31 research outputs found

    Highly concentrated and stable few-layers graphene suspensions in pure and volatile organic solvents

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    Highly stable graphene suspensions in pure organic solvents, including volatile solvents such as ethanol, tetrahydrofurane, chloroform, acetone or toluene have been prepared by re-dispersion of a graphene-powder. Such re-dispersable solid is produced by precipitation or solvent elimination from graphene suspensions obtained by sonication of graphite in several organic solvent-water mixtures. Re-dispersion is feasible in a wide range of pure organic solvents, obtaining high quality few-layers graphene flakes stable in suspension for months. As a proof-of-concept, on-glass spray deposition of some of these suspensions, e.g. ethanol or tetrahydrofuran, results on electrically conductive transparent coatings. These results suggest industrial potential use of the scalable technology here developed to fabricate low-cost devices with many different potential applicationsThis research was financially supported by Abengoa Co., the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P and RYC2012-09864) and Comunidad de Madrid (CAM 09-S2009_MAT-1467

    The impact of a web-based lifestyle educational program (‘Living Better’) Reintervention on hypertensive overweight or obese patients

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    ‘Living Better’, a self-administered web-based intervention, designed to facilitate lifestyle changes, has already shown positive short-and medium-term health benefits in patients with an obesity–hypertension phenotype. The objectives of this study were: (1) to examine the long-term (3-year) evolution of a group of hypertensive overweight or obese patients who had already followed the ‘Living Better’ program; (2) to analyze the effects of completing this program a second time (reintervention) during the COVID-19 pandemic. A quasi-experimental design was used. We recruited 29 individuals from the 105 who had participated in our first study. We assessed and compared their systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), body mass index (BMI), eating behavior, and physical activity (PA) level (reported as METs-min/week), at Time 0 (first intervention follow-up), Time 1 (before the reintervention), and Time 2 (post-reintervention). Our results showed significant improvements between Time 1 and Time 2 in SBP (-4.7 (-8.7 to -0.7); p = 0.017), DBP (-3.5 (-6.2 to -0.8); p = 0.009), BMI (-0.7 (-1.0 to -0.4); p 0.24). Implementation of the ‘Living Better’ program maintained positive long-term (3-year) health benefits in patients with an obesity–hypertension phenotype. Moreover, a reintervention with this program during the COVID-19 pandemic produced significant improvements in blood pressure, BMI, eating behavior, and PA. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Filling and emptying manoeuvres in large pipes. Application to a cast iron pipeline DN400 located in Massamagrell, Valencia, Spain

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    [ES] Debido a las bolsas de aire que hay en el interior de las tuberías durante los procesos de llenado y vaciado, se producen depresiones o sobrepresiones en el interior de las mismas, capaces de producir serios daños en las instalaciones. Para analizar todas las variables hidráulicas en las maniobras de llenado y vaciado, se opta por la aplicación de un modelo matemático, el cual es capaz de simular con exactitud el comportamiento de ambos fluidos, tanto la columna de agua como la bolsa de aire. El modelo propuesto por los autores ya ha sido validado en pequeñas instalaciones de laboratorio. En este trabajo, se pretende validar el modelo matemático en una instalación real de grandes dimensiones. Concretamente, se trata de una conducción de diámetro DN400, ubicada en Massamagrell (Valencia), donde se analizan las maniobras de llenado y de vaciado. Finalmente, se comparan los resultados que proporciona el modelo con las mediciones realizadas por la Empresa Mixta Metropolitana S.A. (EMIMET),[EN] Air pockets inside hydraulic installations during filling and emptying processes can generate pressure surges and negative pressure, respectively. Serious damages can be occurred in pipelines. In order to analyse hydraulic variables in filling and emptying operations, the selection of a mathematical model is chosen, which is suitable of simulating accurately the behaviour of both fluids (water and air) in pressurized water systems. The mathematical model proposed by the authors has been validated in small laboratory facilities. The aim of this work is to validate the mathematical model in current pipeline installations with large both nominal diameter and length. The pipeline is a nominal diameter DN400, and is located in Massamagrell, Valencia, Spain. The filling and emptying manoeuvres in the selected pipeline are performed by the Empresa Mixta Metropolitana S.A. (EMIMET). A good agreement is obtained when a comparison of absolute pressure and water flow is carried out between the maRomero, G.; Coronado-Hernández, O.; Fuertes-Miquel, V.; Ponz-Carcelén, R. (2020). Maniobras de llenado y vaciado en grandes conducciones. Aplicación a una tubería de fundición DN400 en Massamagrell (Valencia, España). Ingeniería del agua. 24(1):15-29. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2020.12184OJS1529241AWWA American Water Works Association 2001. Manual of Water Supply Practices M51: Air-Release, Air-Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves, American Water Works Association, Denver, CO, USA.Apollonio, C., Balacco, G., Fontana, N., Giugni, M., Marini, G., Piccinni, A.F. 2016. Hydraulic transients caused by air expulsion during rapid filling of undulating pipelines. Water, 8(1), 25, https://doi.org/10.3390/w8010025Balacco, G., Apollonio, C., Piccinni, A.F. 2015. Experimental analysis of air valve behaviour during hydraulic transients. Journal of Applied Water Engineering Research, 3(1), 3-11, https://doi.org/10.1080/23249676.2015.1032374Besharat, M., Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Viseu, M.T., Ramos, H.M. 2018. Backflow air and pressure analysis in emptying pipeline containing entrapped air pocket. Urban Water Journal, 15(8), 769-779, https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2018.1540711Besharat, M., Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Viseu, M.T, Ramos, H.M. 2019. Computational fluid dynamics for sub-atmospheric pressure analysis in pipe drainage. Journal of Hydraulic Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2019.1625819Chaudhry, M.H. 1989. Application of lumped and distributed approaches for hydraulic transient analysis. Proceedings of the International Congress on Cases and Accidents in Fluid Systems, ANAIS, Polytechnic University of Sao Paulo, Brasil.Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Besharat, M., Ramos, H.M. 2017. Experimental and numerical analysis of a water emptying pipeline using different air valves, Water, 9(2), 98, https://doi.org/10.3390/w9020098Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Besharat, M, Ramos, H.M. 2018a. Subatmospheric pressure in a water draining pipeline with an air pocket. Urban Water Journal, 15(4), pp. 346-352, https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2018.1475578Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Iglesias-Rey, P.L., Martínez-Solano, F.J. 2018b. Rigid water column model for simulating the emptying process in a pipeline using pressurized air. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(4), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001446Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Besharat, M., Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Ramos, H.M. 2019. Effect of a commercial air valve on rapid filling of a single pipeline: numerical and experimental analysis. Water, 11(9), 1814, https://doi.org/10.3390/w11091814Fuertes-Miquel, V.S. 2001, Hydraulic transients with entrapped air pockets, PhD Thesis, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., López-Jiménez, P.A., Martínez-Solano, F.J., López-Patiño, G. 2016. Numerical modelling of pipelines with air pockets and air valves. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 43(12), 1052-1061, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2016-0209Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Iglesias-Rey, P.L., Mora-Meliá, D. 2019a. Transient phenomena during the emptying process of a single pipe with water-air interaction. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 57(3), 318-326, https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2018.1492465Fuertes-Miquel, V.S., Coronado-Hernández, O.E., Mora-Meliá, D., Iglesias-Rey, P.L. 2019b. Hydraulic modeling during filling and emptying processes in pressurized pipelines: a literature review. Urban Water Journal, 16(4), pp. 299-311, https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2019.1669188Hope, P., Papworth, M.U. 1980. Fire main failures due to rapid priming of dry lines. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHRA, Canterbury, Inglaterra, pp. 381-390.Izquierdo, J., Fuertes, V.S., Cabrera, E., Iglesias, P.L., García-Serra, J. 1999. Pipeline startup with entrapped air. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 37(5), 579-590. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221689909498518Jönsson, L. 1985. Maximun transient pressures in a conduit with check valve and air entrainment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydraulics of Pumping Stations, Manchester, Inglaterra, pp. 55-76.Laanearu, J., Annus, I., Koppel, T., Bergant, A., Vučkovič, S., Hou, Q., Tijsseling, A.S., Anderson, A, van't Westende, J.M.C. 2012. Emptying of large-scale pipeline by pressurized air. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 138(12), 1090-1100. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000631León, A., Ghidaoui, M., Schmidt, A., García, M. 2010. A robust two-equation model for transient-mixed flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48(1), 44-56, https://doi.org/10.1080/00221680903565911Liou, C., Hunt, W.A. 1996. Filling of pipelines with undulating elevation profiles. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 122(10), 534-539, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)07339429(1996)122:10(534)Malekpour, A., Karney, B.W., Nault, J. 2015. Physical understanding of sudden pressurization of pipe systems with entrapped air: energy auditing approach. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(2). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001067Martins, S.C., Ramos, H.M., Almeida, A.B. 2015. Conceptual analogy for modelling entrapped air action in hydraulic systems. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 53(5), 678-686. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2015.1077353Ramezani, L., Karney, B., Malekpour, A. 2016. The challenge of air valves: a selective critical literature review. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(10). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000530Tijsseling, A.S., Hou, Q., Bozkus, Z, Laanearu, J. 2016. Improved one-dimensional models for rapid emptying and filling of pipelines. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 138(3), 031301. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4031508Trindade, B.C., Vasconcelos, J.G. 2013. Modeling of water pipeline filling events accounting for air phase interactions. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139(9). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000757Vasconcelos, J.G., Wright, S.J. 2008. Rapid flow startup in filled horizontal pipelines. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(7), 984-992. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2008)134:7(984)Wylie, E., Streeter, V. 1993. Fluid transients in systems. Ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA

    Efecto de la infección subclínica de Salmonella Typhimurium sobre los parámetros productivos en la producción de cuyes de engorde (Cavia porcellus)

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    The effect of Salmonella Typhimurium was determined on the productive parameters of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Forty recently weaned male guinea pigs fed with a base diet were used. The animals were distributed in four treatments with 10 repetitions each were used. T1: saline solution (control); T2: saline + AGP (antibiotic growth promoter antibiotic); T3: challenge with Salmonella Typhimurium; T4: challenge with Salmonella Typhimurium + AGP. Dosing with saline or with an infective dose of Salmonella Typhimurium (2 x 106 CFU) was made on day 11 of the study. Bodyweight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, carcass yield and economic gain were evaluated. Samples were taken from organs and meat after the slaughtering for the microbiological analysis. Animals challenged with Salmonella (T3 and T4) showed lower bodyweight gain, higher feed intake and poorer feed conversion compared to guinea pigs of T1 and T2 (p<0.05). The carcass yield was similar in the four treatments, while the economic gain in guinea pigs of T3 and T4 was affected by 28-30%. Salmonella was isolated from 2 lung samples and one spleen sample in animals from T1, while the pathogen could be isolated in more than 50% of the samples in animals of T3 and T4. Only four samples with Salmonella in the meat were detected (T3). It is concluded that the productive parameters and the economic retribution in guinea pigs are negatively affected by subclinical infection with Salmonella Typhimurium.Con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de la Salmonella Typhimurium sobre los parámetros productivos de cuyes (Cavia porcellus) se utilizaron 40 cuyes machos recién destetados, alimentados con una dieta base. Los cuyes fueron distribuidos en cuatro tratamientos con 10 repeticiones cada uno. T1: solución salina (control); T2: solución salina + APC (antibiótico promotor de crecimiento); T3: desafío con Salmonella Typhimurium; T4: desafío con Salmonella Typhimurium + APC. La dosificación con solución salina o con una dosis infectiva de Salmonella Typhimurium (2 x 106 UFC) se hizo en el día 11 del estudio. Se evaluó la ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia, rendimiento de carcasa y la retribución económica. Se tomaron muestras al beneficio de órganos y de la carne para el estudio microbiológico. Los animales desafiados con Salmonella (T3 y T4) mostraron una menor ganancia de peso, mayor consumo de alimento y pobre índice de conversión alimenticia en comparación con los cuyes de T1 y T2 (p<0.05). El rendimiento de carcasa fue similar entre los cuatro tratamientos, mientras que la retribución económica en los cuyes de T3 y T4 fue afectada entre un 28 y 30%. Se aisló Salmonella de 2 muestras de pulmón y una de bazo en cuyes del T1, mientras que más del 50% de las muestras en cuyes de T3 y T4 se pudo aislar el patógeno. Solo se detectaron cuatro muestras con presencia de Salmonella en la carne (T3). Se concluye que los parámetros productivos y la retribución económica en cuyes se afectan negativamente por la infección subclínica con Salmonella Typhimurium

    Filling and emptying manoeuvres in large pipes. Application to a cast iron pipeline DN400 located in Massamagrell, Valencia, Spain

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    Air pockets inside hydraulic installations during filling and emptying processes can generate pressure surges and negative pressure, respectively. Serious damages can be occurred in pipelines. In order to analyse hydraulic variables in filling and emptying operations, the selection of a mathematical model is chosen, which is suitable of simulating accurately the behaviour of both fluids (water and air) in pressurized water systems. The mathematical model proposed by the authors has been validated in small laboratory facilities. The aim of this work is to validate the mathematical model in current pipeline installations with large both nominal diameter and length. The pipeline is a nominal diameter DN400, and is located in Massamagrell, Valencia, Spain. The filling and emptying manoeuvres in the selected pipeline are performed by the Empresa Mixta Metropolitana S.A. (EMIMET). A good agreement is obtained when a comparison of absolute pressure and water flow is carried out between the mathematical model and the measurements.Debido a las bolsas de aire que hay en el interior de las tuberías durante los procesos de llenado y vaciado, se producen depresiones o sobrepresiones en el interior de las mismas, capaces de producir serios daños en las instalaciones. Para analizar todas las variables hidráulicas en las maniobras de llenado y vaciado, se opta por la aplicación de un modelo matemático, el cual es capaz de simular con exactitud el comportamiento de ambos fluidos, tanto la columna de agua como la bolsa de aire. El modelo propuesto por los autores ya ha sido validado en pequeñas instalaciones de laboratorio. En este trabajo, se pretende validar el modelo matemático en una instalación real de grandes dimensiones. Concretamente, se trata de una conducción de diámetro DN400, ubicada en Massamagrell (Valencia), donde se analizan las maniobras de llenado y de vaciado. Finalmente, se comparan los resultados que proporciona el modelo con las mediciones realizadas por la Empresa Mixta Metropolitana S.A. (EMIMET), obteniéndose una similitud muy aceptable


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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la adición del aceite de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) en la dieta de reproductoras pesadas sobre los parámetros productivos de su progenie. Se utilizaron 720 pollos machos de la línea Cobb Vantress 500 procedentes de reproductoras alimentadas con una dieta conteniendo 5% de aceite de Sacha inchi (n=360) o con una dieta con grasa convencional (n=360). Se usaron nueve repeticiones por grupo. Se evaluó el peso corporal, consumo de alimento, mortalidad, índice de conversión alimenticia (ICA), índice de eficiencia productiva europeo (IEP) y nivel de inmunidad humoral activa y pasiva. A los 42 días de edad, la inclusión de aceite de Sacha inchi en la dieta mostró un efecto positivo pero no significativo, en el comportamiento productivo de la progenie, e incrementó el nivel de inmunidad pasiva contra el virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle (p<0.05) y en forma no significativa contra los virus de Gumboro y bronquitis infecciosa.The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Sacha inchi oil (Plukenetia volubilis) in the diet of broiler breeders on the productive performance of their progeny. The study included 720 male Cobb Vantres 500 chicks where half of them originated from breeders fed with a diet containing 5% Sacha inchi oil and the other half fed with a diet containing conventional fat. Nine replicates per group were used in the study. Body weight, food intake, mortality, feed conversion index (FCI), European productive efficiency index (PEI),and level of active and passive humoral immunity were evaluated. At 42 days of age, the inclusion of Sacha inchi oil in the diet showed a positive but not significant effect on productive performance, but a significant increase in the level of maternal antibodies against Newcastle disease (p<0.05) and a slight increase of maternal antibodies against Gumboro and infectious bronchitis viruses


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    Se evaluó la calidad nutricional y la digestibilidad in vivo de la Puya llatensis en la alimentación del cuy. El análisis proximal registró 87.2% de humedad, 2.3% de proteína, 0.75% de extracto etéreo, 15.43% de fibra cruda, 70.43% de extracto libre de nitrógeno, 11.07% de cenizas, 0.04% de calcio y 0.38% de fósforo en base seca. Además se determinó un contenido de 7.74mg/100mg de ácido ascórbico (Vitamina C) en base húmeda. Se realizó una prueba de digestibilidad con 10 cuyes machos de 12 semanas de edad y peso promedio de 650 g. Los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente fueron: materia seca: 75.96%, proteína total: 28.86%, fibra cruda: 54.89%, extracto etéreo: 49.58%, extracto libre de nitrógeno: 80.56% y ceniza: 87.25%. Para la prueba de alimentación se utilizaron 25 animales machos de 30 días de edad y con peso promedio de 290 g. Los animales fueron distribuidos al azar en cinco grupos de alimentación: T1 (Control = cebada + alfalfa 100%), T2 (cebada + alfalfa 75% + Puya llatensis 25%), T3 (cebada + alfalfa 50% + Puya llatensis 50%), T4 (cebada + alfalfa 25% + Puya llatensis 75%), T5 (cebada + Puya llatensis 100%). Se evaluó la ganancia de peso, el consumo de alimentos y la conversión alimenticia en tres periodos: inicial (0-28 días), final (28-56 días) y total (0-56 días), sin encontrar diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos T1, T2 y T3 (p > 0.05). Se concluye que el uso de la Puya llatensis hasta niveles de 50% de reemplazo de la alfalfa no afecta los parámetros mencionados.The nutritional quality and digestibility in vivo of the Puya llatensis for cobayo feeding was evaluated. The chemical analysis indicated 87.2% humidity, 2.3% protein, 0.75% ether extract, 15.43% crude fiber, 70.43% nitrogen free extract, 11.07% ashes, 0.04% calcium and 0.38% phosphorus on dry base. Moreover, the content of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) was 7.74 mg in 100 mg of fresh sample. A digestibility test was conducted on 10 male cobayos of 12 weeks of age and 650 g body weight. The coefficients of digestibility were: Dry matter (75.96%), total protein (28.86%), crude fiber (54.89%), ether extract (49.58%), nitrogen free extract (80.56%), and ashes (87.25%). For the feeding trial, 25 male cobayos of 30 days of age and 290 g body weight were used. Animals were distributed at random in five groups: T1 (control) = (barley + alfalfa 100%), T2 (barley + alfalfa 75% + Puya llatensis 25%), T3 (barley + alfalfa 50% + Puya llatensis 50%), T4 (barley + alfalfa 25% + Puya llatensis 75%), T5 (barley + Puya llatensis 100%). Body gain weight, feed intake and feed conversion were evaluated at three periods: initial (0-28 d), final (28-56 d), and total (0-56 d), and no statistical differences were found between T1, T2 and T3 groups (p>0.05). It was concluded that the use of Puya llatensis till levels of 50% alfalfa replacement do not affect the productive performance of cobayos

    Bone Chemistry at Cerro Oreja: A Stable Isotope Perspective on the Development of a Regional Economy in the Moche Valley, Peru During the Early Intermediate Period

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    Abstract In this paper we test the hypothesis that an intensification of maize production preceded the development of a regional Moche political economy in the Moche Valley of north coastal Peru during the Early Intermediate period (400 B.C.—A.D. 600). To do so we analyze stable isotopic signatures of 48 bone apatite and 17 tooth enamel samples from human remains recovered from the site of Cerro Oreja, a large urban and ceremonial center in the Moche Valley. These remains date to the Guañape, Salinar, or Gallinazo phases and provide a diachronic picture of subsistence before the appearance of the Southern Moche state. The most notable patterns identified in the study include a lack of significant change in δ 13 C apatite values from the Guañape to Satinar phases, followed by a significant enrichment in δ 13 C apatite values from the Salinar to Gallinazo phases. Several lines of evidence, including archaeological context, dental data, and comparative carbon stable isotope data from experimental animal studies and studies of archaeological human remains support the interpretation that the observed 13 C enrichment in stable isotope values in the Gallinazo phase primarily reflects maize intensification. The stable isotope data from Cerro Oreja thus suggest that a shift in subsistence toward a highly productive and storable crop may have served as an important precursor to state development during the Early Intermediate period in the Moche Valley

    The BRICS in the Global Order: A New Political Agenda?

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    Regarding the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) it’s important to analyze comparatively the new power cycle in order to understand not only the impact of the world crisis as well as the relationship between the official political discourses and the economic instability. Actually, the trade liberalization and economic interdependence accompanied with an uncertain international system are putting pressure to the BRICS with their own agendas for global order in seeking for a balance and also to regain a new political and economical dynamic for the promotion of new strategies