81 research outputs found

    The relationships between early trauma, dissociation, and alexithymia in alcohol addiction

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    Objective Addiction is often considered a dissociative behavior that is related to alexithymia and developmental trauma. The study aims were to explore the relationships between early trauma, alexithymia, and dissociation. Methods A total of 117 (males=60; females=57) alcohol-addicted individuals and 117 healthy individuals (males=60; females=57) were administered a series of self-report questionnaires that assess traumatic experiences, alexithymia, and pathological dissociation. Results Correlation analyses indicated significant correlations between alexithymia, dissociation, and trauma and a significant difference between the target and control groups, with higher alexithymia and dissociation scores in the target group. Conclusion These findings suggest that trauma, alexithymia, and dissociation are predictors of alcohol addiction

    Attachment relationships and internalization and externalization problems in a group of adolescents with pathological gambling disorder

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    Objective: The evidence accumulated in the relevant literature suggests that the presence and evolution of gambling could be correlated with the internalizing and externalizing problems and with the attachment style. This paper aims at exploring this perspective further. In particular, it analyses how such risk factors interact within the specific context of adolescent gambling disorder. Method: The sample comprises 91 adolescents, 61 male and 30 female, in the 17-22 age range (M = 17.77; SD = 0.98). A structural equation model was used to examine the relationship between the Youth Self-Report latent factors and pathological gambling, and the mode of attachment was assumed to act as a moderator. Results: Our results suggest that in the group characterized by a fearful attachment style there was a positive relationship between somatization and propensity to risk (p = 0.008), whereas in the dismissing attachment group there was a positive relationship between a greater tendency to delinquent behaviour and gambling risk (p = 0.042). Conclusions: The various insecure attachment stylespatterns may contribute in different ways to the development of oppositional-provocative behaviour and problems of conduct in adolescents

    Trauma-related dissociation is linked with maladaptive personality functioning

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    Background: Extensive research has demonstrated the positive associations among the exposure to traumatic experiences, the levels of dissociation, and the severity of psychiatric symptoms in adults. However, it has been hypothesized in clinical literature that an excessive activation of the dissociative processes following multiple traumatic experiences may jeopardize the psychological and behavioral functioning of the individuals, fostering higher levels of maladaptive personality functioning.Methods: The study involved 322 adult volunteers from Italy. Participants completed measures on traumatic experiences, dissociation, and maladaptive personality traits.Results: The number of traumatic experiences reported by participants were positively associated with dissociation scores and maladaptive personality scores. Mediation analyses showed that dissociation acted as a partial mediator in the relationship between traumatic experiences and overall maladaptive personality functioning. Regression curve analyses showed that the positive association between maladaptive personality functioning and dissociation was stronger among participants with higher exposure to traumatic experiences.Conclusion: Exposure to multiple traumatic experiences may increase the risk for an excessive activation of the dissociative processes, which in turn may generate severe impairments in multiple domains of personality functioning

    Problematic internet use (piu) and cyberbulling in adolescence. Victimization, risky behaviour and perception of phenomenon among peers: a research : Problematic internet use (piu) e cyberbullismo in adolescenza. Vittimizzazione, condotte a rischio e percezione del fenomeno tra pari: una ricerca

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    In this article the problematic internet use and its possible relation with cyberbullism and bullism among adolescents are described in a frame of social transformations. In the work the impulsive dimension and the adolescent mental functioning is discussed in the at risk behaviors by an evolutionary, social and psychobiological approach. The constructions of attachment and resilience were used to better enlighten the evolutionary issue in adolescentsocio-relational field. Also, the outcome of an action research in a secondary school is offered, to intercept the presence of felt cyberbullism and the representations of the students about the on line relationships among peer, and more the teachers perceptions about the phenomenon of cyberbullism and the representation of cyberbully. In the ambit of a cyberbullism prevention scholastical project a not standardized questionnaire was administered to a sample of students of the school and, in a systemic viewpoint, different focus groups are leaded with the adolescents and with the teachers. At the end a restitution of the results was done in the groups and a training of peer educators was started.Questo contributo indaga l'uso problematico di internet (PIU) e la sua eventuale relazione con il cyberbullismo e il bullismo tra adolescenti nel quadro di trasformazioni sociali. Nel lavoro viene pure discussa la dimensione dell’impulsività e del funzionamento mentale dell’adolescente nelle condotte a rischio con un approccio evolutivo, sociale e psicobiologico. I costrutti dell'attaccamento e della resilienza sono stati utilizzati per meglio chiarirel’aspetto evolutivo nella sfera socio-relazionale dell’adolescente.Altresì, è stato proposto l'esito di una ricerca azione presso una scuola secondaria, al fine di intercettare la presenza del cyberbullismo percepito e le rappresentazioni degli studenti sulle relazioni on line tra pari, nonché la percezione dei docenti circa il fenomeno del cyberbullismo e le rappresentazioni del cyberbullo. Nell’ambito di un progetto scolastico di prevenzione del cyberbullismo un questionario non standardizzato è stato somministrato ad un campione di studenti dell'istituto e, in un’otticasistemica, sono stati condotti focus group diversi con gli studenti e con i docenti. Infine, è stata effettuata una restituzione dei risultati per gruppi ed avviata la formazione di peer educator


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    In questo contributo gli autori intendono offrire una prospettiva di lettura che chiarisca le dimensioni alla base dello sviluppo di una personalità disturbata di tipo psicopatico. Una rappresentazione distanziante/evitante della relazione di attaccamento, in concomitanza con esperienze di abuso fisico/emotivo e di trascuratezza, predispongono ad una risposta disfunzionale a traumi ed esperienze di vita negative, riducendo la resilience dell’individuo e favorendo lo sviluppo di incapacità empatica ed impulsività. Tali aspetti rappresentano l’espressione di una difficoltà a modulare i propri stati emotivi interni in maniera congrua ai contesti di vita ed alle situazioni sociali. I costrutti teorici di riferimento assunti in questa trattazione vengono  ulteriormente illustrati, riportando un caso di psicopatia, osservato attraverso l’uso di test psicologici.&nbsp

    Digital dangers and cyber-victimisation: a study of European adolescent online risky behaviour for sexual exploitation

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    Objective: The engagement and use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) has increased exponentially across societies worldwide with implications for social and psychological development in young people. In this context, the risk of negative sexual experience and victimisation online is known to have real world consequences for young people. This article seeks to: explore the nature of adolescent risk taking online behaviour from a group of young adults in different European countries; develop types of online risk profiles; explore the impact of help-seeking and to consider the potential real world harmful consequences. Method: A survey was administered across the United Kingdom, Ireland and Italy of 18 to 25 year olds in higher education, asking them about their online experiences between the ages of 12 and 16. Risky behaviour on and off-line, types of victimisation (on and offline) and sexual solicitation requests online were analysed together with help-seeking behaviour. Results: Four profiles concerning adolescent risky behaviours were identified through cluster analysis. Each were distinguishable by a pattern of latent constructs linked to risk offline and online. Two were considered normative (adapted adolescents and inquisitive online) and two high risk (risk-taking aggressive and sexually inquisitive online). Additionally, regression analysis demonstrated significant factors linked to predicting both likelihood of meeting an adult for sexual purposes, and help-seeking behaviour. Conclusions: The profiles developed are a useful tool for educators, police and health and social care practitioners in identifying adolescents at risk in order to undertake preventative work. Common help-seeking behaviour from peers could be used to effect interventions

    Em que ponto estamos? Sessenta anos de reformas institucionais na Itália (1946-2005)

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