33 research outputs found

    The incremental treatment of ESRD: A low-protein diet combined with weekly hemodialysis may be beneficial for selected patients

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    Background: Infrequent dialysis, namely once-a-week session combined with very low-protein, low-phosphorus diet supplemented with ketoacids was reported as a useful treatment schedule for ESRD patients with markedly reduced residual renal function but preserved urine output. This study reports our findings from the application of a weekly dialysis schedule plus less severe protein restriction (standard low-protein low-phosphorus diet) in stage 5 CKD patients with consistent dietary discipline. Methods: This is a multicenter, prospective controlled study, including 68 incident CKD patients followed in a pre-dialysis clinic with Glomerular Filtration Rate 5 to 10 ml/min/1.73/m2 who became unstable on the only medical treatment. They were offered to begin a Combined Diet Dialysis Program (CDDP) or a standard thrice-a-week hemodialysis (THD): 38 patients joined the CDDP, whereas 30 patients chose THD. Patients were studied at baseline, 6 and 12 months; hospitalization and survival rate were followed-up for 24 months. Results: Volume output and residual renal function were maintained in the CDDP Group while those features dropped quickly in THD Group. Throughout the study, CDDP patients had a lower erythropoietin resistance index, lower β2 microglobulin levels and lower need for cinacalcet of phosphate binders than THD, and stable parameters of nutritional status. At 24 month follow-up, 39.4% of patients were still on CDDP; survival rates were 94.7% and 86.8% for CDDP and THD patients, respectively, but hospitalization rate was much higher in THD than in CDDP patients. The cost per patient per year resulted significantly lower in CDDP than in THD Group. Conclusions: This study shows that a CDDP served to protect the residual renal function, to maintain urine volume output and to preserve a good nutritional status. CDDP also blunted the rapid β2 microglobulin increase and resulted in better control of anemia and calcium-phosphate abnormalities. CDDP was also associated with a lower hospitalization rate and reduced need of erythropoietin, as well as of drugs used for treatment of calcium-phosphate abnormalities, thus leading to a significant cost-saving. We concluded that in selected ESRD patients with preserved urine output attitude to protein restriction, CDDP may be a beneficial choice for an incremental hemodialysis program

    Low-protein diets for chronic kidney disease patients: The Italian experience

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    open20Nutritional treatment has always represented a major feature of CKD management. Over the decades, the use of nutritional treatment in CKD patients has been marked by several goals. The first of these include the attainment of metabolic and fluid control together with the prevention and correction of signs, symptoms and complications of advanced CKD. The aim of this first stage is the prevention of malnutrition and a delay in the commencement of dialysis. Subsequently, nutritional manipulations have also been applied in association with other therapeutic interventions in an attempt to control several cardiovascular risk factors associated with CKD and to improve the patient's overall outcome. Over time and in reference to multiple aims, the modalities of nutritional treatment have been focused not only on protein intake but also on other nutrients.openBellizzi, Vincenzo; Cupisti, Adamasco; Locatelli, Francesco; Bolasco, Piergiorgio; Brunori, Giuliano; Cancarini, Giovanni; Caria, Stefania; De Nicola, Luca; Di Iorio, Biagio R; Di Micco, Lucia; Fiaccadori, Enrico; Garibotto, Giacomo; Mandreoli, Marcora; Minutolo, Roberto; Oldrizzi, Lamberto; Piccoli, Giorgina B; Quintaliani, Giuseppe; Santoro, Domenico; Torraca, Serena; Viola, Battista FBellizzi, Vincenzo; Cupisti, Adamasco; Locatelli, Francesco; Bolasco, Piergiorgio; Brunori, Giuliano; Cancarini, Giovanni; Caria, Stefania; De Nicola, Luca; Di Iorio, Biagio R; Di Micco, Lucia; Fiaccadori, Enrico; Garibotto, Giacomo; Mandreoli, Marcora; Minutolo, Roberto; Oldrizzi, Lamberto; Piccoli, Giorgina B; Quintaliani, Giuseppe; Santoro, Domenico; Torraca, Serena; Viola, Battista F

    GEN-O-MA project: an Italian network studying clinical course and pathogenic pathways of moyamoya disease—study protocol and preliminary results

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    Background: GENetics of mOyaMoyA (GEN-O-MA) project is a multicenter observational study implemented in Italy aimed at creating a network of centers involved in moyamoya angiopathy (MA) care and research and at collecting a large series and bio-repository of MA patients, finally aimed at describing the disease phenotype and clinical course as well as at identifying biological or cellular markers for disease progression. The present paper resumes the most important study methodological issues and preliminary results. Methods: Nineteen centers are participating to the study. Patients with both bilateral and unilateral radiologically defined MA are included in the study. For each patient, detailed demographic and clinical as well as neuroimaging data are being collected. When available, biological samples (blood, DNA, CSF, middle cerebral artery samples) are being also collected for biological and cellular studies. Results: Ninety-eight patients (age of onset mean ± SD 35.5 ± 19.6 years; 68.4% females) have been collected so far. 65.3% of patients presented ischemic (50%) and haemorrhagic (15.3%) stroke. A higher female predominance concomitantly with a similar age of onset and clinical features to what was reported in previous studies on Western patients has been confirmed. Conclusion: An accurate and detailed clinical and neuroimaging classification represents the best strategy to provide the characterization of the disease phenotype and clinical course. The collection of a large number of biological samples will permit the identification of biological markers and genetic factors associated with the disease susceptibility in Italy

    Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 10

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Artemisia, Chaetonychia, Cirsium, Cynanchum, Genista, Hieracium, Iberis, Melica, Misopates, Myosotis, Thalictrum, Trifolium, Utricularia, Veronica, and Vicia. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as supplementary material

    An overview of the Italian forest biodiversity and its conservation level, based on the first outcomes of the 4th Habitat Report ex-Art. 17

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    In 2019 the 4th Report ex-Art. 17 on the conservation status (CS) of Annex I Habitats of the 92/43/EEC Directive was expected by every EU/28 country, with reference to the period 2013-18. In Italy, the process was in charge to the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), on behalf of the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), with the scientific support of the Italian Botanical Society (SBI). A large group of thematic and territorial experts elaborated the available data concerning the 124 types of terrestrial and inland water Habitats present in Italy, 39 of which are represented by Forest Habitats (Group 9),. The main aim of the work was the evaluation of the overall CS of each Habitat by Biogeographic Region (Mediterranean, Continental and Alpine), for a total amount of 294 assessments. A high proportion of these (92, corresponding to 31% of the total) referred to Forest Habitats, including 20 marginal types for which the CS was not requested. The analysis was carried out at different scales: a) administrative territory, through the data contained in the ISPRA database, whose compilation was in charge to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces; b) Natura 2000 site, with the latest updates available (Standard Data Forms updated to 2018); c) national scale, implementing the distribution maps for each Habitat based on the European grid ETRS89-LAEA5210 (10x10 km2 mesh); d) Biogeographic Region, scale of the final assessment. Cartographic outcomes, associated databases and additional data used for the assessments will be available online on the ISPRA Portal as soon as the validation process by the European Commission will be completed. A dedicated archive named "HAB_IT" has been created in the national database "VegItaly" (1), managed by the Italian Society of Vegetation Science, where the phytosociological relevés representative of the various Annex I Habitats in Italy will be archived and freely accessible. An overview of the results regarding the Forest habitats is here provided, including a comparison with the outcomes of the former reporting cycle, the 3rd Report ex-Art. 17 (2). In several cases (e.g. 9120, 91L0), the distribution maps have been remarkably improved due to better knowledge and more fitful interpretation. The conservation status resulted as Favourable (FV) for 6,7%, Inadequate (U1) for 58,7% and Bad (U1) for 32,0% of the 72 assessed forest Habitat types. In no case there was an improvement of the conservation status, while in 6 cases a worsening of the conditions resulted from the data analysis, pointing out the Habitats types with a higher need of action. Similarly to other projects carried out as a team by the network of Annex I Habitat experts of the Italian Botanical Society and the Italian Society for Vegetation Science (e.g. 3, 4), this is another step in the direction of supporting the implementation of the 92/43/EEC "Habitat" Directive in Italy and Europe. On this ground, the high biodiversity of the Italian forest Habitats could be emphasized, however results pointed out that some rare or endemic types (e.g. Alnus cordata or Betula aetnensis-dominated forests) are still scarcely acknowledged by the most prominent EU conservation tools such as the Annex I to the "Habitat" Directive. 1) F. Landucci et al. (2012) Plant Biosyst., 146(4), 756-763 2) P. Genovesi et al. (2014) ISPRA, Serie Rapporti, 194/2014 3) E. Biondi et al. (2009) Società Botanica Italiana, MATTM, D.P.N., http://vnr.unipg.it/habitat/ 4) D. Gigante et al. (2016) Plant Sociology, 53(2), 77-8

    Phosphate Nutritional Intake Control between Patient Undergoing Conventional Thrice Weekly and Infrequent Hemodialysis "Phosphate Nutritional Intake Control between Patient Undergoing Conventional Thrice Weekly and Infrequent

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    Abstract Introduction. It is largely agreed that preservation of residual kidney function (RKF) has a directly proportional effect on general and, in particular, cardiovascular mortality. Unlike the oligoanuric patient undergoing thrice weekly hemodialysis (TDH) evaluation of patients on infrequent (once-weekly or twice-weekly) hemodialysis (ID) shows the importance of phosphaturia and residual diuresis are frequently underestimated. Indeed, the native kidney preserves the ability to eliminate not only toxic molecules but also achieve a significant output of phosphate despite a severe decrease in RKF. But without a tailored hypoproteic-hypophosphoric nutritional approach it was not possible to recruit patients for whatever programs of infrequent hemodialysis. Aim. The aim of our study was to assess phosphate balance in patients on ID compared to those on conventional THD with no residual kidney function. Methods. In each group the proteic/phosphoric intake was estimated. Thirty-seven patients were recruited: 12 on THD, 15 on twice-weekly dialysis and 10 on once-weekly dialysis with a combined diet dialysis program (CDDP). A total of 36 urine samples were collected from 36 THD patients and grouped according to dialysis method employed: high efficiency dialysis (HDH), post-dilution on-line hemodiafiltration (postHDF), or pre-dilution hemodiafiltration (preHDF). Fifty-seven urine samples were obtained from patients on TWD, and 109 from CDDP. Results. Compared to THD patients, patients on ID were characterized by a negative or neutral balance between input/output of phosphates. Weekly balance: THD: +4.45; TWD: -0.73; CDDP: -0.38. Conclusions. A tailored ID, together with a low-protein -low-phosphorus diet may delay the need for THD and prolong patients' quality of life and cardiovascular survival, being proportionally linked to a lack of accumulation of dietary phosphate

    Approccio incrementale di inizio dialisi: emodialisi bisettimanale, o monosettimanale associata a dieta ipoproteica-ipofosforica? [Incremental approach to hemodialysis: twice a week, or once weekly hemodialysis combined with low-protein low-phosphorus diet?]

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    The start of dialysis treatment is a critical step in the care management of chronic renal failure patients. When hemodialysis is performed three times a week, rapid loss of kidney function and of urine volume output generally occur and this represents an unfavorable prognostic factor. Instead, reducing frequency of hemodialysis sessions, as well as peritoneal dialysis, can contribute to a lesser decrease of residual renal function. Unfortunately, the existing protocols for an incremental hemodialysis approach are not particularly common and they are generally limited to a twice a week hemodialysis schedule. In addition to clinical and economic reasons, an incremental approach to ESRD also contributes to better social and psychological adaptation by the patients to the dramatic change in living conditions linked to the maintenance dialysis treatment. In patients who have attitude for low-protein nutritional therapy, a once weekly dialysis schedule combined with low-protein, low-phosphorus, normal to high energy diet in the remaining six days of the week can be implemented in selected patients. In our experience, this kind of program produced important clinical results and reduction in costs and hospitalization. When compared with a three times a week dialysis schedule, a greater protection of residual renal function and of urine volume output, lower increase in 2 microglobulin, better control of phosphorus and less consumption of phosphate binders and erythropoietin were observed. Careful clinical monitoring and nutrition is essential for the safety and optimization of infrequent hemodialysis. Long-term follow-up analysis shows favorable effects on the overall survival. Furthermore, twice a week hemodialysis is not the only option for an incremental approach of dialysis commencing. In patients who have a good attitude for low-protein nutritional therapy, its arrangement with a program of once weekly dialysis represents a real and effective alternative