706 research outputs found

    Aspetti agronomici della produttività dei pascoli

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    Nel corso dell'annata 1984-85 nelle stazioni ubicate in areali rappresentativi delle superfici a pascolo della VIII Comunità Montana Marghine-Planargia sono stati raccolti i primi dati per la costruzione delle curve di produzione del pascolo naturale. I primi risultati confermano la discreta produttività naturale dei pascoli della Comunità soprattutto se paragonati a quelli di altre aree pascolative su terreni granitici. Si tratta di dati parziali in quanto coprono una sola annata e quindi non consentono di trarre conclusioni definitive. Infatti l'andamento della stagione in corso (1985-86) per la carenza di piogge non ha consentito alcuna valutazione della produzione autunnale contrariamente a quanto verificato nell'annata precedente. Nell'annata 1985-86 proseguiranno i rilievi nelle stazioni già impiantate e verranno seguiti anche nuovi areali. Nella stazione di Macomer, in collaborazione con l'Istituto Zootecnico Caseario, i dati agronomici saranno integrati da alcuni rilievi zootecnici grazie all'uso di animali fistolati

    Impact of soil management on the functional activity of microbial communities associated to cork oak rhizosphere

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    The microbial ecology of cork oak rhizosphere was investigated using the Biolog community level physiological profile (CLPP) that provides a unique metabolic fingerprint helpful for the characterization of complex microbial communities. Microbial populations from the rhizosphere of cork oak plants growing at three different sites within the same area were characterized using CLPP and compared. The sites were distinguished by a different soil management under the tree cover and, in general terms, by a different anthropogenic impact. The comparison of metabolic fingerprints of the different microbial populations showed the existence of a relationship between general microbial activity and functional biodiversity in the rhizosphere and the level of anthropogenic impact. Particularly the presence of grazing animals, soil tillage and fire could be identified as the main factors affecting both the general microbial activity and the structure of microbial populations from cork oak rhizospheres

    Imagerie de biospeckle

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    The Use of the grassmeter as a simplified method to estimate dry matter yield on annual self-reseeding medics and clovers

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    BACKGROUND. The grassmeter non-destructive method was used to estimate dry matter yield (DMY) of 24 annual self-reseeding legumes. The possibility was evaluated of using the grassmeter as an alternative to conventional destructive quadrats for large field plot experiments. METHODS. The linear regressions between sward height measured by the grassmeter and DMY were analysed. Three types of regression equations were calculated: (i) ‘general’, a single equation including the three-year set of height/DMY pairs of data; (ii) ‘specific’, one regression equation for each species; (iii) ‘preliminary’, calculated from the data collected in the spring and autumn cuts of the first year. RESULTS. The ‘general’ calibration gave a satisfactory estimate of DMY (R2=0.55). The ‘specific’ calibration was particularly accurate for Trifolium brachycalicynum “Osilo” (R2=0.88), T. squarrosum “Chilivani” (R2=0.81) and Medicago polymorpha “Circle Valley” (R2=0.81), but not for M. rugosa “Sapo” (R2=0.22) and “Paraponto” (R2=0.26). The ‘preliminary’ calibration, which was based only on the destructive assessment of DMY at the first cut, provided reliable estimates of DMY until the sward conditions, namely cover rate and weeds, were comparable to those of the calibration period. The coefficient of variation of the DMY estimate based on the grassmeter ‘general’ calibration was about 10% lower than that of the DMY measured with conventional quadrats. CONCLUSIONS. Results suggest that the grassmeter could effectively replace destructive measurements for estimating the DMY of annual self-reseeding legumes, thus reducing labour requirements and number of samples to be processed, or increasing, when needed, the number of accessions to compare and hence the inference of the experiment

    Reattività alla concimazione fosfo-azotata dei pascoli naturali di alta collina

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    Over the 4 years from 1975 to 1979 a trial on N - P fertilization was carried out on natural pastures with shallow granitic soils. Fertilizing with 100 Kg/ha of P2O5 every four years and 100 Kg/ha of N every year tripled the yield (1,9 t/ha of dry matter as against the 0,6 t/ha of test). Climatic limitations do not allow notable increases in yield even with greater applications of P

    Reattività del pascolo naturale alla somministrazione frazionata di diverse dosi di azoto

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    In the year 1981-82 a N-fertilization pasture trial was begun on Sardinian granitic hill soil. 4 N levels (0,40, 80 e 120 kg/ha divided into four dressings) combined with 100 kg/ha of P2O5 and a test without fertilization were compared. NP fertilization reactivity was high. The highest N level achieved the best production: 6.2 t/ha of DM in the total of 4 utilizations against 1.8 t/ha of the test. The efficency of N DM or F.U. increase for each kg of N dressed) was 30 kg of DM e 22 F.U. using 40 kg/ha of N and 27 kg/ha of DM and 21 F.U. using 120 kg/ha of N

    Esperienze di concimazione dei pascoli: risultati consegulti su terreni trachitici della Sardegna Centro-Occidentale

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    In the biennum 1972-'74, a factorial trial on N, P, K, fertilization was carried aut on trachytic permanent pastures of Central-western Sardinia. Nitrogen, at the dose of 100 kg/ha, brought about greatest production increases of dry matter and U.F.. Phosphorus - still working beneficially on the production, even if in a slighter manner - has its macroscopic effects on plant population, with a remarkable leguminosae increase. In the absolute, the best results are attained by binary N + P fertlization (about 50 kg/ha of dry matter). K shows to have no effect

    Introduzione in coltura di nuove specie foraggere: produttività e composizione bromatologica di <i>Chrysanthemum coronarium</i> L. (crisantemo) sottoposto a pascolamento simulato

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    Crysanthemum coronarium L. is a weed of grain cereals also grazed by sheep. A research, aimed at the productive and qualitative characterization of C. coronarium, was carried out in North Sardinia (Italy) during 1993-96 in order to evaluate its introduction and role, as pasture species, within forage systems for dairy ewes. A sowed sward of C. coronarium has been evaluated both according to the «Corrall» method, with cutting every 28 days, and under undisturbated herbage accumulation. “Corrall” seasonal yield trends were different between years due to the meteorological conditions and number of cuts. The forage yields were 3,5, 2,5 e 1,9 t ha-1 ( respectively in the three years with high dry matter availability in winter and favourable crude protein and NDF contents, particularly in late spring. Under undisturbated accumulation forage production were from twice to six times higher than those obtained using the “Corrall” method. First data about seed production and re-establishment have shown the self-reseeding capacity of this species. On the basis of the results obtained, C. coronarium appears very interesting as forage species and its introduction in forage chains is desiderable. Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (crisantemo) è una composita diffusa negli incolti ed infestante di colture a ciclo autunno-vernino che, sulla base di numerose osservazioni, è appetita dagli ovini. Al fine di valutare il suo possibile inserimento e ruolo, come specie da pascolo, all'interno di sistemi foraggeri asciutti mediterranei è stata effettuata una ricerca volta alla caratterizzazione produttiva e qualitativa di una popolazione naturale di crisantemo. Nel Nord-Sardegna una cotica artificiale di C. coronarium è stata valutata sia secondo la metodologia “Corrall”, con sfalci ripetuti ogni 28 giorni, sia sotto accrescimento indisturbato, durante il triennio 1993-96. Le curve stagionali di produzione relative alle tre annate sono risultate diverse tra loro per effetto dell'andamento meteorologico e della frequenza degli sfalci. Le produzioni complessive accertate con la prima metodologia sono state pari a 3,5, 2,5 e 1,9 t ha-1 di sostanza secca rispettivamente nelle tre annate, con elevate disponibilità invernali e favorevoli tenori in proteina grezza e NDF soprattutto nelle utilizzazioni di tarda primavera. Le produzione massime conseguite sotto accrescimento indisturbato sono risultate pari a 8,8, 10 e 12 t ha-1 nelle tre annate e da 2 a 6 volte superiori rispetto a quelle stimate con la metodologia “Corrall”. I primi dati sulla produzione degli acheni ed il reinsediamento spontaneo delle plantule nell'autunno successivo hanno messo in evidenza la spiccata capacità autoriseminante del crisantemo. Sulla base delle caratteristiche produttive e qualitative riscontrate nel triennio, C. coronarium appare di sicuro interesse dal punto di vista foraggero; pertanto è auspicabile la sua introduzione in coltura ed il suo inserimento come specie da pascolo in sistemi foraggeri asciutti

    Itinerari tecnici per la raccolta meccanica di seme di <i>Medicago polymorpha</i> : sintesi dei risultati del secondo anno di attività

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    Sintesi dei risultati della raccolta meccanica di seme di Medicago polymorpha, effettuata nel mese di giugno 2006 presso l'azienda "Ottava" dell'Università degli studi di Sassari

    A Static Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Off-Grid Supply

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    The electrification of the rural areas of the planet has become one of the greatest challenges for sustainability. In fact, it would be the key to guaranteeing development for the poorest areas of the planet from which most of the raw material for the food market derives. The paradigm of centralized production is not applicable in these territories, because the distribution network would involve unjustifiable costs. For this reason, many studies have been carried out to ensure that the energy supply (specifically electricity) for off-grid utilities is maintained, in order to guarantee energy autonomy while reducing dependence on specialist assistance for the management of the system. In this work, a hybrid system (HRES) is proposed that combines the exploitation of solar radiation, wind power, and biomass using static devices, in order to improve the system’s availability and limit the cost of operation and maintenance. The aim of the study is to define promising lines of research, which can improve the sustainability of renewable harvesting systems to supply off-grids users