6 research outputs found

    Profile of 5213 owners and perceptions about feline care and veterinary medical care

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    ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study was to know the profile of Brazilian cat owners and their perceptions of responsible ownership and the veterinary care environment. The application of a semi-structured online questionnaire investigating the owner’s socioeconomic level and perception of knowledge concerning health care and history of medical-veterinary care of their cats using the snowball method. A total of 5,213 participants were included, of which: 93% were women, 52% were single and lived in urban areas (96%). Fifty nine per cent of the owners answered that their cat is taken to the veterinary care service only when it shows a clinical sign and 65% of them feel anxious when they need to take their cats to the vet. Only 1% of the owner did not consider the cat as a family member. Concerning the veterinary care scenario, 40% of the owners answered that at least once, that their cat(s) had been handled inappropriately by veterinary service professionals, and they believed that low affinity with the species and excessive restraint were the main causes for this misconduct. Around 40% of the owners had already changed their veterinarian because of this inappropriate interaction/handling. Conclusion and relevancethe data presented point to the importance of implementing and improving friendly and gentle care practices with cats and their owners

    Suscetibilidade antimicrobiana de Staphylococcus spp. isolados de cães com pioderma superficial

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    Foram obtidas 154 amostras de lesões cutâneas de cães com pioderma superficial atendidos no Serviço de Dermatologia Veterinária do Hospital Veterinário Universitário (HVU) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), com o objetivo de determinar a suscetibilidade antimicrobiana de isolados de Staphylococcus spp. e avaliar a presença de multirresistência. Após isolamento e identificação, as cepas foram submetidas ao teste de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos, cujos resultados evidenciaram menores percentuais de resistência à associação amoxicilina e ácido clavulânico (1,9%), cefadroxil (1,9%), cefalexina (1,9%) e vancomicina (0,6%). Os maiores percentuais de resistência foram frente à amoxicilina (60,4%) e penicilina G (60,4%). A multirresistência foi detectada em 23,4% e a resistência à meticilina em 5,8% das amostras. Pode-se concluir que os isolados de Staphylococcus spp. apresentam elevada suscetibilidade aos antimicrobianos comumente utilizados no tratamento dos piodermas superficiais em cães atendidos no HVU-UFSM, como a cefalexina e a amoxicilina associada ao ácido clavulânico, confirmando a eleição desses fármacos para o tratamento de cães com esta afecção. A suscetibilidade diminuída das cepas frente às fluoroquinolonas, também recomendadas pela literatura para o tratamento de pioderma, permite sugerir que estes fármacos não devem mais ser considerados na seleção empírica. A identificação de Staphylococcus spp. multirresistentes na população canina estudada justifica análises bacteriológicas periódicas e regionais de lesões cutâneas de cães com pioderma superficial, a fim de minimizar a seleção de bactérias resistentes, possíveis falhas terapêuticas e também motiva a antimicrobianoterapia prudente

    Dioctophymatosis as cause of dyspnea in a dog

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    ABSTRACT: Dioctophyme renale is a parasite of the nematode class that can infect various species, including humans and dogs. Usually, the parasite migrates to the right kidney of the definitive host. Although, aberrant migrations have been previously reported, they mainly occur without clinical manifestations. No reports of dyspnea secondary to D. renale infestation has been found in the reported literature. The aim of this paper is to report intense respiratory distress caused by the presence of the parasite in the thoracic cavity of a dog. Radiographic images revealed multiple circular structures with a cavity with a radiopaque, thick contour in the thorax, which raised the suspicion of pulmonary bullae. Ultrasound examination revealed nematode infestation in the right kidney, scrotum, and thoracic cavity. Subsequently, right nephrectomy, orchiectomy and trans-sternal thoracotomy were performed to remove the parasites. The patient exhibited recovery after the procedures