46 research outputs found

    Hints for families of GRBs improving the Hubble diagram

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    As soon as their extragalactic origins were established, the hope to make Gamma - Ray Bursts (GRBs) standardizeable candles to probe the very high - z universe has opened the search for scaling relations between redshift independent observable quantities and distance dependent ones. Although some remarkable success has been achieved, the empirical correlations thus found are still affected by a significant intrinsic scatter which downgrades the precision in the inferred GRBs Hubble diagram. We investigate here whether this scatter may come from fitting together objects belonging to intrinsically different classes. To this end, we rely on a cladistics analysis to partition GRBs in homogenous families according to their rest frame properties. Although the poor statistics prevent us from drawing a definitive answer, we find that both the intrinsic scatter and the coefficients of the EpeakE_{peak}\,-\,EisoE_{iso} and EpeakE_{peak}\,-\,LL correlations significantly change depending on which subsample is fitted. It turns out that the fit to the full sample leads to a scaling relation which approximately follows the diagonal of the region delimited by the fits to each homogenous class. We therefore argue that a preliminary identification of the class a GRB belongs to is necessary in order to select the right scaling relation to be used in order to not bias the distance determination and hence the Hubble diagram.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Cosmological parameters from lenses distance ratio

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    Strong lensing provides popular techniques to investigate the mass distribution of intermediate redshift galaxies, testing galaxy evolution and formation scenarios. It especially probes the background cosmic expansion, hence constraining cosmological parameters. The measurement of Einstein radii and central velocity dispersions indeed allows to trace the ratio D_s/D_ls between the distance D_s from the observer to the source and the distance D_ls from the lens to the source. We present an improved method to explicitly include the two - component structure in the galaxy lens modeling, in order to analyze the role played by the redshift and the model dependence on a nuisance parameter, F_E, which is usually marginalized in the cosmological applications. We show how to deal with these problems and carry on a Fisher matrix analysis to infer the accuracy on cosmological parameters achieved by this method.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication on Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Societ

    An updated analysis of two classes of f(R) theories of gravity

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    The observed accelerated cosmic expansion can be a signature of fourth\,-\,order gravity theories, where the acceleration of the Universe is a consequence of departures from Einstein General Relativity, rather than the sign of the existence of a fluid with negative pressure. In the fourth\,-\,order gravity theories, the gravity Lagrangian is described by an analytic function f(R)f(R) of the scalar curvature RR subject to the demanding conditions that no detectable deviations from standard GR is observed on the Solar System scale. Here we consider two classes of f(R)f(R) theories able to pass Solar System tests and investigate their viability on cosmological scales. To this end, we fit the theories to a large dataset including the combined Hubble diagram of Type Ia Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts, the Hubble parameter H(z)H(z) data from passively evolving red galaxies, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations extracted from the seventh data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the distance priors from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe seven years (WMAP7) data. We find that both classes of f(R)f(R) fit very well this large dataset with the present\,-\,day values of the matter density, Hubble constant and deceleration parameter in agreement with previous estimates; however, the strong degeneracy among the f(R)f(R) parameters prevents us from strongly constraining their values. We also derive the growth factor g=dlnδ/dlnag = d\ln{\delta}/d\ln{a}, with δ=δρM/ρM\delta = \delta \rho_M/\rho_M the matter density perturbation, and show that it can still be well approximated by g(z)ΩM(z)γg(z) \propto \Omega_M(z)^{\gamma}. We finally constrain γ\gamma (on some representative scales) and investigate its redshift dependence to see whether future data can discriminate between these classes of f(R)f(R) theories and standard dark energy models.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication on JCAP. Note that this paper updates and supersedes preprint arXiv:0907.468

    Cosmography of f(R) - brane cosmology

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    Cosmography is a useful tool to constrain cosmological models, in particular dark energy models. In the case of modified theories of gravity, where the equations of motion are generally quite complicated, cosmography can contribute to select realistic models without imposing arbitrary choices a priori. Indeed, its reliability is based on the assumptions that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scale and luminosity distance can be "tracked" by the derivative series of the scale factor a(t). We apply this approach to induced gravity brane-world models where an f(R)-term is present in the brane effective action. The virtue of the model is to self-accelerate the normal and healthy DGP branch once the f(R)-term deviates from the Hilbert-Einstein action. We show that the model, coming from a fundamental theory, is consistent with the LCDM scenario at low redshift. We finally estimate the cosmographic parameters fitting the Union2 Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) dataset and the distance priors from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and then provide constraints on the present day values of f(R) and its second and third derivatives.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Testing the distance duality relation with present and future data

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    The assumptions that "light propagates along null geodesics of the spacetime metric" and "the number of photons is conserved along the light path" lead to the distance duality relation (DDR), η=DL(z)(1+z)2/DA(z)=1\eta = D_L(z) (1 + z)^{-2}/D_A(z) = 1, with DL(z)D_L(z) and DA(z)D_A(z) the luminosity and angular diameter distances to a source at redshift zz. In order to test the DDR, we follow the usual strategy comparing the angular diameter distances of a set of clusters, inferred from X - ray and radio data, with the luminosity distance at the same cluster redshift using the local regression technique to estimate DL(z)D_L(z) from Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) Hubble diagram. In order to both strengthen the constraints on the DDR and get rid of the systematics related to the unknown cluster geometry, we also investigate the possibility to use Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) to infer DA(z)D_A(z) from future BAO surveys. As a test case, we consider the proposed Euclid mission investigating the precision can be afforded on η(z)\eta(z) from the expected SNeIa and BAO data. We find that the combination of BAO and the local regression coupled allows to reduce the errors on ηa=dη/dzz=0\eta_a = d\eta/dz|_{z = 0} by a factor two if one η0=η(z=0)=1\eta_0 = \eta(z = 0) = 1 is forced and future data are used. On the other hand, although the statistical error on η0\eta_0 is not significantly reduced, the constraints on this quantity will be nevertheless ameliorated thanks to the reduce impact of systematics.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Measurement of the halo bias from stacked shear profiles of galaxy clusters

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    We present the observational evidence of the 2-halo term in the stacked shear profile of a sample of about 1200 optically selected galaxy clusters based on imaging data and the public shear catalog from the CFHTLenS. We find that the halo bias, a measure of the correlated distribution of matter around galaxy clusters, has amplitude and correlation with galaxy cluster mass in very good agreement with the predictions based on the LCDM standard cosmological model. The mass-concentration relation is flat but higher than theoretical predictions. We also confirm the close scaling relation between the optical richness of galaxy clusters and their mass.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. In press on ApJ Letter

    Constraining massive gravity with recent cosmological data

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    A covariant formulation of a theory with a massive graviton and no negative energy state has been recently proposed as an alternative to the usual General Relativity framework. For a spatially flat homogenous and isotropic universe, the theory introduces modified Friedmann equations where the standard matter term is supplemented by four effective fluids mimicking dust, cosmological constant, quintessence and stiff matter, respectively. We test the viability of this massive gravity formulation by contrasting its theoretical prediction to the Hubble diagram as traced by Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) and Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs), the H(z)H(z) measurements from passively evolving galaxies, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs) from galaxy surveys and the distance priors from the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) anisotropy spectrum. It turns out that the model is indeed able to very well fit this large dataset thus offering a viable alternative to the usual dark energy framework. We finally set stringent constraints on its parameters also narrowing down the allowed range for the graviton mass.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Increasing the lensing figure of merit through higher order convergence moments

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    The unprecedented quality, the increased data set, and the wide area of ongoing and near future weak lensing surveys allows one to move beyond the standard two points statistics, thus making it worthwhile to investigate higher order probes. As an interesting step toward this direction, we explore the use of higher order moments (HOM) of the convergence field as a way to increase the lensing figure of merit (FoM). To this end, we rely on simulated convergence to first show that HOM can be measured and calibrated so that it is indeed possible to predict them for a given cosmological model provided suitable nuisance parameters are introduced and then marginalized over. We then forecast the accuracy on cosmological parameters from the use of HOM alone and in combination with standard shear power spectra tomography. It turns out that HOM allow one to break some common degeneracies, thus significantly boosting the overall FoM. We also qualitatively discuss possible systematics and how they can be dealt with

    Come Euclid ci aiuterà a scoprire la storia dell'Universo

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    Ametà del secolo scorso Allan Sandage, uno dei maggiori astronomi del tempo, era solito dire che la cosmologia si riduceva alla ricerca di due numeri: la costante di Hubble e il parametro di decelerazione. La prima ci dice quanto velocemente l'universo si sta espandendo, mentre il secondo permette di rispondere alla domanda se questa espansione stia accelerando o rallentando. Settanta anni dopo, quella frase ha lo stesso valore di un reperto archeologico. Ci mostra quale fosse il pensiero dominante di un'epoca e ci fa capire quanto cammino abbiamo fatto da allora. Quei due numeri oggi li conosciamo e, soprattutto, sappiamo che cosa li determina. Conosciamo, quindi, dove dobbiamo guardare per rispondere alla domanda di Sandage su quale sia il valore dell'accelerazione dell'espansione dell'universo