86 research outputs found

    4He adsorbed in cylindrical silica nanopores: Effect of size on the single-atom mean kinetic energy

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    This paper reports a study of the short-time dynamics of helium confined in silica nanopores (xerogel powder), with average pore diameters of 24 and 160 Å. The longitudinal momentum distribution of helium adsorbed in xerogels has been determined via deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS) measurements performed on the VESUVIO spectrometer at the ISIS spallation source. DINS measurements, in the attosecond time scale, (i.e., 10−16–10−15 s), were performed at a temperature of T=2.5 K and saturated vapor pressure conditions, with 95% pore volume filling. The average wave-vector transfer q was about 130 Å−1. For confined helium, significant changes in the values of the single-particle mean kinetic energies ⟨EK⟩ are found in the bulk phase. These are 32.6±8.7 K for the 24 Å and 24.4±5.3 K for the 160 Å pore diameters, remarkably higher than ⟨EK⟩=16.2±0.4 K, the value of normal liquid 4He at T=2.5 K and saturated vapor pressure conditions. The results are interpreted in terms of a model where 4He atoms are arranged in concentric annuli along the cylindrical pore axis, with ⟨EK⟩ mainly dependent on the ratio between the atomic “effective” diameter and the pore diameter. The number of solid layers close to pore surface is found to be strongly pore-size dependent with one single solid layer for 24 Å diameter pore and three solid layers for 160 Å diameter pore

    Direct Measurement of Competing Quantum Effects on the Kinetic Energy of Heavy Water upon Melting

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    Even at room temperature, quantum mechanics plays a major role in determining the quantitative behaviour of light nuclei, changing significantly the values of physical properties such as the heat capacity. However, other observables appear to be only weakly affected by nuclear quantum effects (NQEs): for instance, the melting temperatures of light and heavy water differ by less than 4 K. Recent theoretical work has attributed this to a competition between intra and inter molecular NQEs, which can be separated by computing the anisotropy of the quantum kinetic energy tensor. The principal values of this tensor change in opposite directions when ice melts, leading to a very small net quantum mechanical effect on the melting point. This paper presents the first direct experimental observation of this phenomenon, achieved by measuring the deuterium momentum distributions n(p) in heavy water and ice using Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS), and resolving their anisotropy. Results from the experiments, supplemented by a theoretical analysis, show that the anisotropy of the quantum kinetic energy tensor can also be captured for heavier atoms such as oxygen

    Hydrogen mean force and anharmonicity in polycrystalline and amorphous ice

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    The hydrogen mean force from experimental neutron Compton profiles is derived using deep inelastic neutron scattering on amorphous and polycrystalline ice. The formalism of mean force is extended to probe its sensitivity to anharmonicity in the hydrogen-nucleus effective potential. The shape of the mean force for amorphous and polycrystalline ice is primarily determined by the anisotropy of the underlying quasi-harmonic effective potential. The data from amorphous ice show an additional curvature reflecting the more pronounced anharmonicity of the effective potential with respect to that of ice Ih.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, original researc

    The correction of Inelastic Neutron Scattering data of organic samples using the Average Functional Group Approximation

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    The use of the Average Functional Group Approximation for self-shielding corrections at inelastic neutron spectrometers is discussed. By taking triptindane as a case study, we use the above-mentioned approximation to simulate a synthetic dynamic structure factor as measured on an indirect-geometry spectrometer, as well as the related total scattering cross section as a function of incident neutron energy and sample temperature, and the transmission spectra depending on the sample thickness. These quantities, obtained in a consistent way from the Average Functional Group Approximation, are used to calculate the energy-dependent self-shielding correction affecting the sample under investigation. The impact on the intensities of low-energy vibrational modes is discussed, showing that at typical experimental conditions the sample-dependent attenuation factor is about 15% higher compared to the correction at higher energies

    Time-resolved prompt-gamma activation analysis at spallation neutron sources and applications to cultural heritage, security, and radiation protection

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    Abstract The present and future developments of time-resolved prompt-gamma activation analysis (T-PGAA) at pulsed neutron sources is discussed in the framework of the successful history of neutron-activation techniques. A brief description of the state of the art and the most important user facilities using standard prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) is provided. Then, we discuss the challenges and the opportunities for T-PGAA at pulsed neutron sources, and the potential impact for applications to cultural heritage, radiation protection, and security. We notice some inversions of trend needed for the further development of T-PGAA with epithermal and fast neutrons, such as the possibility to use fast and high-efficiency γ-ray scintillators with lower energy resolution (compared to usual high-purity germanium detectors) when the signal from neutron capture resonance is selected. We also suggest how detection systems often used in other fields, such as medical physics, can be of interest and inspiration also in the case of neutron-based investigations. Finally, we present new data of T-PGAA measurements on VESUVIO using neutron energies up to the keV using the scintillators available on the instrument, for samples of gold (of interest in cultural heritage), cadmium (for environmental safety), and tantalum (a material used in biomedical implants)


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    Os resíduos dos serviços de saúde estão recebendo merecida atenção nos últimos anos, não pela quantidade gerada, mas pelo risco potencial que representa à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Diferentes métodos são empregados com a finalidade de destruição dos micro-organismos. Nesta linha o ozônio é uma tecnologia que vem sendo utilizada em diversos segmentos, a fim de reduzir ou eliminar diversos micro-organismos, em virtude do seu alto poder de oxidação. O estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficiência do ozônio no controle in vitro de micro-organismos isolados de Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde. Foi realizada análise microbiológica dos RSS e verificado eficiência do ozônio sobre os micro-organismos.  Foram identificados os seguintes micro-organismos patogênicos: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Clostridium tetani, Staphylococcus sp, Aspergillus niger, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum gypseum e Clostridium sp.. Quando estes micro-organismos foram tratados com agua ozonizada verificou-se eficácia do ozônio no controle in vitro dos mesmos

    MWCNT/rGO/natural rubber latex dispersions for innovative, piezo‐resistive and cement‐based composite sensors

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    The present study is focused on the development and characterization of innovative cementitious-based composite sensors. In particular, multifunctional cement mortars with enhanced piezoresistive properties are realized by exploiting the concept of confinement of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) and reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) in a three-dimensional percolated network through the use of a natural-rubber latex aqueous dispersion. The manufactured cement-based composites were characterized by means of Inelastic Neutron Scattering to assess the hydration reactions and the interactions between natural rubber and the hydrated-cement phases and by Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray diffraction to evaluate the morphological and mineralogical structure, respectively. Piezo-resistive properties to assess electro-mechanical behavior in strain condition are also measured. The results show that the presence of natural rubber latex allows to obtain a three-dimensional rGO/MWCNTs segregate structure which catalyzes the formation of hydrated phases of the cement and increases the piezo-resistive sensitivity of mortar composites, representing a reliable approach in developing innovative mortar-based piezoresistive strain sensors

    Irradiation Tests for Commercial Off-the Shelf Components with Atmospheric-like Neutrons and Heavy-Ions

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    This paper presents the results of the irradiation, performed with atmospheric-like neutrons and heavy-ions, of Commercial Off-the Shelf Components (COTS), which can be used in space missions. In such cases, it is crucial to perform tests in a radiation environment that emulates the environment of different orbits around Earth. In our study we used atmosphericlike neutrons with fluences up to 1011 neutrons/cm-2 and Kr ions of fluences up to 107 ions/cm-2. These intensities are augmented with respect to the atmospheric one in order to shorten the irradiation time while simulating a long-time exposure during a possible mission in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). A similar radiation environment to LEO can also be present during High-Energy Physics experiments. Therefore, the study herby reported can also be helpful for accelerator physics. In this paper we show in detail procedures, setup and results we have obtained on a commercial device normally exploited in automotive environments

    Irradiation Tests for Commercial Off-the Shelf Components with Atmospheric-like Neutrons and Heavy-Ions

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    This paper presents the results of the irradiation, performed with atmospheric-like neutrons and heavy-ions, of Commercial Off-the Shelf Components (COTS), which can be used in space missions. In such cases, it is crucial to perform tests in a radiation environment that emulates the environment of different orbits around Earth. In our study we used atmosphericlike neutrons with fluences up to 1011 neutrons/cm-2 and Kr ions of fluences up to 107 ions/cm-2. These intensities are augmented with respect to the atmospheric one in order to shorten the irradiation time while simulating a long-time exposure during a possible mission in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). A similar radiation environment to LEO can also be present during High-Energy Physics experiments. Therefore, the study herby reported can also be helpful for accelerator physics. In this paper we show in detail procedures, setup and results we have obtained on a commercial device normally exploited in automotive environments.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 7 table