1,735 research outputs found

    The Stephen F. Austin Experimental Forest

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    Inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase limits nitric oxide production and experimental aneurysm expansion

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    AbstractPurpose: Nitric oxide (NO), frequently cited for its protective role, can also generate toxic metabolites known to degrade elastin. Both abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) are associated with inflammatory states, yet the relationship between NO production by iNOS and AAA development is unknown. The current study examines iNOS expression, NO production, and the effects of selective inhibition of iNOS by aminoguanidine in experimental AAA. Methods: An intra-aortic elastase infusion model was used. Control rats received intra-aortic saline infusion and postoperative intraperitoneal saline injections (Group 1). In the remaining groups, intra-aortic elastase infusion was used to induce aneurysm formation. These rats were treated with intraperitoneal injections of saline postoperatively (Group 2), aminoguanidine postoperatively (Group 3), or aminoguanidine preoperatively and postoperatively (Group 4). Aortic diameter and plasma nitrite/nitrate levels were measured on the day of surgery and postoperative day 7. Aortas were harvested for biochemical and histologic analysis on postoperative day 7. Results: Infusion of elastase produced AAAs (P <.001) with significant production of iNOS (P <.05) and nitrite/nitrate (P <.003) compared with controls. Selective inhibition of iNOS with aminoguanidine in elastase-infused aortas significantly reduced aneurysm size (P <.01) compared with elastase infusion alone. Aminoguanidine-treated rats displayed suppression of iNOS expression and plasma nitrite/nitrate production not significantly different from the control group. Histologic evaluation revealed equivalent inflammatory infiltrates in elastase-infused groups. Conclusion: Expression of iNOS is induced and plasma nitrite/nitrate levels are increased in experimental AAA. Inhibition of iNOS limits NO production and iNOS expression, resulting in smaller aneurysm size. NO production by iNOS plays an important role with detrimental effects during experimental aneurysm development. (J Vasc Surg 2001;33:579-86.

    Tunable excitation source for coherent Raman spectroscopy based on a single fiber laser

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/99/18/10.1063/1.3657529.We demonstrate a wavelength tunable optical excitation source for coherent Raman scattering (CRS) spectroscopy based on a single femtosecondfiber laser. Electrically controlled wavelength tuning of Stokes optical pulses was achieved with soliton self frequency shift in an optical fiber, and linear frequency chirping was applied to both the pump and the Stokes waves to significantly improve the spectral resolution. The coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS)spectrum of cyclohexane was measured and vibrational resonant Raman peaks separated by 70 cm−1 were clearly resolved. Single laser-based tunable excitation may greatly simplify CRS measurements and extend the practicality of CRS microscopy

    Rural Residential Water Demand in Kentucky: An Econometric and Simulation Analysis

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    This study proposed that demand management through pricing policies can be used in conjunction with supply management to solve water supply problems in Kentucky. Economic principles were shown to apply to rural residential water use. From the economic model, a hyperbolic demand function was theorized. The mathematical form of this function used quantity of water as a function of price, income, value of residence, evaporation, and persons per residence. This function was estimated using ordinary least squares regression. A log-linear model was found to be a satisfactory representation of the demand function. Price was the only independent variable which was significant and had an elasticity of (-.92). As an application of pricing to demand management, the estimated regression equation was used in a simulation analysis. The simulation was used to determine the reservoir capacity necessary to supply the needs of 4,000 households given three different price levels for water. Reservoir size was determined by simulating reservoir size as a function of outflow as estimated from the demand function plus an assumed low flow rate and inflow from the Thomas-Fiering Model. This technique illustrated that price does affect the quantity of water demanded which in turn effects reservoir capacity requirements

    The ion-induced charge-exchange X-ray emission of the Jovian Auroras: Magnetospheric or solar wind origin?

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    A new and more comprehensive model of charge-exchange induced X-ray emission, due to ions precipitating into the Jovian atmosphere near the poles, has been used to analyze spectral observations made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The model includes for the first time carbon ions, in addition to the oxygen and sulfur ions previously considered, in order to account for possible ion origins from both the solar wind and the Jovian magnetosphere. By comparing the model spectra with newly reprocessed Chandra observations, we conclude that carbon ion emission provides a negligible contribution, suggesting that solar wind ions are not responsible for the observed polar X-rays. In addition, results of the model fits to observations support the previously estimated seeding kinetic energies of the precipitating ions (~0.7-2 MeV/u), but infer a different relative sulfur to oxygen abundance ratio for these Chandra observations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ Lette

    Fluorescence quenching studies of structure and dynamics in calmodulin-eNOS complexes

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Arnett David C.,Persechini Anthony,Tran Quang-Kim,Black D.J. and Johnson Carey K.(2015), Fluorescence quenching studies of structure and dynamics in calmodulin–eNOS complexes, FEBS Letters, 589, doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2015.03.035, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2015.03.035. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) by calmodulin (CaM) facilitates formation of a sequence of conformational states that is not well understood. Fluorescence decays of fluorescently labeled CaM bound to eNOS reveal four distinct conformational states and single-molecule fluorescence trajectories show multiple fluorescence states with transitions between states occurring on time scales of milliseconds to seconds. A model is proposed relating fluorescence quenching states to enzyme conformations. Specifically, we propose that the most highly quenched state corresponds to CaM docked to an oxygenase domain of the enzyme. In single-molecule trajectories, this state occurs with time lags consistent with the oxygenase activity of the enzyme

    Fluorescence quenching studies of structure and dynamics in calmodulin-eNOS complexes

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Arnett David C.,Persechini Anthony,Tran Quang-Kim,Black D.J. and Johnson Carey K.(2015), Fluorescence quenching studies of structure and dynamics in calmodulin–eNOS complexes, FEBS Letters, 589, doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2015.03.035, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2015.03.035. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) by calmodulin (CaM) facilitates formation of a sequence of conformational states that is not well understood. Fluorescence decays of fluorescently labeled CaM bound to eNOS reveal four distinct conformational states and single-molecule fluorescence trajectories show multiple fluorescence states with transitions between states occurring on time scales of milliseconds to seconds. A model is proposed relating fluorescence quenching states to enzyme conformations. Specifically, we propose that the most highly quenched state corresponds to CaM docked to an oxygenase domain of the enzyme. In single-molecule trajectories, this state occurs with time lags consistent with the oxygenase activity of the enzyme
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