416 research outputs found

    Lyot-plane phase masks for improved high-contrast imaging with a vortex coronagraph

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    Context. The vortex coronagraph is an optical instrument that precisely removes on-axis starlight allowing for high contrast imaging at small angular separation from the star, a crucial capability for direct detection and characterization of exoplanets and circumstellar disks. Telescopes with aperture obstructions, such as secondary mirrors and spider support structures, require advanced coronagraph designs to provide adequate starlight suppression. Aims. We introduce a phase-only Lyot-plane optic to the vortex coronagraph, which offers improved contrast performance on telescopes with complicated apertures. Potential solutions for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) are described. Methods. Adding a Lyot-plane phase mask relocates residual starlight away from a region of the image plane, thereby reducing stellar noise and improving sensitivity to off-axis companions. The phase mask is calculated using an iterative phase retrieval algorithm. Results. Numerically, we achieve a contrast on the order of 10-6 for a companion with angular displacement as small as 4λ/D with an E-ELT type aperture. Even in the presence of aberrations, improved performance is expected compared to either a conventional vortex coronagraph or an optimized pupil plane phase element alone

    Migration of surgical clips through a right lobectomy stump mimicking an asthmatic syndrome

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    The mechanical stapler is routinely used in thoracic surgery practice to attend resection of bronchus and vessels. Herein, we reported a very rare complication as the migration of a titanium surgical clip through a right lobectomy stump. One year after the procedure, the patient complained of persistent cough. A misdiagnosis of asthma was made and she treated for 6 months with bronchodilators, corticosteroid and antihistaminic without success. Thus, patient re-referred of our unit. No clinical signs of infection as fewer, productive cough, dyspnea were present. The laboratory exams were within normal value including white cells. CT scan revealed no abnormalities. Bronchoscopy demonstrated a healed upper bronchus stump without evidence of an actual, open bronchopleural fistula but with clips apparently working their way into the airway, with approximately half of the clip visible within the lumen. The side of the clips that would be open before closure by the surgeon formed the leading edge of the clips visible in the lumen. The clips were successfully removed during flexible bronchoscopy with a forceps usually used for biopsy. After the procedure, the cough disappeared. The endoscopy check after 3 months showed a normal bronchial stump without evidence of fistula

    Combining synchrotron radiation techniques for the analysis of gold coins from the Roman Empire

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    Four gold coins minted in the V century have been studied with non-destructive synchrotron radiation techniques, namely X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES). XRF data analyzed coupling standard and statistical methods were used to distinguish the composition of the alloy constituting the coins from that of successive deposits processes. Our analysis presents a quantification of the trace elements present in the metallic alloy providing interesting details for historical insight. Furthermore, on the basis of the XRF maps, some regions of interest were selected for XANES at the K-edge of Fe. Our analysis of the Fe spectra points out two main phases which can be related to Fe oxides naturally present in soil. From the relative abundance of these oxides, information on the site where the coins were found can be obtained, providing additional information on their fate across the centuries

    Pédiatrie [News in paediatrics]

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    Every pediatrician will be confronted with newborns oryoung infants with skin lesions in proximity of the vertebral column. It is important not to miss a spinal dysraphism because of the risk of meningeal infection or of the possible presence of a tethered cord. A practical algorithm is presented. Non-accidental injury in young infants and toddlers is not rare but difficult to detect. Bruises and fractures are highly suspicious for non-accidental injury and should trigger specific investigations. Emergency departments and hospitals are switching from hypotonic to isotonic solutions as maintenance infusions of children. They reduce the risk of hyponatremia without increasing that of hypernatremia, and they should be used preferentially in the majority of pediatric clinical settings

    Insights into Current Tropomyosin Receptor Kinase (TRK) Inhibitors: Development and Clinical Application

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    The use of kinase-directed precision medicine has been heavily pursued since the discovery and development of imatinib. Annually, it is estimated that around ∼20 000 new cases of tropomyosin receptor kinase (TRK) cancers are diagnosed, with the majority of cases exhibiting a TRK genomic rearrangement. In this Perspective, we discuss current development and clinical applications for TRK precision medicine by providing the following: (1) the biological background and significance of the TRK kinase family, (2) a compilation of known TRK inhibitors and analysis of their cocrystal structures, (3) an overview of TRK clinical trials, and (4) future perspectives for drug discovery and development of TRK inhibitors

    Fast Detection of a BRCA2 Large Genomic Duplication by Next Generation Sequencing as a Single Procedure: A Case Report.

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    The aim of this study was to verify the reliability of a next generation sequencing (NGS)-based method as a strategy to detect all possible BRCA mutations, including large genomic rearrangements. Genomic DNA was obtained from a peripheral blood sample provided by a patient from Southern Italy with early onset breast cancer and a family history of diverse cancers. BRCA molecular analysis was performed by NGS, and sequence data were analyzed using two software packages. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) array was used as confirmatory method. A novel large duplication, involving exons 4–26, of BRCA2 was directly detected in the patient by NGS workflow including quantitative analysis of copy number variants. The duplication observed was also found by CGH array, thus confirming its extent. Large genomic rearrangements can affect the BRCA1/2 genes, and thus contribute to germline predisposition to familial breast and ovarian cancers. The frequency of these mutations could be underestimated because of technical limitations of several routinely used molecular analysis, while their evaluation should be included also in these molecular testing. The NGS-based strategy described herein is an effective procedure to screen for all kinds of BRCA mutations

    An NMR-based scoring function improves the accuracy of binding pose predictions by docking by two orders of magnitude

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    Low-affinity ligands can be efficiently optimized into high-affinity drug leads by structure based drug design when atomic-resolution structural information on the protein/ligand complexes is available. In this work we show that the use of a few, easily obtainable, experimental restraints improves the accuracy of the docking experiments by two orders of magnitude. The experimental data are measured in nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and consist of protein-mediated NOEs between two competitively binding ligands. The methodology can be widely applied as the data are readily obtained for low-affinity ligands in the presence of non-labelled receptor at low concentration. The experimental inter-ligand NOEs are efficiently used to filter and rank complex model structures that have been pre-selected by docking protocols. This approach dramatically reduces the degeneracy and inaccuracy of the chosen model in docking experiments, is robust with respect to inaccuracy of the structural model used to represent the free receptor and is suitable for high-throughput docking campaigns

    PCR-based rapid genotyping of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>All bacterial genomes contain repetitive sequences which are members of specific DNA families. Such repeats may occur as single units, or found clustered in multiple copies in a head-to-tail configuration at specific loci. The number of clustered units per locus is a strain-defining parameter. Assessing the length variability of clusters of repeats is a versatile typing methodology known as multilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Stenotrophomonas maltophilia </it>is an environmental bacterium increasingly involved in nosocomial infections and resistant to most antibiotics. The availability of the whole DNA sequence of the <it>S. maltophilia </it>strain K279a allowed us to set up fast and accurate PCR-based diagnostic protocols based on the measurement of length variations of <it>loci </it>carrying a variable number of short palindromic repeats marking the <it>S. maltophilia </it>genome. On the basis of the amplimers size, it was possible to deduce the number of repeats present at 12 different <it>loci </it>in a collection of <it>S. maltophilia </it>isolates, and therefore label each of them with a digit. PCR-negative regions were labelled 0. Co-amplification of two pairs of <it>loci </it>provided a 4-digit code sufficient for immediate subtyping. By increasing the number of <it>loci </it>analyzed, it should be possible to assign a more specific digit profile to isolates. In general, MLVA data match genotyping data obtained by PFGE (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis). However, some isolates exhibiting the same PCR profiles at all <it>loci </it>display distinct PFGE patterns.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The utilization of the present protocol allows to type several <it>S. maltophilia </it>isolates in hours. The results are immediately interpretable without the need for sophisticated softwares. The data can be easily reproducible, and compared among different laboratories.</p

    The Platelet-derived Growth Factor Controls c-myc Expression through a JNK- and AP-1-dependent Signaling Pathway *

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    Pro-inflammatory cytokines, environmental stresses, as well as receptor tyrosine kinases regulate the activity of JNK. In turn, JNK phosphorylates Jun members of the AP-1 family of transcription factors, thereby controlling processes as different as cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Still, very few targets of the JNK-Jun pathway have been identified. Here we show that JNK is required for the induction of c-myc expression by PDGF. Furthermore, we identify a phylogenetically conserved AP-1-responsive element in the promoter of the c-myc proto-oncogene that recruits in vivo the c-Jun and JunD AP-1 family members and controls the PDGF-dependent transactivation of the c-myc promoter. These findings suggest the existence of a novel biochemical route linking tyrosine kinase receptors, such as those for PDGF, and c-myc expression through JNK activation of AP-1 transcription factors. They also provide a novel potential mechanism by which both JNK and Jun proteins may exert either their proliferative or apoptotic potential by stimulating the expression of the c-myc proto-oncogene