554 research outputs found

    Strategic management, competitive advantage and the balanced scorecard in the New Zealand kiwifruit industry : a co-operative group case study : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science in Agribusiness at Massey University

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    Kiwifruit is New Zealand's biggest horticultural industry. The industry, which is lead by Zespri Group Limited, the statutory monopoly for the country's kiwifruit export, is the second most important producer of kiwifruit in the world. In a relative stable world kiwifruit industry, New Zealand has enjoyed buoyant returns in the last seasons. However, it is starting to feel the pressures for consolidation and globalisation, as well as other opportunities and threats. This situation is forcing kiwifruit service providers to plan strategically for the future and change. In this context, Satara Co-operative Group Limited came to life in June 2002, as one of the biggest post harvest operators in the industry, controlling 16.5% and 10% of kiwifruit and avocado volumes, respectively. However, although the hybrid cooperative started after a merger with a new strong corporate identity, it had neither a complete strategic analysis nor a written strategic plan to follow. Separately, a strategic management implementation tool called the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has had worldwide acceptance and success in the last 10 years. In light of Satara's current strategic circumstances, the tool arises as a feasible and timely strategic solution for the organization. This research investigated whether Satara Co-op Ltd has a competitive advantage in the New Zealand kiwifruit industry through a complete strategic analysis. The research also studied whether the organization's competitive strategics could be implemented through the Balanced Scorecard framework. The research was based on the case study methodology that used extensive secondary data research, personal interviews and visits to relevant industry stakeholders, including: Zespri Group Ltd, Seeka Kiwifruit Industries, New Zealand Fruit Growers Federation, Aongatete Packhouses, Trevelyans Packhouses, and New Zealand Avocado Industry Council, amongst others, as well as in depth interviews to Satara Co-op Ltd executive and managerial positions. The case study data was analysed using pattern matching and explanation building. The results showed that it was not possible to conclude based on tangible data whether Satara Co-op Ltd had a competitive advantage. However, when available tangible data was added to intangibles and stakeholder's statements about the organization, along with the application of the SELECT framework, it was possible to determine that Satara's competitive advantage was based in its cooperative structure, scale and geographic diversity as well as its future diversification capabilities under different scenarios. The case study results also acknowledged that Satara Co-op Ltd strategies could be implemented through the Balanced Scorecard framework, as its strategies and available information allow the implementation of the framework building blocks, which are objectives, measures, targets and initiatives in four perspectives, namely financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. Satara strategies also match in various degrees the BSC extension framework, the strategy map, with its sub categories of revenue growth, productivity strategy, customer value proposition, internal businesses strategic themes and learning and growth drivers. This allowed the construction of a corporate strategy map, which was presented to the organization. Because the BSC and the organization's improvements due to the framework implementation could not be tested during the time allocated to this research, recommendations were drawn in respect to how the organization's competitive advantage and its competitive strategies will deliver to shareholders vision through the implementation of the corporate BSC presented and further score cards development at different levels in the organization. Keywords: strategic management, competitive advantage, cooperative, kiwifruit, avocado, packhouse, coolstore, Balanced Scorecard and strategy map

    Game, interaction and educational materials in the preschool level. What do you do and how you learn?

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    El artículo que se presenta da cuenta de una estrategia de evaluación mixta que aborda el uso dado en el aula a los recursos y materiales educativos y sus efectos en los aprendizajes de los niños y las niñas que asisten a kínder y pre kínder en escuelas chilenas públicas y privadas subvencionadas. Para tales propósitos la evaluación recoge información respecto de la disponibilidad, valoración y uso de los materiales educativos en una muestra representativa de educadoras de párvulos en el sistema (cerca de 500 profesionales), similar número de asistentes de educación Preescolar y responsables de las unidades pedagógicas de las escuelas. Los análisis y hallazgos de esta fase, permiten derivar un conjunto de casos en los cuales y, apoyados en la observación etnográfica, se profundiza en el uso pedagógico dado a estos recursos, los factores que se muestran implicados en tales usos, así como en los efectos que ello provoca en la actitud, motivación, aprendizajes y habilidades de los párvulos. Los resultados identifican tres formas de uso que se muestran afectando de muy distinta manera las actitudes y habilidades de los niños: i) uso destinado al desarrollo de habilidades para el logro de los aprendizajes esperados; ii) uso destinado a la reproducción simple y mecánica de acciones y, iii) un uso sin una finalidad predefinida dirigida a la manipulación y/o al juego libre.The article presented reports a mixed evaluation strategy that addresses the use made classroom resources and materials and their effects on the learning of children attending kindergarten and prekindergarten in Chilean public and private subsidized schools. For such purposes the evaluation contains information about the availability, satisfaction and use of educational materials in a representative sample of kindergarten educators in the system (about 500 professionals), similar to the number of educational assistants for preschool education and units responsible for teaching in schools. The analysis and findings of this phase, allows us to derive a set of cases in which and, supported by ethnographic observation, we examine the pedagogical use of these resources, the factors involved in such uses, as well as the effects this has on the attitude, motivation, learning and skills of young children. The results identify three forms of use affecting the attitudes and abilities of children in very different ways : i) intended use of the development of skills for achievement of the expected learning purposes; ii ) intended use of the simple reproduction and mechanical actions and , iii ) use without a predefined order directing the handling and / or free play

    Presentación de la sección temática: la importancia de analizar la calidad de la educación en los niveles inicial y preescolar

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    Approach and methodology to assess the quality of the educational process that incorporates ICT in the classroom

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    El artículo que se presenta da cuenta de una estrategia de evaluación que apoyada en la observación etnográfica, profundiza en el uso dado en el aula a los recursos tecnológicos y sus efectos en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes. Basada en el marco de la enseñanza eficaz, utiliza una tipología estructurada sobre tres ejes: finalidad de la enseñanza, uso dado a las TIC y efectos en los estudiantes. Mediante esta estrategia se describe, analiza y caracteriza el proceso pedagógico que incorpora TIC y sus efectos en la apropiación de conceptos, contenidos y en la estimulación de habilidades y actitudes necesarias en los estudiantes para el logro de los aprendizajes buscados. El tipo de información y resultados reportados, permite ofrecer sugerencias para la política educativa en relación con la formación docente y el tipo de iniciativas de proyectos de innovación a promover en las escuelas, al mismo tiempo que para la integración de las TIC en el currículo, mostrando el papel que pueden jugar directores, docentes directivos y agentes externos vinculados a las unidades escolares para la gestión y análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías en los procesos educativo

    Feasibility Study of Using Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems as Alternative to Reduce the Electricity Peak Demand in Brazil

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    AbstractBrazil is one of the few countries where the water heating for bath is performed by using electric showerheads. The widespread use of these devices is the mainly responsible for the high peak on the electricity demand of the residential sector, observed between 18:00 and 21:00hours. As a consequence of that, costs and service quality are undermined, affecting consumers and the electricity sector in general. In attempt to deal with this issue, solar hot water systems have been proposed as an option to reduce the electricity consumption of the showerheads. However, despite of the high incidence of solar radiation on the Brazilian territory indicates a significant economy, currently there is no technical assessment quantifying the economic benefits on the region. The present study estimates the economic impacts resulting by the deployment of solar hot water systems in Brazilian households. Hence, the feasibility study allows assessing the potential of solar water heating as alternative to reduce the peak on the electricity demand in Brazil. In order to perform the proposed analysis, long-term performance simulations were performed on an hourly basis using the TRNSYS software as computational tool and typical meteorological year (TMY) files as input data. The TRNSYS component (Type 45) relating the solar water heating equipment had been experimentally validated, whereas the weather data was obtained from the SWERA database. Also, a time dependent profile of the heating demand is considered, according the measurements collected in previous studies. The thermal performance is evaluated in terms of solar fraction. On the other hand, the economic impacts are quantified in terms of three criteria for economic feasibility, such as payback period, internal rate of return and life cycle savings. In order to explore the benefits arising from different policies, four tariff scenarios are considered. The economic evaluation is positive over all scenarios analyzed, showing savings for both, the consumers and the electricity sector. The results of this analysis can be used as support tool for target setting the adoption or spread the use solar water heaters, or even to create policies for its diffusion

    Mecanismo cinético de la descaboxilasa pirofosfomevalónica: experimentos preliminares

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    En este trabajo se describe el efecto inhibitorio del ATP-y-S (análogo sulfurado del ATP) sobre la descarboxilasa pirofosfomevalónica de hígado de pollo. La inhibición es competitiva con respecto al ATP y acompetitiva con respecto al mevalonato-5 pirofosfato, lo que sugiere un mecanismo ordenado para la adición de los sustratos a la enzima. Se presenta también evidencia que indica que ATP-y-S es sustrato de la enzima, con una velocidad de utilización cercana al 2% de la velocidad de  utilización del ATP. Se discuten las proyecciones de este hallazgo

    Simulação de sistemas térmicos para gerenciamento energético de usina sucroalcooleira

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2009.A utilização do bagaço de cana como combustível em sistemas de cogeração, além da integração energética do processo produtivo em usinas sucroalcooleiras, geram um excedente de eletricidade que corresponde a dois terços da energia produzida em uma planta. A integração energética da planta industrial depende do correto gerenciamento de vapores de processo, os quais fornecem a energia térmica e mecânica necessária ao processo de fabricação. Desta forma, mudanças no balanço energético de uma planta sucroalcooleira influenciam diretamente o rendimento financeiro da unidade produtiva. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma simulação de sistemas térmicos de uma usina de açúcar com destilaria anexa, com o intuito de realizar avaliações econômicas coerentes com a realidade. O modelo de simulação foi desenvolvido sobre a plataforma ASPEN Plus adaptando este software para simular as operações sucroalcooleira. A simulação atende à configuração específica da unidade Potirendaba da Usina Cerradinho, localizada no estado de São Paulo. Foram realizadas simulações com diferentes composições de cana-de-açúcar, conforme as mudanças que a matéria-prima experimenta ao longo da safra. Posteriormente os resultados das simulações foram comparados com dados industriais, permitindo validar o modelo de simulação. Através dos resultados das simulações, realiza-se uma avaliação econômica das alternativas de resfriamento de dornas de fermentação, visando um aumento na produção de etanol, onde são considerados os custos de investimento, operação e energéticos que cada configuração representa. As três alternativas analisadas são: refrigeração por absorção (utilizando a energia térmica disponível no processo produtivo), refrigeração por compressão mecânica de vapores e um sistema híbrido composto pelas duas alternativas anteriores, as quais são configuradas em série

    Uma Análise de modelos de projeto de ejetores e aplicações em ciclos de refrigeração utilizando o vapor d´água e CO2

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia MecânicaO fenômeno do aquecimento global tem incentivado as pesquisas em sistemas eficientes e que não agridam o meio ambiente, com intuito de reduzir substancialmente as emissões de gases que contribuem ao efeito estufa. Devido ao potencial impacto na atmosfera dos fluidos refrigerantes sintéticos, comumente utilizados nos sistemas de refrigeração e ar condicionado, os refrigerantes denominados de naturais têm ganhado espaço, principalmente devido a sua estabilidade e abundância. Os sistemas de refrigeração por ejetor datam de 1901. Entretanto, sua aplicação tem sido reduzida devido à robustez dos equipamentos e sua baixa eficiência. Nos últimos anos, contudo, tem-se constatado uma grande quantidade de pesquisas que visam a utilização de sistemas de ejetor combinados a sistemas solares. Entretanto, os modelos de cálculo orientados para o projeto e otimização de ejetores sobretudo para condição de gás real ainda apresentam deficiências. Os modelos existentes para predição do desempenho de ejetores não podem ser aplicados para avaliar ejetores operados com refrigerantes naturais, tais como água e CO2, devido ao desenvolvimento de um escoamento bifásico no interior do ejetor. Por conseguinte, propõe-se nesta tese um novo modelo termodinâmico para análise de ejetores de vapor, considerando a equação de estado do gás real e a condição de escoamento bifásico. Nesse contexto, propõe-se a utilização de um modelo de relaxação para o cálculo da velocidade do som em meios bifásicos. O modelo proposto apresenta uma nova abordagem para a modelagem da interação entre os escoamentos primário e secundário na câmara de sucção onde não ocorre mistura dos escoamentos, mas se considera a transferência de energia decorrente dos choques desenvolvidos nesta seção. Os resultados obtidos do modelo apresentam boa aderência aos dados experimentais disponíveis nas referências técnicas afins, para os fluidos de trabalho HCFC141b, vapor d'água e CO2. O modelo unidimensional foi verificado através de simulações em CFD, empregando as equações de estado de gás real. Os resultados das simulações corroboram as hipóteses adotadas no modelo unidimensional e fornecem uma base para a análise detalhada do escoamento em ejetores. O modelo apresentado no presente trabalho é aqui utilizado na análise exergética de dois ciclos inovadores, um de refrigeração por ejetor de configuração em cascata e outro de geração combinada de potência e refrigeração.Global warming has encouraged the scientific community to carry out research on energy effcient and environmentally friendly systems, in order to substantially reduce the greenhouse gases emissions. Considering the impact of the refrigerants commonly used by refrigeration and air conditioning systems on the atmosphere, the so-called natural refrigerants have gain more attention, mainly due to their stability and low cost. The ejector refrigeration system dates from 1901. Nevertheless, its application has been reduced due to the robustness of the equipment involved and low effciency. Notwithstanding, in the last years a rapid growth in the researches concerning these systems has been observed, especially, systems combining ejector refrigeration with low temperature solar collectors. Meanwhile, the mathematical modeling of vapor ejector still needs improvements especially for real gases. The existing models for performance prediction of the ejectors cannot be applied to evaluate ejectors operated with natural refrigerants, as Water and Carbon Dioxide. Therefore, the present Thesis proposes a new thermodynamic model to analyze vapor ejectors, which considers a real gas equation of state and two-phase flow condition. In this context, the utilization of a relaxation model has been proposed to calculate the speed of sound in the two-phase flow. The proposed model represents a new approach, which includes modeling the interaction of the two flows inside the suction chamber. In this section, the streams do not mix; however, energy is transferred between the flows due to the oblique shocks commonly developed in the chamber. The results show good agreement with the experimental data available in the literature for the working fluids HCFC141b,Water and Carbon Dioxide The One-Dimensional model was compared to CFD simulations, using real gas equations of state. The results of these simulations corroborate the hypotheses established in the One-Dimensional model and provide the base for a detailed analysis of the flow inside of the ejector. The model presented herein is used to develop an exergetic analysis of to novel cycles: the cascade ejector refrigeration cycle and a power and refrigeration cogeneration cycle

    Bioluminescent Escherichia Coli Strains For The Quantitative Detection Of Phosphate And Ammonia In Coastal And Suburban Watersheds

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    Accumulation of phosphate and ammonia in estuarine systems and subsequent dinoflagellate and algal blooms has been implicated in fish kills and in health risks for fishermen. Analytic chemistry kits are used to measure phosphate and ammonia levels in water samples, but their sensitivity is limited due to specificity for inorganic forms of these moieties. An Escherichia coli bioluminescent reporter system measured the bioavailability of inorganic nutrients through fusion of E. coli promoters (phoA or glnAp2) to the luxCDABE operon of Vibrio fischeri carried either on the chromosome or on a multicopy plasmid vector, resulting in emission of light in response to phosphate or ammonia starvation. Responses were shown to be under the control of expected physiological regulators, phoB and glnFG, respectively. Standard curves were used to determine the phosphate and ammonia levels in water samples from diverse watersheds located in the northeastern United States. Bioluminescence produced in response to nutrient starvation correlated with concentrations of phosphate (1-24 ppm) and ammonia (0.1-1.6 ppm). While the ammonia biosensor measured nutrient concentrations in tested water samples that were comparable to the amounts reported by a commercial kit, the phosphate biosensor reported higher levels of phosphate in Chesapeake water samples than did the kit