678 research outputs found

    Linearization of analytic and non--analytic germs of diffeomorphisms of (C,0)({\mathbb C},0)

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    We study Siegel's center problem on the linearization of germs of diffeomorphisms in one variable. In addition of the classical problems of formal and analytic linearization, we give sufficient conditions for the linearization to belong to some algebras of ultradifferentiable germs closed under composition and derivation, including Gevrey classes. In the analytic case we give a positive answer to a question of J.-C. Yoccoz on the optimality of the estimates obtained by the classical majorant series method. In the ultradifferentiable case we prove that the Brjuno condition is sufficient for the linearization to belong to the same class of the germ. If one allows the linearization to be less regular than the germ one finds new arithmetical conditions, weaker than the Brjuno condition. We briefly discuss the optimality of our results.Comment: AMS-Latex2e, 11 pages, in press Bulletin Societe Mathematique de Franc

    The Stochastic Evolution of a Protocell: The Gillespie Algorithm in a Dynamically Varying Volume

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    We propose an improvement of the Gillespie algorithm allowing us to study the time evolution of an ensemble of chemical reactions occurring in a varying volume, whose growth is directly related to the amount of some specific molecules, belonging to the reactions set. This allows us to study the stochastic evolution of a protocell, whose volume increases because of the production of container molecules. Several protocell models are considered and compared with the deterministic models

    Meet, Discuss and Trust each other: large versus small groups

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    In this paper we propose a dynamical interpretation of the sociological distinction between large and small groups of interacting individuals. In the former case individual behaviors are largely dominated by the group effect, while in the latter mutual relationships do matter. Numerical and analytical tools are combined to substantiate our claims.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Emerging structures in social networks guided by opinions’ exchanges

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    n this paper, we show that the small world and weak ties phenomena can spontaneously emerge in a social network of interacting agents. This dynamics is simulated in the framework of a simplified model of opinion diffusion in an evolving social network where agents are made to interact, possibly update their beliefs and modify the social relationships according to the opinion exchange

    Noisy continuous--opinion dynamics

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    We study the Deffuant et al. model for continuous--opinion dynamics under the influence of noise. In the original version of this model, individuals meet in random pairwise encounters after which they compromise or not depending of a confidence parameter. Free will is introduced in the form of noisy perturbations: individuals are given the opportunity to change their opinion, with a given probability, to a randomly selected opinion inside the whole opinion space. We derive the master equation of this process. One of the main effects of noise is to induce an order-disorder transition. In the disordered state the opinion distribution tends to be uniform, while for the ordered state a set of well defined opinion groups are formed, although with some opinion spread inside them. Using a linear stability analysis we can derive approximate conditions for the transition between opinion groups and the disordered state. The master equation analysis is compared with direct Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the master equation and the Monte-Carlo simulations do not always agree due to finite-size induced fluctuations that we analyze in some detail

    Measuring the mixing efficiency in a simple model of stirring:some analytical results and a quantitative study via Frequency Map Analysis

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    We prove the existence of invariant curves for a TT--periodic Hamiltonian system which models a fluid stirring in a cylindrical tank, when TT is small and the assigned stirring protocol is piecewise constant. Furthermore, using the Numerical Analysis of the Fundamental Frequency of Laskar, we investigate numerically the break down of invariant curves as TT increases and we give a quantitative estimate of the efficiency of the mixing.Comment: 10 figure

    Birth and Death in a Continuous Opinion Dynamics Model. The consensus case

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    We here discuss the process of opinion formation in an open community where agents are made to interact and consequently update their beliefs. New actors (birth) are assumed to replace individuals that abandon the community (deaths). This dynamics is simulated in the framework of a simplified model that accounts for mutual affinity between agents. A rich phenomenology is presented and discussed with reference to the original (closed group) setting. Numerical findings are supported by analytical calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure