339 research outputs found

    Activities with parents on the computer: Science teachers' views

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    An ecological framework, named activities with parents on the computer (APC), was proposed in order to promote the collaboration between school and home as well as new literacies. In this study, we address teachers' views on APC. Seven teachers who have attended training courses (pre- or in-service) were inquired via email. Their statements were submitted to a content analysis. Results revealed a plethora of reasons why APC was not being used, including technological, socio-economic, and educational policy reasons. The findings urge us to think of activities with parents on the Internet, in order to favour the usage of mobile devices, especially in disadvantaged milieus. Besides training, teachers' mindsets should open so as to accept the amplification of their field of action and an interaction and collaboration with other community partner

    Ability of Different Measures of Adiposity to Identify High Metabolic Risk in Adolescents

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    Introduction. This study aimed to evaluate the screening performance of different measures of adiposity: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) for high metabolic risk in a sample of adolescents. Methods. A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted on 517 adolescents aged 15–18, from the Azorean Islands, Portugal. We measured fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and systolic blood pressure. HOMA and TC/HDL-C ratio were calculated. For each of these variables, a Z-score was computed by age and sex. A metabolic risk score (MRS) was constructed by summing the Z-scores of all individual risk factors. High risk was considered when the individual had ≥1SD of this score. Receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) were used. Results. Linear regression analyses showed that, after adjusting for age and pubertal stage, all different measures of adiposity are positively and significantly associated with MRS in both sexes, with exception of WHtR for boys. BMI, WC, and WHtR performed well in detecting high MRS, indicated by areas under the curve (AUC), with slightly greater AUC for BMI than for WC and WHtR in both sexes. Conclusion. All measures of adiposity were significantly associated with metabolic risk factors in a sample of Portuguese adolescents

    Padrões alimentares em idade pré- escolar e obesidade aos 7 anos de idade

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    La facilité de publication sur Internet et l’absence de contrôle éditorial rendent nécessaires l’évaluation des sites web et militent pour une initiation des élèves à l’exercice de l’esprit critique. Celle-ci passe par la construction de nouveaux repères et de nouvelles compétences. Ainsi, savoir décoder les noms de domaine des sites, connaître le monde de l’Internet, être capable de bâtir une stratégie de consultation sont des points d’appui pour l’analyse des documents trouvés sur le Web. Plusieurs outils existent qui peuvent aider dans cette tâche. Ils se répartissent en trois grandes catégories : des grilles d’évaluation élaborées pour un public spécifique, des outils pour l’apprentissage de la méthode d’évaluation, enfin des outils pédagogiques utilisables notamment avec les élèves dans des contextes d’enseignement.Berteloot Isabelle. Apprendre à évaluer les sites Web. In: Spirale. Revue de recherches en éducation, n°28, 2001. Nouveaux outils, nouvelles écritures, nouvelles lectures, sous la direction de Annette Beguin. pp. 215-231

    Hybrid endoscopic thymectomy : combined transesophageal and transthoracic approach in a survival porcine model with cadaver assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery thymectomy has been used in the treatment of Myastenia Gravis and thymomas (coexisting or not). In natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery, new approaches to the thorax are emerging as alternatives to the classic transthoracic endoscopic surgery. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and reliability of hybrid endoscopic thymectomy (HET) using a combined transthoracic and transesophageal approach. METHODS: Twelve consecutive in vivo experiments were undertaken in the porcine model (4 acute and 8 survival). The same procedure was assessed in a human cadaver afterward. For HET, an 11-mm trocar was inserted in the 2nd intercostal space in the left anterior axillary line. A 0° 10-mm thoracoscope with a 5-mm working channel was introduced. Transesophageal access was created through a submucosal tunnel using a flexible gastroscope with a single working channel introduced through the mouth. Using both flexible (gastroscope) and rigid (thoracoscope) instruments, the mediastinum was opened; the thymus was dissected, and the vessels were ligated using electrocautery alone. RESULTS: Submucosal tunnel creation and esophagotomy were performed safely without incidents in all animals. Complete thymectomy was achieved in all experiments. All animals in the survival group lived for 14 days. Thoracoscopic and postmortem examination revealed pleural adhesions on site of the surgical procedure with no signs of infection. Histological analysis of the proximal third of the esophagus revealed complete cicatrization of both mucosal defect and myotomy site. In the human cadaver, we were able to replicate all the procedure even though we were not able to identify the thymus. CONCLUSIONS: Hybrid endoscopic thymectomy is feasible and reliable. HET could be regarded as a possible alternative to classic thoracoscopic approach for patients requiring thymectomy.This project was funded by the FCT Grants project PTDC/SAU-OSM/105578/2008

    Whole-body vibration exercise improves functional parameters in patients with Osteogenesis imperfecta: a systematic review with a suitable approach

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    Background: Patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) have abnormal bone modelling and resorption. The bone tissue adaptation and responsivity to dynamic and mechanical loading may be of therapeutic use under controlled circumstances. Improvements due to the wholebody vibration (WBV) exercises have been reported in strength, motion, gait, balance, posture and bone density in several osteopenic individuals, as in post-menopausal women or children with disabling conditions, as patients with OI. The aim of this investigation was to systematically analyse the current available literature to determine the effect of WBV exercises on functional parameters of OI patients.Materials and methods: Three reviewers independently accessed bibliographical databases. Searches were performed in the PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct and PEDro databases using keywords related to possible interventions (including WBV) used in the management of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.Results: Three eligible studies were identified by searches in the analysed databases.Conclusion: It was concluded that WBV exercises could be an important option in the management of OI patients improving the mobility and functional parameters. However, further studies are necessary for establishing suitable protocols for these patients.Keywords: whole body vibration exercise, osteogenesis imperfecta, mobility, functional parameters, Database

    Efeito da evolução temporal da adrenalectomia na secreção de prolactina

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the modulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) on prolactin secretion in rats after adrenalectomy (ADX). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Plasma corticosterone, ACTH, and prolactin concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in rats after bilateral ADX in the short- (3 hours and 1day) and long-term (3, 7, and 14 days). RESULTS: Animals that underwent ADX showed undetectable corticosterone levels and a triphasic ACTH response with a transient increase (3h), a decrease (1d), and further increase in the long-term after ADX. Sham animals showed a marked increase in corticosterone and ACTH levels three hours after surgery, with a decrease to basal levels thereafter. Plasma prolactin levels were not changed after ADX. CONCLUSION: There are different points of equilibrium in the HPA axis after the glucocorticoid negative feedback is removed. Prolactin plasma secretion is not altered in the short or long- term after ADX, suggesting that the peptidergic neurons essential for prolactin release are not activated after ADX

    A multicenter validation of an endoscopic classification with narrow band imaging for gastric precancerous and cancerous lesions

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    BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIM: The reliability and external validity of narrow band imaging (NBI) in the stomach have not been described consistently. The aim of the current study was to describe and estimate the accuracy and reliability of a simplified classification system for NBI in the diagnosis of gastric lesions. METHODS: Consecutive patients undergoing NBI endoscopy at two reference centers (n=85, 33% with dysplasia) were included in two studies. In total, 224 different areas were biopsied and recorded onto video. In the derivation study, previously described NBI features were analyzed in order to develop a simplified classification. In the validation study the accuracy and reliability of this classification were estimated among three groups of endoscopists with different levels of expertise in NBI. .RESULTS: The reliability/accuracy results from the derivation study allowed the creation of a simplified NBI classification. In the validation study, "regular vessels with circular mucosa" (pattern A) was associated with normal histology (accuracy 83%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 75?%-90%); "tubulo-villous mucosa" (pattern B) was associated with intestinal metaplasia (accuracy 84%; 95CI 77%-91%; positive likelihood ratio [LR+]=4.75); and "irregular vessels and mucosa" (pattern C) was associated with dysplasia (accuracy 95%; 95CI 90%-99%; LR+=44.33). The reproducibility of these patterns was high (k=0.62). "Light-blue crest" was moderately reliable (k=0.49) but specific (87%) for intestinal metaplasia. A variable vascular density (additional pattern+) was the best feature for Helicobacter pylori gastritis (accuracy 70%; 95CI 59%-80%) but showed only fair reliability (k=0.38). Non-experienced endoscopists presented lower agreement (k=0.6 vs. k=0.75) and accuracy (74% vs. 86%) than international experts/experienced endoscopists. CONCLUSION: A simplified NBI classification is accurate and reliable for the diagnosis of intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia. The classification should be further assessed and validated on a per-patient assessment of NBI, and by comparing NBI with other imaging technologies.This study was supported by a grant for medical investigation from the Portuguese Digestive Endoscopy Society (SPED 2009 Investigation Grant)