36 research outputs found

    Mitigation of greenhouse gases emission affected by no-tillage and winter cover crops in a subtropical paddy rice ecosystem

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    ABSTRACT Paddy rice production based on traditional soil management emits large amounts of methane (CH4) into the atmosphere. This study assessed the potential of no-tillage (NT) and winter cover crops (WCC) to mitigate net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a subtropical paddy rice ecosystem. A long-term (20-yrs) experiment was evaluated regarding the effect of NT combined with winter fallow or three WCC (ryegrass, white oat, and birdsfoot trefoil) on seasonal CH4 -C and nitrous oxide (N2O-N) emissions and on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in comparison to conventional tillage (CT) under winter fallow in a Gleysol of Southern Brazil. The changes in SOC were used as a proxy for annual net carbon dioxide (CO2) exchanges in the soil-atmosphere, taking the CT treatment as a reference. The GHG balance (summation of CH4 , N2O and CO2 emissions multiplied by their global warming potential of 34, 298, and 1, respectively) and emissions intensity of GHG emissions were calculated. Across winter managements, NT decreased 25 % of GHG emissions in comparison to CT system. This effect was mainly related to the decrease of seasonal CH4 -C emissions (31-113 kg ha-1) and by promoting SOC accumulation (0.45-0.65 Mg ha-1yr-1) in comparison to CT system, since soil N2 O-N emission was not affected by management practices. Increased soil CH4 -C emissions offset the positive effect of WCC on SOC accumulation compared with winter fallow. Based on our findings, NT mitigates net GHG emissions in subtropical paddy rice ecosystems, but no additional effect is observed combining NT with WCC

    Metal-resistant rhizobacteria change soluble-exchangeable fraction in multi-metal-contaminated soil samples

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    There is a complex interaction between various components of the soil ecosystem, including microbial biomass and soil chemical contaminants such as heavy metals and radionuclides, which may greatly affect the efficiency of bioremediation techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate microbial capacity to change pH, changes in the metal soluble-exchangeable fraction, and effects of initial heavy metal contents on soil samples in microbial solubilization/immobilization capacity. The soil samples used in this study were collected at a known metal-contaminated site. Three highly metal-resistant bacteria were isolated from rhizosphere soil samples collected on weed species identified as Senecio brasiliensis, Senecio leptolobus, and Baccharis trimera. A completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement was used, with three replicates. In general, with an acid pH, the isolates neutralized the contaminated growth media. In a neutral or basic initial pH, increases in pH were observed in the media, so these bacteria have an alkalizing effect on the growth media. Soluble metal contents were quite different and depend on the microbial species and heavy metal contents in the soil samples. The soluble-exchangeable fraction of metal such as Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ba may be unavailable after inoculation with heavy metalresistant rhizobacteria. A promising approach seems to be the application of inoculants with metal-resistant bacteria in bioremediation of multi-metal-polluted environments to improve the efficiency of this environmentally friendly technology

    Electrochemical changes and nutrient dynamics in the solution of soil with rice irrigated with treated industrial leachate

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    A utilização de efluentes industriais tratados na irrigação do arroz por alagamento pode provocar alterações eletroquímicas e aumentar o teor de nutrientes na solução do solo. Para testar essa hipótese, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a dinâmica dos atributos químicos e eletroquímicos da solução do solo sob cultivo de arroz irrigado com lixiviado industrial tratado, contendo 820 mg L-1 de Na. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se como unidades experimentais vasos preenchidos com 20 kg de solo, em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram: controle (irrigação com água destilada) e quatro proporções do lixiviado (25, 50, 75 e 100 %). As coletas de solução do solo foram feitas semanalmente a partir do quarto dia após o início do alagamento (DAA) até 84 DAA. A solução do solo foi amostrada na profundidade de 10 cm e analisada para os principais nutrientes e o Na, bem como para a demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO5), relação de adsorção de sódio (RAS), condutividade elétrica (CE) e potencial redox (EH). A irrigação com o lixiviado aumentou os teores de K, Ca, Mg, S, P, N-NH+ 4, N-NO− 3 e Na, assim como os valores de RAS e CE, para valores considerados prejudiciais para as plantas. Foi observada diminuição do potencial redox na solução do solo pela irrigação com lixiviado industrial tratado. Os teores de DBO5 e o N-NH+ 4 diminuíram com o tempo de alagamento. Em proporções menores que 25 %, o lixiviado industrial tratado pode aumentar os teores de nutrientes em solução sem causar interferência do Na para as plantas.The use of treated industrial wastewater in flood irrigation of rice may cause electrochemical changes and increase the nutrient content in the soil solution. To test this hypothesis, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the dynamics of the chemical and electrochemical properties of the soil solution under flooded rice irrigated with treated industrial leachate containing 820 mg L-1 of Na. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, using pots filled with 20 kg of soil in a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were control (irrigation with distilled water) and four ratios of the leachate (25, 50, 75, and 100 %). Samples of soil solution were taken weekly from the fourth day after the start of flooding (DAF) until 84 DAF, The soil solution was sampled by means of 50 mm diameter PVC collectors at 10 cm depth, and analyzed for key nutrients and Na, as well as for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), electrical conductivity (EC), and redox potential (EH). Irrigation with leachate increased the levels of Ca, Mg, S, P, NH+ 4 -N, NO− 3-N and Na, as well as the values of the SAR and the value of EC, to levels considered harmful to plants. A decrease in EH was observed in the soil solution through irrigation with treated industrial leachate. The levels of BOD5 and NH+ 4 -N decreased with time of flooding. At proportions of less than 25 %, the treated industrial leachate can increase the levels of nutrients in the soil solution without Na reaching critical levels for plants

    Soil chemical and plant growth attributes under irrigation with treated industrial leachate

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    Lixiviados de centrais de resíduos industriais podem ser nocivos ao meio ambiente caso sejam lançados inadequadamente em mananciais hídricos, mas podem ser tratados e utilizados na agricultura com o aproveitamento dos nutrientes e de material orgânico. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de lixiviado tratado nas propriedades químicas e eletroquímicas do solo, na dinâmica de nutrientes e elementos no solo e no rendimento de milho, arroz irrigado e milheto. Foram realizados estudos nas dependências do Departamento de Solos da UFRGS, onde a concentração do lixiviado tratado foi a principal variável. No primeiro estudo, avaliou-se o efeito da irrigação com lixiviado em atributos químicos de solo degradado, de percolado, nos teores de argila dispersa em água e na nutrição e produção de biomassa vegetal de plantas de milho. No segundo estudo, avaliou-se o rendimento e a absorção de nutrientes pelo arroz irrigado com lixiviado industrial tratado. No terceiro estudo analisaram-se as alterações eletroquímicas da solução do solo cultivado com arroz irrigado com lixiviado. No quarto estudo, avaliaram-se as alterações químicas de três solos bem como produção de biomassa vegetal e aspectos nutricionais de plantas de milheto irrigado com lixiviado. No estudo 1, a irrigação com lixiviado aumentou os teores de P, Na e CE no solo degradado, não alterou o desenvolvimento de milho, aumentou a absorção de macronutrientes à exceção de Ca e Mg e aumentou boa parte dos nutrientes, Na, a CE e DBO5. Para o arroz, a irrigação com lixiviado aumentou a salinidade do solo e os nutrientes em solução e no tecido, porém, o lixiviado em proporções crescentes, diminuiu o rendimento de grãos. A irrigação com lixiviado na cultura do milheto aumentou os teores de Na e K nos solos e no tecido das plantas, além do N no tecido. Mesmo com altos teores de Na nos solos desse estudo, não se verificaram alterações nos teores de argila dispersa em água. O gesso agrícola não teve efeito na lixiviação de Na e as chuvas lixiviaram a maior parte do Na. Dessa forma, a aplicação do lixiviado industrial pode ser uma fonte de nutrientes para o sistema solo-planta e uma alternativa ecológica de disposição de efluentes, desde que sejam monitorados os níveis de sódio.Waste plant Leachates can be harmful to the environment if they are improperly discharged in water bodies, but can be treated and used in agriculture as a source of nutrients and organic material. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of different doses of treated leachate in the soil chemical and electrochemical properties, dynamic of soil nutrients and elements and yield of maize, rice and millet. All studies performed used different concentration of the treated leachate as the main variable. The first study assessed the effect of leachate irrigation on the chemical properties of a degraded soil, leachate and plants. The second study assessed the yield and nutrient uptake by rice irrigated with leachate. In the third study the electrochemical changes on soil solution was analyzed after leachate irrigation. The fourth study evaluated the chemical changes of three soils and nutritional aspects of millet plants irrigated with leachate. Maize irrigation with leachate increased the levels of P, Na and EC in the degraded soil, did not alter the growth of corn, and increased macronutrients uptakes except for Ca and Mg. Rice irrigation with leachate increased salinity, nutrients in solution and in tissue and decreased grain yield. Millet irrigation with leached increased levels of Na and K in soils and plant tissue, and N in the tissue. Gypsum had no effect and the rains leach most of the Na. The industrial leachate can be a major source of nutrients to the soil but sodium levels require some monitoring