13,414 research outputs found

    Equation of state of metallic hydrogen from Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo simulations

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    We present a study of hydrogen at pressures higher than molecular dissociation using the Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo method. These calculations use the accurate Reptation Quantum Monte Carlo method to estimate the electronic energy and pressure while doing a Monte Carlo simulation of the protons. In addition to presenting simulation results for the equation of state over a large region of phase space, we report the free energy obtained by thermodynamic integration. We find very good agreement with DFT calculations for pressures beyond 600 GPa and densities above ρ=1.4g/cm3\rho=1.4 g/cm^3. Both thermodynamic as well as structural properties are accurately reproduced by DFT calculations. This agreement gives a strong support to the different approximations employed in DFT, specifically the approximate exchange-correlation potential and the use of pseudopotentials for the range of densities considered. We find disagreement with chemical models, which suggests a reinvestigation of planetary models, previously constructed using the Saumon-Chabrier-Van Horn equations of state.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Energy and economic analysis of a residential Solar Organic Rankine plant

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    To answer the actual energy, water, economic, social and environmental challenges, renewable, distributed power plants need to be developed. Among renewables, solar tri-generative power plants can be a solution where there is big low temperature heating/cooling demand and small electricity demand, like many residential and industrial utilities. In this case, solar thermal plants can produce thermal energy with low cost and high efficiency. The higher temperature heat not needed by the user can be exploited via Organic Rankine Cycle to produce electrical energy and desalinized water via reverse osmosis. The present paper analyses, via TRNSYS simulation, a system composed of 50 m2 of CPC solar thermal collectors, 3 m3 of thermal storage, a synthetic heat transfer fluid, 3 kWe ORC, 8 kWth absorber, 200 l/h direct reverse osmosis desalination device. The system is able to produce power, heating/cooling and fresh water needs for a residential house. Although system’s components are well known technologies, the integration to a efficient and economic working system is still a challenge. Global energy and economic analyses have been performed. Low temperature heating/cooling terminals allow to increase not only the use of thermal energy but also the ORCand absorber efficiency. ORC-Absorber configuration and relative fluids and temperatures are central. Government support and/or cost reduction of 30% are necessary to have positive NPV and acceptable PBT and IR

    Experimental tests to recover the photovoltaic power by battery system

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    The uncertainty and variability of the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) power plants within the power grid is an open issue. The present study focuses on the use of batteries to overcome the limitations associated with the photovoltaic inverter operation, trying to maximize the global energy produced. A set of switches, was placed between a few photovoltaic modules and a commercial inverter, capable to change configuration of the plant dynamically. Such system stores the power that the inverter is not able to let into the grid inside batteries. At the base of this optimization, there is the achievement of two main configurations in which the batteries and the photovoltaic modules are electrically connected in an appropriate manner as a function of inverter efficiency and thus solar radiation. A control board and the relative program, to change the configuration, was designed and implemented, based on the value of the measured radiation, current, batteries voltage, and calculated inverter efficiency. Finally from the cost and impact analysis we can say that, today the technology of lithium batteries, for this application, is still too expensive in comparison with lead-acid batteries

    4D Topological Mass by Gauging Spin

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    We propose a spin gauge field theory in which the curl of a Dirac fermion current density plays the role of the pseudovector charge density. In this field-theoretic model, spin interactions are mediated by a single scalar gauge boson in its antisymmetric tensor formulation. We show that these long range spin interactions induce a gauge invariant photon mass in the one-loop effective action. The fermion loop generates a coupling between photons and the spin gauge boson, which acquires thus charge. This coupling represents also an induced, gauge invariant, topological mass for the photons, leading to the Meissner effect. The one-loop effective equations of motion for the charged spin gauge boson are the London equations. We propose thus spin gauge interactions as an alternative, topological mechanism for superconductivity in which no spontaneous symmetry breaking is involved.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1310.210

    Monolithic zirconia and digital impression: case report

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    The aim of this study is to present a clinical case of a full arch prosthetic rehabilitation on natural teeth, combining both digital work-flow and monolithic zirconi

    Geometry and topology of knotted ring polymers in an array of obstacles

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    We study knotted polymers in equilibrium with an array of obstacles which models confinement in a gel or immersion in a melt. We find a crossover in both the geometrical and the topological behavior of the polymer. When the polymers' radius of gyration, RGR_G, and that of the region containing the knot, RG,kR_{G,k}, are small compared to the distance b between the obstacles, the knot is weakly localised and RGR_G scales as in a good solvent with an amplitude that depends on knot type. In an intermediate regime where RG>b>RG,kR_G > b > R_{G,k}, the geometry of the polymer becomes branched. When RG,kR_{G,k} exceeds b, the knot delocalises and becomes also branched. In this regime, RGR_G is independent of knot type. We discuss the implications of this behavior for gel electrophoresis experiments on knotted DNA in weak fields.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Laser-controlled local magnetic field with semiconductor quantum rings

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    We analize theoretically the dynamics of N electrons localized in a semiconductor quantum ring under a train of phase-locked infrared laser pulses. The pulse sequence is designed to control the total angular momentum of the electrons. The quantum ring can be put in states characterized by strong currents. The local magnetic field created by these currents can be used for a selective quantum control of single spins in semiconductor systems

    Defective Behaviour of an 8T SRAM Cell with Open Defects

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    The defective behaviour of an 8T SRAM cell with open defects is analyzed. Full and resistive open defects have been considered in the electrical characterization of the defective cell. Due to the similarity between the classical 6T SRAM cell and the 8T cell, only defects affecting the read port transistors have been considered. In the work, it is shown how an open in a defective cell may influence the correct operation of a victim cell sharing the same read circuitry. Also, it is shown that the sequence of bits written on the defective cell prior to a read action can mask the presence of the defect. Different orders of critical resistance have been found depending on the location of the open defect. A 45nm technology has been used for the illustrative example presented in the wor

    Inflammation, neurodegeneration and protein aggregation in the retina as ocular biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease in the 3xTg-AD mouse model

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly. In the pathogenesis of AD a pivotal role is played by two neurotoxic proteins that aggregate and accumulate in the central nervous system: amyloid beta and hyper-phosphorylated tau. Accumulation of extracellular amyloid beta plaques and intracellular hyper-phosphorylated tau tangles, and consequent neuronal loss begins 10-15 years before any cognitive impairment. In addition to cognitive and behavioral deficits, sensorial abnormalities have been described in AD patients and in some AD transgenic mouse models. Retina can be considered a simple model of the brain, as some pathological changes and therapeutic strategies from the brain may be observed or applicable to the retina. Here we propose new retinal biomarkers that could anticipate the AD diagnosis and help the beginning and the follow-up of possible future treatments. We analyzed retinal tissue of triple-transgenic AD mouse model (3xTg-AD) for the presence of pathological hallmarks during disease progression. We found the presence of amyloid beta plaques, tau tangles, neurodegeneration, and astrogliosis in the retinal ganglion cell layer of 3xTg-AD mice, already at pre-symptomatic stage. Moreover, retinal microglia in pre-symptomatic mice showed a ramified, anti-inflammatory phenotype which, during disease progression, switches to a pro-inflammatory, less ramified one, becoming neurotoxic. We hypothesize retina as a window through which monitor AD-related neurodegeneration process