103 research outputs found

    "Ens creiem més importants del que som"

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    Estudi de l’afectació del confort tèrmic al consum energètic en la residència "Sagrada Família" de Sanitas Mayores.

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    Qualsevol edifici requereix energia en el seu funcionament habitual: per a la il·luminació, per al funcionament d’electrodomèstics, per a la circulació d’aigua sanitària pel seu interior, per a garantir una correcta ventilació, per a mantenir unes condicions de temperatura i humitat adients al seu interior... D’aquests consums, en destaquen especialment els de ventilació i climatització, a causa de l’elevat percentatge que suposen respecte del consum global i del marge de millora que tenen en la majoria dels edificis que hi ha construïts actualment. A més, aquests dos consums afecten directament el confort dels habitants, ja que van estretament lligats al seu confort tèrmic, és a dir, a que aquests es sentin còmodes en quant a la temperatura que perceben. Hi ha nombrosos estudis sobre l’ús de l’energia i sobre les condicions de confort, però realment pocs es centren en edificis com residències per a gent de la tercera edat, on el control de certs aspectes com la temperatura i la humitat al seu interior és encara més crític que en altres tipus d’edificis tant pel confort dels residents com per la seva salut. Aquest estudi consisteix en l’anàlisi de l’afectació de les variacions de temperatura i humitat de les sales comunes, que és on els residents passen la major part del dia, als consums elèctric i de gas de les residències ubicades en climes mediterranis continentals, tals com la residència Sagrada Família de Sanitas Mayores, ubicada a Barcelona. Aquest és el centre en el qual es centra el present estudi. L’estudi es realitza a partir de dades de condicions ambientals de l’interior i de l’exterior de la residència, i dels consum d’electricitat i de gas d’aquesta. Es realitzen diversos models de regressió lineal per a estimar l’afectació d’aquestes condicions de temperatura i humitat als diferents consums energètics. A continuació, s’estudia les repercussions en els consums de mantenir en les sales objecte d’estudi de residència la temperatura de confort calculada a partir de diversos models de confort tèrmic. Esmentar que els models de consum d’electricitat per a refrigeració obtinguts semblen ser vàlids, i amb ells s’estima l’estalvi de refrigeració de les sales objecte d’estudi, que resulta ser proper al 40 % en un dels models de confort tèrmic. Els models de consum de gas per a calefacció obtinguts no semblen ser vàlids per diverses causes, i per tant no s’ha pogut determinar correctament si es pot produir un estalvi en aquest consum de calefacció per a les sales estudiades

    On the efficiency and sensitivity of a pyramidal classification algorithm

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    In this paper we propose a Pyramidal Classification Algorithm, which together with an appropriate aggregation index produces an indexed pseudo-hierarchy (in the strict sense) without inversions nor crossings. The computer implementation of the algorithm makes it possible to carry out some simulation tests by Monte Carlo methods in order to study the efficiency and sensitivity of the pyramidal methods of the Maximum, Minimum and UPGMA. The results shown in this paper may help to choose between the three classification methods proposed, in order to obtain the classification that best fits the original structure of the population, provided we have an a priori information concerning this structure.Pyramidal classification methods, aggregation index, pseudo-hierarchy, Robinsonian dissimilarity, Monte Carlo evaluation, overlapping clusters

    Changes in heart rate variability (HRV) in field hockey players during the 2006 World Cup

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    The aim of this study is to determine the changes in heart rate variability (HRV) in field hockey players during the course of a world championship. The Spanish national team took part in the study by making daily records of the R-R interval (Omegawave System) on the days when matches took place. The baseline heart rate (HR) and several parameters of HRV were measured. The evolution of the average values of the HR and the various parameters of HRV during the 7 matches was compared using a MANOVA, the contrasts regarding the last match being analysed. The HR increases progressively during the seven matches, with an especially significant increase in the last match (F(18.6) = 3.27; p=.024). RMSSD and pNN50 parameters progressively decrease throughout the tournament, with an especially significant decrease for pNN50 (F(18.6) = 2.96; p=.034). Regarding the parameters of the frequency spectrum, LF and LF/HF show an increase throughout the 7 matches (for LF, F(18.6) = 2.72; p=.046), and HF presented lower values. HRV decreases progressively and the values of the parameters related to parasympathetic system activity (RMSSD and HF) reduce, which are indicative of good psychic-physical adaptability to the workload. At the same time, the value of the parameters related to sympathetic system activity (LF and LF/HF) increases, suggesting an increase in fatigue, tiredness and poor adaptability in general. Consequently, the analysis of HRV may be a good marker for monitoring the psychic-physical state, cardiovascular adaptability during exercise and a possible state of physical overload in athletes participating in competitions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    SEOM-GEMCAD-TTD clinical guidelines for localized rectal cancer (2021)

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    Guideline; Rectal cancer; Total neoadjuvant therapyPauta; Càncer de recte; Teràpia neoadjuvant totalPauta; Cáncer de recto; Terapia neoadyuvante totalThe management of localized rectal cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach to optimize outcomes, reduce morbidity and prevent under or overtreatments. While early stages may obtain benefit of local resections without any additional therapies, locally advanced rectal cancer becomes a challenge defining the better sequential strategy of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The latest results of international phase III studies have positioned the total neoadjuvant therapy as a potential new standard of care in high risk rectal cancers, however, the best schedule is still not well defined

    Return to Play After Soleus Muscle Injuries

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    Soleus muscle injuries are common in different sports disciplines. The time required for recovery is often difficult to predict, and reinjury is common. The length of recovery time might be influenced by different variables, such as the involved part of the muscle. Injuries in the central aponeurosis have a worse prognosis than injuries of the lateral or medial aponeurosis as well as myofascial injuries. Case series; Level of evidence, 4. A total of 61 high-level or professional athletes from several sports disciplines (soccer, tennis, track and field, basketball, triathlon, and field hockey) were reviewed prospectively to determine the recovery time for soleus muscle injuries. Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging evaluation was performed on 44 soleus muscle injuries. The association between the different characteristics of the 5 typical muscle sites, including the anterior and posterior myofascial and the lateral, central, and medial aponeurosis disruption, as well as the injury recovery time, were determined. Recovery time was correlated with age, sport, extent of edema, volume, cross-sectional area, and retraction extension or gap. Of the 44 patients with muscle injuries who were analyzed, there were 32 (72.7%) strains affecting the myotendinous junction (MT) and 12 (23.7%) strains of the myofascial junction. There were 13 injuries involving the myotendinous medial (MTM), 7 affecting the MT central (MTC), 12 the MT lateral (MTL), 8 the myofascial anterior (MFA), and 4 the myofascial posterior (MFP). The median recovery time (±SD) for all injuries was 29.1 ± 18.8 days. There were no statistically significant differences between the myotendinous and myofascial injuries regarding recovery time. The site with the worst prognosis was the MTC aponeurosis, with a mean recovery time of 44.3 ± 23.0 days. The site with the best prognosis was the MTL, with a mean recovery time of 19.2 ± 13.5 days (P <.05). There was a statistically significant correlation between recovery time and age (P <.001) and between recovery time and the extent of retraction (P <.05). Wide variation exists among the different types of soleus injuries and the corresponding recovery time for return to the same level of competitive sports. Injuries in the central aponeurosis have a significantly longer recovery time than do injuries in the lateral and medial aponeurosis and myofascial sites

    CFD studies and experimental validation of the convective heat transfer coefficient in non-fully developed flows applied to conventional geometries used in particle accelerators

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    In the field of Particle Accelerators engineering, the design of the cooling channels of its components has been extensively based on experimental correlations for the calculation of convective heat transfer coefficients. In this scenario, this work is focused on studying whether the experimental correlations are conservative when the flow is turbulent in fully developed and non-fully developed regions. For this research, simulation models have been developed for turbulent flows in fully developed and non-fully developed regions, all of them for cooling channels with a 10 mm inner diameter. In the first case, for a circular channel, turbulence models have been studied, and comparative studies with respect to experimental correlations and previous studies performed at ALBA have been carried out. Simulation models based on the coefficients obtained from experimentally observed correlations, CFD models and an experimental validation of a mirror with inside cooling, have been performed in the second case.Postprint (published version

    Cell-penetrating peptide-conjugated copper complexes for redox-mediated anticancer therapy

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    Metal-based chemotherapeutics like cisplatin are widely employed in cancer treatment. In the last years, the design of redox-active (transition) metal complexes, such as of copper (Cu), has attracted high interest as alternatives to overcome platinum-induced side-effects. However, several challenges are still faced, including optimal aqueous solubility and efficient intracellular delivery, and strategies like the use of cell-penetrating peptides have been encouraging. In this context, we previously designed a Cu(II) scaffold that exhibited significant reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated cytotoxicity. Herein, we build upon the promising Cu(II) redox-active metallic core and aim to potentiate its anticancer activity by rationally tailoring it with solubility- and uptake-enhancing functionalizations that do not alter the ROS-generating Cu(II) center. To this end, sulfonate, arginine and arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) derivatives have been prepared and characterized, and all the resulting complexes preserved the parent Cu(II) coordination core, thereby maintaining its reported redox capabilities. Comparative in vitro assays in several cancer cell lines reveal that while specific solubility-targeting derivatizations (i.e., sulfonate or arginine) did not translate into an improved cytotoxicity, increased intracellular copper delivery via CPP-conjugation promoted an enhanced anticancer activity, already detectable at short treatment times. Additionally, immunofluorescence assays show that the Cu(II) peptide-conjugate distributed throughout the cytosol without lysosomal colocalization, suggesting potential avoidance of endosomal entrapment. Overall, the systematic exploration of the tailored modifications enables us to provide further understanding on structure-activity relationships of redox-active metal-based (Cu(II)) cytotoxic complexes, which contributes to rationalize and improve the design of more efficient redox-mediated metal-based anticancer therapy
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