6 research outputs found

    New records and updates of <i>Iviraiva argentina</i> (Hersiliidae) for Argentina

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    Spiders of the Hersiliidae family are easily distinguishable from others by the presence of a pair of long, posterior, lateral spinners that they use to capture prey. In Argentina, there are two genera Ypypuera and Iviraiva. In the present paper, new locations are provided for Iviraiva argentina and the historical records of this species for Argentina are reviewed, correcting georeferencing errors cited in the literature. The new records, being the southernmost for America, and the updated information, highlight the importance of accurate distributional data.Las arañas de la familia Hersiliidae son distinguibles fácilmente de otras familias por la presencia de un par de largas hilanderas laterales posteriores que utilizan para capturar a sus presas. En Argentina existen dos géneros Ypypuera e Iviraiva. En el presente trabajo se aportan nuevas localidades para Iviraiva argentina y se revisan los registros históricos de esta especie para Argentina, corrigiendo errores de georreferenciación citados en la bibliografía. Los nuevos registros, que son los más australes de América, y las actualizaciones de información, destacan la importancia de datos de distribución precisos.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    FIGURES 1 – 8. Micrathena shealsi Chickering 1960. 1 – 7 in The spider Micrathena shealsi Chickering, 1960 (Araneae, Araneidae): description of the male, with new data on its geographic distribution

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    FIGURES 1 – 8. Micrathena shealsi Chickering 1960. 1 – 7, male from Cochuna, Tucumán (MACN-Ar 27856); body view (1, dorsal; 2, front; 3, ventral; 4, lateral), and palpal morphology (5, prolateral; 6, ventral; 7, retrolateral). 8, female (cleared epigynum, ventral). Abbreviations: a = terminal apophysis; c = conductor; e = embolus; m = median apophysis; pm = paramedian apophysis; sr = seminal receptacles; t = tegulum. Scale bars: (1, 3 – 4) 1 mm; (2) 0.5 mm; (5 – 8) 0.2 mm

    Jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae) diversity in the understory of the Argentinian Atlantic Forest

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    The Atlantic Forest is one of the key biodiversity hotspots in the world. Its understory can be dominated by species such as the native bamboo Chusquea ramosissima (tacuarembó), which can be an aggressive gap colonizer and change biotic and abiotic conditions compared to mature forest. A strong association has been observed between Salticidae spiders and microhabitat type, frequently linked to host plant structure. Since little is known about the diversity of spiders in tree-fall gaps of the Atlantic Forest, the differences in the Salticidae assemblages between three habitats –the understory of typical forest, Bamboo gaps (dominated by tacuarembó) and restoration areas (tacuarembó removal)– were explored in the southern tip of the Atlantic Forest, Upper Parana Atlantic Forest ecoregion in Misiones province, Argentina. A total of 515 jumping spiders (32 species; 106 adults) were collected. Differences in species composition were detected between habitats, where Forest understory and Bamboo gaps differ in almost 50% of the species. Bamboo gaps had the highest number of exclusive species, but the three habitats did not differ in their average taxonomic diversity indices. In addition, richness was higher in Bamboo gaps compared to Forest understory, which may reflect higher niche diversity in the former habitat

    Jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae) diversity in the understory of the Argentinian Atlantic Forest

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    The Atlantic Forest is one of the key biodiversity hotspots in the world. Its understory can be dominated by species such as the native bamboo Chusquea ramosissima (tacuarembó), which can be an aggressive gap colonizer and change biotic and abiotic conditions compared to mature forest. A strong association has been observed between Salticidae spiders and microhabitat type, frequently linked to host plant structure. Since little is known about the diversity of spiders in tree-fall gaps of the Atlantic Forest, the differences in the Salticidae assemblages between three habitats –the understory of typical forest, Bamboo gaps (dominated by tacuarembó) and restoration areas (tacuarembó removal)– were explored in the southern tip of the Atlantic Forest, Upper Parana Atlantic Forest ecoregion in Misiones province, Argentina. A total of 515 jumping spiders (32 species; 106 adults) were collected. Differences in species composition were detected between habitats, where Forest understory and Bamboo gaps differ in almost 50% of the species. Bamboo gaps had the highest number of exclusive species, but the three habitats did not differ in their average taxonomic diversity indices. In addition, richness was higher in Bamboo gaps compared to Forest understory, which may reflect higher niche diversity in the former habitat.El Bosque Atlántico es uno de los principales focos de biodiversidad en el mundo. Su sotobosque puede estar dominado por especies como el bambú nativo Chusquea ramosissima (tacuarembó), que puede ser un agresivo colonizador de claros o lagunas (gaps) y cambiar las condiciones bióticas y abióticas en comparación al bosque maduro. Se ha observado una fuerte asociación entre las arañas Salticidae y el tipo de microhábitats, con frecuencia vinculada a la estructura de la vegetación. Dado que se conoce poco acerca de la diversidad de arañas en los claros por caída de árboles del Bosque Atlántico, se exploraron las diferencias en los ensambles de Salticidae en tres hábitats: el Sotobosque de bosque típico, Claros de Bambú (tacuarembó) y en áreas de restauración (remoción del tacuarembó). La región de estudio se encuentra en el extremo sur del Bosque Atlántico, ecorregión Bosque Atlántico Alto Paraná en la provincia de Misiones, Argentina. En total se colectaron 515 arañas (32 especies; 106 adultos). Se detectaron diferencias en la composición de especies entre hábitats, donde el Sotobosque y los Claros de Bambú difirieron en cerca del 50% de las especies. Los Claros de Bambú tuvieron el mayor número de especies exclusivas, no obstante, los tres hábitats no difirieron en sus índices de diversidad taxonómica media. Además, la riqueza fue mayor en los Claros de Bambú comparados con el Sotobosque, lo que podría reflejar una mayor diversidad de nichos en el primer hábitat