últimos seis meses. Los trabajadores universitarios gozan de buena salud mental
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