5 research outputs found

    Expression and Functional Characterization of the Cancer-related Serine Protease, Human Tissue Kallikrein 14

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    Human tissue kallikrein 14 (KLK14) is a novel extracellular serine protease. Clinical data link KLK14 expression to several diseases, primarily cancer; however, little is known of its (patho)-physiological role. To functionally characterize KLK14, we expressed and purified recombinant KLK14 in mature and proenzyme forms and determined its expression pattern, specificity, regulation, and in vitro substrates. By using our novel immunoassay, the normal and/or diseased skin, breast, prostate, and ovary contained the highest concentration of KLK14. Serum KLK14 levels were significantly elevated in prostate cancer patients compared with healthy males. KLK14 displayed trypsin-like specificity with high selectivity for P1-Arg over Lys. KLK14 activity could be regulated as follows: 1) by autolytic cleavage leading to enzymatic inactivation; 2) by the inhibitory serpins alpha1-antitrypsin, alpha2-antiplasmin, antithrombin III, and alpha1-antichymotrypsin with second order rate constants (k(+2)/Ki) of 49.8, 23.8, 1.48, and 0.224 microM(-1) min(-1), respectively, as well as plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; and 3) by citrate and zinc ions, which exerted stimulatory and inhibitory effects on KLK14 activity, respectively. We also expanded the in vitro target repertoire of KLK14 to include collagens I-IV, fibronectin, laminin, kininogen, fibrinogen, plasminogen, vitronectin, and insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins 2 and 3. Our results indicate that KLK14 may be implicated in several facets of tumor progression, including growth, invasion, and angiogenesis, as well as in arthritic disease via deterioration of cartilage. These findings may have clinical implications for the management of cancer and other disorders in which KLK14 activity is elevated

    Mutant recombinant serpins as highly specific inhibitors of human kallikrein 14

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    The reactive center loop (RCL) of serpins plays an essential role in the inhibition mechanism acting as a substrate for their target proteases. Changes within the RCL sequence modulate the specificity and reactivity of the serpin molecule. Recently, we reported the construction of alpha1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) variants with high specificity towards human kallikrein 2 (hK2) [Cloutier SM, Kundig C, Felber LM, Fattah OM, Chagas JR, Gygi CM, Jichlinski P, Leisinger HJ & Deperthes D (2004) Eur J Biochem271, 607-613] by changing amino acids surrounding the scissile bond of the RCL and obtained specific inhibitors towards hK2. Based on this approach, we developed highly specific recombinant inhibitors of human kallikrein 14 (hK14), a protease correlated with increased aggressiveness of prostate and breast cancers. In addition to the RCL permutation with hK14 phage display-selected substrates E8 (LQRAI) and G9 (TVDYA) [Felber LM, Borgono CA, Cloutier SM, Kundig C, Kishi T, Chagas JR, Jichlinski P, Gygi CM, Leisinger HJ, Diamandis EP & Deperthes D (2005) Biol Chem386, 291-298], we studied the importance of the scaffold, serpins alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) or ACT, to confer inhibitory specificity. All four resulting serpin variants ACT(E8), ACT(G9), AAT(E8) and AAT(G9) showed hK14 inhibitory activity and were able to form covalent complex with hK14. ACT inhibitors formed more stable complexes with hK14 than AAT variants. Whereas E8-based inhibitors demonstrated a rather relaxed specificity reacting with various proteases with trypsin-like activity including several human kallikreins, the two serpins variants containing the G9 sequence showed a very high selectivity for hK14. Such specific inhibitors might prove useful to elucidate the biological role of hK14 and/or its implication in cancer