302 research outputs found

    Processos de identificação e sinalização de crianças com problemas na linguagem oral pelos educadores de infância

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    Um dos maiores desafios da Educação de Infância é sem dúvida a possibilidade de contribuir para que as crianças, que vão passando pelas nossas salas de jardim-de-infância, sejam cada vez mais autónomas e melhor integradas, que as suas dificuldades de linguagem e outras, possam ser ultrapassadas, ou pelo menos minimizadas, de modo que se sintam cada vez melhor adaptada à sociedade da qual fazem parte. Este trabalho incide sobre o modo como os educadores de infância identificam e sinalizam as crianças que manifestam problemas na linguagem oral. O trabalho desenvolveu-se através de um estudo exploratório, centrando-se em seis educadoras de infância e seis crianças identificadas como tendo problemas na linguagem oral e teve como propósito perceber como é feito o despiste e encaminhamento das crianças, quando estas manifestam problemas nesta área de desenvolvimento. Como metodologia de recolha de dados utilizámos as técnicas da entrevista e da observação em sala de atividades. Concluímos que os educadores reconhecem a importância de ser feito o despiste precoce dos problemas na linguagem oral, dentro das suas salas, pois consideram que é aí o espaço privilegiado de desenvolvimento das crianças, já que é no jardim-de-infância, que as crianças passam a maior parte do seu dia. No entanto, na maioria dos casos revelam dificuldades na identificação específica desses problemas

    Atitudes dos estudantes de enfermagem em relação à pessoa idosa: Nursing students’ attitudes toward older people

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify nursing students’ attitudes toward older people. METHOD: Second-year undergraduate nursing students were invited to complete a questionnaire at the beginning of the geriatric nursing curricular unit. A quantitative study was conducted by administering the validated Portuguese version of Kogan’s attitudes toward old people scale (KOAP). RESULTS: The sample included 39 students who answered the data collection instrument. The mean KOAP score was 135.56, which was slightly above the median value (119). No statistically significant relationships were found between any of the variables: gender, age, experience with older people, and living with older people. CONCLUSIONS: The nursing students’ mean score for attitude toward older people was slightly positive, which could serve as a starting point for the development of an intervention to modify their attitudes with respect to aging.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An aging simulation game’s impact on the attitudes of Nursing students

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    Background & Aim: The aging of the population poses new challenges, among others, a greater concern with the teaching of geriatrics and gerontology, especially to future health professionals. The simulation game "Aging Nursing Game" ® was used with the objective of evaluating the impact of an aging simulation game on nursing students' attitudes towards the elderly. Methods & Materials: A pre-test and post-test type quasi-experimental study was performed, without control group. The research was developed between February and July 2018. The subjects of this study were second-year undergraduate nursing students. A game was used as an intervention. To measure the effectiveness of the game, a questionnaire was applied before and after the intervention. The data collection instrument consisted of a questionnaire composed of two parts, the first part for sociodemographic characterization, and another consisting of the Portuguese version of the Kogan Scale (KAOP). Results: The sample consisted of 45 undergraduate nursing students from the 2nd year corresponding to 75% of the population. The attitude towards the elderly person improved significantly before and after the intervention. Of the 34 items on the Kogan Scale (KAOP), 21 improved significantly. Conclusion: The simulation game has proven to be effective in teaching students changing attitudes towards the elderly (p <0.05).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposta de classificação dos caminhos públicos da Freguesia de Mourão

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    Este trabalho surgiu da necessidade de identificar os caminhos públicos da freguesia de Mourão, pois alguns têm sido fechados por particulares ou até desaparecido. Assim, para todos os caminhos, faz-se a sua identificação em ficha própria com o veredicto acerca da sua publicidade ou não, pelos elementos da comissão municipal criada para o efeito. Apresenta-se uma planta de conjunto de todos os caminhos considerados públicos e dos caminhos privados. Faz-se uma abordagem ao conceito jurídico de caminho público e à competência dos órgãos autárquicos para deliberar sobre a afetação ou desafetação dos bens do domínio público municipal. Tecem-se algumas considerações sobre a apropriação do território pelo Homem ao longo dos tempos através dos caminhos, apresentam-se as funções dos caminhos no meio rural alentejano e apontam-se novos usos. Apresentam-se as unidades de paisagem consideradas na área em estudo e a cartografia que lhe serviu de base (RAN, Uso do Solo, Amplitude Visual). Fazem-se propostas de percursos com diversos usos por alguns dos caminhos existentes; ABSTRACT: The present essay emerges from the need of identification of public paths in the territory of Mourão, since some have been closed by private individuals or even have disappeared. So, for every path, is made an identification card along with a recommendation about the possibility of publicity, by the members of the city commission created for this purpose. It’s also presented a physical plant of all paths considered public, as well as those which are private. The juridical arguments that support the public path concept and the city competence for deliberate in such matters are presented too. In addition, some considerations about the land appropriation by man over time are exposed, as well as a reflection about the former and modern uses of the paths in the Alentejo rural environment. The landscape units considered for this study and the cartography behind (RAN, Land Uses, Visual Range) are specified. Finally, some new proposals about paths and path uses are made, having in consideration the existent ones

    Mobile Apps to improve therapy: the health practitioner in your pocket knows you

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    Comunicação apresentada no 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017), 04-06 December 2017, Salzburg, AustriaThere 1 is an emerging consumer-driven demand for a more personalised health system and, there is no question, the rapid evolution of the mobile apps market became an important driver for personalisation in the health field. The MAiThE (Mobile Apps to improve ThErapy) project focuses on the deployment and study of personalised mHealth apps to provide patients and carers with self-management capabilities to help them feel empowered in their ability to find strategies in a more informed and collaborative way, and to optimise therapy outside the clinical context, with remote support from health practitioners. The insight gathered with the development and assessment of the apps tailored to the end-users’ needs will result in a conceptual model to guide in the development of future mHealth apps. The project will produce an impact study based on thorough apps evaluations conducted on the field with participants from different contexts.N/

    Mobile Apps to improve ThErapy

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    There is an emerging consumer-driven demand for a more personalised health system and, there is no question, the rapid evolution of the mobile apps market became an important driver for personalisation in the health field. The MAiThE (Mobile Apps to improve ThErapy) project focuses on the deployment and study of personalised mHealth apps to provide patients and carers with self-management capabilities to help them feel empowered in their ability to find strategies in a more informed and collaborative way, and to optimise therapy outside the clinical context, with remote support from health practitioners. The insight gathered with the development and assessment of the apps tailored to the end-users’ needs will result in a conceptual model to guide in the development of future mHealth apps. The project will produce an impact study based on thorough apps evaluations conducted on the field with participants from different contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders among health professionals at a hospital in Portugal

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    Background: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are responsible for morbidity among many health professionals. Objective: To establish the prevalence of self-reported WMSDs among health professionals. Methods: Descriptive and exploratory study with health professionals at a hospital in northern Portugal. Data were collected in December 2017 by means of an electronic questionnaire applied to the total target population (n=435). We applied instruments for sociodemographic characterization, perception of knowledge on ergonomics and manual mobilization of loads, the Patient Handling Burden Scale (PHBS) and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) for self-reporting musculoskeletal symptoms. Results: The sample comprised 105 professionals, mainly nurses and nursing assistants, who exhibited high frequency of symptoms in several body areas, mainly the spine. Conclusions: WMSDs involving health professionals should be considered a problem for health institutions which do not implement interventions beyond traditional training programs, especially multifactorial programs of systemic nature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    [Management of Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in General Practice: a new model of risk prevention]

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is a condition characterized by paused breathing during sleep due to complete or partial obstruction of the upper airways. It is still underdiagnosed and underestimated, despite its respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurocognitive complications. Polysomnography is the gold standard for diagnosis. The treatment protocol, that has to be agreed with the patient, is behavioral, ventilator, and sometimes surgical.The role of general practitioners is essential for early identification of patients with high probability of OSAS. Physicians are supported by specific instruments of general practice, such as continuity of care, computerized medical records for oriented problems, medical history, and diagnostic-therapeutic methodology for an exclusive management model. Among their duties, there is also the management of care priorities for patients’ comorbidities

    Envolvimento do pai no período prénatal: revisão integrativa

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    Bachground: there are currently paradigmatic changes in relation to the focus of maternal health nursing, with the predominant role of the father being one of the main focuses of care. Objective: to identify the father’s importance and his role during pregnancy. Methodology: an integrative review was performed on the CINAHL®, Medline® and Psychology and Behavioral Science® databases. Of the 601 articles obtained only 10 were included in this review. Results: the included articles allude to pregnancy as a demanding period, being considered as a transition to paternity. From the analysis four subareas emerged: the father’s mental representation; how pregnancy becomes real to the father; the way parents have committed to fatherhood and the father’s role father in family life. Conclusion: the results highlight the father’s importance during pregnancy and the emerging need to focus care in the family in the face of a transition. Father’s involvement and inclusion during pregnancy plays a key role in building trust and leading to better management of stress caused by the transition to parenting of all family members. &nbsp;Marco contextual: existen actualmente cambios paradigmáticos en relación al foco de la enfermería en salud materna, siendo el papel predominante del padre uno de los principales focos del cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar la importancia dada al padre y su papel durante el embarazo. Metodología: realizada una revisión integrativa en las bases de datos CINAHL®, Medline® y Psychology and Behavioral Science®. De los 601 artículos obtenidos apenas 10 se incluyeron. Resultados: los artículos incluidos aluden al embarazo como un período exigente, siendo considerado como una transición a la paternidad. Del análisis surgieron cuatro subáreas: la representación mental del padre; como el embarazo se vuelve real para el padre; la manera como los padres se comprometieron con la paternidad y el papel del padre en la vida familiar. Conclusión: los resultados evidencian la importancia del padre durante la gestación y la necesidad emergente de centrar el cuidado en la familia ante una transición. La participación e inclusión del padre durante el embarazo desempeña un papel fundamental aumentando la confianza y conduciendo a una mejor gestión del estrés causado por la transición a la parentalidad de todos los miembros de la familia.Enquadramento: existem, atualmente, mudanças paradigmáticas em relação ao foco da enfermagem em saúde materna, sendo o papel predominante do pai um dos principais focos do cuidado. Objetivo: identificar a importância dada ao pai e o seu papel durante a gravidez. Metodologia: realizada uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados CINAHL®, Medline® e Psychology and Behavioral Science®. Dos 601 artigos obtidos apenas 10 foram incluídos nesta revisão. Resultados: os artigos incluídos aludem para a gravidez como um período exigente, sendo considerado como uma transição para a paternidade. Da análise emergiram quatro subáreas: a representação mental do pai; como a gravidez se torna real para o pai; a maneira como os pais se comprometeram com a paternidade e o papel do pai na vida familiar. Conclusão: os resultados evidenciam a importância do pai durante a gestação e a necessidade emergente de centrar o cuidado na família diante de uma transição. A participação e inclusão do pai durante a gravidez desempenha um papel fundamental aumentando a confiança e conduzindo a uma melhor gestão do stress causado pela transição para a parentalidade de todos os membros da família
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