67 research outputs found

    Region-specific dendritic simplification induced by Aβ, mediated by tau via dysregulation of microtubule dynamics: a mechanistic distinct event from other neurodegenerative processes.

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    BackgroundDendritic simplification, a key feature of the neurodegenerative triad of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in addition to spine changes and neuron loss, occurs in a region-specific manner. However, it is unknown how changes in dendritic complexity are mediated and how they relate to spine changes and neuron loss.ResultsTo investigate the mechanisms of dendritic simplification in an authentic CNS environment we employed an ex vivo model, based on targeted expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged constructs in organotypic hippocampal slices of mice. Algorithm-based 3D reconstruction of whole neuron morphology in different hippocampal regions was performed on slices from APPSDL-transgenic and control animals. We demonstrate that induction of dendritic simplification requires the combined action of amyloid beta (Aβ) and human tau. Simplification is restricted to principal neurons of the CA1 region, recapitulating the region specificity in AD patients, and occurs at sites of Schaffer collateral input. We report that γ-secretase inhibition and treatment with the NMDA-receptor antagonist, CPP, counteract dendritic simplification. The microtubule-stabilizing drug epothilone D (EpoD) induces simplification in control cultures per se. Similar morphological changes were induced by a phosphoblocking tau construct, which also increases microtubule stability. In fact, low nanomolar concentrations of naturally secreted Aβ decreased phosphorylation at S262 in a cellular model, a site which is known to directly modulate tau-microtubule interactions.ConclusionsThe data provide evidence that dendritic simplification is mechanistically distinct from other neurodegenerative events and involves microtubule stabilization by dendritic tau, which becomes dephosphorylated at certain sites. They imply that treatments leading to an overall decrease of tau phosphorylation might have a negative impact on neuronal connectivity

    Multitargeted Imidazoles: Potential Therapeutic Leads for Alzheimer's and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex, multifactorial disease in which different neuropathological mechanisms are likely involved, including those associated with pathological tau and Aβ species as well as neuroinflammation. In this context, the development of single multitargeted therapeutics directed against two or more disease mechanisms could be advantageous. Starting from a series of 1,5-diarylimidazoles with microtubule (MT)-stabilizing activity and structural similarities with known NSAIDs, we conducted structure−activity relationship studies that led to the identification of multitargeted prototypes with activities as MT-stabilizing agents and/or inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase (COX) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) pathways. Several examples are brain-penetrant and exhibit balanced multitargeted in vitro activity in the low μM range. As brain-penetrant MT-stabilizing agents have proven effective against tau-mediated neurodegeneration in animal models, and because COX- and 5-LOX-derived eicosanoids are thought to contribute to Aβ plaque deposition, these 1,5-diarylimidazoles provide tools to explore novel multitargeted strategies for AD and other neurodegenerative diseases

    Evaluation of the brain-penetrant microtubule-stabilizing agent, dictyostatin, in the PS19 tau transgenic mouse model of tauopathy.

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    Neurodegenerative disorders referred to as tauopathies, which includes Alzheimer's disease (AD), are characterized by insoluble deposits of the tau protein within neuron cell bodies and dendritic processes in the brain. Tau is normally associated with microtubules (MTs) in axons, where it provides MT stabilization and may modulate axonal transport. However, tau becomes hyperphosphorylated and dissociates from MTs in tauopathies, with evidence of reduced MT stability and defective axonal transport. This has led to the hypothesis that MT-stabilizing drugs may have potential for the treatment of tauopathies. Prior studies demonstrated that the brain-penetrant MT-stabilizing drug, epothilone D, had salutary effects in transgenic (Tg) mouse models of tauopathy, improving MT density and axonal transport, while reducing axonal dystrophy. Moreover, epothilone D enhanced cognitive performance and decreased hippocampal neuron loss, with evidence of reduced tau pathology. To date, epothilone D has been the only non-peptide small molecule MT-stabilizing agent to be evaluated in Tg tau mice. Herein, we demonstrate the efficacy of another small molecule brain-penetrant MT-stabilizing agent, dictyostatin, in the PS19 tau Tg mouse model. Although dictyostatin was poorly tolerated at once-weekly doses of 1 mg/kg or 0.3 mg/kg, likely due to gastrointestinal (GI) complications, a dictyostatin dose of 0.1 mg/kg was better tolerated, such that the majority of 6-month old PS19 mice, which harbor a moderate level of brain tau pathology, completed a 3-month dosing study without evidence of significant body weight loss. Importantly, as previously observed with epothilone D, the dictyostatin-treated PS19 mice displayed improved MT density and reduced axonal dystrophy, with a reduction of tau pathology and a trend toward increased hippocampal neuron survival relative to vehicle-treated PS19 mice. Thus, despite evidence of dose-limiting peripheral side effects, the observed positive brain outcomes in dictyostatin-treated aged PS19 mice reinforces the concept that MT-stabilizing compounds have significant potential for the treatment of tauopathies

    Inhibition of the HEG1-KRIT1 interaction increases KLF4 and KLF2 expression in endothelial cells

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    The Kruppel-like Factors 2 and 4 (KLF2/4) are transcription factors and master regulators of endothelial cells (ECs) phenotype and homeostasis. KLF2/4 are important blood-flow-responsive genes within ECs that differentially regulate the expression of factors that confer anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and antiproliferative effects in ECs. We found that genetic inactivation of endothelial Krit1 (Krev interaction trapped protein 1) or Heg1 (Heart of glass) led to upregulation of KLF2/4 expression levels. We also observed that vasoprotective proteins, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and thrombomodulin (TM), are upregulated by the increase of KLF2/4 as a result of loss of endothelial KRIT1. Here, we developed a high-throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the HEG1-KRIT1 interaction and identified sirtinol (HKi001) as a promising hit inhibitor. The crystal structure of sirtinol bound to the KRIT1 FERM domain confirmed the primary screening results and ultimately led to the identification of a fragment-like inhibitor (HKi002), which occupies the HEG1 pocket producing comparable activity. These findings suggest that these inhibitors block the interaction by competing with the HEG1 for binding to KRIT1 FERM domain. Moreover, our results demonstrate that HKi002 upregulates KLF2/4 gene expression in two types of human ECs. These results reveal an unexpected role of inhibiting the HEG1-KRIT1 interaction and provide a proof-of-concept that pharmacological manipulation of this complex may offer new opportunities to induce expression of KLF2/4 as vasoprotective factors

    Identification of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors targeting Mpro and PLpro using in-cell-protease assay

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    SARS-CoV-2 proteases Mpro and PLpro are promising targets for antiviral drug development. In this study, we present an antiviral screening strategy involving a novel in-cell protease assay, antiviral and biochemical activity assessments, as well as structural determinations for rapid identification of protease inhibitors with low cytotoxicity. We identified eight compounds with anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity from a library of 64 repurposed drugs and modeled at protease active sites by in silico docking. We demonstrate that Sitagliptin and Daclatasvir inhibit PLpro, and MG-101, Lycorine HCl, and Nelfinavir mesylate inhibit Mpro of SARS-CoV-2. The X-ray crystal structure of Mpro in complex with MG-101 shows a covalent bond formation between the inhibitor and the active site Cys145 residue indicating its mechanism of inhibition is by blocking the substrate binding at the active site. Thus, we provide methods for rapid and effective screening and development of inhibitors for blocking virus polyprotein processing as SARS-CoV-2 antivirals. Additionally, we show that the combined inhibition of Mpro and PLpro is more effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 and the delta variant

    Design, synthesis, and evaluation of an anti‐trypanosomal [1,2,4]triazolo[1,5‐ a ]pyrimidine probe for photoaffinity labeling studies

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    Studies have shown that depending on the substitution pattern, microtubule (MT)‐targeting 1,2,4‐triazolo[1,5‐a]pyrimidines (TPDs) can produce different cellular responses in mammalian cells that may be due to these compounds interacting with distinct binding sites within the MT structure. Selected TPDs are also potently bioactive against the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis, Trypanosoma brucei, both in vitro and in vivo. So far, however, there has been no direct evidence of tubulin engagement by these TPDs in T. brucei. Therefore, to enable further investigation of anti‐trypanosomal TPDs, a TPD derivative amenable to photoaffinity labeling (PAL) was designed, synthesized, and evaluated in PAL experiments using HEK293 cells and T. brucei. The data arising confirmed specific labeling of T. brucei tubulin. In addition, proteomic data revealed differences in the labeling profiles of tubulin between HEK293 and T. brucei, suggesting structural differences between the TPD binding site(s) in mammalian and trypanosomal tubulin

    Evaluation of log P, pKa, and log D predictions from the SAMPL7 blind challenge

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    The Statistical Assessment of Modeling of Proteins and Ligands (SAMPL) challenges focuses the computational modeling community on areas in need of improvement for rational drug design. The SAMPL7 physical property challenge dealt with prediction of octanol-water partition coefficients and pKa for 22 compounds. The dataset was composed of a series of N-acylsulfonamides and related bioisosteres. 17 research groups participated in the log P challenge, submitting 33 blind submissions total. For the pKa challenge, 7 different groups participated, submitting 9 blind submissions in total. Overall, the accuracy of octanol-water log P predictions in the SAMPL7 challenge was lower than octanol-water log P predictions in SAMPL6, likely due to a more diverse dataset. Compared to the SAMPL6 pKa challenge, accuracy remains unchanged in SAMPL7. Interestingly, here, though macroscopic pKa values were often predicted with reasonable accuracy, there was dramatically more disagreement among participants as to which microscopic transitions produced these values (with methods often disagreeing even as to the sign of the free energy change associated with certain transitions), indicating far more work needs to be done on pKa prediction methods

    Structure‐activity relationships, tolerability and efficacy of microtubule‐active 1,2,4‐Triazolo[1,5‐ a ]pyrimidines as potential candidates to treat human African trypanosomiasis

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    Tubulin and microtubules (MTs) are potential protein targets to treat parasitic infections and our previous studies have shown that the triazolopyrimidine (TPD) class of MT‐active compounds hold promise as antitrypanosomal agents. MT‐targeting TPDs include structurally related but functionally diverse congeners that interact with mammalian tubulin at either one or two distinct interfacial binding sites; namely, the seventh and vinca sites, which are found within or between α,β‐tubulin heterodimers, respectively. Evaluation of the activity of 123 TPD congeners against cultured Trypanosoma brucei enabled a robust quantitative structure‐activity relationship (QSAR) model and the prioritization of two congeners for in vivo pharmacokinetics (PK), tolerability and efficacy studies. Treatment of T. brucei‐infected mice with tolerable doses of TPDs significantly decreased blood parasitemia within 24 h. Further, two once‐weekly doses at 10 mg/kg of a candidate TPD significantly extended the survival of infected mice relative to infected animals treated with vehicle. Further optimization of dosing and/or the dosing schedule of these CNS‐active TPDs may provide alternative treatments for human African trypanosomiasis

    Targeted reversible covalent modification of a noncatalytic lysine of the Krev interaction trapped 1 protein enables site-directed screening for protein-protein interaction inhibitors

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    The covalent reversible modification of proteins is a validated strategy for the development of probes and candidate therapeutics. However, the covalent reversible targeting of noncatalytic lysines is particularly challenging. Herein, we characterize the 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde (HNA) fragment as a targeted covalent reversible ligand of a noncatalytic lysine (Lys720) of the Krev interaction trapped 1 (KRIT1) protein. We show that the interaction of HNA with KRIT1 is highly specific, results in prolonged residence time of >8 h, and inhibits the Heart of glass 1 (HEG1)–KRIT1 protein–protein interaction (PPI). Screening of HNA derivatives identified analogs exhibiting similar binding modes as the parent fragment but faster target engagement and stronger inhibition activity. These results demonstrate that HNA is an efficient site-directing fragment with promise in developing HEG1-KRIT1 PPI inhibitors. Further, the aldimine chemistry, when coupled with templating effects that promote proximity, can produce a long-lasting reversible covalent modification of noncatalytic lysines

    Microtubule-stabilizing 1,2,4-Triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines as candidate therapeutics for neurodegenerative disease: Matched molecular pair analyses and computational studies reveal new structure-activity insights

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    Microtubule (MT)-stabilizing 1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines (TPDs) hold promise as candidate therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative conditions. However, depending on the choice of substituents around the TPD core, these compounds can elicit markedly different cellular phenotypes that likely arise from the interaction of TPD congeners with either one or two spatially distinct binding sites within tubulin heterodimers (i.e., the seventh site and the vinca site). In the present study, we report the design, synthesis, and evaluation of a series of new TPD congeners, as well as matched molecular pair analyses and computational studies, that further elucidate the structure–activity relationships of MT-active TPDs. These studies led to the identification of novel MT-normalizing TPD candidates that exhibit favorable ADME-PK, including brain penetration and oral bioavailability, as well as brain pharmacodynamic activity