344 research outputs found
THE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE A new approach into public management from the perspective of local governments
The measurement of organizational performance, in particular the search for a model that brings the management process together with the expected results through strategies, has been one of the most important issues in the Administration in recent decades. Recently, efforts have been made to adapt to public sector organizations approaches and technologies originally developed for businesses, especially in countries such as Peru, seeking to influence governments’ ability to produce results. However, the concrete evidence of local government suggests that the implementation of management processes in this area reduces its chances of success because of the highly structured nature of management, the rigidity of the organizational design and the government regulation itself. This article argues that the performance improvement comes from reconciling the dimensions of the strategy and the structure. On this basis, there is a tool to assess organizational performance in terms of make flexible the functional structure and to adapt it towards logic of process management. In this way the strategy may gain intensity, causing the alignment of processes and create visible results of these, allowing to evaluate the performance of the areas, managers and ultimately, the organization.Public management; local government; performance measurement; management models; indicators.
Clima laboral y desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de una Institución Educativa de San Martín de Porres, 2024
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado Clima laboral y desempeño laboral de
los trabajadores de una Institución Educativa de San Martín de Porres, 2024; tuvo
como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre clima laboral y el desempeño
laboral. La investigación fue de nivel descriptivo – correlacional y del tipo causal, de
diseño no experimental, de tipo básica con enfoque cuantitativo. La población
constó de 29 trabajadores entre docentes de inicial, primaria y personal
administrativo, los que fueron considerados como muestra. Se utilizó como
instrumento la encuesta para las dos variables. Aplicando una relación
estadísticamente significativa entre las variables Clima Laboral y Desempeño
Laboral se obtuvo un p-valor de 0.001. Además, se observó una correlación positiva
moderada con un coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman de Rho= 0.591 en
el nivel inferencial; es decir, que si el clima laboral de los trabajadores mejora
significativamente, su desempeño laboral mejorará positivamente
Conectividad del enebro marítimo (JUNIPERUS OXYCEDRUS SUBSP MACROCARPA) en el suroeste de España
El enebro marítimo es una conífera nativa de las costas mediterráneas cuyos bosques representan la etapa
madura de dunas y acantilados arenosos sometidos al aerosol marino. En Andalucía, sus poblaciones se
distribuyen a lo largo del Golfo de Cádiz, presentando una distribución muy fragmentada. La fragmentación y el
aislamiento de las poblaciones del enebro dificultan su conservación debido a la interrupción de las
interacciones ecológicas entre el enebro y sus dispersores. Este trabajo analiza la fragmentación de la
población de enebro y su pérdida de conectividad en la costa oeste de Huelva desde 1956, el área potencial
actual para la recuperación de sus poblaciones y la conectividad ecológica para un organismo dispersor de
semillas de enebro. Para ello se ha empleado el Cost Distance del módulo espacial de ArcGIS y modelos de
diseño de corredores ecológicos Corridor Designer, utilizando como principales fuentes de información el
mapa de usos y coberturas vegetales del suelo de Andalucía y fotografías aéreas 1956-2004. Los resultados
muestran una reducción del 70% en el área ocupada y una pérdida de conectividad debido al desarrollo
urbano y de infraestructuras. Finalmente se proponen medidas de restauración para la especie en el área de
estudio.Maritime juniper is a conifer native from the Mediterranean basin which woodlands represent the mature
successional stage on sandy dunes and cliffs under salt spray deposition. In Andalusia, juniper populations
show a fragmented distribution along the Gulf of Cádiz. Fragmentation and isolation of juniper populatios
make difficult its conservation due to the interruption of ecological interactions between juniper and their seed
dispersers. This work analyses the fragmentation of juniper population and the lost of connectivity since 1956
in the western coast of Huelva, the current potential distribution area and the connectivity for a juniper seed
disperser. Analyses were carried out using Cost Distance (ArcGIS) and Corridor Designer models, along with
the land uses/land cover map for Andalusia and aerial photographs from 1956 and 2004. Results show a
reduction of 70% in the distribution area and a lost of connectivity due to urban development. Finally,
restoration measures are proposed
Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome as a cause of acute abdomen: case report
The case of a young adult woman who came to the emergency room with acute surgical abdomen is presented. As part of her treatment, laboratory studies were performed, highlighting leukocytosis at the expense of neutrophilia. An abdominal CT study with contrast was also performed, which showed free fluid in the abdominal cavity without diagnostic confirmation, so a diagnostic laparoscopy was performed where perihepatic adhesions were evident on violin strings suggestive of Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome. Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome is an entity little reported in the surgical literature. Its manifestations are nonspecific with generalized abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. It is a diagnostic challenge since it can be confused with other surgical gastrointestinal pathologies such as appendicitis or cholecystitis, occurs in both genders, although it is more common in women of reproductive age, its diagnosis is usually a postoperative finding, the prognosis will depend on the postoperative findings and non-surgical management. We present a review of the literature and a reported case
Competitividad sostenible de la pequeña empresa: un modelo de promoción de capacidades endógenas para promover ventajas competitivas sostenibles y alta productividad
In the past three decades, the competitiveness and productivity of the small enterprise have been favored by the government, business action and technical cooperation, which have made signifi cant contributions regarding promotion, development and provision of technical assistance. In the developing economies of the Asia Pacifi c region, these efforts are explained by the fact that the small enterprise contributes without question, to job generation, local economic dynamics, collective effi ciency of business network, and economic growth. In the economies of the region, most contributions have been channeled through public policies with a focus on capacity building. Nevertheless, according to preliminary studies in the main business clusters in Peru, the government’s promotion actions have not had a steady effect in competitiveness and productivity. Evidence suggests that business development services have a limited effect as they depend solely on external interventions. In contrast, successful entrepreneurship relies more on endogenous capacities. This article introduces a framework of promotion of the productivity and sustained competitiveness in the small enterprise, laying stress on endogenous capacities and an effi cient arrangement of external interventions.En las últimas tres décadas, la competitividad y la productividad de la pequeña empresa han merecido importantes esfuerzos de promoción, fomento y asistencia técnica del gobierno, la empresa y la cooperación técnica. En las economías en vías de desarrollo de la región Asia Pacífico estos esfuerzos se sustentan en el entendido de que la pequeña empresa aporta decisivamente a la creación de empleo, la dinámica económica local, la eficiencia colectiva del tejido empresarial y el crecimiento económico. El grueso de intervenciones ha sido canalizado a través de políticas públicas con un enfoque de construcción de capacidades. No obstante, estudios preliminares en los principales clusters empresariales en el Perú sugieren que las iniciativas de fomento concentradas en el accionar gubernamental no han tenido un efecto sostenido en la competitividad ni la productividad. La evidencia sugiere que los servicios de desarrollo empresarial tienen incidencia limitada porque dependen solo de intervenciones externas, a diferencia de los emprendimientos exitosos, que se explican mejor por capacidades endógenas. Este artículo introduce un framework de promoción de la productividad y la competitividad sostenida en la pequeña empresa, con énfasis en las capacidades endógenas y una combinación eficiente de intervenciones externas
El proceso de la gestión y el desempeño organizacional: una aproximación a la nueva gestión pública desde el ámbito de los gobiernos locales
The measurement of organizational performance, in particular the search for a model that brings the management process together with the expected results through strategies, has been one of the most important issues in the Administration in recent decades. Recently, efforts have been made to adapt to public sector organizations approaches and technologies originally developed for businesses, especially in countries such as Peru, seeking to influence governments’ ability to produce results. However, the concrete evidence of local government suggests that the implementation of management processes in this area reduces its chances of success because of the highly structured nature of management, the rigidity of the organizational design and the government regulation itself. This article argues that the performance improvement comes from reconciling the dimensions of the strategy and the structure. On this basis, there is a tool to assess organizational performance in terms of make flexible the functional structure and to adapt it towards logic of process management. In this way the strategy may gain intensity, causing the alignment of processes and create visible results of these, allowing to evaluate the performance of the areas, managers and ultimately, the organization.La medición del desempeño de la organización en particular la búsqueda de un modelo que acerque el proceso de gestión a los resultados esperados a través de estrategias ha sido uno de los temas más importantes de la Administración en las últimas décadas. Recientemente se han hecho esfuerzos por adaptar a las organizaciones del sector público enfoques y tecnologías inicialmente desarrollados para las empresas sobre todo en países que como el Perú buscan incidir en la capacidad de los gobiernos para producir resultados. Empero la evidencia concreta de los gobiernos locales sugiere que la implementación de sistemas de gestión por procesos en este ámbito ve reducida su expectativa de éxito por la naturaleza altamente estructurada de la gestión la rigidez del diseño organizacional y la propia normativa gubernamental. Este artículo plantea que la mejora del rendimiento deviene de conciliar las dimensiones de la estrategia y la estructura. Sobre esa base se presenta una herramienta para estimar el desempeño organizacional en función de flexibilizar la estructura funcional y adaptarla a una lógica de gestión por procesos. Así es más factible que la estrategia gane intensidad provoque la alineación de los procesos y visibilice los resultados de estos permitiendo evaluar el desempeño de las áreas los gestores y en definitiva la organización
Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in Liquid Crystals Doped with Resonant Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Currently, there are many efforts to improve the electrooptical properties of liquid crystals by means of doping them with different types of nanoparticles. In addition, liquid crystals may be used as active media to dynamically control other interesting phenomena, such as light scattering resonances. In this sense, mixtures of resonant nanoparticles hosted in a liquid crystal could be a potential metamaterial with interesting properties. In this work, the artificial magnetism induced in a mixture of semiconductor nanoparticles surrounded by a liquid crystal is analyzed. Effective magnetic permeability of mixtures has been obtained using the Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory. Furthermore, permeability variations with nanoparticles size and their concentration in the liquid crystal, as well as the magnetic anisotropy, have been studied
Design and experimental implementation of a multi-cloak paraxial optical system
Electromagnetic cloaking has being continuously pursued using a large variety of approaches. In recent years, this effect has been observed using either complex devices based on the so-called Transformation Optics or simple systems based on conventional optics with proper characteristics. In the latter case, a simple arrangement of lenses working in the paraxial regime can provide broadband visible cloaking in a wide area. In this work, we analyzed and generalized this method by proposing a five-lens system producing at least three potential invisible regions with a large cloaked area (>90% of the visual field). In particular, we developed the mathematical formalism and show, both numerically and experimentally, the successful operation of the cloaking system with the naked eye.AF-H wants also to express her grattitude to the Ministerio de Universidades for her predoctoral grant (FPU19/04133)
Stercoraceous perforation, rare but potentially fatal cause: case report
Stercoraceous perforation is an infrequent pathology but with high mortality rates, it is increasingly recognized as a consequence of chronic constipation, it occurs in elderly people, the diagnosis is a surgical challenge, sudden abdominal pain is the initial symptom associated with signs of peritoneal irritation and the diagnostic study of choice is tomography, the treatment of choice is early surgery, the prognosis is related to the patient's comorbidities. We present the clinical case and review of the subject of a 72-year-old woman who presented stercoraceous perforation secondary to chronic constipation, emergency surgery was performed with resection of the affected bowel, colostomy and Hartmann's pouch with favorable short-term results
Optimising urban routes as a factor to favour sustainable school transport
We thank Gema Zarrías Martos, Technical Topography Engineer, for her participation in developing this project. The authors also wish to thank the European Commission for supporting the project MySmart School, with Ref. 2015-1-FR01-KA201-015274 in the KA201 programme of strategic actions in Primary Education through those people who participated in this project: the public Vicente Blasco Ibáñez school, the Alginet Town Council and the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). We particularly thank: (i) the management team, the collaborators from the school s Mother and Fathers Association, the tutors and students of grade 5 and 6 students from the public Vicente Blasco Ibáñez School in Alginet, especially for their enthusiasm, direct implication and active participation in this project; (ii) the Alginet Town Council for supporting the project and for implementing the proposed improvements; (iii) the UPV research team for its collaboration, help and for providing ideas.Mora Navarro, JG.; Femenia-Ribera, C.; Martínez Llario, JC.; Antequera Terroso, EB. (2018). Optimising urban routes as a factor to favour sustainable school transport. Journal of Transport Geography. 72:211-217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.09.001S2112177
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