625 research outputs found

    Operation of a perfusive catalytic membrane with nonlinear kinetics

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    Operation of a perfusive catalytic curved membrane is systematized into different transport-reaction regimes. The internal viscous permeation improves the catalyst performance, measured here by the effectiveness factor and by its enhancement relative to purely diffusive conditions. A theoretical analysis is presented for nonlinear kinetic expressions, which are suitable to describe the consumption of a reactant in many (bio)catalytic systems. The kinetic and transport parameters required to attain maximum enhancement are related by simple design rules, which depend on the form of the reaction rate law (namely on the order of reaction and dimensionless inhibition constant). For zero-order reactions, these optimum conditions correspond to attaining negligible concentration at a position inside the membrane, while may be interpreted in general as separating situations of severe mass transfer resistance from cases of high effectiveness. It is important to incorporate the correct form of the kinetic expression in the analysis, so that the predictions can be used in a quantitative manner. The results for the different regimes are compiled in enhancement plots and in Peclet–Thiele diagrams. Moreover, the study also yielded new results for the nonlinear reaction–diffusion problem in a curved membrane with its two surfaces exposed to different concentrations, a case of relevance in membrane reactors

    AdS4 flux vacua in type II superstrings and their domain-wall solutions

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    We investigate the emergence of supersymmetric negative-vacuum-energy ground states in four dimensions. First, we rely on the analysis of the effective superpotential, which depends on the background fluxes of the internal manifold, or equivalently has its origin in the underlying gauged supergravity. Four-dimensional, supersymmetric anti-de Sitter vacua with all moduli stabilized appear when appropriate Ramond and Neveu--Schwarz fluxes are introduced in IIA. Geometric fluxes are not necessary. Then the whole setup is analyzed from the perspective of the sources, namely D/NS-branes or Kaluza--Klein monopoles. Orientifold planes are also required for tadpole cancellation. The solutions found in four dimensions correspond to domain walls interpolating between AdS4 and flat spacetime. The various consistency conditions (equations of motion, Bianchi identities and tadpole cancellation conditions) are always satisfied, albeit with source terms. We also speculate on the possibility of assigning (formal) entropies to AdS4 flux vacua via the corresponding dual brane systems.Comment: Acknowledgment replace

    First-order flow equations for extremal black holes in very special geometry

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    We construct interpolating solutions describing single-center static extremal non-supersymmetric black holes in four-dimensional N=2 supergravity theories with cubic prepotentials. To this end, we derive and solve first-order flow equations for rotating electrically charged extremal black holes in a Taub-NUT geometry in five dimensions. We then use the connection between five- and four-dimensional extremal black holes to obtain four-dimensional flow equations and we give the corresponding solutions.Comment: 21 pages. v2: Summary section adde

    String vacua with flux from freely-acting obifolds

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    A precise correspondence between freely-acting orbifolds (Scherk-Schwarz compactifications) and string vacua with NSNS flux turned on is established using T-duality. We focus our attention to a certain non-compact Z_2 heterotic freely-acting orbifold with N=2 supersymmetry (SUSY). The geometric properties of the T-dual background are studied. As expected, the space is non-Kahler with the most generic torsion compatible with SUSY. All equations of motion are satisfied, except the Bianchi identity for the NSNS field, that is satisfied only at leading order in derivatives, i.e. without the curvature term. We point out that this is due to unknown corrections to the standard heterotic T-duality rules.Comment: 13 pages, no figures; v2: references added and rearranged, version to appear in JHE

    The Geometry of D=11 Killing Spinors

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    We propose a way to classify all supersymmetric configurations of D=11 supergravity using the G-structures defined by the Killing spinors. We show that the most general bosonic geometries admitting a Killing spinor have at least a local SU(5) or an (Spin(7)\ltimes R^8)x R structure, depending on whether the Killing vector constructed from the Killing spinor is timelike or null, respectively. In the former case we determine what kind of local SU(5) structure is present and show that almost all of the form of the geometry is determined by the structure. We also deduce what further conditions must be imposed in order that the equations of motion are satisfied. We illustrate the formalism with some known solutions and also present some new solutions including a rotating generalisation of the resolved membrane solutions and generalisations of the recently constructed D=11 Godel solution.Comment: 36 pages. Typos corrected and discussion on G-structures improved. Final version to appear in JHE

    Comments on Charges and Near-Horizon Data of Black Rings

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    We study how the charges of the black rings measured at the asymptotic infinity are encoded in the near-horizon metric and gauge potentials, independent of the detailed structure of the connecting region. Our analysis clarifies how different sets of four-dimensional charges can be assigned to a single five-dimensional object under the Kaluza-Klein reduction. Possible choices are related by the Witten effect on dyons and by the large gauge transformation in four and five dimensions, respectively.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure; v2: additional references; v3: published versio

    One entropy function to rule them all

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    We study the entropy of extremal four dimensional black holes and five dimensional black holes and black rings is a unified framework using Sen's entropy function and dimensional reduction. The five dimensional black holes and black rings we consider project down to either static or stationary black holes in four dimensions. The analysis is done in the context of two derivative gravity coupled to abelian gauge fields and neutral scalar fields. We apply this formalism to various examples including U(1)3U(1)^3 minimal supergravity.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, revised version for publication, details adde

    General 2 charge geometries

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    Two charge BPS horizon free supergravity geometries are important in proposals for understanding black hole microstates. In this paper we construct a new class of geometries in the NS1-P system, corresponding to solitonic strings carrying fermionic as well as bosonic condensates. Such geometries are required to account for the full microscopic entropy of the NS1-P system. We then briefly discuss the properties of the corresponding geometries in the dual D1-D5 system.Comment: 44 page

    Fluxes in M-theory on 7-manifolds and G structures

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    We consider warp compactifications of M-theory on 7-manifolds in the presence of 4-form fluxes and investigate the constraints imposed by supersymmetry. As long as the 7-manifold supports only one Killing spinor we infer from the Killing spinor equations that non-trivial 4-form fluxes will necessarily curve the external 4-dimensional space. On the other hand, if the 7-manifold has at least two Killing spinors, there is a non-trivial Killing vector yielding a reduction of the 7-manifold to a 6-manifold and we confirm that 4-form fluxes can be incorporated if one includes non-trivial SU(3) structures.Comment: 13 pages, Latex; minor changes & add reference

    Assessment of time limit at lowest speed corresponding to maximal oxygen consumption in the four competitive swimming strokes

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    Time limit at lowest speed of maximal oxygen consumption (TLim-v O2max) was characterized in the 4 swimming strokes, and related with O2max and anaerobic threshold (AnT). 23 elite swimmers performed an incremental protocol for v O2max assessment. 48 hours later, Tlim-v O2max was assessed. O2 was directly measured BxB (K4 b2, Cosmed, Italy) and AnT was assessed individually (YSI 1500L Sport, USA). Tlim-v O2max values were 238.8±39.0, 246.1±51.9, 277.6±85.6 and 331.4±82.7 s in crawl, backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke (no differences observed). No correlations were found between Tlim-v O2max and O2max, and AnT. However, inverse relationships were observed between Tlim-v O2max and v O2max (r=-0.63, p<0.01) and vAnT (r=-0.52, p=0.01), pointing out that the higher the velocities commonly related to aerobic proficiency, the lower the TLim- v O2max
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