15,650 research outputs found

    Localized solutions of Lugiato-Lefever equations with focused pump

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    Lugiato-Lefever (LL) equations in one and two dimensions (1D and 2D) accurately describe the dynamics of optical fields in pumped lossy cavities with the intrinsic Kerr nonlinearity. The external pump is usually assumed to be uniform, but it can be made tightly focused too -- in particular, for building small pixels. We obtain solutions of the LL equations, with both the focusing and defocusing intrinsic nonlinearity, for 1D and 2D confined modes supported by the localized pump. In the 1D setting, we first develop a simple perturbation theory, based in the sech ansatz, in the case of weak pump and loss. Then, a family of exact analytical solutions for spatially confined modes is produced for the pump focused in the form of a delta-function, with a nonlinear loss (two-photon absorption) added to the LL model. Numerical findings demonstrate that these exact solutions are stable, both dynamically and structurally (the latter means that stable numerical solutions close to the exact ones are found when a specific condition, necessary for the existence of the analytical solution, does not hold). In 2D, vast families of stable confined modes are produced by means of a variational approximation and full numerical simulations.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Scientific Report

    Localized modes in quasi-2D Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit and Rabi couplings

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    We consider a two-component pancake-shaped, i.e., effectively two-dimensional (2D), Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) coupled by the spin-orbit (SO) and Rabi terms. The SO coupling adopted here is of the mixed Rashba-Dresselhaus type. For this configuration, we derive a system of two 2D nonpolynomial Schr\"odinger equations (NPSEs), for both attractive and repulsive interatomic interactions. In the low- and high-density limits, the system amounts to previously known models, namely, the usual 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation, or the Schr\"odinger equation with the nonlinearity of power 7/3. We present simple approximate localized solutions, obtained by treating the SO and Rabi terms as perturbations. Localized solutions of the full NPSE system are obtained in a numerical form. Remarkably, in the case of the attractive nonlinearity acting in free space (i.e., without any 2D trapping potential), we find parameter regions where the SO and Rabi couplings make 2D fundamental solitons dynamically stable.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures - Physical Review A, in pres

    Design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear structural response

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    A unified theory is described of design sensitivity analysis of linear and nonlinear structures for shape, nonshape and material selection problems. The concepts of reference volume and adjoint structure are used to develop the unified viewpoint. A general formula for design sensitivity analysis is derived. Simple analytical linear and nonlinear examples are used to interpret various terms of the formula and demonstrate its use

    K\"all\'en-Lehmann representation of noncommutative quantum electrodynamics

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    Noncommutative (NC) quantum field theory is the subject of many analyses on formal and general aspects looking for deviations and, therefore, potential noncommutative spacetime effects. Within of this large class, we may now pay some attention to the quantization of NC field theory on lower dimensions and look closely at the issue of dynamical mass generation to the gauge field. This work encompasses the quantization of the two-dimensional massive quantum electrodynamics and three-dimensional topologically massive quantum electrodynamics. We begin by addressing the problem on a general dimensionality making use of the perturbative Seiberg-Witten map to, thus, construct a general action, to only then specify the problem to two and three dimensions. The quantization takes place through the K\"all\'en-Lehmann spectral representation and Yang-Feldman-K\"all\'en formulation, where we calculate the respective spectral density function to the gauge field. Furthermore, regarding the photon two-point function, we discuss how its infrared behavior is related to the term generated by quantum corrections in two dimensions, and, moreover, in three dimensions, we study the issue of nontrivial {\theta}-dependent corrections to the dynamical mass generation

    Deformations of special geometry: in search of the topological string

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    The topological string captures certain superstring amplitudes which are also encoded in the underlying string effective action. However, unlike the topological string free energy, the effective action that comprises higher-order derivative couplings is not defined in terms of duality covariant variables. This puzzle is resolved in the context of real special geometry by introducing the so-called Hesse potential, which is defined in terms of duality covariant variables and is related by a Legendre transformation to the function that encodes the effective action. It is demonstrated that the Hesse potential contains a unique subsector that possesses all the characteristic properties of a topological string free energy. Genus g≤3g\leq3 contributions are constructed explicitly for a general class of effective actions associated with a special-K\"ahler target space and are shown to satisfy the holomorphic anomaly equation of perturbative type-II topological string theory. This identification of a topological string free energy from an effective action is primarily based on conceptual arguments and does not involve any of its more specific properties. It is fully consistent with known results. A general theorem is presented that captures some characteristic features of the equivalence, which demonstrates at the same time that non-holomorphic deformations of special geometry can be dealt with consistently.Comment: 44 pages, LaTex; v2, v3: minor text improvement
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