10,985 research outputs found

    PT-Symmetric Representations of Fermionic Algebras

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    A recent paper by Jones-Smith and Mathur extends PT-symmetric quantum mechanics from bosonic systems (systems for which T2=1T^2=1) to fermionic systems (systems for which T2=1T^2=-1). The current paper shows how the formalism developed by Jones-Smith and Mathur can be used to construct PT-symmetric matrix representations for operator algebras of the form η2=0\eta^2=0, ηˉ2=0\bar{\eta}^2=0, ηηˉ+ηˉ=α1\eta\bar{\eta}+\bar {\eta} =\alpha 1, where etaˉ=ηPT=PTηT1P1\bar{eta}=\eta^{PT} =PT \eta T^{-1}P^{-1}. It is easy to construct matrix representations for the Grassmann algebra (α=0\alpha=0). However, one can only construct matrix representations for the fermionic operator algebra (α0\alpha\neq0) if α=1\alpha= -1; a matrix representation does not exist for the conventional value α=1\alpha=1.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Exactly solvable PT-symmetric Hamiltonian having no Hermitian counterpart

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    In a recent paper Bender and Mannheim showed that the unequal-frequency fourth-order derivative Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator model has a realization in which the energy eigenvalues are real and bounded below, the Hilbert-space inner product is positive definite, and time evolution is unitary. Central to that analysis was the recognition that the Hamiltonian HPUH_{\rm PU} of the model is PT symmetric. This Hamiltonian was mapped to a conventional Dirac-Hermitian Hamiltonian via a similarity transformation whose form was found exactly. The present paper explores the equal-frequency limit of the same model. It is shown that in this limit the similarity transform that was used for the unequal-frequency case becomes singular and that HPUH_{\rm PU} becomes a Jordan-block operator, which is nondiagonalizable and has fewer energy eigenstates than eigenvalues. Such a Hamiltonian has no Hermitian counterpart. Thus, the equal-frequency PT theory emerges as a distinct realization of quantum mechanics. The quantum mechanics associated with this Jordan-block Hamiltonian can be treated exactly. It is shown that the Hilbert space is complete with a set of nonstationary solutions to the Schr\"odinger equation replacing the missing stationary ones. These nonstationary states are needed to establish that the Jordan-block Hamiltonian of the equal-frequency Pais-Uhlenbeck model generates unitary time evolution.Comment: 39 pages, 0 figure

    Characterization of low thermal conductivity PAN-based carbon fibers

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    The microstructure and surface chemistry of eight low thermal conductivity (LTC) PAN-based carbon fibers were determined and compared with PAN-based fibers heat treated to higher temperatures. Based on wide-angle x ray diffraction, the LTC PAN fibers all appear to have a similar turbostratic structure with large 002 d-spacings, small crystallite sizes, and moderate preferred orientation. Limited small-angle x ray scattering (SAXS) results indicate that, with the exception of LTC fibers made by BASF, the LTC fibers do not have well developed pores. Transmission electron microscopy shows that the texture of the two LTC PAN-based fibers studied (Amoco T350/23X and /25X) consists of multiple sets of parallel, wavy, bent layers that interweave with each other forming a complex three dimensional network oriented randomly around the fiber axis. X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis finds correlations between heat treated temperatures and the surface composition chemistry of the carbon fiber samples

    Generation of interface for an Allen-Cahn equation with nonlinear diffusion

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    In this note, we consider a nonlinear diffusion equation with a bistable reaction term arising in population dynamics. Given a rather general initial data, we investigate its behavior for small times as the reaction coefficient tends to infinity: we prove a generation of interface property

    Complex Correspondence Principle

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    Quantum mechanics and classical mechanics are two very different theories, but the correspondence principle states that quantum particles behave classically in the limit of high quantum number. In recent years much research has been done on extending both quantum mechanics and classical mechanics into the complex domain. This letter shows that these complex extensions continue to exhibit a correspondence, and that this correspondence becomes more pronounced in the complex domain. The association between complex quantum mechanics and complex classical mechanics is subtle and demonstrating this relationship prequires the use of asymptotics beyond all orders.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Nuevos conceptos en el ensayo Varestraint

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    En este trabajo se describen las modificaciones que se han hecho al ensayo Varesrrainr para obrener el máximo de información de una probeta. Se ensayaron aceros inoxidables del tipo 347 estándar y modificado, encontrando que la técnica usada puede detectar diferencias en la tendencia al agrietamiento de la zona fundida, zona afectada térmicamente del metal previamente fundido y del metal base

    Modelling and experimental investigation of carangiform locomotion for control

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    We propose a model for planar carangiform swimming based on conservative equations for the interaction of a rigid body and an incompressible fluid. We account for the generation of thrust due to vortex shedding through controlled coupling terms. We investigate the correct form of this coupling experimentally with a robotic propulsor, comparing its observed behavior to that predicted by unsteady hydrodynamics. Our analysis of thrust generation by an oscillating hydrofoil allows us to characterize and evaluate certain families of gaits. Our final swimming model takes the form of a control-affine nonlinear system