310 research outputs found

    Encefalopatia ipertensiva cronica (EIC): sensibilita\u300 delle sequenze GE-T2* a confronto con le SWI nell'identificazione dei micro-sanguinamenti

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    L'EIC e\u300 caratterizzata dalla presenza di lesioni parenchimali irreversibili, risultato di una lunga esposizione a regimi pressori patologici specie in pazienti che non seguono o non rispondono alle comuni terapie mediche. Si riscontrano quali reperti tipici multipli esiti gliotici, leucoaraiosi e multiple lesioni lacunari con predilezione per le localizzazioni profonde ai nuclei lenticolari, ai talami e al ponte. Piu\u300 raramente possono evidenziarsi minuti foci emorragici parenchimali, piu\u300 frequentemente localizzati nei gangli della base ma anche nel ponte e nel cervelletto, che in alcuni casi possono rappresentare la manifestazione principale della patologia: questi microsanguinamenti, visibili incostantemente in TC, sono classicamente ben individuabili in RM come aree di netta ipointensita\u300 di segnale in GRE (Gradient Recalled Echo) T2* pesate. Scopo del nostro lavoro e\u300 quello di presentare due casi in cui l'EIC si manifesta prevalentemente con un quadro micro-emorragico confrontando la sensibilita\u300 delle convenzionali sequenze GRE T2* pesate con sequenze sensibili al fenomeno della suscettivita\u300 magnetica (Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging, SWI) di piu\u300 recente introduzione nella routine diagnostica

    UT Coverage of Nozzle Inner Radius including Amplitudes

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    This paper reports progress in on-going studies to validate UT modeling of nozzle inner radius examinations. In a previous paper [1] it was shown that geometric modeling and raytracing in the Windows-based software WARay3D predicts the geometry and location of search units needed to detect known defects in a nozzle mock-up. The present paper describes the addition of beam forming [2] and flaw response [3] modeling to WARay3D and compares predicted amplitudes with those measured in the same nozzle mock-up. Beam forming and flaw response are formulated analytically and make use of the output of geometric ray tracing, which includes flaw detection and metal path leading to a computationally efficient hybrid approach. Correlation between predicted and measured amplitude drop is presented for ultrasonic signals from corner trap inspection of innerradius flaws. Reference signals are obtained from calibration tests using corner trap at a machined flat surface

    The safety assessment of Campotosto Lake dams following 2016-2017 seismic sequence in Central Italy. Focus on Poggio Cancelli embankment dam

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    The Campotosto Lake is one of the biggest reservoirs of Europe, with a storage capacity exceeding 200 million of m3. The natural original lake was confined with three large dams owned by Enel. In the recent past, the lake and the dams have been subjected to a series of seismic events known as the seismic sequence of L'Aquila in 2009 and the seismic sequence of Central Italy in 2016-17. Following the last one, Enel promptly decided to temporarily lower the water level to carry out surveys, measurements and automatic monitoring activities. Based on available data, in order to verify, ensure and asseverate the safety conditions of the dams and the lake’s slopes, a series of multi-disciplinary studies and in-depth analysis were specifically conducted. Detailed studies were developed for the Poggio Cancelli embankment dam: geotechnical surveys, geophysical in situ tests and “advanced” laboratory tests in order to define at best the foundation soil characteristics, thus reasonably excluding the liquefaction risk applying sophisticated methods of analysis. Moreover, InSAR analysis allowed to retrieve the displacement history of the sites and confirmed the topographic measurements taken before and after the earthquakes. Displacement data, together with the real accelerograms recorded at the dam toe were used for a back analysis of the settlements by means of a FEM model of the dam. With this validated model, it was possible to simulate the seismic response of the embankment in the catastrophic scenario represented by the worst expected earthquake at the site. However, recent and important research contributed to establish the position and associated potential magnitude of the Campotosto fault. They indicate that the seismic scenario adopted by our analysis is precautionary, therefore our results are conservative. Seismic assessments on the other dams and InSAR analysis of the slopes surrounding the reservoir were also carried out. All these studies were concluded in 2020 showing good results and satisfactory safety factors, allowing Enel to set up again Campotosto reservoir to normal water levels

    Numerical simulation of two-phase fluid flow

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    We simulate two-phase fluid flow using a stress–strain relation based on Biot’s theory of poroelasticity for partial saturation combined with the mass conservation equations. To uncouple flow and elastic strain, we use a correction to the stiffness of the medium under conditions of uniaxial strain. The pressure and saturation differential equations are then solved with an explicit time stepping scheme and the Fourier pseudospectral method to compute the spatial derivatives. We assume an initial pressure state and at each time step compute the wetting- and non wetting-fluid pressures at a given saturation. Then, we solve Richards’s equation for the non wetting-fluid saturation and proceed to the next time step with the updated saturations values. The pressure and saturation equations are first solved separately and the results compared to known analytical solutions showing the accuracy of the algorithm. Then, the coupled system is solved. In all the cases, the non-wetting fluid is injected at a given point in space as a boundary condition and capillarity effects are taken into account. The examples consider oil injection in a water-saturated porous medium.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Empathic and cognitive processing in people with schizophrenia: a study on an Italian sample

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    The aim of this study was to explore the relationships among empathy processes in terms of self-report empathy evaluation and recognition of emotional cues and Theory of Mind components. We used the Empathy Quotient – short form (EQ-s), the Pictures of Facial Affect (POFA) system, a (ToM) Irony appreciation task and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), respectively. The Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS) and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) were also used to investigate the relationship with symptomatology and functioning. The sample consisted of 30 participants with diagnosis of schizophrenia. Our results found no significant correlations between EQ-s and other cognitive or clinical variables. PoFA total score and recognition of fear correlated with time spent to give a correct response to the ToM irony comprehension. Time spent to correctly respond to both ToM and physical vignettes correlated with negative symptoms. Positive, negative and cognitive clusters of the PANSS correlated with the GAF. The relationships we found among the considered constructs suggest that empathic processing acts on functionality improving the personal efficiency, in terms of readiness and rapidity, to cope with one’s environment, in the multifaceted social setting. Given that emotion perception in particular has been connected to social competence, independent living and community functioning, it is conceivable that emotion processing may be a potential catalyst within the mindreading process, which can have an impact both on symptomatology and social functioning

    Geophysical signature of a World War i tunnel-like anomaly in the Forni Glacier (Punta Linke, Italian Alps)

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    Global warming and the associated glacier retreat recently revealed the entrance to an ice\u2013rock tunnel, at an altitude of 3c3600 m a.s.l., in the uppermost portion of the Forni Glacier in the Central Italian Alps. The tunnel served as an entrance to an Austro-Hungarian cableway station excavated in the rocks during the Great War just behind the frontline. A comprehensive geophysical survey, based on seismic and ground-penetrating radar profiling, was then undertaken to map other possibleWorldWar I (WWI) remains still embedded in the ice. The ice\u2013rock interface was reconstructed over the entire saddle and in the uppermost portion of the glacier. A prominent linear reflector was surprisingly similar to the common response of buried pipes. The reflector orientation, almost longitudinal to the slope, does not seem to be compatible with a glacial conduit or with other natural features. Numerical simulations of a series of possible targets constrained interpretation to a partly water-filled rounded shape cavity. The presence of a preserved WWI tunnel connecting Mount Vioz and Punta Linke could be considered a realistic hypothesis. The Forni glacier could be still considered polythermal and comprised of cold ice without basal sliding in its top portion

    Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza community transmission was established in one Australian state when the virus was first identified in North America

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    BACKGROUND In mid-June 2009 the State of Victoria in Australia appeared to have the highest notification rate of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in the world. We hypothesise that this was because community transmission of pandemic influenza was already well established in Victoria at the time testing for the novel virus commenced. In contrast, this was not true for the pandemic in other parts of Australia, including Western Australia (WA). METHODS We used data from detailed case follow-up of patients with confirmed infection in Victoria and WA to demonstrate the difference in the pandemic curve in two Australian states on opposite sides of the continent. We modelled the pandemic in both states, using a susceptible-infected-removed model with Bayesian inference accounting for imported cases. RESULTS Epidemic transmission occurred earlier in Victoria and later in WA. Only 5% of the first 100 Victorian cases were not locally acquired and three of these were brothers in one family. By contrast, 53% of the first 102 cases in WA were associated with importation from Victoria. Using plausible model input data, estimation of the effective reproductive number for the Victorian epidemic required us to invoke an earlier date for commencement of transmission to explain the observed data. This was not required in modelling the epidemic in WA. CONCLUSION Strong circumstantial evidence, supported by modelling, suggests community transmission of pandemic influenza was well established in Victoria, but not in WA, at the time testing for the novel virus commenced in Australia. The virus is likely to have entered Victoria and already become established around the time it was first identified in the US and Mexico

    Metacognition and emotion regulation as treatment targets in binge eating disorder: a network analysis study

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    Background: This study aims to examine the underlying associations between eating, affective and metacognitive symptoms in patients with binge eating disorder (BED) through network analysis (NA) in order to identify key variables that may be considered the target for psychotherapeutic interventions. Methods: A total of 155 patients with BED completed measures of eating psychopathology, affective symptoms, emotion regulation and metacognition. A cross-sectional network was inferred by means of Gaussian Markov random field estimation using graphical LASSO and the extended Bayesian information criterion (EBIC-LASSO), and central symptoms of BED were identified by means of the strength centrality index. Results: Impaired self-monitoring metacognition and difficulties in impulse control emerged as the symptoms with the highest centrality. Conversely, eating and affective features were less central. The centrality stability coefficient of strength was above the recommended cut-off, thus indicating the stability of the network. Conclusions: According to the present NA findings, impaired self-monitoring metacognition and difficulties in impulse control are the central nodes in the psychopathological network of BED whereas eating symptoms appear marginal. If further studies with larger samples replicate these results, metacognition and impulse control could represent new targets of psychotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of BED. In light of this, metacognitive interpersonal therapy could be a promising aid in clinical practice to develop an effective treatment for BED

    NASA SPoRT Initialization Datasets for Local Model Runs in the Environmental Modeling System

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    The NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center has developed several products for its National Weather Service (NWS) partners that can be used to initialize local model runs within the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Environmental Modeling System (EMS). These real-time datasets consist of surface-based information updated at least once per day, and produced in a composite or gridded product that is easily incorporated into the WRF EMS. The primary goal for making these NASA datasets available to the WRF EMS community is to provide timely and high-quality information at a spatial resolution comparable to that used in the local model configurations (i.e., convection-allowing scales). The current suite of SPoRT products supported in the WRF EMS include a Sea Surface Temperature (SST) composite, a Great Lakes sea-ice extent, a Greenness Vegetation Fraction (GVF) composite, and Land Information System (LIS) gridded output. The SPoRT SST composite is a blend of primarily the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) infrared and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System data for non-precipitation coverage over the oceans at 2-km resolution. The composite includes a special lake surface temperature analysis over the Great Lakes using contributions from the Remote Sensing Systems temperature data. The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Ice Percentage product is used to create a sea-ice mask in the SPoRT SST composite. The sea-ice mask is produced daily (in-season) at 1.8-km resolution and identifies ice percentage from 0 100% in 10% increments, with values above 90% flagged as ice
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