123 research outputs found

    Priority water rights. Are they useful for improving water-use efficiency at the irrigation district level?

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    This paper examines the effectiveness of reforming water rights regimes in the agricultural sector by replacing allocation procedures based on the proportional rule with the implementation of a priority rule that establishes security-differentiated water rights. The main objective is to assess whether this change improves the economic efficiency of water allocation at the irrigation district level, particularly during cyclical scarcity events. To this end, a Positive Mathematical Programming model is built to simulate the performance of the proposed reform in an irrigation district in southern Spain. The results show that the efficiency gains brought about by this change are very small, which casts doubt on its ability to improve water-use efficiency in the agricultural sector at the local level (i.e., irrigation district) under current local climate and water availability conditions. In any case, further research is needed to assess the suitability of this change in allocations rules at basin scale with greater farm heterogeneity, especially given the likelihood of more frequent, more intense droughts due to climate change

    Agricultural Water Allocation Under Cyclical Scarcity: The Role of Priority Water Rights

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    Water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource worldwide, suggesting that water rationing methods should be revised to improve water allocation efficiency, especially during cyclical scarcity events (droughts). The proportional rule is the most widely used rationing method to allocate water in cases of water scarcity. However, this method fails to achieve Pareto-efficient allocation arrangements. Economic theory and international experience demonstrate that implementing security-differentiated water rights could improve allocative efficiency during cyclical scarcity periods. Moreover, it has been proven that this kind of priority rights regime is an efficient instrument to share risks related to water supply reliability, and can thus be considered as an adaptation measure to climate change. This evidence has enabled the development of an operational proposal for the implementation of security-differentiated water rights in the irrigation sector in Spain, as an alternative to the current rights based on the proportional rule. This proposal draws on the Australian case study, which is the most successful experience worldwide. Nevertheless, the insights obtained from the analysis performed and the proposal for reforming the water rights regime are applicable to any country with a mature water economy

    Priority Water Rights for Irrigation at the River Basin Level. Do They Improve Economic Efficiency During Drought Periods?

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    This paper assesses the potential efficiency gains of reforming the water rights regime in the Spanish agricultural sector by replacing current allocation procedures based on the proportional rule with a priority allocation procedure based on two tiers of security-differentiated water rights. This assessment is useful for evaluating whether said change in water rights can be considered a suitable policy instrument to improve water management during droughts events. For this purpose, a mathematical programming model is built to simulate the performance of the proposed reform. The empirical analysis is implemented at the basin scale, where water rights holders are highly heterogeneous, considering different climate scenarios accounting for changes in water supply reliability. The Guadalquivir River Basin (GRB) in southern Spain is used as a case study. The results obtained show that this change in the water allocation regime would yield only modest economic efficiency gains under the current climate scenario. However, it is also evidenced that this policy instrument could play a more relevant role as an efficiency enhancer in a climate change scenario, given that more frequent and intense drought episodes are expected. Moreover, priority rights represent an interesting risk management instrument for farmers, allowing the most vulnerable farmers to reduce income volatility. These findings suggest that the combined implementation of the proposed shift in the allocation regime with spot or allocation water markets would lead to successful outcomes, significantly improving drought management in the irrigation sector

    Self-financed water bank for resource reallocation to the environment and within the agricultural sector

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    In closed river basins, economic activities commonly threaten instream flows, especially during drought episodes. In such situations, a suitable policy option is to recover water for the environment by purchasing water allocations from farmers through a water bank. However, the purchase of temporary water rights strongly depends on the public budget available for this purpose. We propose a self-financed water bank with the twofold objective of reallocating water within the agricultural sector and recovering a share of the purchased water for the environment. The main feature of this water bank is that it will operate in a monopsony-monopoly setting, using its market power to recover water for environmental purposes, and working with a balanced budget (expenditure on purchases will equal revenues from sales). A mathematical programming model is developed to simulate the potential performance of the proposed water bank in the Guadalquivir River Basin (southern Spain), considering society’s demand for environmental water and different water scarcity scenarios. Results show that a maximum of between 5.8% and 10.4% of total water availability can be recovered for the environment, depending on the severity of the drought, while total economic efficiency is increased, yielding a beneficial result for farmers and society

    Caracterización de regímenes de corte del torno spectralight 0400 de la facultad de ingeniería mecánica universidad tecnológica de pereira

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    Para el proceso de integrar el torno de control numérico Spectralight 0400 a una Celda de Manufactura Flexible (FMC), se requiere definir las condiciones límites (máximas y mínimas) de operación del mismo, mediante el uso de la Teoría de corte, para diferentes materiales comerciales que se usarán en la Celda

    Caracterización de regímenes de corte del torno spectralight 0400 de la facultad de ingeniería mecánica universidad tecnológica de pereira

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    Para el proceso de integrar el torno de control numérico Spectralight 0400 a una Celda de Manufactura Flexible (FMC), se requiere definir las condiciones límites (máximas y mínimas) de operación del mismo, mediante el uso de la Teoría de corte, para diferentes materiales comerciales que se usarán en la Celda

    Niveles de contaminación generados por proceso de secado de café y planteamiento de soluciones.

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    Este artículo describe los resultados del proceso seguido para dar solución a una problemática específica de un gremio productivo de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa de Cabal (Risaralda), consistente en elaborar un estudio que cuantificó los niveles de contaminación (sonora, material particulado, gases y vapores de combustión) generados en el proceso de beneficio y secado de café, y posteriormente plantear soluciones para la atenuación de los mismos a niveles permitidos por la ley, para la emisión de vapores y material particulado

    Niveles de contaminación generados por proceso de secado de café y planteamiento de soluciones.

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    Este artículo describe los resultados del proceso seguido para dar solución a una problemática específica de un gremio productivo de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa de Cabal (Risaralda), consistente en elaborar un estudio que cuantificó los niveles de contaminación (sonora, material particulado, gases y vapores de combustión) generados en el proceso de beneficio y secado de café, y posteriormente plantear soluciones para la atenuación de los mismos a niveles permitidos por la ley, para la emisión de vapores y material particulado