235 research outputs found

    Estrategia de intervención psicopedagógica para el establecimiento de metas en la iniciación deportiva (Original)

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    The present investigation was carried out in the EIDE "Pedro Batista Fonseca" of Bayamo, in    the province of Granma, with athletes of the female taekwondo team of the school category. It    proposes a psychopedagogical intervention strategy to favor the establishment of goals, with particularity of focusing this procedure fundamentally on the immediate goals, seeking a    harmonious balance between those oriented towards the task and those oriented to the ego. To    carry out the research, the qualitative-quantitative methodology was used, several methods    were applied such as interview and observation, and some psychometric tests, obtaining in the    initial diagnosis that there is indeed difficulty in establishing goals and that it develops from    general way, preventing the fulfillment of its fundamental functions that are related to the    conscious self-regulation of the behavior. The scientific problem that derives from the above is    solved with the implementation of the psychopedagogical intervention strategy that is based on    the Theory of achievement goals, favoring that in its implementation predominate task-oriented    goals, that the reasons for participation in the sporting activity they are intrinsic and in addition,    they are located dynamically and immediately for their execution within the goal setting plan.  theLa presente investigación se realizó en la EIDE “Pedro Batista Fonseca” de Bayamo, en la    provincia de Granma, con deportistas del equipo femenino de taekwondo de la categoría escolar.    En la misma se propone una estrategia de intervención psicopedagógica para favorecer el    establecimiento de metas, con la particularidad de centrar este procedimiento fundamentalmente    en las metas inmediatas, buscando un armónico equilibrio entre las orientadas hacia la tarea y    las orientadas al ego. Para la realización de la investigación se empleó la metodología cuali-    cuantitativa, se aplicaron varios métodos como entrevista y la observación, y algunos test    psicométricos, obteniéndose en el diagnóstico inicial que efectivamente existe dificultad en el    establecimiento de metas y que el mismo se desarrolla de manera general, impidiendo el    cumplimiento de sus funciones fundamentales que están relacionadas con la autorregulación    consciente de la conducta. El problema científico que se deriva de lo anterior se soluciona con la    implementación de la estrategia de intervención psicopedagógica que está sustentada en la    Teoría de las metas de logro, propiciando que en su implementación predominen las metas    orientadas a la tarea, que los motivos de participación en la actividad deportiva sean intrínsecos y    además, que sean ubicados de forma dinámica e inmediata para su ejecución dentro del plan de establecimiento de metas.&nbsp

    Puccinia spore concentrations in relation to weather factors and phenological development of a wheat crop in northwestern Spain

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    Rust is one of the main diseases affecting wheat crops in Spain, causing significant yield and quality losses. Research on its identification and quantification in the air is a worldwide priority due to the importance of this crop as a source of food and feed. The objective of this study is to determine the temporal variation of airborne spores of Puccinia and their relationship with meteorological variables and the phenological development of a wheat crop in Northwestern Spain during two growing seasons. The study was conducted in A Limia, Ourense, located in Northwestern Spain, during the wheat growing seasons of 2021 and 2022. The Lanzoni VPPS 2010 spore trap was used to collect airborne spores, which were identified using optical microscopy. The wheat growing season was less than 95 days during both years, and wheat rust spores were detected during all phenological stages of the crop. Concentrations were higher than 100 spores/m3 from the booting stage to senescence, mainly in 2021. Statistical analyses showed that temperature was the meteorological variable that most influenced Puccinia concentrations in the air in both years. The modification of a prediction model proposed by other authors for wheat rust, which takes into account mean temperature (10–25 °C), dew point temperature (<5 °C), and nighttime temperature (10–20 °C), allowed us to tentatively predict the increase in Puccinia concentrations in the year 2022 when these conditions occurred for four or five consecutive days. This research is the first in Spain to report the presence of rust-causing Puccinia spores in the air during all phenological stages of the wheat crop and provides useful information for designing management strategies, considering temperature values

    London plane tree pollen and Pla A 1 allergen concentrations assessment in urban environments

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    The London plane tree is frequently used in gardens, parks, and avenues in European urban areas for ornamental purposes with the aim to provide shade, and given its tolerance to atmospheric pollution. Nevertheless, unfortunately, over recent decades, bioaerosols such as Platanus pollen grains cause increasing human health problems such as allergies or respiratory tract infections. An aerobiological sampling of airborne Platanus pollen and Pla a 1 allergen was performed using two volumetric traps placed on the roof of the Science Faculty building of the city of Ourense from 2009 to 2020. A volumetric sampler Hirst–type Lanzoni VPPS 2000 (Lanzoni s.r.l. Bologna, Italy) was used for pollen sampling. Pla a 1 aeroallergen was sampled by using a Burkard Multi-Vial Cyclone Sampler (Burkard Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hertfordshire, UK) and by means of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Data mining algorithms, C5.0 decision trees, and rule-based models were assessed to evaluate the effects of the main meteorological factors in the pollen or allergen concentrations. Plane trees bloom in late winter and spring months in the Northwestern Spain area. Regarding the trends of the parameters that define the Platanus pollen season, the allergen values fitted the concentrations of pollen in the air in most cases. In addition, it was observed that a decrease in maximum temperatures causes a descent in both pollen and allergen concentrations. However, the presence of precipitations only increases the level of allergens. When the risk of allergy symptomatology was jointly assessed for both the concentration of pollen and allergens in the study area, the number of days with moderate and high risk for pollen allergy in sensitive people increased with respect to traditional alerts considering only the pollen values.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2017/62 BV1Consellería de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia | Ref. CO-0034-2021 00V

    Xerophilic and cellulolytic fungi in the indoor air of houses in Havana

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    Fungi with xerophilic and cellulolytic enzymatic activities are abundant indoors and considered biodeteriorating agents. This study aimed to characterize the diversity of xerophilic and cellulolytic fungi in the indoor air of houses in Havana and to examine their relationship with environmental factors. Indoor air samples were collected from 42 houses using the sedimentation method in Petri dishes with malt and yeast extract agar with 50% sucrose and filter paper. Both fungal groups were successfully isolated from 41 of the sampled houses. In the majority of rooms, the concentrations recorded were below the threshold indicative of fungal contamination. The presence of these fungi was mainly related to humidity and ventilation problems and to the diversity of substrates present in the rooms. Aspergillus was found to be the predominant genus in the culture methods evaluated at both 28 and 37 °C. These findings enhance our understanding of the fungi with xerophilic and cellulolytic properties that inhabit indoor environments and serve as a warning system to their presence.Universidade de Vigo/CISU


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    El trabajo titulado: “Reflexiones acerca del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de comprensión de textos en la educación primaria”, hace referencia a los elementos esenciales que se deben tener en cuenta en este componente para su enseñanza. Diferentes autores asumen el criterio que de ser trabajado de forma correcta, contribuye al desarrollo exitoso de la comprensión. Teniendo en cuenta estos juicios y los basamentos de que la comprensión es fundamental para entender todo lo que se lee, es que en este artículo se realizan reflexiones acerca del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la comprensión de textos en la educación primaria. Se sintetiza el resultado de una tesis de maestría “La comprensión de textos escritos en escolares de 4.grado.

    Caracterización clínica y epidemiológica de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal

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    Introduction: colorectal cancer is the third most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality due to cancer in the world; prognosis that is related to its late diagnosis.Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer.Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the Department of Digestive Endoscopy of the General Teaching Hospital "Ciro Redondo García" in Artemisa, in the period between January 1st and December 31st, 2019. The universe was consisting of 12 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer and confirmation of the histological type by biopsy. Descriptive statistics were produced.Results: patients between 50 and 59 years old and those over 70 years old (33.3%) predominated; the female sex stood out with a total of 9 women. The most frequent location of the tumor was at the level of the rectosigmoid with 8 patients (66.7%) and the most common clinical manifestation was lower gastrointestinal bleeding, present in 5 patients (41, 7%). The most frequent histological type was adenocarcinoma (91.7%).Conclusions: superiority was shown in the number of cases from 50 years of age and the female sex predominated. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding was the most common clinical manifestation and the rectosigmoid was the most common site of these tumors. The most frequent histological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma.Introducción: el cáncer colorrectal es la tercera causa más frecuente de morbilidad y mortalidad por cáncer en el mundo; pronóstico que se encuentra relacionado con su diagnóstico tardío.Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer colorrectal.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en el Departamento de Endoscopia Digestiva del Hospital General Docente “Ciro Redondo García” de Artemisa, en el período comprendido del 1ro de enero al 31 diciembre del 2019. El universo estuvo constituido por 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal y confirmación del tipo histológico por biopsia. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva.Resultados: predominaron los pacientes entre 50 y 59 años y los mayores de 70 años (33,3 %); se destacó el sexo femenino con un total de 9 mujeres. La localización más frecuente del tumor fue a nivel del rectosigmoides con 8 pacientes (66,7 %) y la manifestación clínica más co- mún fue la hemorragia digestiva baja, presente en 5 pacientes (41,7 %). El tipo histológico más frecuente fue el adenocarcinoma (91,7 %).Conclusiones: se observó superioridad en el número de casos a partir de los 50 años y predominó el sexo femenino. La hemorragia digestiva baja fue la manifestación clínica más común y el rectosigmoides fue el lugar de asiento más común de estos tumores. El diagnóstico histológico más frecuente fue el adenocarcinoma

    La clase encuentro desde las disciplinas de la química en la Universidad de Camagüey (Original)

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    The objective of the research was to diagnose what refers to the class encounter as a type of class in the blended modality, for its projection and treatment in the teaching-methodological work of the collectives of the Chemistry disciplines. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the period between September and November 2017 in the Faculty of Applied Sciences belonging to the "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz" University of Camagüey. From the empirical methods, the survey was applied to teachers and students, as well as the results of the visits to classes. It is concluded that the applied diagnosis demonstrates the need for teachers of the collectives of the Chemistry disciplines to receive a didactic preparation about the theoretical and methodological foundations related to the encounter class, emphasizing the importance of the encounter class, its structure, the independent work is the one that constitutes his method and the need to intentionally through the activities of the study guides the cognitive independence of the student, through the systematization and exercise of the content through problematic situations and integrating tasks, that facilitate the appropriation by the students of learning strategies.El objetivo de la investigación fue diagnosticar lo referente a la clase encuentro como tipo de clase en la modalidad semipresencial, para su proyección y tratamiento en el trabajo docente-metodológico de los colectivos de las disciplinas de Química. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el período comprendido entre septiembre y noviembre de 2017 en la facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas perteneciente a la Universidad “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”, de Camagüey. De los métodos empíricos, fueron aplicadas la encuesta a docentes y estudiantes, así como los resultados de las visitas a clases. Se concluye que el diagnóstico aplicado demuestra la necesidad de los docentes en los colectivos de las disciplinas de Química reciban una preparación didáctica acerca de los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos relacionados con la clase encuentro, se destaca la importancia de la clase encuentro, su estructura, el trabajo independiente el que constituye su método y la necesidad de intencionar a través de las actividades de las guías de estudios la independencia cognoscitiva del estudiante, mediante la sistematización y ejercitación del contenido a través de situaciones problémicas y de tareas integradoras, que faciliten la apropiación por los estudiantes de estrategias de aprendizaje

    Relationship between patients with alcoholic intoxication due to alcoholic drinks and the presence of hypoglycemia

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    Introduction: Alcoholic intoxication is a frequent cause of patient’s medical care in recreation and enjoyment areas. Numerous are complications associated to this clinic syndrome, being described among them the hypoglycemia, intending in their treatment a customary use of glucose solutions. Objective: To determine the hypoglycemia incidence in patient with intoxication by alcoholic drinks in a recreational area "East Beach" touristic area. Material and Methods: A descriptive study was performed in patients hospitalized in an emergency service due to alcoholic intoxication and to who was carried out a capillary glycaemia analysis to reveal the presence of hypoglycemia. 59 patients with alcoholic poisoning were included in the study, without significant differences of gender, being young people and adolescents most of cases. Results: Most frequent symptoms were a level of conscience deterioration, predominating in the 62,7 % a Glasgow Coma Scale ≤ 9. 66,2 % did not ingest food before their admission. Vomiting and the dehydration was present in 62,7 and 69,4 respectively of the hospitalized patients. The transfer was necessary in 15,2 % to other hospitals to continue the studies and care. Only hypoglycemia was found in four cases for a 6,7 %, prevailing in patients older than 40 years. Conclusions: The hypoglycemia can be present in the alcoholic poisoning, being very little probable in young people and adolescents, it is related mainly to scarce food ingestion.Keywords: Poisoning, Alcoholic Drinks, Emergency Services, Hypoglycemia, Hypertonic Glucose, signs, symptoms.</p

    Uso de las NTIC en la formación de valores ciudadanos : El trabajo con la identidad comunitaria

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto, es desarrollar la identidad comunitaria del municipio Marianao, como un instrumento para contribuir a la formación de valores ciudadanos en las nuevas generaciones y promover la más activa participación de la comunidad en la solución de sus problemas.Eje: Educación universitaria: Experiencias uso NTICRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    La Actividad Científica del CSIC a través del Web of Science. Estudio Bibliométrico del período 2001-2005

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio de la producción científica del CSIC durante el período 2001-2005. Antecedentes de este informe son los estudios de actividad científica del CSIC publicados en años anteriores. El presente informe introduce como novedad el uso de la base de datos Web of Science como fuente de información, mientras que los estudios previos se basaban en las bases de datos Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) y Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) en su versión en CD-ROM. La base de datos internacional Web of Science (WoS), elaborada por Thomson Scientific (antes Thomson ISI) de EEUU, tiene una cobertura más amplia que el mencionado CD-ROM. Recoge una selección de las principales revistas científicas en el ámbito internacional, y aunque presentan un claro sesgo a favor de revistas en lengua inglesa y de los países del "centro" científico, su uso permite obtener una visión de la producción científica de un país en su vertiente más internacional. Por otro lado, el uso de la base de datos WoS ha permitido introducir por primera vez indicadores de impacto basados en las citas recibidas por los documentos.Peer reviewe