
Reattività del pascolo naturale alla somministrazione frazionata di diverse dosi di azoto


In the year 1981-82 a N-fertilization pasture trial was begun on Sardinian granitic hill soil. 4 N levels (0,40, 80 e 120 kg/ha divided into four dressings) combined with 100 kg/ha of P2O5 and a test without fertilization were compared. NP fertilization reactivity was high. The highest N level achieved the best production: 6.2 t/ha of DM in the total of 4 utilizations against 1.8 t/ha of the test. The efficency of N DM or F.U. increase for each kg of N dressed) was 30 kg of DM e 22 F.U. using 40 kg/ha of N and 27 kg/ha of DM and 21 F.U. using 120 kg/ha of N

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